
Oh that's really bad. I have the same problem. I'm in the LK English and our teacher wasn't at school for a month now. And we will write a exam soon. -.-

What will your exam contain?
We'll get only listening- and reading comprehensions to train for our final exams in English, because those both exercises will get the biggest part in the final tests...but as for me, I think reading- and listening comprehensions aren't SO heavy...you just have to read (or/and listen) very carefully, than it'll work... ;)
I think we have to write a letter or something kinda like that. Sounds easy but the topics, which our teacher always choose, aren't very easy. And we have to write atleast 500 words, like always
Oh ... Poor dpom ^^ We have to write such texts too ... :cry: "Why would you use a mobile phone at school?" omfg i always thought, im gonna die because it was sooooo boring ...
Poor tPam's...we always have to write about 150 to 250 words :-D
But the topics are as boring as yours... :roll:

"Edit": Now, we have written our Englishtest and I only can say yeah! :blink:
If THAT could be our final exams, it would be REALLY cool!
And what we did WAS a part of the final exams last year or in 2005....
There were just TWO listening comprehensions and one creative writing exercise...it was just easy... :D =)
I wish you luck, that the exam will be similar. I got some real problems now-.-
I'm was ill, for a whole week and I'm still ill and that makes me even more sick, be cause I just called a friend of mine, and asked him about what we've done.
My weekend is ruined-.-.
English is way not the worst, it could be even one of the easiest.
But math will make some problems.

Pls correckt me ;)
look for my langenscheidts

150 to 250 words? oh, sweet... *laugh loudly...

i´ve done my exam in english (GK). i wrote more than 1000 words.
the topic i choosed was "growing up" and the problems of young people. the second one was a speech of arnold schwarzenegger... (würg!)

well, i think english is not the most difficult language (french is horrible!), but my problem is grammar. so, sorry for mistakes...
Did you ever tried Latin?? No chance for practical traning, but 200 pages of grammar in the beginner- coursebook^^.

I hate it ^^
Well, I'll write an Frenchtest next monday, and if I could choose, I would take Latin...even if it was harder than French...I HATE French...
@Warrior: Maybe you hate french but if you would choose Latin you would hate this, too. In my opinion both languages are horrible. So I do Russian now. This is easy^^.
@Raggaedeman Yes, Latin is horrible. OK I've choiced the mathematical-natural-science way, because Spanish is not my thing and who speaks actually Latin? Nobody! In Latin you must learn 10 forms per noun or verb, in mathematical-naturalsciene way, you must learn terms, but not 10 forms per noun, and thats a great difference!

So we do speak English fowardly and are happy about it!
I great all men an women who are in this beautiful, fantastical and great forum and wish them an happy Easter!
I'm going to hit the Boiling Point.......
why is everything fucking you up when your live is going to be better.
in the meantime my live is mess...

I had my first english lesoons for two month's now, today. And another good news are that the exam will be written sometimes later, so we can learn the "stuff"^^

@Jim Panse: Not only 10 forms per noun^^. I think it were kinda like 30 different forms and types of each noun. And the same with verb's,adverb's and adjektives.^^

@Corona: Actually it's always so. When you think, your live is without any sorrows or problems at the moment, you react on every bad thing very sensible. But if you already have sorrow, problems and so on and then suddenly there is one mre , you think its just another one, and not one that ruins your good mood. This is only my opinion based on my experiences...
In Latin you must learn 10 forms per noun or verb, in mathematical-naturalsciene way, you must learn terms, but not 10 forms per noun, and thats a great difference!

no, actually it is not a great difference. It is nearly the same way, and also in maths/science you have to analyse the given values and to know the terms and formulas which are necessary in order to get correct results.

In Latin you have to analyse the sentence, its structure and the parts of the sentence themselves, like nouns, verbs and adjectives, and then you have to allocate the learned forms to these words in order to get an adequate translation.

neurologically seen, you nearly use the same regions of your brain to perform both of these tasks, there are only a few differences according to the use of your brain's "hard disk space", if you would like to apply this term to neurology.

sometimes I ask myself which is the easier language: English or German ... I would say German, 'cause it's a reflective language in which you can diversify in some rules of the grammar... but actually most non-German-mother-tongue-speakers believe that it is exactly this point which makes German that difficult... hmmm...

and I also ask myself why we have to read that fuc*ing "Brave New World" a second time, as we already have worked through it last year very detailed. That suck's >.<
My mother language is not German and I think German is easier,too. I was very young when Istartet to learn, but i could already speak Russian, my mother language^^. "you learned German very fast": saying all to me, especially my teachers. And now I have to learn Russian again, because I forgot pretty much of it :).
actually, I only know three or four words in Russian ... doswedania (which means goodbye, right?), nesteroviä (or some kind of that, I think it means something like Cheers! or skoal), sojus (which means union, especially the soviet union) and nerushimy (which is the second word of the old soviet anthem, but I have forgotten the meaning)... I have also big difficulties to read the Russian letters...

actually, I prefer the Arabic language and script, mostly because I have started another attempt to learn it lately... but you have to be really addicted to all Arabic stuff like me to be that crazy to learn that language, if you're not a strong-believing muslim after all. but if you are accustomed to read from the right to the left and also such strange letters it surely means a lot of fun. and I would say that Arabic calligraphy is also a high form of art, it can only be compared to Chinese calligraphy in it's grade of completion and beauty.