
Well thats for the people who don't go to school any more, but then it seems like my class doesn't listen to the english teacher (neither do I:lol: )

Edit. Sorry, my post was for Warrior.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
@teneriel: oh, I wish you good luck. Tell us the result, please. :lol:

EDIT too slow! ;)
Sometimes, I'm listening to american radiostations like AFN (American Forces Network), there, you can also learn by hearing to speak it... ;)
And, I watch the films, which I got on DVD in ENglish...so it is a very good help too!
But I think the most important thing in the English language is, like in all other languages too, the grammar...you can hear english radio and watch english films...ok...but with this, you maybe learn what you can say...but you don't learn how to write it correctly... ;)
So for those who still go to school (that includes me too), have a look on your vocabulary and especially on the tenses...there are many mistakes made by using the wrong tense...*speaklikeateacher* :-D
(The tenses will come in my final exams next year in may *frightened* :eek:)
Well, I watch movies in english too (is usually better than the german version:Bad: ), but I also prefer reading in english rather than german8) (strenghtens your spelling too).
Yeah, right. The most films are better in English.
You can also play games in English. I played Morrowind a long time in English, F.E.A.R. and Dark Messiah too. When you turn on subtitles you can even learn some grammar ^^

Edit: Oh, of course I can tell you my results when I get them ;)
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When I saw the english thread a few minutes ago I thought I have to join it;)

After reading a few posts, i was amazed by the english-knowledge some of you have:shock: , when I think of the people in my class (9th grade), I don't think they could write english like that. So I was wondering, where did you learn your english from:huh:

Welcome :lol: How nice to have an additional member in our lines.

Well, I guess most people learn (or have learnt) it in school... I myself have lived in Taiwan and visitet an american school for two years when I was about six, and it gave me quit an advantage in english-lessons since ^^ Though I've got a terrible accent. What's also good to learn is reading. Really improves your writing.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Thanks and by the way, my story isn't much different8) . We went to live in Alabama, USA for one year, so I have southern accent. At first it was strange to hear the english teacher in Switzerland talk british english but slowly I'm getting used to it:lol: . I made 7th grade there and I also attended an english school, so I have an advantage in enlish lessons.

PS: I do a lot of english reading too;)
cednedra: wow, that's pretty nice indeed...
and jush... i kinda envy you. i your english must be almost perfect..

about english media:
i always try playing games in english.. in my opinion the english version of 90% of all video games are better than the german one's. ^^
but concerning movies.. i'd often rather see the german one because i just usually don't want the film to make me think too much. xD
that's pretty stereotypical, i know. but still. ^^
(of course there are exceptions.. i love some movies because they make me think.)
And our test was easy. I think I'll get a 2 at least or better. We'll see.

Oh, we've also got a boy in our class, who lived in America for 3 years. In Texas, I think. But he went to a German school, so he could speak German there ^^
Hey, that is super, thanks for the Info.
I want visite America in a few years. The people there must be very "crazy" and free. I think it's a wunderfull country, I think the "Malboro Contry" was a good advertising for the country ;)
I should know something about America and the USA, because I'll write a Test about it in geography tomorrow...actually...I don't know anything about it...:cry:
Well...I know a very little bit about it, but that's not enough... :(
So I have to learn...

@tpam: You want to visit America? That's cool! :)
I'm not very interested in America. There are lots of countries which i would rather visit. Norway for example.
But it's possible, that America is much better than I think...
Norway is wonderful - a very wild and natural Country. I love it. The rocks and the glaciers, the wild nature and the water... Lovely. It is my favorite country. And there live Trolle, wonderful.
I want to go to Ireland and Scotland...since I saw the movie Braveheart, I just want to see Scotland... :)
This could be a very stupid question, but, does anybody know Braveheart?

And the reason why I want to go to Ireland is a very stupid one...a few years ago, I've played a game, which took place near Ireland...on some of the islands around...and there you had to find out some mysteries...and since then, I want to see Ireland... :lol:
But it's a very beautiful Island! :)
Welcome :lol: How nice to have an additional member in our lines.

Well, I guess most people learn (or have learnt) it in school... I myself have lived in Taiwan and visitet an american school for two years when I was about six, and it gave me quit an advantage in english-lessons since ^^ Though I've got a terrible accent. What's also good to learn is reading. Really improves your writing.

Well CeNedra, did you like it in Taiwan?
In America there were a lot of other internationals, I met people from all over the world. I stood in touch with some of them, including someone from Taiwan8) .
Taiwan itself... well, I don't remember :lol: I know it's beautiful when you get some distance away from the cities, which are too full and too noisy and too dirty.
But I remember traveling to all kinds of places during summer holidays (we had two months of those!) Newseeland, Thailand, Indonesia... just wonderful. Though I wish now I would have been older, for most of it just slipped my memory :?