
Ok, that's a good idea...we can play teacher :-D ;)

Do I got a signature now?
Edit: Yes, I do :D
(If yes, it's a very very small one :oops: )
It is a good idea, for such people, who are would educate no longer in that.
Ah... excuse me saying this so bluntly, but if we startet to correct each other's mistakes, there'd be a lot of correcting around here...
But at least you all try, which I think is all it takes. :)
It's just that I've seen some mistakes that really hurt my eyes... ;)
Well, but this doesn't mean, that your English is worse, than the English of those, who still have to go to school... ;)
And...everyone make mistakes...;)

Edit: too slow :lol:
It was Lady, i meant... ;)

@tpam: Please tell us, if you saw these mistakes...i think it would help, if you can see the mistakes you made...you can learn from your mistakes... ;)
(And i love tho word "mistakes" :lol: )
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Reaktionen: 1 Person
Ok... feels kinda wierd to do this ^^

Well, but this doesn't mean, that your English is worse, than the English of those, who still have to go to school... ;)
And...everyone makes mistakes...;)

Edit: too slow :lol:
It was Lady, i meant... ;)

@tpam: Please tell us, if you see these mistakes...i think it would help, if you can see the mistakes you made...you can learn from your mistakes... ;)
(And i love tho word "mistakes" :lol: )

Your English is real good. :) Didn't find much to complain ^^
Except that you should write an 'I' as a captical letter...
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Reaktionen: Warrior
Ok... feels kinda wierd to do this ^^
Your English is real good. :) Didn't find much to complain ^^
Except that you should write an 'I' as a captical letter...

Ah...**** (sorry :oops: )...I even thought about to write "makes mistakes" instead of "make mistake" :lol:

And about the "i"...yes, I know, that it is a capital letter at any time, but sometimes I'm to lazy to make a capital out of it ( ;) ) :oops:

And now, I have to make my English-Homework... :roll:
What a hazard :-D (hazard <--in dem Fall "Zufall")

Your English is real good. :)
But thanks for this! :)
When I saw the english thread a few minutes ago I thought I have to join it;)

After reading a few posts, i was amazed by the english-knowledge some of you have:shock: , when I think of the people in my class (9th grade), I don't think they could write english like that. So I was wondering, where did you learn your english from:huh:
@tpam: You just have to listen, what your English-Teacher every day tries to say to you...he/she doesn't do that just for fun :-D
(Nothing against you! ;) )
And the most people here go for vacations in other countrys and speak it there. Or go from School in other cities (London, or other) and complete there School-lessons.
Right, just listen and you'll learn that. It's the best training you can have. Or read in American or British forums. ;)

Tomorrow I have to write an English test. Should be easy...