Hi Stefanu,
sorry, but I can't reply to your message on Nexus. I'm very lucky to have found this forum.
Sorry to all german users for the English language.
I have to give to Stefanu and all German users that played with my mods some explanations:
(from Bethesda Forum)
"I will not go into the ban matter. But one thing I feel to have to explain:
I asked that my files were removed from Nexus because, being banned, I would not more have been able to offer help and support to users, neither upload new updates. A mod to be really good, compatible and not create problems for saves (for me player save safety is the more important thing), It should have a constant support and maintenace. Mods that aren't updated, especially if very known and used (all my mods have been more than 250,000 downloads, more than 5,500 endorsements, three on four were entered into Nexus Mods of the Month and they have had many reviews, as Pcgamer and other), with the passage of time and modding/game evolution, they could create problems for less experienced users (there are some "famous" cases that I could write here).
For these reasons, I'll reupload my mods (ERSO, Enhanced Mighty Dragons, Enhanced Enemy AI and Lord of the Dead) in a new space where I can continue to offer all this for free, as in the past two years I have done about every day on Nexus.
I have only need of few time. About two weeks.
(topic: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1471078-erso-mod/)
I'll reupload all my mods about at the half of September, probably in an indipendent blog. If Stefanu is interested to continue the cooperation, for me will be a great pleasure.
I'll write new informations within 12-15 day on Bethesda official forum.
Thanks for attention.
Da ich aufgrund des "bannings" von erkeil keine Antwort auf meine letzte PN bekommen habe, weiß ich natürlich auch nicht mehr als alle anderen... Ich kann nur Vermutungen wiedergeben. Aber meine erste Vermutung wäre, dass er die Mods andernorts zur Verfügung stellen wird - ist einfach so eine Einschätzung nach den paar Nachrichten, die ich mit ihm ausgetauscht habe. ERSO war für ihn fertig und abgeschlossen, er wird es nicht einfach im Orkus verschwinden lassen, wenn sich das irgendwie vermeiden lässt.
Natürlich lasse ich die DV stehen - solange sie stehen gelassen wird. Die wird jetzt dreifach gesichert auf meinem Rechner und ich bin heilfroh, dass es die letztgültige Version ist. Ich weiß nicht, inwiefern das geht, aber ich muss theoretisch (von erkeil aus) die DV nicht ausschließlich auf Nexus anbieten und könnte mir jetzt (auch theoretisch) eine neue Heimat dafür suchen...
Und bitte an alle, die "Enhanced Mighty Dragons" besitzen - könnte mir jemand das Ding zukommen lassen?
Enhanced Enemy AI ist in ERSO bereits eingeschlossen, das brauche ich also nicht.
Schade, schade, schade.
Hi Stefanu,
sorry, but I can't reply to your message on Nexus. I'm very lucky to have found this forum.
Sorry to all german users for the English language.
I have to give to Stefanu and all German users that played with my mods some explanations:
(from Bethesda Forum)
"I will not go into the ban matter. But one thing I feel to have to explain:
I asked that my files were removed from Nexus because, being banned, I would not more have been able to offer help and support to users, neither upload new updates. A mod to be really good, compatible and not create problems for saves (for me player save safety is the more important thing), It should have a constant support and maintenace. Mods that aren't updated, especially if very known and used (all my mods have been more than 250,000 downloads, more than 5,500 endorsements, three on four were entered into Nexus Mods of the Month and they have had many reviews, as Pcgamer and other), with the passage of time and modding/game evolution, they could create problems for less experienced users (there are some "famous" cases that I could write here).
For these reasons, I'll reupload my mods (ERSO, Enhanced Mighty Dragons, Enhanced Enemy AI and Lord of the Dead) in a new space where I can continue to offer all this for free, as in the past two years I have done about every day on Nexus.
I have only need of few time. About two weeks.
(topic: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1471078-erso-mod/)
I'll reupload all my mods about at the half of September, probably in an indipendent blog. If Stefanu is interested to continue the cooperation, for me will be a great pleasure.
I'll write new informations within 12-15 day on Bethesda official forum.
Thanks for attention.