
This could be a very stupid question, but, does anybody know Braveheart?
Yes I've seen it... it's a very special movie, and I can't see it again. I love this movie because the story is true. But I saw the places in Scotland where the battels took place and the spirit of them all is very presently there.
It's a free land, a very free land. The landscape is very extensive and there a lot of "sheep sheeps" :lol: I love sheeps. The Highlands are very special and my favorit place. The calm there takes my breath away and and I don't want to leave that country. When I went home, I cried a lot of tears.

I visite Ireland in two weeks - I'm very happy about that. :D
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
I'm almost getting jealous ;) I'd love to see Ireland one time, because of it's landscape.
Of course I've seen Braveheart, too (bought the movie). The first time I saw it, I was really impressed - because of the story, and in particular the end, and just the movie itself. And I'm very interested in visiting the country of Scotland. I've been in england yet ... was quite funny. But I'm more interested in Scotland right now. ;)

@CeNedra: Cool, I wonder how it's like to live in Thailand. I'm mainly interested in it because of the martial arts there :oops:
Anyway you seem to speek english quite well, I for myself had only a week in england so one couldn't say that I improved my speaking and spelling by visiting english speaking countries >.> (or foreign countries for a longer time with the need to communicate in english) But I do the best to improve it - including reading books in english, watching films in english and sometimes looking english tv via the internet ^^ I've got to mention that speaking english seems most funny to me - I'm for example a bit lazy in improving my spanish knowledge ... but learning english doesn't seem boring to me at all o_O

EDIT: I almost forgot: I also like to play english games, for example Morrowind. (at the beginning, I actually bought it because of the mass of mods out there made for the english version) In german films I often dislike the syncronisation - the best example I can remember right now is Sin City - and often prefer to look them in english because I like it more. Though in Arthur or Lord of the rings I prefer to see them in german xD (in Lord of the rings because of many of the voices first of all the dwarf's voice, and in King Arthur because of the Voice of the Saxon's warlord (or should I say king :-? Well let's just call him the saxon's leader). It sounds more evil in the german version - at least in my opinion ^^
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I'm for example a bit lazy in improving my spanish knowledge ... but learning english doesn't seem boring to me at all o_O

I don't learn spanish, but we learn french at school. I really liked learning english when we first went to America, but unfortunatly I can't say that to french:?. English lessons are fun, because they're easy but also because no one cares what the teacher says, sometimes it's almost like kindergarten:lol: :lol:.
I'm learning french at school too...and it's sooo boring -.-
But my mother wanted that I should learn french...because if I go on another school after I've finished next year, I would already have it, and there would be no need to learn it first...well...I WILL go further after finishing school...but french is still boring...
I took Latin instead of French. And I'm happy about it.
The lessons are so boring!
Yes, the language is interesting and I really want to learn it, but our teacher is so... stupid.
And next year we'll get another teacher instead of her. Yay!
Oh no...please not! :lol:
The French language hunts me in school...pleaso not even here the same :lol:
Joke...but in a french thread, I think I won't write so many... :-D
Additional to English as foreign language I studied Russian about 5 years at school, but actually I displaced all knowledge about this so that I can't speak even a coherently sentence. :lol:
okay, okay, i can't speak francais for the moment :lol:
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Hm I took latin as my second foreign language, too (spanish is my third), but it's still a bit boring, at least sometimes. Maybe I should mention that it's in this case not addicted by our teacher (ich frage mich grad ob man das Wort in dem Zusammenhang verwenden kann *grübel*). Anyway, since we began with Caesar, it's become more interesting - mainly because of the fact that we're dealing with roman legions, the gauls (Gallier) and the other "barbarian" nations. That makes the theme quite interesting for me ^^
HA! An english thread! How cool is that? Hu?

So... hopefully we dont shush here only germans around ... here I am:
Ryan's the name...
BloodandMud the mod...
you speak english...
so you got a job!

Anyone... who is just here... and has some outern roots... thats your chance to put your accent into a mod... I know... you thought up today you talk horrible english... you are happy not to get shot on international message boards... so let me tell you why it never happened: Nobody cares. And thats why we want you... with your oral skills into BloodandMud the English Version... <-> so here we go: You click on the link in my sig... you take a look at BloodandMud.net.... the chances are 50% that you like what you see... and if.... so IF ... please send me a mail... or PM or hit the drums or press 911 on you keyboard... or do something to get into contact...
Till the end of the week I am in the need of getting an international team together... I got 30 characters... and if get 30 guys and girls I am the luckiest man on that planet... I fight for anyone... if you got foreign roots... you are first picked... why? Because we have so many good and talented german voice actors... and the community is so great that it would be so easy doing this mod with the great community what made it to the mod it became... but an international version is done for an international audience... so I want as much nationalities as I can get. So even someone from Faroer Islands who never spoke never acted and is just happy that he survives... <- I would love to have you into this here... ;)

So hopefully we get some foreigners... guys girls go for! ;)

I don't know about all others but french is obligatory in the part of Switzerland that I live. We start in 4th grade:bong:!!!!!! English lessons start in 7th grade:D

After this year I'll go to college (Gymnasium) which is in a (almost) completly french city:cry: :cry: Good thing is: I can take english lessons there:hah: and some students do talk german:hah:
I regret that I have no more school. And today I am too rotten to develop myself over courses. I'd like learning English by doing.
Or try to speak with people in englishspeaking countrie's about history. This is a very difficult topic and a good training at the same time.^^
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I wrote an English-Test yesterday, which was very easy...because we got no english-lessons for several weeks...so our english teacher gave us a very easy one...but she also said this was a unique test... :lol:
(It won't be so easy again...)
Congrats' :p.
I recon my bloody english will improve very much till I'll arrive in Australia.. As you see, I already try to use slang :p. But I also think that a Australian would laugh if he would read this ;).


Oh, you think they would laugh?
Would you laugh, if an Australian would try to write normal German? I mean, he would just do his best. ;)

/e: Wow! I think, I've never used "would" so many times in just one post about 3 sentences :lol:
Yeeehaa, it almost Christmas. I wish everyone here a beatifull Christmas evening today. And of course some nice presents ;). So MERRY CHRISTMAS to all and don't drink too much^^.
Thank you very much. I wish everybody in this awesome Community a Merry Christmas too and come good into the new year. Don't drink to much!!!

Best regards,