Release Deadly Reflexes V3

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Deadly Reflex geht in die dritte Runde und diesmal richtig!
Skycaptain hat mit seiner "kleinen" mod das Kampfsystem von Oblivion für die etwas derber Veranlagten ;) erheblich erweitert.
Aber schaut bitte selber nach:

DEADLY REFLEX 3 by Skycaptain



Table of contents:

1. Short Intoduction

2. Full list of features and short descriptions

3. Directions on how to use some of the moves

4. Installation instructions

5. Compatibility, known possible problems and fixes for possible problems

6. Credits


NEW Deadly Reflex 3 aims to change Oblivion´s battles into more challenging, gruesome and realistic experience.

No more doing nothing, these fights are up to YOU to take care of!

This means giving you new moves to choose from, and allowing NPC´s to use them too!

You will flip, bash and dodge and jump, and so will they - if they can!

Every NPC has their own skills, compatible with every other mod, so you will never know what to expect.

Time your blocks right, avoid the blows, land your strikes carefully and see their heads fall. :)




Shield bash:

-Staggers you opponent or knocks him over, fatigues.

-Always knocks down if player is NOT in combat (in sneak too). Bashing common folk angers them and gives you a small bounty.

Power hits:

-three fast strikes can make the enemy to collapse

-powerstrike can knock the enemy over

-better chance for both, if enemy is staggered by shield bash or punch

-spells ALSO have a chance to knock the enemy down (shield bashing doesn´t affect this)

Counter Punch:

-a very quick srike with the hilt of your weapon or open hand

-Basicly same effects as shieldbash has

-a bit lower fatigue effect on enemy

-half the chance to knock the enemy over

-can´t be used outside of combat - it´s quick suprise punch, which belongs in combat and has no purpose outside of it


-a very quick, NON-acrobatic avoidance leap, semi-backwards / backwards

-Requires Agility 50

-possible to dodge South-East, South-West or just South

-can be used to dodge a coming blow when staggered or recoiling

-direction of dodge is mouse movement controlled, and can be emphasized during dodge by continuing turning the mouse.

Forward flip:

-flip forward, over the obstacles, over the enemies

-requires Acrobatics 50

-wearing heavy armor cuirass, it requires Heavy Armor 50


-a chance to cut enemy´s head off with any blade or two handed blunt

-uses rotating left powerattack, so requires Blade or Blunt 50

-chance is calculated EVERY TIME you manage to halve the opponents health,

his health reaching 1/2, 1/4, 1/ of the original.

-works on NPC´s only

Cutting enemies in half:

-a chance to cut the whole enemy in half

-an alternative to decapitation, simply aim waist to to do this instead

-works with blades only, and not with the shortest daggers (for example Vanilla iron dagger)

-uses the rotating left powerattack, so requires Blade 50

-can´t be used against NPC´s wearing Robes or Arena cuirass or similar, wholebody clothing. Just aim the head instead.

-works on NPC´s only

Wrist cut:

-a chance to slice off the opponents wrists, if he´s health is less than half of the original

-happens, if you happen to strike the enemy just when he prepares to counter-punch you (counter-punch from THIS mod)

-instead of dying instantly, the NPC collapses and rises up in shock, whining, unable to think clearly or act

-in this situation, you can always finish him off with decapitation or cut him in half is (if the clothing isn´t an issue)

-bleeding heavily, he will die in 60 seconds

-works on NPC´s only

Special effects:

-decapitation, cutting in half and wrist cut include custom blood effects and sounds

-the victims actually scream in pain, whine, cry, shower blood, bleed, and get all stained in their own blood

Optional action and realism:

Optional 1.

-option to use an esp which drains temporarily your block skill when block key is held down

-this means that you should only press block briefly at just the right time to counter the blow with your full skill

-it´s a whole new fight, you can´t just sit on that block, you have to REACT

-block effectiveness drains little by little to 25% percent in three seconds, but not lower, you get SOME protection anyway

-you get a small bonus to your effectiveness if you are JUST in time

-the skill is restored to full the moment you release the key, you can instantly block again with full effectiveness

Optional 2

-higher weapon damage, affects all physical weapons in game, also mod-added ones

-using higher damage puts more weight on YOUR skills as a player, making the combat more deadly

-goods blocks, dodges and clean hits count more, you can defeat enemies with skill, rather than outlasting them

-also makes armor and weapons a bit more durable, simply to compensate the change

-you can choose between 1.5 * normal damage (similar to OOO, MMM Damage and durability, Frans..), or 2.5 times normal

-I use the 2.5 * damage myself, with FRANOOOMMM, it only changes the damage, so it can be loaded after such big mod



Custom added "skills":

-NPC´s all have 3 special skills, all added in real time by this mod

-this means compatibility with all NPC´s from other mods

-the skills determine:

1. How acrobatic the NPC is; how much he dodges acrobatically, whether he can forward flip, and how much he flips over you.
NPC´s armor affects this greatly, the lighter the armor, the higher the chance the NPC can use acrobatis well.

2. How skillfull dodger the NPC is. So there can be non-acrobatic master dodgers, or non-dodging master acrobats.

3. How much the NPC shield bashes you or punches you

-All skills CAN be zero, but they have an upper limit

-Combined with the NPC moves, there´s huge amount of different NPC play styles, so you´ll never know your enemy´s strengths



-NPC´s can dodge your attacks

-this means especially melee attacs, but they have a smaller chance to dodge spells and arrows as well

-Note that NPC´s don´t know what spell is coming, so they may react when you just heal yourself

-as described, the their "skills" play a big role in this

-they can mix and match acrobatics and "normal" dodges, or use heavily either one, and dodge much, or dodge less.

Recovery dodging:

-NPC´s will try to brake free from staggers, by dodging, to avoid possible hits

-Their dodging skill affects how often they succeed in this

Flipping or jumping over obstacles:

-NPC´s can flip forward now too, or jump normally if not acrobatic enough

-they will use these skills to follow you over walls, beds, barrels, ledges, rocks, as they can identify an obstacle

-acrobatic NPC´s may sometimes use the flip to flip over you, getting behind you by supprise

Counter punch and shield bash:

-NPC´s can shield bash you, or if without a shield, counter punch you

-this is TOTALLY spontanious from them

-staggers and has a chance to knock YOU over

-once again, their specific skill determines how much they use this

-punching NPC gathers his hands close to his chest just before the strike, this is the window for your wristcut

3. Some basic directions on new player moves


-use by pressing the FlipKey you choosed when starting using this mod

-turning left while pressing the Flipkey once makes you dodge South-East

-turning right while pressing the Flipkey once makes you dodge South-West

-NOT turning and pressing the Flipkey, or pressing Flip + Backwards makes you dodge South

-While the dodge is fast, you can GUIDE IT DURING THE DODGE by turning the mouse

-For example, if you dodge South-East, and continue turning left while dodging, you end up moving more East than South.

-You can´t dodge fully against a wall, as my collision detection has to play it safe

-Dodging is most effective when

1. Enemy has short weapon

2. Enemy is already striking at you

3. Enemy has a slow weapon

-Pressing FORWARD + FLIP makes you Flip Forward



-in 2 seconds after you have reduced the enemy´s health to half from what it first was, a chance is calculated

-it´s possible that your next ROTATING LEFT POWERATTACK can decapitate the enemy or cut him in half

-there is no message to you about this, so IT`S RECOMMENDED TO JUST PLAY NORMALLY.

-Every time the enemy´s health reaches milestone like 1/2 health, 1/4 health etc, a new chance is calculated

-when you DO get lucky, the time slows down in your eyes DURING the rotation (for 2s or so), and you hear your heart pumping

-this is the moment to make a desicion: aim head (really aim high) or aim waist (not chest).

-if your hit connects, your aiming decides whether you cut him in half or decapitate him

-if you miss your chance, you wont get another one against that enemy

-you can miss your chance by strike not connecting, or by trying to cut Robes user in half, for example, or by false aiming.

-this is a special effect, and so it´s meant to be fairly rare.

-using your chances effectively, you can decapitate every 10th or 20th enemy, however it depends on many things



-this will probably happen more by an accident, it doesn´t require anything special

-it´s simply an unfortunate (for the NPC) incident of battle, as he tries to counter-punch, but loses his wrist

-it happens if you hit him just when he has his hands together, to his body, just before punching.

-requires that the NPC´s health is less than half of the original

-100% chance to decapite/cut in half is added when this happens, provided you got the skill


Think before you act, don´t try to do 5 things at the same time. Rhytmic, purposeful moves are much more efficient. ;)

Also note that unlike shieldbash, punch can´t be initiated if you are blocking.



First, extract the zip package to Oblivion\Data folder. Say yes to everything.

Then, activate ONE or TWO of the four esp´s.

Differencies in esp´s:

DeadlyReflex 3 - Combat Moves.esp:

Includes all but the optional features. The main esp of this mod. Should be loaded last, of any other mod.

DeadlyReflex 3 - Timed Block + Very High Damage.esp

Use if you want to time your blocks and use 2.5 times normal weapon damage. Should be loaded after any mod that might also
change damage.

Deadly Reflex 3 - Timed Block + Higher Damage.esp

Use if you you want to time your blocks and use 1.5 times normal damage. Should be loaded after any mod that might also
change damage.

Deadly Reflex 3 - Timed Block no other changes.esp

Use if you want to time your blocks, but want to let some other mod handle the damage changes, or want to use normal damage.



When the game starts, you are being asked for Bash key (shield bash and punch) and Flipkey (Dodge and Flip).

Just close the first message and press the key want to use as a bashkey.

A new message appears, close it and press the key you want to use as a flipkey.

Make sure those keys are free, or free them afterwards in the Options.

You will be added a SPELL, which you can cast to get to choose the keys again.

5. Compatibility, known possible problems and possible fixes


-This mod should be compatible with basicly anything.

-Other combat moves mods are a question mark, only way to know is to test. As long as they don´t add new moves for the NPC´s,

it´s probably fine.

-this mod overrides bullet time mod at certain circumstances

-Spell knockdown and NPC spell dodging should work with FlyFightFleas Hotkey casting mod

-LOAD THIS MOD LAST. It doesn´t hurt other mods, but other mods have sometimes hurt it.

Fixes and possible problems

-Wrist-cut NPC´s can whine a couple of seconds after you finish them off, as I can´t stop a sound from playing before it ends

-When aiming decapitation, aim as high as possible to decapitate, and at enemy belt when trying to cut him in half

-obstacle detection for NPC´s simply can´t tell other NPC from a rock, so they sometimes flip or jump for nothing

-collision detection had to be selfmade, and it works pretty well. Sometimes, when the ceiling or wall is uneven, it
may fail, but this should happen pretty rarely.

-*this has never happened*, but should you get stuck in slow motion, pressing ESC clears it

-*this has never happened*, but should your shield bash of flip stop working or something like that, use the Keyconfig spell
to "reset" the mod.






HAVE FUN!!! -Skycaptain :)

Bevor jetzt Beschwerden kommen, weil ich das Teil nicht direkt verlinke, dann nur aus dem Grund, weil es nicht unbedingt Jugendfreie Inhalte enthält.
Schaut mal bei Tessource vobei!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
werd ich mir gleich mal anschauen .... da bekommen die Arenakämpfe gleich etwas mehr von der blutigen Atmosphäre die sie eigentlich haben sollten.
ähh....nicht jugendfrei, also entweder mein englisch ist grausam...das ist es zwar aber so nun auch wieder nicht....oder ich habe den text nur überflogen, dieser mod fügt neue moves und was ist daran ncicht jugendfrei??:huh:

Edit: ich zieh mir den mal....dann sehen wir mal
auf englisch steht da unter anderem decapitation ... heißt soviel wie enthauptung, und man kann NPCs auch in der Mitte "teilen".... nicht gerade jungendfrei
....äh find den download nicht, wo isser denn?

naja, ich schau mal...hab jetzt erst gelesen, dass die mod extra nicht verlinkt ist :)
So,hab mal ne kurze Frage:
Ist das ding auch mit der DV kompatibel?

Und bevor jetzt irgendjemand wegen meinem alter meckert,sollte er sich doch mal bitte die spiele in meiner sig angucken...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
hm, ich habs mir gezogen, aber das mit dem tastezuweisen klappt nicht..... und in den kämpfen merk ich auch nichts (hab die DV). muss mal auf fehlersuche gehen und gucken, ob ich was falsch mache oder es ist nicht mit der DV kompatibel....

Schon jemand erste Erfahrungen?
Sollte mit der DV kompatibel.
Das einzige Prob das war, das diverse Körperflüssigkeiten von oben kamen und nicht von da wo man sie erwarten sollte.

@Advo13: Es sind athletische und kämpferische Fähigkeiten nötig und es besteht auch nur eine gewisse Chance das es passiert.

Ist übrigens schon ein Bugfix draussen!

Edit: Falls ihr einen der ersten beiden benutzt habt macht einen "cleansave" sprich: alte entfernen - Schnellreisen - abspeichern - neue Version drauf - abspeichern!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ja aber klappt denn bei Dir die Tastenzuweisung? Bei mir poppt das Fenster auf mit der Beschreibung ("Schließ das Fenster und drück dann eine Taste usw."), das mache ich auch, aber dann passiert nichts mehr, d.h. ich kann weder die Bashtaste noch die Fliptaste belegen....

Was mache ich falsch? In den Kommentaren auf tessource haben auch andere wohl das Problem.... :(
Ja absolut problemlos und funktioniert auch alles bestens.
Du wirst aufgefordert nach dem "ok" klicken eine Taste auszusuchen für den bash und danach für die flips
Hat denn jemand ne Idee, woran es liegen könnte, dass die mod bei mir wirkungslos bleibt bzw. noch nicht mal die tastenzuweisung klappt?

Was kann man da machen - kann man da überhauot was machen? ist zum Heulen, eine so coole mod und dann funzt die nicht, buhu :cry: ....
Du hast Obse installiert ?
Am einfachsten merkst du, ob es funzt, wenn du deine bash-taste drückst und dein Char dann entweder mit dem Schild zuschlägt oder ohne Schild eine Stossbewegung macht
genau das klappt eben leider nicht und der rest auch nicht - irgendwas läuft da schon am anfang falsch, aber ich weiss nicht was :huh:
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