Was hört ihr denn grade so?

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Sencirow - Wargames

Welcome ladies and gentleman
We proudly present you tonight
The best wars of the world
We hope you'ill enjoy the fights
We'll show you a lot of amusing scenes
We'll show you some heroes indeed
Sit, relax and stare at the screen,
just looking how they bleed

Every hundred dying people
will be reward with one point
so lets start this funny game show
we wish you a lot of joy

Watch tonight the first show of this kind
see them fight entertainment without mind
Feel their pain we can repeat it again
We're not to blame it's all just a game

We'll show you pictures of wars of the past
Pictures of wars of today
Media effective prepared brutality just a game

Program rating the only thing that counts
Morality is kicked with the feet
Deep down on the ground

Deathspell Omega - Kenôse III

The stillness of Contemplation is allowed in billions of woeful cries,
So astonishingly simultaneous and in unison,
Each and every second,
They defuse each other in such a perfect manner,
Equaling the most inscrutable of all
Doctrine of Mystical Substitution, Mystical Body, Sanctorum Communionem,
Celebrate the Sin of one reflecting, tectonic forces alike, upon the multitude

The fruit that is forbidden
Holds the greatest potential for providing infinite knowledge
Spiritual Incest and the defilement of the temple of the Holy Spirit
Ritualized and Immanent...
The pursuit of perversity, is it not but a mask
On the search for meaning and knowledge?
The purest of all Holocausts shall be perpetrated
By a loving hand, never knowing if it provided felicity
Or the vilest of everlasting torments
... No man can see Me and live!

“Et proiectus est draco ille magnus serpens antiquus qui vocatur Diabolus et Satanas qui
Seducit universum orbem proiectus est in terram et angeli eius cum illo missi sunt”

May Repentance be nothing more than a mask of algolagnia?

And the victim, blind to the radiating Light of Truth, stuttering, repeats
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani...

And the victim, blind to the radiating Light of Truth, stuttering, repeats
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani...

And the victim, blind to the radiating Light of Truth, stuttering, repeats
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani...

And the victim, blind to the radiating Light of Truth, stuttering, repeats
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani...

(Consummatum est

“Nous n'avons pas d'autre moyen que la douleur
Pour sentir notre proper existence spirituelle et divine;
Nous n'en avons pas d'autre pour la fair sentire à nos semblables”

“And we have the prophetic word made more sure
You will do well to pay attention to this as a lamp shining in a dark place,
Until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts”

Ich frage mich, warum sich viele gegen den Progressive-Einfluss wehren. Deathspell Omega als Progressive Black Metal klingt richtig genial, und das, obwohl es Franzosen sind.
In Flames - Come Clarity

Rushing through thirty,
getting older, every day
By two, drawing pictures, of innocent times
could you add, color, inside these lines?

I want you to lead me, take me somewhere,
don't want to live, in a dream, one more day!
I want you to lead me, take me somewhere,
don't want to live, in a dream, one more day!

Sure, it would change my perspective,
I'm certain I would change today,
I'm certain it would change our ways,
would things fall into place?

I want you to lead me, take me somewhere,
don't want to live, in a dream, one more day!
I want you to lead me, take me somewhere,
don't want to live, in a dream, one more day!

Dieses Lied ist genial...es setzt viele Emotionen frei, bei mir...es erinnert mich an schöne Zeiten, hilft mir aber auch ab und zu, wenn es mir schlecht geht...:?
Nur zu empfehlen...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Irgendwo im Netz zu sehen?

The Berzerker - Massacre

Arms, legs, feet, hands all limbs are gone,
flesh torn life loss blown to black dust,
torn earth seeks death blood is on ground,
feel the grim pain it is your fault,
once maimed you fall force is so strong,
got what you wish? last chance for more,
wounds all open to the heavens,
skull is intact limbs won't grow back,
no end is near used to be bold,
can not get help, chanced your life well?
eyes are so blind to the horror,
feel the grim pain it is your fault,
call to arms you do not have,
cause torn flesh is now all that's left,
and i can see your juices drain out,
like a body that is apart,
got what you get i can see that,
life calls to me and paints grim death,
what we live in i do not know,
i'm not a god but i think so,
you've had your chance used to have hope,
lost now in hell feel your life fall,
not one to run i'll bare this world,
i am so strong your life is gone,
no time for weak you are a sheep,
can not get help no hope for you,
now i tell you your chance is gone,
time for you too, i'll burn in hell,
my chance is here with your lost kind,
from the start you've had not much time,
not one to run i'll bare this world,
i am so strong your life is gone,

Got what you get i can see that,
life calls to me and paints grim death,
what we live in i do not know,
i'm not a god but i think so,
you've had your chance used to have hope,
lost now in hell feel your life fall,
not one to run i'll bare this world,
i am so strong your life is gone,
no time for weak you are a sheep,
can not get help no hope for you,
now i tell you your chance is gone,
time for you too, i'll burn in hell,
my chance is here with your lost kind,
from the start you've had not much time,
not one to run i'll bare this world,
i am so strong your life is gone.

Sehr schnelles Lied, und soviel Text in einer Minute zu growlen, dass muss man erstmal schaffen. Da bin ich leider noch weit von entfernt.

Nebelmacht - Knochenkälte

Angst durchzittert meine Lungen
Schwarz ist, was mich eingeeist.
Fest verfroren an die Rippen
Ziehen Risse durch mein Fleisch.

Angst durchzittert meine Lungen
Meine Hände Knochen tasten
Blau mein Körper, starr und morsch
Nur das Eis hält ihn noch aufrecht.

Angst durchzittert meine Lungen
Lähmt das Leben, lähmt den Atem
Eisig brennt das Inhalieren
Säuregleich zerfrisst er alle Muskel.

Angst durchzittert meine Lungen
Klirrend faucht im Leib der Eiswind
Toter Frost in allen Adern
Panisch kreischt das Blut

Angst durchzittert meine Lungen
Führt doch dieser Weg ins Leben
Leben voller Not wartet
Der Tod kann quälender nicht sein.

Angst durchzittert meine Lungen
Zum letzten Hauch holen sie aus

Wieder einmal den absoluten Liebling meiner Playliste gespielt...
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