
I'm afraid I didn't read the last pages in the last hour, but if it's a serious discussion it's not too bad...;)

And I'm playing english teacher? :blink:
Now, what is Antonio doing all the time? :p

Edit: I see you've all understood the "he/she/it"-thing :D
Righteous, I remember, how the English Teacher of our 6th class annoyed us EVERY SINGLE LESSOn with this. But he was good, after all I remember it for four years now and I'm not going to forget it soon :-D
damn you got me xD

At the moment, I learn my biology-things, because we write a test the day after tomorrow.

It's all in English and very complex! A small example:
It's about the brain and that are the information about the meninges we must learn:
membranes that line the cranium and cover the brain tissues. Infection by either a virus or a bacterium can cause potencially fatal condition meningitis.
Andere Stichworte sind noch: meningitis, forebrain, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, Medulla, cerebral cortex, cranium, visual centre, cerebellum, spine, Mri, grey matter.

And now, somebody should say school isn't difficult - that's just one of 5 pages I must learn xD

EDIT: Oh, you missed me xD Well, I wrote this post and I am really learning^^
bye bye Antonio:bye:

i think america is a wonderful coutry, too.("außer" the politic)

i Think it is never mind hoew many post you write Warrior!