Vorstellung Reich Parkeep Alpha 04

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Silgrad Tower's Reich Parkeep, Alpha 04 Release

19mb self-extracting 7-zip archive


- Three claims have been finished and merged to the main esp in this archive. One is the home of a Knight in the North Imperial District, one is home to an Orc couple in the Southern I.D., and the last is a guard tower. Several other claims are nearing completion and will be included in the next release. There's still open claims available, which can be perused on our forum board.
- The detailing of the two Imperial districts is nearing completion, and I've begun detailing the area outside them. Here you'll eventually find the Redoran part of town, which will be at least twice as large as the Imperial settlement. (I'm waiting for the house models to be finished)
- As usual, many models have been updated and new ones added.
- There's a little, broken quest in the release revolving around a loveletter which I'm working on.
- Other than that I would like to let the screenshots below explain further. :)


#1: View of the bridge from the South Imp. District, on the road to the cemetary.

#2: Mini-pinetree forest on a mossy cliff. You're welcome to use these pinetrees in your own mods if you want. Also seen in the bottom left is my dandelion flower, which again you're welcome to use.

#3: The bridge is truly enormous, and can be walked on, including the pylons below the main deck. Getting *down* from the pylons might prove fatal though. :p As you can see, the custom models doesn't react the same way to fog as Bethesda's do. I'm not sure why.

#4: Saltrice growing along the river banks below the two Imperial districts - a welcome sight for adventurers longing to get home to Morrowind again. This model is one of many examples of Morrowind flora that would have been much harder to do, and look worse, had it not been for the tremendous work of the team behind Morrowind Visual Pack (Ayse, Lord Gabryael, Qarl, Raptre & Zuldazug).

#5: River bridge view of the main bridge. Most of the time you're in Reich Parkeep it will either be clear or snowing, with the occasional rain and thunderstorm. As it's located much further north than any settlement in Cyrodiil, the sun starts to rise at 4 am.

#6: View from one district to the next.

#6: At present the mod includes 31 custom plant species, most of which come in several varietes. Some of them can be used in other mods, others can't (please see the readme for a full list). Most of them were modelled by me personally during the year our team pre-worked in preparation for this mod. By keeping a selection of plants and other models exclusive to our mod we hope to give players a memorable experience.

#7: The graveyard.
#8: Standing on the middle of the bridge.
#9: View of the river from one of the bridge pylons.
#10: Below the bridge, looking up towards the settlement.

#11: A painter can be found around here, who's depicting the bridge. The easel is a custom model which you're welcome to use in your own mod if you like.

#12: Road to the castle in the North Imp. District.

#13: Entrance to the Dragon Legion barracks (has yet to be modded)

#14: Every shop in our town has it's own sign. Right now the signs doesn't say anything though.

#15: You can take a break on the bridge, and the Baron has provided a complimentary basket of spicy-aromatic black rose petals.

#16: Small cultivations are dotted around the town. Here, one of the townspeople has grown Hackle-lo, ash yam, comberry and scrib cabbage.

#17: Someone turned a parasol into a treehouse, which you can climb up on if you like.

#18: A view from the treehouse. Real ninjas get down by leaping onto the rooftops. :D

#19: One of several parks of Reich Parkeep.


To make a long story short, our team modded a huge part of the Morrowind Province's mainland for The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and our goal is to recreate that area on the new platform. For the last year we've been engaged in pre-work for our upcoming Oblivion mod - and now, the actual work on the Oblivion mod has started, and the pre-work we did has really paid off.

Our area is divided into three regions, called Blacklight, Reich Parkeep and Silgrad Tower. Each region represents a portion of the mainland, each stretching from the border to Skyrim in the west to the coast of the Inner Sea to the east. It may sound strange to some, but after modding for TES3 for the last 3½ years us "oldies" in the team know exactly what we want to do, and hopefully how to go about it. :)

This download is the Alpha 04 release of the Reich Parkeep region of the Silgrad Tower mod. In the near future we'll see releases of the other two regions as well, but those are administrated by others in the team so I can't speak too much about them. If you have any questions you are more than welcome to post a new thread on our forum, found at http://forum.silgrad.com/ .


To install, simply double-click the self-extracting file and locate your Oblivion\Data directory, and extract the files there. The next time you start Oblivion, tick the "Reich_Parkeep.esp". Then travel to Cheydinhal and find the road leading up to the castle. You should see a door standing freely just west of the road up to the castle. Go through it to come to the worldspace the town is located in.

WARNING: The files of this mod take up a lot of space on your harddrive when extracted (119 megabytes). The files that take up most of the space are the custom NIF files, which are all located in one folder ('Meshes\ST-Razorwing'). To uninstall this release, simply delete the following and you have your space back and your game unaffected.
- the Reich_Parkeep.esp from Oblivion\Data
- the folder 'ST-Razorwing' from Oblivion\Data\Meshes


Reich Parkeep is one of three regions of the Morrowind Province's northwestern mainland being modded by the Silgrad Tower team for Oblivion. Our mod is being built from three different directions, and one of these directions originate in a town called Reich Parkeep - which I'm in charge of developing. Did you know that Reich Parkeep is a town based in lore, and that you could actually visit it in The Elder Scrolls I: Arena? It's true, and thanks to fellow team member Rodan we have lists of locations from all the towns in Arena. Characters hidden in the deepest recesses of lore, like Vaniken R'i, stores like the 'Village Accouterments' and 'Elite Gear', bars like the Screaming Helm and Golden Gryffin - we're bringing them all back in our take on Reich Parkeep, which I hope will be a hoot for real veterans of the series.

I'm overjoyed to see that several settlers have begun moving into the town - not that there isn't several good ones left though. For more info on that, please check out the following thread:
Looks quite interesting. Just the texture of the parasols is imo to "clean" :wink:

How did you convert the new objects into nif? has Bethesda already released a nif-converter? :?:
The Nici schrieb:
Sind das MW modelle?! Wie habt ihr das geschaft?^^
Nein, dass sind keine MW Modelle. Das würde ja rechtliche Probleme geben. Die wurden von Hand und nach dem Vorbild der MW Pilze gemacht.

How did you convert the new objects into nif?
Civ4 Exporter. Deshalb gibt es auch keine Kollisionsboxen und man kann durch die neuen Objekte durchlaufen.

klingt gut, kann das einer ins deutsche übersetzen?
Es gibt noch nichts zu übersetzen, außer Namen von Objekten. Außerdem: Warum machst du es nicht selbst?
Reeth_Caldason schrieb:
The Nici schrieb:
Sind das MW modelle?! Wie habt ihr das geschaft?^^
Nein, dass sind keine MW Modelle. Das würde ja rechtliche Probleme geben. Die wurden von Hand und nach dem Vorbild der MW Pilze gemacht.

How did you convert the new objects into nif?
Civ4 Exporter. Deshalb gibt es auch keine Kollisionsboxen und man kann durch die neuen Objekte durchlaufen.

klingt gut, kann das einer ins deutsche übersetzen?
Es gibt noch nichts zu übersetzen, außer Namen von Objekten. Außerdem: Warum machst du es nicht selbst?

weil ich kein englisch kann? sonst würde mich das net stören, aber englische objekte sind net schlimm, ich dachte es gibt quests, dialoge usw.
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