Was hört ihr denn grade so?

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Anti-Flag - Welcome to 1984

Who would Jesus bomb? Yeah, who would Jesus kill?
The double talk is past surreal
The word of god is now the word of hate
War is peace, and freedom is the police state
Can't you see the writing on the wall?
Democracy lays trampled on the floor...

You better believe that...
Hell yeah I'm confused for sure what I thought was the New Millennium is 1984!
Mr. Orwell from the grave, adding fresh ink to the page
As the unpresident declares an endless war...
Welcome to 1984!

Feels like Nazi Germany, and Hitler on TV,
As the unpresident spews homophobic speech
You say the Allies fought a war to end extremist fascist law
So tell me NOW what the **** are we fighting for?

I just can not take it anymore
Democracy lays trampled on the floor...
Man, isn't freedom great?!?!

Hell yeah I'm confused for sure what I thought was the New Millennium is 1984!
Mr. Orwell from the grave, adding fresh ink to the page
As the unpresident declares an endless war...
Now we've got...
Armies of peace, armed to the teeth, delivering death to make the world a better place
So celebrate the weapons spending, say a toast to Armageddon, raise some hell!
We're headed straight to hell!!!

Hell yeah I'm confused for sure what I thought was the New Millennium is 1984!
Mr. Orwell from the grave, adding fresh ink to the page
As the unpresident declares an endless war...

Welcome to 1984!​
Wtf?! Seit wann sind den Texte hier verboten? o_O Was soll denn so eine Regel bitte für einen Sinn haben? Ein Mod oder Admin kann ihn ja entfernen, wenns ihm nicht passt.

Fernseher - Geräusche
ganz einfach: die rechte gehören dem schreiber und wenn du sie hier posten willst, musst du eine schriftliche erlaubnis haben...
darüber hab ich schonmal mit schare diskutiert, aber hat leider nichts gebracht. :-|

so, und ich verzieh mich wieder...

Burzum - I Heimr Heljar
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