Was hört ihr denn grade so?

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Apocalyptica - Fisheye

Es geht um Aborigines... Und ich hab den Teil über das Familiensystem...

The brother of your father is also your father, as the sister of your mother is also your mother. But the sister of your father is your aunt and the brother of your mother is your uncle.
This also concerns the children. The son/daughter of the brother of your father isn't your cousin but your brother/sister, as the son/daughter of the sister of your mother. But the son/daughter of your aunt is your cousin, like the son/daughter of your uncle...
Deathspell Omega - Carnal Malefactor

Die ersten drei Minuten des Liedes gehören zu den wahrscheinlich schwermütigsten Musikstücken, die ich je gehört habe. Herrlich.
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