Release Oblivion WarCry - New Dimension

Ich hab Moria gefunden, nur ist die Tür versiegelt. Offensichtlich habe ich etwas übersehen... Hat jemand einen (kleinen) Tipp?


Edit: Hat sich erledigt. MoW hat die Frage beantwortet....
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Mag mir einer sagen welcher Script in OWC-ND für die Explodierenden Kisten verantwortlich ist?
Denn ich mag es nicht durch "Pech" zu sterben! (versaut mir denn spiel spaß)
Schnellspeicher doch einfach vor jedem Kistenöffnen, das habe ich mir angewöhnt. Zudem habe ich mehr Punkte in Glück investiert als zuvor, das hat auch geholfen.

@Raven: Ich hoffe, Du hast Dir in Moria viel Zeit gelassen! Das ist wahrlich einer der ausergewöhnlichsten Orte, an denen ich in Cyrodiil je gewesen bin.

Mag mir einer sagen welcher Script in OWC-ND für die Explodierenden Kisten verantwortlich ist?
Denn ich mag es nicht durch "Pech" zu sterben! (versaut mir denn spiel spaß)

Das OWCDynamitZauberschlagScript ist dafür zuständig. Ich habe dieses spezielle Problem in meiner Update Version- zu finden bei Oblivion Nexus - etwas entschärft.
Oblivion WarCry New Dimension - Worldmap verzerrt

Hallo liebe Leute,

ich hab mich kurzerhand entschieden zu Weihnachten nochmal Oblivion zu zocken und da ich schon viel positives zu OWC New Dimension gehört hab hab ich mir auch sofort die Silber-Version bei TES Nexus gezogen und die Installationsanleitung auf Eddys Homepage befolgt ( Alles funktioniert bisher auch wunderbar, keine Fragezeichenmarker sind aufgetaucht aber meine Worldmap ist irgendwie ab der Hälfte verzerrt. Ich hab mal ein Bild angehängt. Hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen :D

Könnte sein, dass die Engine die Karte aus Menus50\\Map\World bzw. Menus80\* nimmt statt aus Menus\Map\World. Kopiere einfach die Karte aus letzterem in die gleichnamigen Ordner der ersteren beiden.
Hey everyone,
this will be the last (and only) post I'm going to make in this forum.

I've had some problems registering (bear with me, I do not speak a single word of deutch), and actually I don't know if by rules I'm forced to speak in Deutch, so if that's so, just make one exception for this post.

I've just registered in this forum to thank you for this mod. I actually played all the overhauls that are out there, and War Cry New dimension is one of them.
It has some issues, certainly, but I think that for what it tries to achieve (Simplicity to install paired with quality) it can be named (almost) the best overhaul out of there.

When you talk about overhauls, there is basically only one overhaul out there that can compare with ND. And you know, that I'm going to name it, Fcom.

Bear with me. I've played Fcom and it is great. But it has issues, and some are really bad for what it tries to achieve. It is often named as the best "mixture" of overhaul mods out there, and I have to admit that I like part of it (namely, COM).
I said part of it. The problem? Francesco is not up to quality. People tend to like it, but from the low-quality textures to the caliper bug (I don't know if you met it, but it is easily the most devastating thing apart from having a non-working oblivion to happen to your game).

So, we got Com left. War cry, Oscuro, Martigen.
These are great, but a mixture of them is not the "vision" the Alpha team (the guys who made Fcom had). Because if you do not install francesco, you are basically having a castrated version of Fcom, because you lack stuff like Fcom_archery and so on.

So... that's when I came across New Dimension. I was just going around tes nexus and I stepped upon New Dimension. I started to appreciate (more to why not "love" it later).

The first dungeon I went in was Vilverin. Seeing the witches, or the boss fight (there is one corridor where, when you walk in, has a big skeleton coming to you - you may wonder the terror you feel at beginning).
The new areas, and in general the feeling of exploring amazed me.
Seriously, do you know what it means to feel fresh air that goes through a game that you've come to play year after year?
And the fact that out there I wasn't safe, and finding all these new weapons, monsters, it just was another world. And with so much ease to install (just three .esp).


I stembled upon creatures that shouldn't have been there.
For example, dinos. And so on. Stuff that with the lore had not much to do, and this ruined some of the feeling of immersion. When I play a mod, I'm a purist for stuff that blends perfectly in the game, to the point of making me say "damn, is this vanilla, or did I add a mod?"
And I've now got a .esp with almost all-the-non-lore-friendly-stuff-removed (It would be great if sometimes you could release one for the people out there that are purists like me), that I'll leave for myself and myself only.

After playing with all the non-lore-friendly stuff removed, I came to the point of loving New Dimension.

In the end...

I want to thank everyone involved in this project. You can rest assured that I will keep playing and appreciating oblivion.
I hope someday to see a Gold Version, but if you will never come back, know that you have deserved a rest.

So many thanks to:

Growlf, NNW, Eldarie, Eddy, and all the people inside the credits (I still read the credits to know if you tweaked something I may have found during my playthrough - in this case a compilation is the best way to award a modder for the creativity)


p.s: btw, beautiful gold coins :D
I absolutely agree that when you play a mod as big as OWC-ND there simply are things you disagree with. Everone has a different taste. That's why it's hard (if not impossible) to create a mod a user can agree a hundred percent with.
With OWC-ND Eddy developed a mod which was supposed to change Oblivion in a way he liked. So I seriously doubt that he'll release another version without lore-unfriendly stuff like dinosaurs, Freddy Krüger etc.
Also he worked on and thought of the balancing for many hours.

There's a (German) statement to that topic on his blog. ;)

Oh, and the word's spelled "deutsch". :p
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
You can use my "update" ESP from Nexus, in which i have "removed" some of this "non lore" stuff. And i have another "special" esp - made for my self - without Dinos / Serial Killers and ~. If you want it, please pn me here or @ Nexus.
You can use my "update" ESP from Nexus, in which i have "removed" some of this "non lore" stuff. And i have another "special" esp - made for my self - without Dinos / Serial Killers and ~. If you want it, please pn me here or @ Nexus.

You've got a pm. :)

I absolutely agree that when you play a mod as big as OWC-ND there simply are things you disagree with. Everone has a different taste. That's why it's hard (if not impossible) to create a mod a user can agree a hundred percent with.
With OWC-ND Eddy developed a mod which was supposed to change Oblivion in a way he liked. So I seriously doubt that he'll release another version without lore-unfriendly stuff like dinosaurs, Freddy Krüger etc.
Also he worked on and thought of the balancing for many hours.

There's a (German) statement to that topic on his blog. ;)

Oh, and the word's spelled "deutsch". :p

Thank you for correcting my error on writing the word deutsch. When you linked me the blog, I thought for a moment that it could be in English and I was going to enjoy a very long read, but then I witnessed the reality and noticed it was a blog merely meant for deutsch people :p

By the way, am I the only one currently using ND on a minimalistic game? The only stuff I've got is shivering Isles, all the other dlcs, New dimension, raewd (to see far things) and better cities :p
Any chance any of you could share his own compilation? :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Tamriel Traveling Service, Roads of Tamriel and Arthmoors New Villages (Vergayun / Faregyl) works fine with ND.
My game ist heavily modded and works properly. I didn't paly for a while so I'm not right sure if the game did crash at all during playing.
I use a couple of known German mods such as Saphirias Romance und die Kammer der Dschinn (another of Eddy's mods), Adash, Orden des Drachen and some other smaller improvements (dischargeable arrows, a weather mod, other companions e.g.), good looking vampires, one or two armors etc.
Also I use all DLCs of KotN pack and SI.

I was able to make the game run with all mods I want, except one (whose name I'm not supposed to call in this forum).
Tamriel Traveling Service, Roads of Tamriel and Arthmoors New Villages (Vergayun / Faregyl) works fine with ND.
Thanks for your suggestions

My game ist heavily modded and works properly. I didn't paly for a while so I'm not right sure if the game did crash at all during playing.
I use a couple of known German mods such as Saphirias Romance und die Kammer der Dschinn (another of Eddy's mods), Adash, Orden des Drachen and some other smaller improvements (dischargeable arrows, a weather mod, other companions e.g.), good looking vampires, one or two armors etc.
Also I use all DLCs of KotN pack and SI.

I was able to make the game run with all mods I want, except one (whose name I'm not supposed to call in this forum).


1- I wonder: is there a list of tameable creature? I found my first (hope it wasn't the only one) Abraxas today but it attacked me. I wonder if it can be tamed, and if there are other creatures that I should look upon on Tamriel that can be tamed; I was a fan of the unicorn for the fact that it is strong, but I guess that if I can have an Abraxas, nothing else matter.

2- Oblivion\Data\Sound\FX\OWC New Dimension\Creature Balrog\aware\DurielTaunt2.wav

Today I was inside the cave, and I heard a voice that struck me as really well done. I then noticed from where it came, a balrog. May I ask what the balrog says?
For me deutsch is so obscure I've got to ask. What does his taunt say? :)
May you write the words he says while also writing a translation? ;)

3- Am I wrong, or the text is telling me that I'm going to meet Achille? It seems something really similar to what happened to me when I've met Conan the Barbarian, but I could be wrong ;)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
The balrog says: "Ich bin dein Untergang" which means: "I am your demise".

And you are right about the warning. Achilles is an opponent elite. This message always occurs when a named enemy elite is around. The message says: "Attention! There's Achilles, a dangerous enemy/fighter elite, nearby!"
The balrog says: "Ich bin dein Untergang" which means: "I am your demise".

And you are right about the warning. Achilles is an opponent elite. This message always occurs when a named enemy elite is around. The message says: "Attention! There's Achilles, a dangerous enemy/fighter elite, nearby!"
Thanks for telling. May I ask what you enjoy the most about ND?

If have forgotten to translate the script sry....

You have nothing to worry about. By the way,

1- how do you translate? Which program do you use? ;)

2- Do you have any tips for using ND with Oblivion xp or NGCD? I removed the "menus" folder but that's what happens:
Whenever I level up, I'll get the usual level up screen that I should get when using only Oblivion xp, but as soon as I wait, this window will appear:
Do you know what it is?

3- Would you advise me to use stuff to remove the levelling for items? For example, I use Aulias and Sigil stone unlevelled. Are these redundant?
I'm afraid mostly for quest rewards or named bosses that I could meet when I'm level 1 (like Umbra - will she have a bad armor\weapon because of her level?).

4- Nophysicguard. Do I need it? Or are guards already tweaked (so they aren't omniscient)? :p

5- I found "Abraxas" (a gold horse) today. Can it be my mount? It attacks me.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
1. Tecras Modtranslator. The Best Programm for TES 4. The Egg Trans, which bases on Tecras has more features, but is very unstable.

2.Open the ESP with the CS. Klick on the "Q" Button and search for the "OWCNDLevelingQuest". Unmark "Start Game enabled", close the Window and Save.

a) Yes
b) Kill Umbra with a level > 15.

4.Guards are always a little bit stronger than you

Thanks for telling. May I ask what you enjoy the most about ND?
You're welcome.

What I enjoy the most? Hard to tell. I'd say it's the combination of a completely new game which stays still Oblivion plus the bigger challenge. To be honest I am a bigger fan of realistic gameplay which means that I am not really a fan of hitting an enemy a hundred times with my sword in the head until he dies, but I am also competitive. So when there's a challenge I usually take my chances.
Skyrim e.g. I modded completely different to turn the game (especially the combat) in a much more realistic direction. It's way easier than Oblivion with OWC-ND.
If I made an overhaul I would have done things a lot different. But ND is still awesome and I have a lot of fun with that. On the other hand it can be quite depressing when you face an enemy you just can't kill yet. Such as Freddy Krüger with a low-level character. Good thing there's a quicksave.
But if it were just about the difficulty of the game I had plenty different possibilities such as Waalx Animals and Creatures (which is a 100 % compatible to ND and also an awesome mod; when I used them both and went straight for the main quest my character reached level 15 or higher in Kvatch. I believe in Kvatch itself I got like five level-ups) or another overhaul. But I also like all the items Eddy and the others put in the game.
For me there are just three reasons to use an overhaul: a significant increase of gameplay experience and quality (e.g. WastelandWarrior for Fallout 3; OWC-ND), plenty of new items (e.g. OWC-ND) or a lot of new fitting quests (e.g. E-MOD for F3).

For me in New Dimensions the second category is the decisive one.

@ nnw: Bei Punkt 4 wollte er wissen, ob die "geistige Verbindung" der Wachen gekappt wurde. Sprich: Wenn ich eine angreife, wissen das dann immer noch alle wie im Vanillaspiel oder nicht?

Mal eine generelle Frage, wo er das gerade angesprochen hat: Wurde in OWC-ND QuestAwardLeveling integriert? Im Vanillaspiel war es ja so, dass wenn man eine Quest abgeschlossen und die Belohnung geholt hat, diese dann auf den Spielerlevel angepasst war und, wenn man die Quest auf einer niedrigen Stufe gemacht hatte, auf diesem niedrigen Level bestehen blieb. QuestAwardLeveling wiederum hat das angepasst, dass die Belohnungen bei jedem Level-up neu an das Spielerniveau angepasst wurden (sofern es eine Veränderung in der Stärke des Gegenstandes gegeben hätte).
Deine Antwort auf seine dritte Frage klingt nämlich so, als wäre dies eingebaut?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
1. Tecras Modtranslator. The Best Programm for TES 4. The Egg Trans, which bases on Tecras has more features, but is very unstable.

2.Open the ESP with the CS. Klick on the "Q" Button and search for the "OWCNDLevelingQuest". Unmark "Start Game enabled", close the Window and Save.

a) Yes
b) Kill Umbra with a level > 15.

4.Guards are always a little bit stronger than you


1. Understood. I admit I use this one
Try it, if the chance happens. You'll like it :)

2. Done. It works perfectly now! Thank you.

You're welcome.

What I enjoy the most? Hard to tell. I'd say it's the combination of a completely new game which stays still Oblivion plus the bigger challenge. To be honest I am a bigger fan of realistic gameplay which means that I am not really a fan of hitting an enemy a hundred times with my sword in the head until he dies, but I am also competitive. So when there's a challenge I usually take my chances.
Skyrim e.g. I modded completely different to turn the game (especially the combat) in a much more realistic direction. It's way easier than Oblivion with OWC-ND.
If I made an overhaul I would have done things a lot different. But ND is still awesome and I have a lot of fun with that. On the other hand it can be quite depressing when you face an enemy you just can't kill yet. Such as Freddy Krüger with a low-level character. Good thing there's a quicksave.
But if it were just about the difficulty of the game I had plenty different possibilities such as Waalx Animals and Creatures (which is a 100 % compatible to ND and also an awesome mod; when I used them both and went straight for the main quest my character reached level 15 or higher in Kvatch. I believe in Kvatch itself I got like five level-ups) or another overhaul. But I also like all the items Eddy and the others put in the game.
For me there are just three reasons to use an overhaul: a significant increase of gameplay experience and quality (e.g. WastelandWarrior for Fallout 3; OWC-ND), plenty of new items (e.g. OWC-ND) or a lot of new fitting quests (e.g. E-MOD for F3).

For me in New Dimensions the second category is the decisive one.

@ nnw: Bei Punkt 4 wollte er wissen, ob die "geistige Verbindung" der Wachen gekappt wurde. Sprich: Wenn ich eine angreife, wissen das dann immer noch alle wie im Vanillaspiel oder nicht?

Mal eine generelle Frage, wo er das gerade angesprochen hat: Wurde in OWC-ND QuestAwardLeveling integriert? Im Vanillaspiel war es ja so, dass wenn man eine Quest abgeschlossen und die Belohnung geholt hat, diese dann auf den Spielerlevel angepasst war und, wenn man die Quest auf einer niedrigen Stufe gemacht hatte, auf diesem niedrigen Level bestehen blieb. QuestAwardLeveling wiederum hat das angepasst, dass die Belohnungen bei jedem Level-up neu an das Spielerniveau angepasst wurden (sofern es eine Veränderung in der Stärke des Gegenstandes gegeben hätte).
Deine Antwort auf seine dritte Frage klingt nämlich so, als wäre dies eingebaut?

Understood. Thanks for your opinion.
By the way, thanks for translating the point 4 and 5 to NNW. :)
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Downoad Link falsch

sowohll hier, als auch bei Eddys eigener Site ist der Downloadlink falsch.

Link zeigt auf "" - man beklommt die Seite mit der Gesamtansicht aller Spiele

richtig ist ""

also abschliessender Slash und Fragezeichen am Ende

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