
Übersetzung DC Guards of Cyrodiil DV 1.21

In Belda musst du einen Schlüssel finden, keinen herkömlichen(konische Form), schwebt auf einer kurzen säule(glaub ich). Dann geht es weiter.

Hi Leute ,

hab da heute etwas merkwürdiges festgestellt. Ich habe die Quest mit Thoronir gemacht. Dabei mußte ich auch in das Haus von Agamir einsteigen. Irgendwie hat mich die Wache dabei beobachtet denn als ich den Keller durchsuchte kamen zwei einzeln verpackte Ölsardinen rein. Ich dachte schon Kopfgeld, Gefängnis und Co.

Aber Nein: Sagt der eine Ihr scheint in Schwierigkeiten zu stecken Herrin. /Char ist weiblich, Kaiserlich und Level 4)Aber da wir Freunde sind werde ich das Kopfgeld für Euch übernehmen.

Das zweite Mal diese Erlebnis in Fort Hist als ich den Tod des Vampirs melde. Hatte kurz vorher Stress mit einem Banditen und dabei ist mir ein völlig Unbeteiligter mit 80 Sachen in das geparkte Schwert gelaufen.

Auch hier wurde von der Wache das Kopfgeld übernommen.

Beide Aktionen liefen ab in voller Legionärsrüstung, mein Char war also im Dienst.

Ist das ein besonderes Gimmick von Guards of Cyrodiil?
Man achte makl auf das Level des Char. Der hat mal gerade 3 Ruhmespunkte
Oh,:oops: hab nur geraten. Mich störts aber nicht als Gildenmeister von fast allen Gilden.

edit: bei mir funkts auch ohne rüssi! Liegt wahrs. nicht am TEC
hello everyone.. try to focus because this isn't in German.

As of yesterday Giskard who orignally made The Elder Council and i was working my arse off on has cancelled permission for Onra to work on this (the original author of Fort Akatosh). So that means i cancel my cooperation with Giskards products as well.

However i have no idea how this will affect this German release as it is now. But when the new version of Guards of Cyrodiil gets released again it will have a new faction to play with featured in 1.21 (en version) The Nightblades.

Sad to say we probably won't use the original resource pack any longer :shock:

So the change is giving me a head-ache at this moment (been answering personal messages all day).

It will be re-released better than ever i hope with multiple fixes and add-ons i had planned from the start or want to do right now.

Just wanted everyone to know although my german is worse than my japanese :eek: so sorry if it's in english.

Sorry for this, quite honestly it's not my fault.

Cheers everyone.
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Reaktionen: MC king
Yes, I read in the forum since the first second with, I am really shocked.

I hope you and Onra will find your way and maybe there will be a miracle.

We will wait till the situation is complet clear so that we can make the right decision.

For all the germans here is the english post of Onra:

... since I noticed all these really bad comments about me ( especially on the new guild forums ) and all this dirty lies about blackmailing and plans for secret releases and nobody of the team saying anything against it, allthough you all should know well as giskards stupid comments about that people don't like what we did...just for the record the DC CUORP and the 3 legion mods reached nearly 50.000 dl and we 've got better ratings than giskard ever got...just a few days ago he posted that he likes the idea of merging OMG and the Necromancer..and a a few weeks ago he even pm me to say that he really likes what we did with Tec....and now he is celebrating such a show and not even one of you... says anything against it....I am the only evil one..that 's what Purple Gandalf wrote on the guild forums ( and others as well)
Tec was uploaded by Euther and all updates and changes to it were discussed in public...CUO has been updated by NPM78 and a lot of members voted for patching it...OMG and the Necromancer wasn't updated by me only...Old Book was involved and responsible for the complete new questline...and some words about Kvatch ..yes I asked Vorians to clean it ... but I informed Building...I asked Kosh to test it and play through the whole mod to make sure we did not clean or delete anything release before 100 % testing..ask him if you don't trust me...
No original content of KA was changed or deleted and no new stuff was added by well I did not want to upload it on my own ( another dirty lie) with all other mods made by Giskard I asked old team and guild members to upload them... I agree I did not want to discuss kavtch Aftermath before we made sure it works perfectly....and just another thing for the record...even Giskard is not a god and so every mod of any modder as good as he might be can benefit from some cleaning and fixing...stating anything else is highly arrogant....all I wanted for kvatch was to avoid the stupid and pointless discussion on the official forums other words to protect the team...this was a point which was cleared between all members here...better cleaning , fixing and patching ourselves than to let others do....again no word from anybody...
however everybody here was proud of the big success we had ..not to forget to mention that nobody has flamed us since we we started to be more open minded well for the record ...giskard stated that some of the old members were not happy about our updates....this is really poor as I 've honestly got hundreds of mails with very nice comments about the updates we made even from old mechstorm members...
...and now as nearly the whole team kicked my ass...Building is asking me for permission to reupload the DC CUO RP...and use the stuff I worked on...
again for the record ..7 of the packs and a lot of new features of the esm were made by me...I spent hundreds of hours just for changing 1000s of texture paths...mailing other modmaker for permission...not to forget fixing the bugs Giskard left in his last version...oops...sorry no cleaning is necessary... forget about the missing textures..the cat without a head..or the bad crashes when trying to play the dwemer addon....

so what would Giskard do....? ..most of the community know...

BUT...I am defenetely not on the same road....use what ever you want from the stuff I made for the CURP or simply reupload the last version of the DC CUORP...I don't mind...
but in my lifetime I will nothing have to do anymore with Giskard, his work and all his followers or this team...

good bye

Wir werden erstmal abwarten und schauen was die Zukunft bringt. Ob wir die weiteren Mods übersetzen können/werden und alles andere liegt noch in den Sternen.

Sobald wir genug Argumente gefunden haben werden wir Teamintern über einiges abstimmen.
Weitere News werden wir aber erst geben wenn wir mit Sicherheit sagen können was nun passiert.

Ich hoffe das nimmt alles noch ein positives Ende.

Thank you so much for all your work Firespark, I really know how hard you and Onra worked on all this Stuff!
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Jetzt spiel ich die Mod endlich auch einmal durch - und hänge fest. Wie schon weiter oben beschrieben, braucht man im Quest "Orden des tugendhaften Blutes" bei "Guards of Cyrodiil" einen Schlüssel, den ich dem ehemalihgen Besitzer in Belda auch schon abgenommen habe... und jetzt?
In Belda zeigt mein Questmarker rot auf den Ausgang, außerhalb der Ruine verweist er grün auf den Eingang. Und jetzt steh ich da wie der sprichwörtliche Ochs vorm Berg. Kann jemand helfen?

EDIT: hat sich geklärt...
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