Danke für die Arbeit auch von mir.
Den von RoterHase gemeinten Satz habe ich durch langes Suchen in der ESP nicht gefunden (Wollte ihn für mich selbst korregieren).
Dabei sind mir in der DLSTRINGS 4 Stellen aufgefallen, die noch nicht übersetzt sind:
I have warned Jarl Balgruuf about the dragon attack on Helgen as Gerdur asked me to do. I am now free to pursue other goals as I see fit.
After investigating the cave, I found Hadvar inside, wounded. It appears he thinks I am the prisoner he helped rescue from the attack on Helgen. There was a cave-in, and after the dust settled, Ralof was gone. So it seems Hadvar is now the only known survivor of Helgen. I can follow him to Riverwood, or set out on my own from here.
After investigating the cave, I found Ralof inside, wounded. It appears he thinks I am the prisoner he helped rescue from the attack on Helgen. There was a cave-in, and and after the dust settled, Hadvar was gone. So it seems Ralof is now the only known survivor of Helgen. I can follow him to Riverwood, or set out on my own from here.
I have warned Jarl Balgruuf of Whiterun about the dragon attack on Helgen. I am now free to pursue other goals as I see fit.