Projekt Ancient Towers DV

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Also, Friedolin2 übernimmt den Rest der Übersetzung.
Dann kann ich mich weiter um meine Modarbeit und die Camonna Tong kümmern =) Danke.
Wenn ich morgen Mittag fleißig weiterarbeite kann es sein, dass ich am Abend mit der Dv fertig bin. Gibt es eigentlich eine Erlaubnis vom Autor?
So habe bereits alles fertig übersetzt, muss nur noch einmal alles kontrollieren, ob es keine rechtschreibfehler gibt. wollte schon am we die dv veröffentlichen, war wegen krankheit nicht in der lage. muss jetzt nur noch schauen wieso die skripte im spiel noch auf englisch sind. Kennt vllt jemand eine seite, mit allen zutaten auf englisch mit der deutschen bedeutung?

mfG Friedolin2
So habe jetzt einige Fehler korrigiert und bin dabei auf ein Buch gestoßen, dass dringend übersetzt werden muss, doch mir fehlt die Zeit dafür. Habe morgen Französisch KA und am Donnerstag Chemie. Daher wollte ich fragen, ob jemand diesen Text übersetzen könnte.

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<DIV align="center">Geisteswissentschaften<br>
Kapitel 1<br>
Die Aufbereitung<br>einer Leiche<br></div>
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<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=69 height=62>hile the Arts of Necromancy are only illegal in the province of Morrowind, few citizens of the Empire have an enlightened view of our Art. Thus, the acquisition of corpses on which to experiment is often difficult.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=51 height=61>n Cyrodiil, a few Necromancers who have served the Empire are given the corpses of criminals and traitors to use legally. This provides those who have acquired such a post with a fresh supply of corpses, most of them young, strong, and intact.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=51 height=61>n Morrowind, the outlawing of Necromancy would make its practice impossible were it not for the fortunate institution of slavery. While the Temple will investigate obvious signs of Necromancy such as hastily emptied graves or ash stolen from one of their ashpits, a careful and discrete Necromancer can thrive in Morrowind by taking slaves at a modest rate. Most will assume the slave escaped or died in the Ashlands.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=59 height=61>inding suitable corpses in Black Marsh is nearly impossible due to their rapid decay. There are also diseases, Argonian tribesmen, and other difficulties that must be dealt with. I know of only a few Sload Necromancers who operate successfully in Black Marsh, and even they stay near the coast.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=69 height=62>hile the forests of Elsweyr pose some of the same problems as those of Black Marsh, the deserts preserve corpses for hundreds of years in a way that requires very little preparation. Khajiit of the desert tribes are often buried with only a small cairn of stones which are easy to find and uncover. The Khajiit show remarkably enlightened indifference to graves being uncovered. It is said that in the port of Senchal, one may purchase anything one desires. This is true if you desire fresh corpses.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=69 height=62>hile few Bosmer perform Arkay's rituals when burying the dead, the more primitive Bosmer still practice cannibalism upon their enemies, which reduces the number of available corpses. As would be expected from such a backwards people, they have an intolerance of Necromancy that goes beyond all reason. Many Necromancers who practice our Arts in Valenwood become "one with the trees" themselves.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=61 height=62>ummerset Isle is even worse in some ways. Some Altmer born into the most respected noble and scholarly families are actually allowed to study the dead in the open. Their research, however, seems to be centered on finding ways to extend their lives even further rather than the more practical uses of our Art. A Necromancer of any other race caught in Summerset Isle can expect the worst possible punishments.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=51 height=61>n Hammerfell, where worship of Arkay is strongest, the dead are almost always subject to Arkay's Law. There are exceptions after large battles or in remote areas where death occurs far from meddlesome priests. Fortunately, the dangerous terrain and creatures in the deserts and mountains of Hammerfell makes the acquisition of corpses possible, though they are often in poor condition and require special care in preparation.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=51 height=61>he newly formed Orsinium presents a unique opportunity. As you know, Orc corpses are among the most sought after for the durability of their skin and the strength of their bones. If King Gortwog will listen to reason, we could offer the services of our Art in defense of his young nation in exchange for disposing of the Orcish dead. A mutually beneficial arrangement as I'm sure the Orcs will agree. To this end, a delegation has been sent to Orsinium, though we have not yet heard any word on the state of these negotiations.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=51 height=61>n my native High Rock, traditions dating back to the witch kings and nomadic horsemen mandate cremation of the dead. This is practiced almost without exception in the north, through an Imperial burial in a tomb or city cemetery is more common in the south. There are still many corpses easily taken from the battlefields of the War of Betony and the lawless times that followed. There are even rumors that King Gothryd of Daggerfall may institute the Imperial practice of donating the corpses of criminals for Necromantic study as a deterrent to the bandits and pirates that still threaten the Iliac Bay.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=51 height=61>n Skyrim, the cold weather and isolated terrain allow a few Necromancers to operate freely. Alas, the availability of corpses is limited to Nords who die from exposure or in battle. While the cold is preservative, the snow makes these corpses difficult to find. More research dedicated to the magical detection of corpses would be invaluable to the Necromancers of Skyrim.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=51 height=61>he Sload are the most famous Necromancers, but little is known of their native Thras. In Tamriel, Sload only practice Necromancy on other races. It is uncertain whether this is true in Thras as well. If so, it would explain the number of slaves that are purchased in Tear by Sload merchants and the rumors of Sload airships carrying corpses from Senchal.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=51 height=61>hese difficulties lead many Necromancers to create their own corpses. While I prefer to work with those who have died a natural death, a more expedient approach is sometimes necessary to further the study of the Art.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=69 height=62>hile the Arts of Necromancy can be practiced on animals, such experiments rarely produce interesting results. The servant's ability to follow directions seems to be related to the subject's intelligence in life. While raising the corpse of a man, elf, or beastman can produce a useful servant, the corpses of animals produce mere guard dogs at best. Often a raised animal is unable to distinguish its master from the rest of the living and many amateur practitioners have been torn apart by the animal servants they created. Let such stories be a lesson to you.<br>
<DIV align="center">Chapter Two<br>
The Skeletal Corpse</div><br>
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<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=69 height=62>hen raising a skeleton servant, it is most important that the body of the skeleton be complete. If the skeleton is missing crucial bones, the results can be frustrating. One should only attempt to raise skeletons when you are sure that all or nearly all the bones are present.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=69 height=62>hile the magic involved in raising a skeleton will assemble the bones in the proper order, skeletons may be strengthened considerably by the addition of support on their joints. The most common are leather straps that bind the bones together more tightly. Some practitioners also drive metal spikes are between the joints, which is more expensive and time consuming, but they protect the servant where it is weakest. The details of this are unimportant as even an amateur can strengthen a skeleton significantly. Only practice will reveal the best methods of binding and reinforcing the skeletal servant. Amateurs often make the mistake of binding the bones too tightly, limiting the skeleton's movements and making it useless. Again, only practice can give the necessary experience in these matters, though it is best to err towards tight bindings. One may always loosen them at a later date.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=69 height=62>ne more note to the student: While most undead can be raised again and again, skeletons are often damaged in ways that make raising them again impossible. This is another reason that care should be given to the skeleton's preparation. Too many young Necromancers raise every skeleton they see with little or no preparation at all. Given the difficulty of obtaining corpses, this kind of inefficiency cannot be tolerated.<br>
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<DIV align="center">Chapter Three<br>
The Fresh Corpse</div><br>
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<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=59 height=61>resh and decayed corpses are those that still have flesh upon them. If their decay is advanced, or if you wish a skeletal servant instead, place the corpse along a coast or in a swamp or marsh. Animals are the Necromancer's greatest allies when it comes to stripping the flesh from a corpse. The ravenous mudcrabs of Morrowind can strip a corpse down to its bones in a matter of days. Lesser crabs in other provinces can do the same in a matter of weeks.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=51 height=61>f you wish to create a zombie servant, one need only bring the corpse to a suitable site and enact the proper rituals. However, there are a few tips that a young Necromancer might want to know. For instance, a decayed servant may be raised many times, even if they have been dismembered by those who do not appreciate our Art. If one of your servants comes to an unfortunate end, you may raise the servant again by carefully gathering as many parts as you can find, binding the bones with leather straps, and sewing the flesh (if it not too decayed) with catgut. Your servant may be weaker each time this is done, but with care and maintenance, one may raise zombies dozens of times.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=62 height=62>owever, creating a mere zombie is a method best left to lazy or desperate practitioners. With only a bit more time and effort, one may create a far more useful mummified servant.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=51 height=61>he first step to creating a mummified servant is to soak the decaying corpse in a bath of salt or natron for at least one month. This will halt the decay of the corpse, and if the corpse is fresh enough to have an unpleasant odor, the salts will remove that as well. In a moist climate, such as Argonian or Thras, you may have to apply more salts if they become saturated. Some Necromancers remove the vital organs before or after this process, but I have never found any practical reason for doing this.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=51 height=61>he next step is to wrap the servant in cloth or linen. This will further preserve the body against decay and, if done properly, will offer some protection as well. Do not worry if the corpse seems too stiff or desiccated to be a useful servant, the proper rituals will imbue the mummified corpse with the strength to move itself. Most importantly, you will have a much stronger servant who will follow your commands with more independence and understanding.<br></div>
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<DIV align="center">Chapter Four<br>
The Necromantic Altar<br></div>
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<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=51 height=61>he Altar can be used to create black soul gems of incredible evil power. The secrets of this altar can be used by anyone who knows the proper steps involved in its use.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=62 height=62>ou must first acquire an empty Grand Soul Gem and place it into the altar. Next, by magical means, cast a Soul Trap Spell on the altar. This will transmogrified the Grand Soul Gem into an empty Black Soul Gem, ready to capture the souls of your defeated humanoid foes.<br>
So jetzt hab ich mich extra hierfür angemeldet, also hoffe das es hilft ;)
Der Text den du zu übersetzten brauchst kam mir bekannt vor, da hab ich einfach mal ein bissen "gegoogelt" und hab das hier gefunden:
Das Buch "Geisteswissentschaften" das du hast ist eine Zusammenfassung der 3 Bücher die es in Oblivion bereits gibt (und auserdem falsch geschrieben; ein "t" ist da zuviel drinnen).
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Reaktionen: Friedolin2
So. Übersetzung wurde kontrolliert, keine Fehler entdeckt, außer das die messages der scripte auf englisch angezeigt werden obwohl diese übersetzt worden sind. Werde versuchen das Problem zu lösen. Für Lösungsvorschläge bin ich offen. Dann mache ich den Release Thread.

mfG Friedolin2
Hast du mit dem Translator von tecra übersetzt? Wenn ja, dann musst die Scripts nach dem Übersetzen noch per Hand im CS nachkompilieren.
Wie genau das geht, steht auch hier noch mal näher erläutert :)
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Reaktionen: Friedolin2
Danke ich werde es mir gleich mal anschauen.

Ach noch eine Frage: Was heißt nachkompilieren:oops:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Das PlugIn im CS laden und dann die übersetzten Scripts nochmal kompilieren - also im ScriptEditor bei den entsprechenden Scripts auf 'speichern' klicken;)

edit: Hui, schon 3.000 Beiträge oO
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Reaktionen: Friedolin2
Achso cool, danke. Etwas Neues dazu gelernt:-D

So jetzt mache ich das schnell und dann kümmere ich mich um den Release Thread^^
So. Übersetzung wurde kontrolliert, keine Fehler entdeckt, außer das die messages der scripte auf englisch angezeigt werden obwohl diese übersetzt worden sind. Werde versuchen das Problem zu lösen. Für Lösungsvorschläge bin ich offen. Dann mache ich den Release Thread.

hast du die scripte nur mit dem modtranslator übersetzt? dann musst du die scripte nämlich nochmal neu "kompilieren", also jedes einzelne (übersetzte) script nochmal mit dem CS öffnen und wieder speichern.

(in der esp-datei werden die scripte alle doppelt abgespeichert: einmal im klartext, der auch vom translator und im script-editor angezeigt wird, und einmal als "ausführbarer code", der dann letztendlich ingame verwendet wird. beim speichern des scriptes übersetzt das CS den klartext in den "ausführbaren code")

edit: ups, zu langsam, und die letzte seite nicht gesehen... :pfeif:
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