
my old english teacher would love this thread.we weren't allowed to speak any german word in her lessons.and she always noticed it,when somebody stopped speaking english and change to german.when too many did it,she became angry an began shouting:lol: :lol: :lol: this lessosn were very funny...but it was also a good practise...when we were in prag this september we had to speak english the most time.before we went there our historyteacher told us."there'll no problem,the most people there speak german"...bull****:) without english we haven't even been able to buy some bread:lol: :lol: :lol:
In all of english lessons, the class have to talk english the whole two hours. Except complicated grammar explanations, which could be discussed in german. But we always try to understand them in english.

I got a girl in my english class , who was a year in america in a host family. And she can perfect english since then. She even talks english with the typical american aczent. It's often a bit hard to understand what she says, because this aczent is not so clear spoken like the english which is teached by the teachers.^^
But its a very good way to practise.^^
thats funny^^...as you said before xou have english LK at your school.i think it's quiet normal to speak english the whole time then..but our english lk:lol: speaks the most time german:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: because the teacher thinks i#ts easier for the pupils:) .we,in the Gk speak less german than they do
we tried already in class 10 to talk as much as possible english. So i think we just get used to it, becaus it's not very dificult for me to talk a longer time in english.
Even, when I was a week in Great Britain, i could have a real conversation with my host family. But think they did not really wanted to talk with us. :)
When we got english lessons in school our teacher tries to talk as many English with us as possible. Every time, she has to say something in english, she say (sorry, I have to say it in German :oops: ) "Immer wenns auf Deutsch kommt, wirds ernst..."
So she really hate it, if we make mistakes... :roll: :lol:

There will be an Englishtest soon...there will be listening- and reading comprehension in it, and it also will be some kind of trainig for our final exams this year, because this will surly be in that exam!

I hope my English was a little bit to understand :lol:
Hm well we've had two teachers now who spoke english with us for most of the time during lessons (one was an american teacher but that shouldn't make a difference). Now we've got a very ... umm ... uncomfortable old teacher who speaks german all the time. Winter holidays are coming and we're still struggling at unit 2 (of 5 or somthin like that). It's quite boring during the lessons but we do our best (yea, really, in this particular case we want to learn - at least a bit). It's somehow stupid for those who'd like to do the english lk afterwards (including me, I think), but we will see how the thing's going to turn out. I hope that I can still do the english lk well, even with that teacher stealing us almost two years of english in school.

EDIT: I could understand you quite well, Warrior :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
wow cool a english thread ^^ whats funny. i hope you can understand my "translator english" :lol: So, the english teacher from me see it not so hard when we speak german but he don't like bulling ;)
My English teacher would also want this one in the lessons English speaks. However, I must admit one thereby learns very well English.

-OMG,irgendwie kann ich gerade nicht so ganz...-
I think this thread is now one to talk and practise english. I hope the mods and admins will change the topic soon.
So, I think no one will offend someone else, if his english is not so good.
I hope this at least ^^

[Edit by Doombringer: Done! ;) ]
Now we just need something to talk about or this thread will contain nothing but spam. I believe British food would be quite an interesting topic, as Britain is said to have some of the worst dishes of the world.

I will start with one piece of advice: If you ever come to Britain, do not eat sausages there! My cousin, who has been to Scotland for six months, told me you can get 40 sausages for 1 Pound. After eating them, I can understand why they are so cheap.
The british food, huh?? I was in Britain with my class for one week. Always three pupil went to one host family. I can't tell of the others but in my host family the food was horrible. Even Chips(pommes) and pizza were bad. And around 50% of the ketchup were water Oo. We could only eat in restaurants, like McDonalds and Pizza Hut.

And fish and chips was the worsed of the food there. I thought it can't be so bad if its so popular there. Big mistake -.-
@ Mephadin:
Oh, that is actual a good joke. I do not like the sausages also, but in Scotland, the breakfast ist wonderfull: There there is for example this roasted black pudding, mhhh, or these toasts with salted butter to the breakfast... mjam mjam…

EDIT: To slowly...

@ Mr.Raggaedeman: uuh, that's bad
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Scottish and British breakfast can be good if there are no mushrooms and no sausages. I was told that mushrooms are actually just as bad as sausages, since the British appearently like to drown them in oil. I can not confirm this because I hate mushrooms.

These are not the only bad things about British food. There is no real bread, just that white bread which is okay when toasted. However, I don't toast bread for every meal and I would like bread you can eat if you don't toast it. Don't get me started about vegetables. The British still have to learn that one can flavour vegetables without disturbing the universe.
Mephadin schrieb:
I was told that mushrooms are actually just as bad as sausages, since the British appearently like to drown them in oil. I can not confirm this because I hate mushrooms.

Oh, that' really funny...
And you are right. .. the bread is not so like in Germany
i heard about a stereotype of britisch people, which sais that britains fry and toast almost everything. And in some cases which i saw, thats true. While i was in London(a great city by the way), I searched for a merchandise shop for metal stuff. But I found a shop where you could fry your food Oo. I thought sime people fry there something like potatos, but there was a man with a fried SNICKERS and another with an APPLE !! Freid fruits and fried choclate?? I don't want to know how this tastes.
I was not in England only in Scotland however if I imagine that, am that

uuh, a terrible presentation
i'm not going so often in other country on trips.............my mother dosen't earn so much money:cry:
but its going better;)
Yet,i visited spain,france,netherlands,praha(tschechien^^):) (i like this word)...but i hope,that i'll be able to visit Las Vegas,Toronto,Cuba and Japan in the future.....probably not all,but at least one:)

Where do you want to go????