Detailed Step by Step Mod Install Order (with load list)
Thanks to PortPower, Brasilian Engineer, and morninglord for saving this work off of the mechstorm forums. without you two I would have been days or weeks behind getting this out again.
Thank you.
Main Sections (complete) or (WIP) :
1. Baseline (Oblivion , SI, DLC mods and patches) + obmm and Character Manager
2. LoD and World Textures
3. Charater Textures and model replacement
4. Objects
5. DarN UI
6. Horse Mods
8. Add-Ins (enhanced stuff like harvest flora, craftybits etc.)
9. Quests and UOP / UOPSI
10. Respawn-UK mods
11. Troubleshooting Tips
Section 1
Install Order for Oblivion (this is for New install with High Graphics Settings)
1. Oblivion
2. DLC Mods
a. Horse Armour
b. Mehrunes razor
c. Spell Tomes
d. Vile Lair
e. Wizard Tower
f. Theves Den
g. Orrey
h. Knights of the Nine
3. Shivering Isles
4. The Fighters Stronghold
5. Official 1.2.0416 Patch
At this point, load up the game and do a quick character creation, and play for a little bit. The main idea here is to generate the oblivion.ini for the first run ( as some programs below need to have access to this - thanks to Crash for this great point) and to make sure you have done the install properly (better find out sooner than later!)
6. install current Oblivion Mod Manager
7. Install Oblivion Character Manager
omod/load order in OBMM:
First Test run -- created new game, speed run through sewer and save just before exit.
Test ran clean, conducted Save 1 pre-sewer exit. Zone outside and run around. Try some quick travels etc.
Game ran clean with no problems apparent on quick travels, zoning, saving etc.
Section 2
World Textures
This Section was developed based on the work of the very good Oblivion Texture Overhaul Team. Thanks for the insperation and guidance !
An important note to everyone who installs the following Texture packs and world textures - These can have a dramatic effect on your FPS (especially Qarls Texture Pack 3) - even if using the reduced texture re-writes. Please only use these if you a) have a good/great rig with a multicore processor at 2.4Ghz and better , plus a 512Mb or greater current video card ; or b) can put up with a reduced FPS ingame to have the nicer looking textures. (in my OBSE section I will describe how to use streamline 3.1 to help with your FPS and LOD frame reductions).
1. QTP3 (Qarls Texture Pack III) - install to /oblivion/data in the auto extract
2. QTP3 Patch 1.3 Both the Qarl's downloads are off the same PES links
3. Bomret's SI Texture Pack
All of the above downloads are Huge .. thats why I put in the PES links when I could - the fileplanet downloads are pretty stable for me.
4. BT-4096- I chose the 4096x4096 landscape LODs.
5. QN 4096 another Qarl file
Test run on Save 1 from Baseline ... worked inside. Zoned outside , continue working no crashing.
Swim accross lake, and make Save 2. Try some fast travels. All at this stage should working with no crashing
Keep in mind the above files are for a pretty meaty graphics card (1MB or 2 x 512MB ) .. if you have a lower spec system you might consider putting in the QTP3 reduced(after step 2 deploying the QTP3 patch, use these and overwrite the files when prompted)
Now I install the excellent Natural Environmentsmod. however I do not install the entire mod !!
6. I copy the Meshes, Sound, and Textures to my /oblivion/Data/ directory, but then I install only the Habitat and Vegitation esp's (Natural_Habitat_by_Max_Tael.esp and Natural_Vegetation_by_Max_Tael.exp)
7. HTS's Diverse Grasses Mainhere i install the
Diverse Grasses 0.6 Default Colours as I use the Qarl Textures installed above
8. HTS's Diverse Grasses LoD 4096
9. Phinix Water Fix
load save 1 and test .. zone to the outside and check.
run around the far side of imperial island and check the grass distance
omod / load order at this stage:
Natural Habitat
Natural Vegitation
(it is at this stage I start thinking about editing my oblvion.ini file .. )
Based on excellent feedback from PoenasDare on the mechstorm forum of old and by reading the Beth Forum guide he gave me. I have come up with this new .ini file tweaks.
The warning from the Beth forum:
DO NOT simply apply all of these changes without knowing what you are doing, or you will probably cause more harm than good. The default .ini file is actually pretty good pre-tweaked since the 1.2 patch. Input on updated recommended .ini tweaks is welcome! Make sure you not only make a backup .ini, but that you compare frame rates before and after making changes: changes that speed things up on one computer may cause problems on another.
my ini entry=xx (original value) in the (brackets)'s:
bAllow30Shaders=1 (0) - allows your card to optionally use better shaders.
iPreloadSizeLimit=131072000 (26214400) (5 times)
26214400 can be equated to one "unit" of cache for QTP3 i would need 4 units and I will have >30 mods so add +1 = 5 units so 26214400 * 5 = 131072000
bBackgroundLoadLipFiles=1 (0)
bLoadBackgroundFaceGen=1 (0)
bBackgroundPathing=1 (0)
iNumHavokThreads=3 (1) - increases thread count (must be odd number)
iMinGrassSize=100 (80)
fGrassEndDistance=10000.000 (8000.0000)
fGrassStartFadeDistance=9000.000 (7000.0000)
iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=6 (2) - this setting is for diversegrasses
SMainMenuMovieIntro= (Oblivion iv logo.bik)
SIntroSequence= (bethesda softworks HD720p.bik,2k games.bik,game studios.bik,Oblivion Legal.bik)
Blanking out these to intro squences speeds up the loading so you don't have to click throught the movies .. up to you if you want it in or out.
So you can see the edits are pretty simple ... and nothing to extreme nor over the top.
World Textures - part deux
After the handy dandy ini edits from Part one, I double check the grass drawing distance.
Save 1 reloaded, exit the dungeon, run across the lake to the far side ... I had no problems
grass showing well and i noticed no real performance hit
now to put in more textures !
1. Improved Doors and Flora- when prompted overwrite / replace the exsisting mesh's and Textures
2. Improved Trees and Flora- when prompted overwrite / replace the exsisting Textures
3. Improved Trees and Flora 2 - when prompted overwrite / replace the exsisting Textures
4. IFT2Update - when prompted overwrite / replace the exsisting mesh's and Textures
5. Improved Signs
6. Improved Signs updated- when prompted overwrite / replace the exsisting Textures
7. Improved Fruits, Vegitables, and Meat - when prompted overwrite / replace the exsisting Textures
take a breather .. and continue
8. Illumination Within revised- Just install the Mesh and Textures .. do not put in the .esp
9. Illumination Within Rivized Optimized- Here I installed the "Super MEGA" merged .esp.
now it is time to get those LoD's sorted out
10. Almost Everything visibale While Distant(AEVWD) - only the textures and meshes
11. Illuminated AEVWD- when prompted overwrite / replace the exsisting Textures
now lets put in one of those nice noice replacers -- in my case I chose the HTF version
12. HTF's Noise Replacer--- I picked HTF2 (but you can pick .. there are .jpg in the file!)
13. Rainbows in Tamrielv3 (omod version)
--- oooo pretty ---
now lets sort out some sound, and weather stuff
14. Oblivion Stereo Sound-- copied the sounds
now we have a choice ... simple or complex (do only 15 simple or 15 complex .. not both)
15 simple. - Real Night Sky
15 complex a. Nebula Starfield RedskyMix
15 complex b. Far and Away 3D moons
15 complex c. Better Sun
16. Atmospheric Weather System for SI(AWS) - put the whole thing in , including the .esm and .esp
17. AWS-omod- download 2 parts (both the most current .. 210) and unrar to create the omod --- when installing you will notice the omod colour is black.
During the install of this omod, I picked shorter nights, tweaks, storms and sounds, and finally ptich black nights
when prompted also overwrite all the stuff, and create / overwrite the current .esp
and last but not least .. lets fire up the TES4LOD Generator!
18. TES4LODGen (don't run it yet)
(in my vista install I put this in the /Games/ folder ... same one I have oblivion sitting in.
Now double check your load order But before you exit the obmm make sure you do a archive invalidate --- use BSA redirection (example following the load order below)
Natural Habitat
Natural Vegitation
AWS Shivering Isles
AWS Storms and sounds
AWS Shorter Nights
AWS Tweaks PB
you open the obmm, go to the right side and find "Utilities" pick this ...
in the drop down pick Archive Invalidation.
now here make sure you only have BSA Redirection
click update now .. then ok .. all done!
exit obmm
this might take some time ... pay attention to any errors . At this stage it should be pretty clean. after running this you should see the following as the end of the TES4 LOD Generator telling you to close the window / program
At this stage I did not notice any LOD errors, the program ran smooth. I closed it, ran oblivion with save1 .. exited the sewers and did a test run to Chorrol. Load went well, no crashes, ended up talking with Jeoffry and stoped the test.
success with the weather, world textures and LOD !
Section 3
Character Textures
in this section we will install new face textures, new male and female body meshes and textures, and a whole bunch of modified cloths, armours etc. Note: I use nude Male and Female textures as I am an adult gamer and want my games to be of an adult nature. This is a personal choice, and if you are offended by nudity (male or female) then there are methods to turn off the naughty bits.
First off will be adding Beautiful People, and some nice Hair:
1. Beautiful People 2.7
2. Soya Hair
3. tk Hair Pack
4. Babe Hair
Now we move onto the Naughy Male bits
5. Roberts Male 4.0
I copied the "Ren's" subdirectory directly to the /Oblivion/Data/Mesh/character/and the /Oblivion/Data/textures/characters/ directories -- when prompted I merged the folders, and overwrote when nessesary. I also copyed only the Roberts Male 3.7 Mesh and Textures - I did not copy the .esp - as I will edit the beautiful People 2.7 mod when I am done with the Roberts Male bits.
6. Better Redguards 2.1 - ensure you use the Roberts Male Body - go to the "Extras" folder and copy the Roberts Male body to your Oblivion\Data\Textures\characters\redguard\male directory. (note to self: might have to copy the Exnem's also !)
7. Slof's seamless dremora - I chose the yellow version - you can pick what you want.
Now for the Female textures and naughty bits
8. Exnems Eyecandy NUDE (warning on the link) -- omod version (there is also a undie / non-nude verion - Female Eyecandy Underwear - note you get a red omod. active - obmm says there is a imperial/ conflict .. overwrite that is the only conflict.
9. HG EyeCandy Body full omod version Fixed - Now you get the option to choose body types, I picked normal, Medium bottom, no underwear, D cup D (D cup C was a very close 2nd .. might still change this later), now there is a error indicating a CRC mismatch, and overwrite female eyecandy nude body replacer files .. pick yes (should only be 2).
10. Chest Replacer for HGEC with moving Breasts - This is needed to provide proper armour/clothing and body movement. - copy femaleupperbody.nif file to the Oblivion\Data\meshes\characters\_male directory and overwrite when prompted.
11. HG Stock armour and Cloth replacer v2 if you want you can pick the skimpy version .. I stuck with the normal.
12. Clothing Replacer for HGEC complete you need to look at the mirror section to download this one, as it is not available as a direct download. There are overwrites here .. make sure you overwrite all files please. note that these meshes are very juvenille , I couldn't stand them, so I overwrote the armor and clothes meshes (/Oblivion/Data/Meshes/Armor and clothes) with the meshes from this file : Clothing and Armour Replacer for Exnems The good thing is most of the EyeCandy mesh's work with the HGEC (some exceptions)
13. Exnem's Sinblood Widow Dress - omod version
14. HGEC conversion for Sinblood's Widow Dress overwrite files when prompted.
15. HGEC Exnem's Female Wardrobe omod - amazon and sorceress armours/clothes.Create the omod from the archive - during creating you will get an "author and description" error .. ignore these and create the omod.
16. Luchaires HGEC Body Seam Reducer - if installing the "optional step 18 below - the high rez textures - then put this step off untill after you ahve installed that part, otherwise continue.
17. CanadianIce Morrowind Robes and Dresses for HGEC
now the optional part ..this is for >512MB video cards ONLY !!!
18. High Rez Skin Textures for HGEC -This one is a bit of a more complex install and download. The readme and the .jpg pictures on the tesnexus site are great. Please use / refer to these for installation. (there is a manual install process after you extract the 7z file that is inside the "spanned" 2 RAR compressed file that you download .. its a big download and an even bigger install package - it comes to about 7G after it is uncompressed, with all the extra options .. be warned.
19. Knights of the Nine female Exnems
20. oddbasket glass - only mesh and textures
21. oddbasket for exnems - esp file and lowcut mesh
22. Reznoid Maniquens - HD version
At this stage I now edit the beautiful People .esp with the oblivion editor. If you want you can also remove the male naughy bits by following the readme in Roberts Male textures - there is an excellent guide on doing this there.
now to do the edit of the BP. (an excellent guide is provide on the site .. its called The Easy Guide for using Roberts and BeautifulPeople ... the following needs to be done "Until a compatibility patch is released, you will have to do this, as said by Robert himself) my little guide will include pictures:
Step 1 - open the oblivion editor (TES Construction Set)
Step 2 - go to the file - Data portion
and pick the beautiful people .esp
and set the file as active
click ok.
Step 3 - now go to the character -> race
and pick body data portion
Step 4 (The above mentioned guide provides these steps .. it is excellent !) - replace the foot and tail nifs:
For Argonian link the nif for the tail to characters/argonian/male/tail.nif.
Pick the proper .Nif Picture Tail Choice Picture
For Breton link the foot texture to characters/breton/male/
For Highelf link the foot texture to characters/highelf/male/
For Khajiit link the nif for the tail to characters/khajiit/male/khahiittail.nif, and the texture for foot to characters/khajiit/male/
For Nord link the foot texture to characters/nord/male/
For Redguard link the foot texture to characters/redguard/male/
For Woodelf link the foot texture to characters/woodelf/male/
also double check that the Ren Mystic Elfs are picked (they still should be, but double check)
Data\Textures\Characters\Ren\Ren_ Mystic Elf\male\
Data\Textures\Characters\Ren\Ren_ Mystic Elf_tt01\male\
now at this stage I save the file. As I said I am not a master mod maker, so I am sure there is a more elegent method on doign this .. any input is appreciated, and I am happy to modify these instructions to make something "more pure"
now open up obmm and do another archive invalidation (same as in World Textures Part duex).
Now after all this, lets do our faces and make them pretty too !
1. NFT 1
2. NFT 2
3. IFT
now at this stage I save the file. As I said I am not a master mod maker, so I am sure there is a more elegent method on doign this .. any input is appreciated, and I am happy to modify these instructions to make something "more pure"
now open up obmm and do another archive invalidation (same as in World Textures Part duex).
omod load order:
Natural Habitat
Natural Vegitation
AWS Shivering Isles
AWS Storms and sounds
AWS Shorter Nights
AWS Nicer Weather
AWS Tweaks PB
Soya 4 Hair
tk Hair Pack 01
Beautiful People
Better Redguard v2
BP Roberts BR Hair
Stock Clothing Armour HGEC normal D
oddbasket glass
Sinblood's Widow Dress
Knights Female
I loaded save 1, edited the toon to a mystic elf prior to leaving the sewers. worked great. ran around and did fast travels. no crashes or stuttering.
Section 4
Object Textures
For this part we will install new Object textures
1. Kafeis Better Amulet Replacer
2. Kafeis Better Ring Replacer
3 Improved Amulets and Rings
4. Kafeis Armoured Circlets
5. Retextured Azura's Star (blue and silver)
6. Vagabonds Better Gold
7. Better looking tools
8. Potable Pastiche
9. Ayleid Coin Addon
10. Leviathan Soulgems
11. Leviathan Trophy Soulgems
12. updated Leviathan ESP
13. Capes and Cloaks
14. Better Staffs Retexture
15. Cali Female Finery
16. Slofs Sheogorath Outfit
17. Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader here just copy the files and overwrite where asked please
18. Slofs Alien Clanfear
19. Sauron's Armour Chest
20. Ace's Warlock Gear
21. Pale_Rider's Hat Collection
22. Sickle Irons (this is not needed, unless you want to run Kendo Girl ....)
23. Adult Books - yeah i know childish , but I like adult themes as i live somewhat vicarioulsy through my Oblivion avitar
24. Shivering book jackets
25. Grimbot spell tomes
26. Book Jackets - I installed High Rez version
27. Spell Icon Replace
28. Elven Map Redux
29. Elven Map for SI
30. Loading Screen Themed Replacer by Trollf
31. Map Loop and Oblivion Logo Replacement movie
Big note: for those of you who will install Tamriels Glittering Geology - you need to WATCH OUT for missing meshes.
The fix is pretty easy, when you un-rar the mod, you need to open up the Tamriel's Glittering Geology.bsa file with obmm. you need to extract all the files within the bsa to a temp directory on your desktop. open this up and copy the mesh and texture directories to your /oblivion/data/ directory. don't overwrite where prompted (mainly for gold mesh overwrite). This will fix all the nasty yellow exclaimation marks - namely in the chorrol fighters guild (for fun try it out before and after .. just to see what I am talking about). I found this the hard way, by editing most of the objects within the Chorrol fighters guild .. ugh :-/
(if you need more detailed information, just pm me)
omod Load order:
Tamriel's Glittering Geology.esm
TGG - Treasure Placement
VA BetterGold
Ayleid Coin Add-on
Natural Habitat
Natural Vegitation
AWS Shivering Isles
AWS Storms and sounds
AWS Shorter Nights
AWS Nicer Weather
AWS Tweaks PB
Adult Books
Potable Pastiche
Soya 4 Hair
tk Hair Pack 01
Beautiful People
Better Redguard v2
BP Roberts BR Hair
Stock Clothing Armour HGEC normal D
Capes and Cloaks
oddbasket glass
Sinblood's Widow Dress
Pale Rider's Hats
Morrowind Robes and Dresses for HGEC
Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader
Reznod Mannequin HD
Sauron Armor Chest
Knights Female
spell icon replace
Book Jackets Oblivion
Book Jackets DLC
Grimbots Spell Tomes
Leviathan Soulgems
Leviathan Trophy Soulgems
Section 5
Darnified UI
This section is pretty easy, but important ! After using the DarnUI I just can't go back to the vanilla UI. But before I do the install, I backed up my now "texturized" oblivion directiory "just in case".. this allows me to easily copy back the working version of Section 1 - 4 inclusive.
1. DarNified UI 1.3.1 - omod version.. upon installing the omod, obmm will indicate that DarNified UI has conflicts (RED)
(darn-red) - double click the omod - it will pop up and say there is a conflict (darn-conflict) pick yes and start the install. Obmm / DarnUI will now ask you for your name, type it in (Darn-Name). After you click ok, you will now see the main Darn install menu. I pick install everything (darn-install-all). The omod will now show you the first install screen (darn-install-screen). I chose Fonts, Custom Font 1, Trollf Loading Screens, Documentation, and Coloured map. Hit OK and you will see the Font choice menu. If you click the picutre of the fonts in the upper right you will get a pop up showing the fonts in greater detail. I picked Kingthings_Exeter_28 here (darn-choose-font). It is at this part you will get a warning about Darn wanting to modify the .ini file. This is just a warning menu .. so pick ok (darn-ini-warning). The next step is choosing to allow the omod installer to modify your ini files or you can do it manually. I let the omod do the changes (darn-ini-overwrite). after it has done the ini overwrites/copy, it will now pop up with an .xml warning - pick yes (darn-xml-overwrite) and you are all done !
Section 6
Horse Mods
In this section we will be installing textures for horses, Qarl's Harvest (for the tree's) and some armour mods with horse commands, and horse locators. Saddlebags will come in Section 7 - the OBSE stuff.
1. Slof's Horses Base - newest version 2.0
2. Slof's Extra Horses Pack 1
3. Qarl's Harvest Here i just copy the mesh and texture directories, and the base .esm and .esp. I do not put in any of the optional slof's or horse armour directory files. (no optional .esp). This disables the functionality of the custom Qarls horse scripts, but it still allows the nice trees , and harvesting additons. I will be looking into merging the qarl scripts into the new slof horses later .. and keeping the horse command functionality etc.
4. Qarl's Harvest addon
5. Dude Where's My Horse - Final
6. Horse Armour Revamped - omod version 1.8
7. Horse Commands Revamped - omod
omod order at this stage:
Tamriel's Glittering Geo.esm
Qarls Harvest.esm
TGG - Treasure Placement
Loading Screens
VA better gold
Ayleid Coin
Natural Habitat
Natural Vegitation
AWS storms and sounds
AWS shorter nights
AWS Nicer Weather
AWS Tweaks PB
Qarls Harvest
Qarls Harvest addon
Adult Books
Potable pastiche
Soya 4 hair
tk Hair
Beatiful People
Better Redguard v2
BP Roberts BR hair
Stock Clothing Armour HGEC normalD
Capes and Cloaks
oddbasket glass
KD Cloth Circlets
Pale riders Hats
Morrowind Robes and Dresses for HGEC
Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader
Slof's Horses Base
Slof's Extra Horses
Dude Wheres My Horse
Rznod Mannequin HD
Sauron Armor Chest
IWR Windows Lights Shutters - Optimized
UNCHECK THIS or there will be a conflict with HRM !!! DLCHorseArmour
HRM Horse Armour
HRM Horse Armour Slofs
HRM Horse Commands
Knights Fem
Spell Icon Replace
Book Jackets Oblivion
Book Jackets DLC
Gimbots Spell Tomes
Leviathan soulgems
Leviathan Trophy soulgems
Section 7
Oblivion Script Extender
Here I will add the Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE). I am sticking with version 15a as it is the most stable release version. In addtion to OBSE i will be puting in a bunch of mods that use the functionality of OBSE and are fun (like smoking pipes, and saddlebags)
1. OBSE - version 15a
2. Elys OBSE Pluggy - v91 Beta
3. COBL 1.47 - replace the files when it asks you to (overwrite) -copy all the stuff here, except the OOO .esp .. its not needed for my installs.
4. Keychain for COBL - v 4.21 - create the omod from the archive
5. Smokeable Pipe
6. Decorator Assistant
some people like this unlock addon for Decorator Assistant - I don't use it personally
7. ZboneGrinder
8. MD Saddlebags V3 RC1 - create the omod from the archive.
9. COBL Real Hunger - v 1.6
10. FF Real Thirst - v1.20 full
11. FF Real Thirst for COBL - create the omod from the archive
12. Deadly Reflex Combat Moves (optional) - keep in mind this mod makes some of the new spell icons disappear for some unknown reason - Version 5.0 - copy the files, and do the few file overwrites when prompted.
13. Streamline 3.1 (optional)
14. Streamline 3.1 patch (optional . but needed if using streamline)
for streamline I only use the StreamPurge function and the Streamsave function. I do not use FPS smoothing nor Streamsight. Before testing it is very important to turn off streamsmooth and streamsight. This is done via the Streamline 3.1 ini file. (found in \Oblivion\Data\Streamline\INI Files\
the changes to the ini are:
[Main Features Settings]
set SLv.FPSsmoothing to 0 (from 1)
set SLv.Streamsight to 0 (from 1)
keep SLv.Purging to 1 , and SLv.Streamsaving to 1.
[Streampurge Settings]
set SLv.PurgeOnWait to 0 (from 1)
(keep the rest default)
[Streamsave Settings]
set SLv.NumSaveSlots to 10 (down from 15)
set SLv.DangerousArea to 1 (from 0)
set SLv.AllowTrespass to 1 (from 0)
set SLv.AllowSwiming to 1 (from 0)
set SLv.AllowWeapon to 1 (from 0)
set SLv.AfterZone to 1 (from 0)
set SLv.LowHealth to 1 (from 0)
All of the above settings are what I use . you can choose what you want to match your playing style.
OMOD load order -- getting nasty now
Tamriel's Glittering Geo.esm
Qarls Harvest.esm
Cobl Main.csm
MD Saddle Master.esm
TGG - Treasure Placement
Loading Screens
VA better gold
Ayleid Coin
Natural Habitat
Natural Vegitation
AWS storms and sounds
AWS shorter nights
AWS Nicer Weather
AWS Tweaks PB
Cobl Glue
Cobl SI
Cobl Tweaks
Decorator Assitant with OBSE
Qarls Harvest
Qarls Harvest addon
Adult Books
Potable pastiche
Soya 4 hair
tk Hair
Beatiful People
Better Redguard v2
BP Roberts BR hair
Stock Clothing Armour HGEC normalD
Capes and Cloaks
oddbasket glass
KD Cloth Circlets
Pale riders Hats
Morrowind Robes and Dresses for HGEC
Salmo the Baker Cobl
P1DKeychain for COBL
Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader
Slof's Horses Base
Slof's Extra Horses
Dude Wheres My Horse
Reznod Mannequin HD
Sauron Armor Chest
IWR Windows Lights Shutters - Optimized
HRM Horse Armour
HRM Horse Armour Slofs
HRM Horse Commands
Knights Fem
Spell Icon Replace
Book Jackets Oblivion
Book Jackets DLC
Gimbots Spell Tomes
Leviathan soulgems
Leviathan Trophy soulgems
FF Real Thirst
FF Real Thirst COBL
RealHunger, Cobl - (if you are using it)
MD Saddlebags v3.0
Deadly Reflex 5 Combat Moves
Streamline 3.1
Section 8
Game Add-in's
For this part we will install Game Enhancements and Add-in's (like Harvest, recall, brew house, Adventures Gear, banks that sort of thing).
1. Harvest Flora - create omod from archive and pick v 2.1 final - I chose the no mushroom stalk version and for all the addon's (except Frostcrag).
2. Harvest Containers - create omod - and download latest version. I chose all options except Havok Crates.
3. Advanced Mark and Recall
4. Drop Lit Torches in Combat - I picked the brighter no message version.
5. Bank of Cyrodiil - do NOT overwrite the gold meshes and gold files when prompted (there should be 2 files NOT to overwrite)
6. Brew house - do not overwrite the brandy files (there will be 3 .. leave the originials)
7. Clocks of Cyrodiil
8. Mining Company - i helped with this one .. and even got a credit in the readme
9. Security Rebalance Traps and Bash Locks
10. Adventure's Gear v1.6 - I use version 1.6 . as I have cobl hunger mods - and I really only use the sack .. Real thirst has an excellent campsite for personal use and the rainbarrel too
11. Gem Dust - Here i copied all the files and overwrote the exsisting ones (as these meshes/files were bigger and more current).
12. Imperial Furnature
13. Bunkhouse Tent for CM (if using CM - this is a good one for your group) - I used the one with the sorter (and I only load it up after I get some companions)
14. Companion Tent - I use this one when I get a bit more famous / rich - as it is pretty posh
14. Get Wet - Create omod from the archive - and choose default install (unless you'd rather not have the droplettes)
15. Inebriation
16. Realistic Ragdolls and Force v3 - I just like to be able to move the dead bodies around a bit easier. I pick the RealisticForceMedium.esp version. when you copy this mod to the \oblivion\data\ directory- it will overwrite the skeleton.nif (in the \oblivion\data\meshes\characters\_male\ ) so pick yes to overwrite - now we need to get this working together with Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader (installed previously). All we need to do a simple file copy/rename/replace - so open up the file. drill down to the \data\meshes\characters\_male\ and extract the skeletonbeast.nif to your desktop. Go to the desktop and rename this to skeleton.nif. now copy this renamed skeleton.nif to your \oblivion\data\meshes\characters\_male\ and overwrite the current one. thats it ! now both these great mods will play together nicely !
17. Let the People Drink - create omod from archive - (just the fountains, not the quests - it interferes with Barholm Castle) - when you install this it will also prompt you to pick what LOD mods you have -- choose Almost everything Visible while distance, and overwrite when prompted. don't worry as we will run the TES4LOD generator again
Here is the big nasty omod order:
Tamriel's Glittering Geo.esm
Qarls Harvest.esm
Cobl Main.csm
MD Saddle Master.esm
TGG - Treasure Placement
TUR- GemDust
Loading Screens
VA better gold
Ayleid Coin
Natural Habitat
Natural Vegitation
AWS storms and sounds
AWS shorter nights
AWS Nicer Weather
AWS Tweaks PB
Cobl Glue
Cobl SI
Cobl Tweaks
Decorator Assitant with OBSE
Qarls Harvest
Qarls Harvest addon
Adult Books
Advanced Mark & Recall
Security Rebalance - Traps and Bash Locks
bnmDLTIC-1-6 (drop lit torches)
Potable pastiche
Soya 4 hair
tk Hair
Beatiful People
Better Redguard v2
BP Roberts BR hair
Stock Clothing Armour HGEC normalD
Capes and Cloaks
oddbasket glass
KD Cloth Circlets
Pale riders Hats
Morrowind Robes and Dresses for HGEC
Salmo the Baker Cobl
P1DKeychain for COBL
Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader
Slof's Horses Base
Slof's Extra Horses
Dude Wheres My Horse
Reznod Mannequin HD
Sauron Armor Chest
Amajor7 Imperial Furniture
Adventures Gear
Companion Tent (only activate when you feel you are ready for it)
dhsRTentwithSorter (this is the bunk tent .. only activate when ready)
BXX Mines
IWR Windows Lights Shutters - Optimized
HRM Horse Armour
HRM Horse Armour Slofs
HRM Horse Commands
Knights Fem
Get Wet
Let the People Drink
Harvest [Flora]
Harvest [Flora] DLC Vile Lair
Harvest [Flora] Shivering Isles
Harvest [Containers]
Harvest [Containers] Player Home Add-on
Harvest [Containers] Flat-Top Barrels Add-on
Spell Icon Replace
Book Jackets Oblivion
Book Jackets DLC
Gimbots Spell Tomes
Leviathan soulgems
Leviathan Trophy soulgems
FF Real Thirst
FF Real Thirst COBL
RealHunger, Cobl - (if you are using it)
MD Saddlebags v3.0
Deadly Reflex 5 Combat Moves
Streamline 3.1
Run the LOD generator and make sure you do another archive invalidate
Section 9
Quest Mods and Unofficial Patches
In this section we are going to put in some mods that add (I think) some excellent content, and also the Oblivion Unofficial Patches. You can decide to put these in or not at your own discretion. (or you can skip this section and head right to section 10 - Giskard and the Cyrodiil Upgrade Overhaul Mods
1. Unofficial Oblivion Patch v3.2 - omod version -when you install this you will notice it is Red in obmm , when you go to activate it you will get a warning that it conflicts with an active mod .. go ahead and pick yes so you can see what it is doing . For the first option I choose "Skip Vampire Aging / Face Fix" - you can install one of the OBSE vampire fixxes - like EggDropSoaps. Next I pick Apply Citadel Door Fix, then i am using Custom Body Mods. obmm then tells you "hey you are using Qarls Tex packs .. put in the patch ... we will do just that on step 4 below. then you get to overwrite a whole bunch of files .. jsut ctrl click yes, or do them one at a time - I gave up after clicking yes 10 times
2. Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch v1.4 - omod version You will notice the omod is RED again. when you activate it, it will warn you just like the above step. Click yes, Next for the first and only choice, I pick I am using custom body mods. then I ctrl click my way through the file overwrites.
3. Unofficial Official Mods Patch v1.5 - omod version - ] You will notice the omod is RED again. when you activate it, it will warn you just like the above step. Click yes, The omod will now warn you that it will detect and activate only the relevant patches for your install. Again another round of click fest - or Ctrl Click yes .
4. QTP3 UOP3.2 Patch 2dot3 - We need this to fix up some stuff the UOP3.2 does to QTP3. - create the omod from the archive - its gonna take a bit of time
. - now you will notice this too is RED . active it and choose yes to be warned. now overwrite all the files it prompts you to do - so I guess you could have chosen no to not be warned and skipped this bit .. hehehe - so now another round of Ctrl click yes -- all done and installed now
5. Glenvar Castle v2.1 - back to good old standard copy to \oblivion\data\ - you should have no warnings (other than folder merge)
6. Glenvar Castle Voice Addon Now for this one, open the 7z file, and copy the folders within the GlenvarCastle.esp folder (should be Argonian, Breton, High Elf, Imperial, Nord and Redguard) to the \Oblivion\Data\Sound\Voice\GlenvarCastle.esp\ folder - merge the folders and overwrite when prompted.
7. The Lost Spires v1.4- This is an easy install, just copy the BSA and .esp to the \Oblivion\Data\ folder
Here is the omod / load order at this stage:
Tamriel's Glittering Geo.esm
Qarls Harvest.esm
Cobl Main.csm
MD Saddle Master.esm
Unofficial Oblivion Patch
Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch
TGG - Treasure Placement
TUR- GemDust
Loading Screens
VA better gold
Ayleid Coin
Natural Habitat
Natural Vegitation
AWS storms and sounds
AWS shorter nights
AWS Nicer Weather
AWS Tweaks PB
Cobl Glue
Cobl SI
Cobl Tweaks
Decorator Assitant with OBSE
Qarls Harvest
Qarls Harvest addon
Adult Books
Advanced Mark & Recall
Security Rebalance - Traps and Bash Locks
bnmDLTIC-1-6 (drop lit torches)
Potable pastiche
Soya 4 hair
tk Hair
Beatiful People
Better Redguard v2
BP Roberts BR hair
Stock Clothing Armour HGEC normalD
Capes and Cloaks
oddbasket glass
KD Cloth Circlets
Pale riders Hats
Morrowind Robes and Dresses for HGEC
Salmo the Baker Cobl
P1DKeychain for COBL
Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader
Slof's Horses Base
Slof's Extra Horses
Dude Wheres My Horse
Reznod Mannequin HD
Sauron Armor Chest
Amajor7 Imperial Furniture
Adventures Gear
Companion Tent (only activate when you feel you are ready for it)
dhsRTentwithSorter (this is the bunk tent .. only activate when ready)
BXX Mines
IWR Windows Lights Shutters - Optimized
UNCHECKED DLCHorseArmour - Unofficial Patch
HRM Horse Armour
HRM Horse Armour Slofs
HRM Horse Commands
Oblivion Citadel Door Fix
DLCOrrey - Unofficial Patch
DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch
DLCTheivesDen - Unofficial Patch
DLCTheivesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB
DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch
DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch
DLCSPellTomes - Unofficial Patch
DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch
Knights - Unofficial Patch
The Lost Spires
Knights Female
Get Wet
Let the People Drink
Harvest [Flora]
Harvest [Flora] DLC Vile Lair
Harvest [Flora] Shivering Isles
Harvest [Containers]
Harvest [Containers] Player Home Add-on
Harvest [Containers] Flat-Top Barrels Add-on
Spell Icon Replace
Book Jackets Oblivion
Book Jackets DLC
Gimbots Spell Tomes
Leviathan soulgems
Leviathan Trophy soulgems
FF Real Thirst
FF Real Thirst COBL
RealHunger, Cobl - (if you are using it)
MD Saddlebags v3.0
Deadly Reflex 5 Combat Moves
Streamline 3.1
At this stage make sure you do another archive invalidate (bsa redirect) and run our friend the TES4 LOD Generator. The LOD Generator should not error out. If it does you have your order mucked up. double check against my list
If you want to use CM Partners now do the install - if you don't .. don't - the following are the ones I use - (but there are a whole bunch out there -- just search tesnexus with CM Partners)
A. CM Partners Mod Basic 1dot9 - Here I copy the CM Partners.esm and CM Partners.esp from the OblivionandSI OBSE folder. After these 2 files I copy the CM Partners NPC NE, CM Partners More NPCs NE, CM Partners Marker NPCs, and CM Partners Special NPCs.
B. CM Partners 2 Female Dark SeducersHere i copy the folders and the esp. I merge the folders, however I DO NOT overwrite the files (foot x2, hands x 2, eyes x1).
C. CM Dark Seducer Wig NIF Fix patch - copy and overwrite the one file.
D. CM Partners 2 Female Golden Saints This install is similar to the dark seducers, copy the folders and esp, but do not overwrite any of the files when prompted
E. CM Partners Sawleafs beauties Meridia and Katrina - easy peasy - just the .esp
F. CM Partners Tiam's Girls Hitomi Rin and Moonlight - another easy one, just copy - merge folders - there should be no overwrites.
G. CM Partners Terise with Terimer Race - I just had to have the ginger with freckles - here copy the meshes, sound, and texture folders from the \Data\ folder of the 7z (don't bother with the .esm nor .esp). Merge the folders, but don't overwrite any of the files (i think this is just a copy of the normal CM Partners install, but just incase there was any special stuff I copies these - and didn't overwrite). Next go to the \Extras\ folder of the 7z. go to the hgec folder, and copy the meshes, textures, and Terimer.esp to your \Oblivion\Data\ folder. Merge the folders as normal. Overwrite the Gaia1CapeThin.nif - this should be the only file overwrite. Can someone confirm this for me and send me a PM please? - I might have fat fingered this by checking the "do this for all stuff".. I don't think so, but I want to be sure anyway
H. Knights of the While Stallion V4dot4 - This Mod install is going to be a bit more tricky. As this was written with CM Partners v1.4, and we are using CM Partners 1.9, we will need to update the AI of the partners. Thankfully the Readme in CM Partners tells us how to do this. But first lets copy the Textures, Sound, Meshes, and the 300_White Stallion 4.esp to the \Oblivion\Data\ folder. There should be no file overwrite warnings - just merge the folders
Now the Tricky part
Open The 300_White Stallion 4.esp in the TES Construction Set, and open each NPC setup window in turn and make the following changes:
1. open up the TES Construction set, go to File->data and pick the following TES files: CM Partners.esm, CM Partners.esp, and 300_White_Stallion 4.esp (make this one active). There will be 2 errors about missing objects, just continue playing by clicking yes 2 times.
2. now go to the object window and pick Actors -> NPC's (pic 1). scroll to the bottom of this part and locate the NPC's to edit (names wsXXX) (pic 2).
3. Now we are going to sort out the Factions. Go to the top menu and pull down Character - > Faction (pic 3)
4. Scroll down in the Faction: NPCParty window and find the NPCParty, NPCStand, NPCStay, and NPCType Factions. (pic 4)
5. Go back over to the Object Window, and right click on the First NPC and click Edit - in this case it is wsCleitanious. (pic 5)
6. Go to the Faction Tab for the NPC. (pic 6)
7. Now drage the NPCParty, NPCStand, NPCStay, and NPCType Factions to the NPC faction window. You will now see it looking like this (pic 7)
8. Now Change the NPCType Faction to match what the current script is (current NPC scripts will be either PartnerCombat/Magic/Stealth) (pic 9) .. change the NPCType Faction to 1 for combat, 2 for Stealth, and 3 for Magic (pic 8)
9. Now change the script from PartnerCombat/Stealth/Magic to PartnerScript (pic 10)
10. and the Last step is to check the Quest Item check in the lower left corner of the NPC window (pic 11)
you will need to repeat these steps for all NPCs in this mod:
wsVincent - make him a Mage (NPCType 3)
wsWeigraph - Make him combat (NPCType 1)
Also an FYI, I checked the other .esp and they were current - Terimer, DAMeridiaKatrina, DATiamsGirls, DAGolden Saint, and DADark Seducers. So only the KotWS need changing as per the above
And that’s it. Now save your edits and get ready to play.
The nasty load order is like this now:
Tamriel's Glittering Geo.esm
Qarls Harvest.esm
Cobl Main.esm
CM Partners.esm
MD Saddle Master.esm
Unofficial Oblivion Patch
Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch
TGG - Treasure Placement
TUR- GemDust
Loading Screens
VA better gold
Ayleid Coin
Natural Habitat
Natural Vegitation
AWS storms and sounds
AWS shorter nights
AWS Nicer Weather
AWS Tweaks PB
Cobl Glue
Cobl SI
Cobl Tweaks
Decorator Assitant with OBSE
Qarls Harvest
Qarls Harvest addon
Adult Books
Advanced Mark & Recall
Security Rebalance - Traps and Bash Locks
bnmDLTIC-1-6 (drop lit torches)
Potable pastiche
CM Partners
CM Partners NPCs NE
CM Partners More NPCs NE
CM Partners Marker NPCs
CM Partners Special NPCs
DAGolden Saint
DADark Seducers
Soya 4 hair
tk Hair
Beatiful People
Better Redguard v2
BP Roberts BR hair
Stock Clothing Armour HGEC normalD
Capes and Cloaks
oddbasket glass
KD Cloth Circlets
Pale riders Hats
Morrowind Robes and Dresses for HGEC
Salmo the Baker Cobl
P1DKeychain for COBL
Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader
Slof's Horses Base
Slof's Extra Horses
Dude Wheres My Horse
Reznod Mannequin HD
Sauron Armor Chest
Amajor7 Imperial Furniture
Adventures Gear
Companion Tent (only activate when you feel you are ready for it)
dhsRTentwithSorter (this is the bunk tent .. only activate when ready)
BXX Mines
IWR Windows Lights Shutters - Optimized
UNCHECKED DLCHorseArmour - Unofficial Patch
HRM Horse Armour
HRM Horse Armour Slofs
HRM Horse Commands
Oblivion Citadel Door Fix
DLCOrrey - Unofficial Patch
DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch
DLCTheivesDen - Unofficial Patch
DLCTheivesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB
DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch
DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch
DLCSPellTomes - Unofficial Patch
DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch
Knights - Unofficial Patch
300_White Stallion 4
The Lost Spires
Knights Female
Get Wet
Let the People Drink
Harvest [Flora]
Harvest [Flora] DLC Vile Lair
Harvest [Flora] Shivering Isles
Harvest [Containers]
Harvest [Containers] Player Home Add-on
Harvest [Containers] Flat-Top Barrels Add-on
Spell Icon Replace
Book Jackets Oblivion
Book Jackets DLC
Gimbots Spell Tomes
Leviathan soulgems
Leviathan Trophy soulgems
FF Real Thirst
FF Real Thirst COBL
RealHunger, Cobl - (if you are using it)
MD Saddlebags v3.0
Deadly Reflex 5 Combat Moves
Streamline 3.1
Remember to run your archive invalidate again .. just to be sure
Section 10
Giskard and the Cyrodiil Upgrade Overhaul Mods
This Section was developed and inspired by (to me) the best content mods out there today .. it all started with Kvatch Aftermath - a mod I have played for years, and have seen it evolve from a good mod, to a outstanding and nessesary mod. In this section I will not be putting links in, as a lot of these mods are not publically available. For the public mods I will put links in. I am also going to cover 2 flavours of this, the private mod install, and the pre-private mods (for those who were lucky enough to download the mods before they were removed from tes nexus).
(here is some stuff for public information when / if I decide to put this on nexus)
Note: Do NOT ask me for these mods - I will not email , post , or distribute these mods at all . If they are not publically available and you don't have them, I am sorry. please head on over to the Mechstorm forums for more details - and READ the forum rules before posting.
1. Cyrodiil Upgrade Resource Pack 1
2. Cyrodiil Upgrade Resource Pack 2
3. Cyrodiil Upgrade Resource Pack 3
4. Cyrodiil Upgrade Resource Pack 4
5. Cyrodiil Upgrade Resource Pack 5
6. Cyrodiil Upgrade Resource Pack WIP-6 v5
7. Cyrodiil Upgrade Resource Pack ESM v1_4_7 - copy the .esm to your \Oblivion\Data\ folder
8. Cyrodiil Upgrade Overhaul v5 - copy all the files to your \Oblivion\Data\ folder (look to the omod list below for load order). This latest release also includes the Great Fighters Guild contracts mod - so we no longer need the fighters guild contracts private file !!
9. The Elder Council - omod version 1.9 - extract the omod and then click on it
10. Temple of the One - Private File - if you have it great - remember this is an optional addon to The Elder Council
11. Kvatch Aftermath - Private File - (v 6.9 and before can be installed on thier own, version 7.0 and above need CUO's Resource Packs).
12. Origin of the Mages Guild - Now once again released for public consumption ! yay
13. The Necromancer v 1.5 - This is another great Giskard mod that has just again become publically available. You have a choice here omod or regular version. As always you should pick what you prefer - As I had installed v1.4 previously (which was not an omod) I stuck with the non-omod version. However if this is a new install I would go with the omod version. - Do a copy/merge/overwrite here.
I copied all the above files and waited until the end to activate the omods. As such The Elder Council will turn red. When you activate it (I did this last) you get an error saying there will be some conflicts. the conflicts are about 16 textures. Overwrite
final omod load order (one big nasty long list):
Tamriel's Glittering Geo.esm
Qarls Harvest.esm
Cobl Main.esm
CM Partners.esm
MD Saddle Master.esm
Unofficial Oblivion Patch
Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch
TGG - Treasure Placement
TUR- GemDust
Loading Screens
VA better gold
Ayleid Coin
Natural Habitat
Natural Vegitation
AWS storms and sounds
AWS shorter nights
AWS Nicer Weather
AWS Tweaks PB
Cobl Glue
Cobl SI
Cobl Tweaks
Decorator Assitant with OBSE
Qarls Harvest
Qarls Harvest addon
Adult Books
Advanced Mark & Recall
Security Rebalance - Traps and Bash Locks
bnmDLTIC-1-6 (drop lit torches)
Potable pastiche
CM Partners
CM Partners NPCs NE
CM Partners More NPCs NE
CM Partners Marker NPCs
CM Partners Special NPCs
DAGolden Saint
DADark Seducers
Soya 4 hair
tk Hair
Beatiful People
Better Redguard v2
BP Roberts BR hair
Stock Clothing Armour HGEC normalD
Capes and Cloaks
oddbasket glass
KD Cloth Circlets
Pale riders Hats
Morrowind Robes and Dresses for HGEC
Salmo the Baker Cobl
P1DKeychain for COBL
Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader
Slof's Horses Base
Slof's Extra Horses
Dude Wheres My Horse
Reznod Mannequin HD
Sauron Armor Chest
Amajor7 Imperial Furniture
Adventures Gear
Companion Tent (only activate when you feel you are ready for it)
dhsRTentwithSorter (this is the bunk tent .. only activate when ready)
BXX Mines
IWR Windows Lights Shutters - Optimized
UNCHECKED DLCHorseArmour - Unofficial Patch
HRM Horse Armour
HRM Horse Armour Slofs
HRM Horse Commands
Oblivion Citadel Door Fix
DLCOrrey - Unofficial Patch
DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch
DLCTheivesDen - Unofficial Patch
DLCTheivesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB
DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch
DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch
DLCSPellTomes - Unofficial Patch
DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch
Knights - Unofficial Patch
300_White Stallion 4
The Lost Spires
Knights Female
Origin of the Mages Guild
The Necromancer
Get Wet
Let the People Drink
Harvest [Flora]
Harvest [Flora] DLC Vile Lair
Harvest [Flora] Shivering Isles
Harvest [Containers]
Harvest [Containers] Player Home Add-on
Harvest [Containers] Flat-Top Barrels Add-on
Spell Icon Replace
Book Jackets Oblivion
Book Jackets DLC
Gimbots Spell Tomes
Leviathan soulgems
Leviathan Trophy soulgems
FF Real Thirst
FF Real Thirst COBL
RealHunger, Cobl - (if you are using it)
MD Saddlebags v3.0
Deadly Reflex 5 Combat Moves
Streamline 3.1
Wew ... now do a final archive invalidate, and run our friend the TES4 LOD generator . Both should give no errors .
Get ready to play ! - Best to start a new game and enjoy all the fun from the start - Just like I am about to do.
Also if you decide to use Midas Magic Spells of Aurum download the 0970 version of the file and the companion 0970 patch A. Unzip and put in your oblivion/data/ folders. now for the .esp please put this in the install order near the bottom (snippet of the huge install order) :
MD Saddlebags v3.0
Deadly Reflex 5 Combat Moves
Midas Spells
Streamline 3.1
by morninglord