
First, sorry for my bad english!
Secound, I think the best country for travell to is Norway. You can fishing, hiking and all these nice Landcapes
and the eat!!:lol:
I think it is when you drive with an other person... my english isn't very well...
I hope you've understand it:-D
oh... Eternus you've got right (is it right so?)
thanks.... I can improve my English in this Thread... it's very nice here:)
hitchhiking=per anhalter fahren

you know: per anhalter durch die galaxie? its hitchhiking through galaxy.
this movie sucks, the old movies are much better.
maybe somone knows them?
May we correct faults?

Well, I love every country, where i have sun and the sea. My favorites are:
-beautiful country
-nice people
-good food

-the sea is made for gods
-I like the food like Chiwaptchichi
-The women are really hot

-A place where still nature exist
-you can do many activities
-It's not to far
-Norwegian women are really hot, too

oh... Eternus you've got right (is it right so?)

You are right and Am I right? ;)

mfg. Anton
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Reaktionen: bauer
you mean: back to topic?
its quite easier, i think?

well then:
go to the bahamas
its really beautiful there
nice girls
good drinks(with connections, because i'm 17 and you get alcohol "first" with 21)
its worth to go there one time
lol, you all dream of alochol, hot girls and beaches. get back in reality: It's war somewhere on the world. Protest and don't dream !

EDIT: Was fürn Mist schreib ich hier eigentlich oO
Of course! I don't know any film, where the book was worse.
It's always the same curse, that producers can't take the whole story from the book to the film, and so they don't take everything (there are things that aren't so important, but some things are very important and the producers don't take it either (like Tom Bombadil in Lotr))

^^ I don't think, that a protest in Germany helps the people in Israel. I like much more, to drive to spain and chill out a bit ;)