
guys,guys, first it´s topic, not "thema". and second: keep in mind, this is for talking english only, german prohibited. don´t mix ´em up...
I'm lookin forward to tomorow, because an old friend visits me. We didn't meat each other for almost two years now. Because he moved away four years ago.
And I'm so glad that he is able to come here for a at least one day.^^
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Well...now its 2007...and sorry, but I'm a little bit drunk... :-D

But still, I wish you a good start in the new year! ;)

Edit: Ok...I forgot, that I'm Warrior and not Corona... :lol:
I didn't get drunk, actually I've never been drunk bevore. Not that I don't drink at all but I don't exaggerate either8) . I still hope everyone, even those who were drunk;) , had a good start into the new year.

Something else now: Today we started school again and I'm really upset about it. I really enjoyed holidays, but now they're over:cry:
Did everyone start with school today or does someone still have holidays?:huh:
I still got holidays for a week! :D
And I think, I will enjoy it, because after the holidays, there will be some problems, and I'll be in stress... :(

Edit: 200 Posts for the second time :roll:
On Monday, I just got 3 hours at school...that won't be hard...I'll be boring... :roll:
But then on Tuesday it will be hard...
Since I've begin to read Frank Herbert's Dune trilogy in English my English improved very much. But I think I have too less practice due to the fact that I still life in Germany o_O
I haven't really talked english in over a year but I think it wouldn't take to long to get used to it again8), for my writing, I stay in touch with some other internationals that I met in the USA, so we chat from time to time:) I read almost only in english