Release Requiem - Der Oldschool Rollenspiel-Overhaul (Eng) (WIP)

Was mir noch aufgefallen ist. Vor dem neuesten Patch von Skyrim (und dann habe ich ja auch requiem nachgepatcht) war es so, dass, wenn ich deine Mod aufspielte, die Anfangszauber Feuer und Heilung nicht erschienen, jetzt sind sie wieder da. Ich fand das gar nicht schlecht.
Ist es eigentlich so, dass man einen Malus im Zaubern bekommt, wenn man eine schwere Rüstung trägt? Wenn ja, dann Frage ignorieren. Fände das jedenfalls schön oldschool... :) Eventuell könnte man diesen dann durch Training ausgleichen.
Kann man, es gibt die entsprechenden Perks bei schwere Rüstung (linke Reihe).

Es bleibt zwar glaub ich noch ein Malus zurück, der hält sich aber in Grenzen. Sonst wäre es zu inba.
Wieso gibts keinen Download with NMM-Button mehr auf Nexus? =/
€: Okay, funktioniert manuell genau so. Hatte da nur mit einigen Mods mal Probleme, deshalb dacht ich, das wär bei allen so.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hallo Xarrian super Mod !!!
Bitte auch auf Deutsch erstellen es gibt bestimmt viele die sehnsüchtig darauf warten so wie ich.
Danke! :)

Glaube mir, ich programmiere mir die Finger täglich wund, damit der Mod bis zum Ende des Jahres als Version 1.0 erscheinen kann! Dann dürfte auch endliche eine Übersetzung in greifbare Nähe kommen! ;)

Bei den ganzen Text sicher 1-2 Monate später ;)
Ist ja ne Menge zu übersetzten alleine in der ESP. Was noch in dem Rest steckt wage ich nicht einzuschätzen.
Mir gefällt die Requiem-Mod ausserordentlich gut, endlich kein "Kindergarten" Feeling mehr bei Skyrim!

Der Thread auf Skyrim Nexus ist völlig überlaufen, daher habe ich mich mal hier registriert! ;)

Ich hätte direkt mal eine Frage an euch: Wo bekomme ich Skillbücher für das Schmieden von Zwergen- und Elfenrüstungen her? Mein Schmiedeskill liegt bei 27, die beiden erfordern ja einen Skill von 25, nur mir fehlen eben die Bücher um da Punkte reinsetzen zu können...

Achja, und ein grosses Lob an Xarrian für die Mod!!!

EDIT: Das mit den Büchern hat sich erledigt... Aber eine andere Frage zu den Skillbüchern: Bieten diese auch einen "Boost" des Perks, wenn man sie im Inventar hat? Ich meine die Bücher, die den Perk im Anfangstitel tragen, z.B. (Smithing) Buchtitel X. Weil ich habe da keinen Effekt bemerkt.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Soweit ich weiß, nur ausgewählte, nachdem man sie gelesen hat wie im Orginalspiel. Belehrt mich eines besseren, habe nicht alle Changelogs gelesen, um mir die Spannung nicht zu nehmen :)
Ich glaube die Bücher erhöhen den Skill nur ein wenig, hab mir die Mod-Beschreibung nochmal richtig durchgelesen. Es wäre da schön, wenn man den Progress-Balken kurz sehen würde, damit man merkt das sich da was getan hat. Beim nächsten Skillbuch das ich finde werde ich das mal beobachten, am Progressbalken des Skills muss sich ja dann was verändern.

Die Mod ist für mich mit Abstand die beste Skyrim-Mod, man muss sich wirklich bemühen und taktisch denken, sonst ist man chancenlos! Mit den anderen Mods die ich draufhabe funktioniert das Ganze auch einwandfrei, so sollte es sein! Auf Begleiter muss man nun mehr achtgeben, die sind schneller tot als man gucken kann, da die teilweise nicht gerade intelligent handeln (hab die UFO-Mod drauf, und laufe im Moment mit Lydia und Faendal durch Skyrim).

EDIT: Ja, die Skillbücher erhöhen den Skill ein wenig, man bekommt es halt nur nicht direkt mit, es sei denn, der Level des Skills erhöht sich dadurch.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Nun denn, Version 0.9974 ist draußen! Hier ist der Changelog (ab Version 0.995) - Und anbei sei angemerkt, ich entschuldige mich im Voraus für die nun folgende Textwand! :p

Changes in 0.9974

- Added a major, but still lorefriendly easter egg I am quite happy to announce:

A somewhat hidden cave has been added to the path behind the Greybeard Monastery that leads further up to Mount Hrothgar, where a secluded, but mad greybeard hermit resides.

To those who know Monty Python, especially John Cleese: You'll love it! For all others: The one you find obviously is a Sheogorath worshipper! :p

Some clarification: I am quite a fan of John Cleese's work, and in a video I just found a few days ago, he claimed that he'd like to be a Greybeard in Skyrim. Now I had to do something about that! (Here's the video, for all those who are interested: - it's at the minute 3:20 and on!)

- Added a few Wait functions to the script that should give you three free perk points at the start - this might fix the problem that some people do not receive it even if the script fires correctly (it seems to be an issue with the function not working properly on all systems for whatever reason, if this does not help, I'll try some more complex workarounds)
With the new tweaks, you'll receive the perks about 20 seconds after starting!

- Added two new spells: Terminate Undead (Rank I + II) - Restoration, 25, 50, achieved with the related perks. They deal extreme damage to undead things.

- Named Dragonpriests and some other very strong bosses are now immune to most illusion spells, even with the Domination perk

- The Artifact "Oghma Infinium" now also grants 5 perk points upon reading it

- Some Dragonpriest masks are now considered clothing

- Removed some more hostile encounters close to large towns and some villages

- Armor made mainly of fur and leather can now be broken down into Leather at a tanning rack (Of course, they are toggable with the No Clutter Recipes Option!)

- Werewolves now gain a 75% poison resistance

- Edited the rewards of some quests

- Sinding now correctly gains all benefits from being a werewolf

- Exchanged the armor ratings and prices of scale Armor and Elven Armor (this decision is lore based)

- Exchanged the armor ratings and prices of Dwarven Armor and Steel Plate Armor (this decision is lore based)

- Steel Plate Armor now is made craftable by the perk "Advanced Blacksmithing"

- The Perk "Blacksmithing Lore" has been renamed to Orcish Smithing and has been swapped with Dwarven Smithing to their original positions.

- Removed all Light related changes again

- Increased the power of the Archmage Robes greatly

- Increased the sound running causes by 50%

- Increased the cost of the spells Light (Rank I) and Fear (Rank I), as well as some other Fear and Harmony spells greatly

- Increased the damage of the spell "Arcane Missile" by 50%

- Increased the weight of Guard Armor to be more like that of Iron Armor

- Increased the Weight of Daedric Armor and Weapons by up to 50%

- Decreased the cost of the spell "Arcane Volley" by 50%

- Decreased the perception of NPCs slightly more

- Decreased the damage Ghosts take from normal arrows and bolts greatly

- Decreased the duration of most Fear and Harmony spells greatly

- Decreased the damage bonus some destruction perks grant to a level that's comparable to that of the increased weapon damage perks

- Decreased the amount of valuable items most viallagers, civilians etc. carry on their person greatly

- The Shout become Ethereal now lasts much shorter and has a longer cooldown

- Fixed some spelling mistakes

- Fixed some item descriptions

- Fixed some keyword association bugs with Dragonpriest masks

- Fixed a problem that caused Strange Meat to drop from things that were not supposed to when playing as a Wood Elf

- Fixed a problem with some Ghosts at Rannveig's Fast not getting the proper keywords

- Fixed a bug that allowed the spell lightning jolt to be cast through walls by NPCs

- Fixed some minor bugs related to loot lists

Added Options:

° Follower Carry Weight Bonus (Increases the carry weight of followers by an additional 100 points)

Consol Command:

Set AA000XarrianFollowerCarryBonusControl to 1 (0 disables it again)

Changes in 0.9973

- You can no longer craft your own lockpicks at a forge with the Perk "Self-Sufficient", but you can at a smelter. (This is meant to prevent skill gain exploits, as reports have stated it seems to be just like that)

- The Bandit Boss in Duskglow Crevice is now considered a small Mini-Boss, being elevated to being the tiwn brother of Halvar the Drunk - Halvar the Other!

- The spell Arcane ward (Rank II) is now able to sometimes reflect spells (30%) that do not break it. They are then shot in the direction the caster is facing, so aiming is still necessary!

- The spell Arcane ward (Rank III) is now able to also reflect spells that do not break it. They are then shot in the direction the caster is facing, so aiming is still necessary!

- Added a new perk: Reflective Wards (Restoration, 100) - It doubles the damage reflected spells deal.

- Every character now receives 3 perks to spend from the start on (These are handed out retroactively, so even if you do not start all over again, you get these! ;)

- Removed the effect bonuses from all affected shouts that were based on how often the player shouted and tweaked them some more to compensate it by default.

- Removed some hostile encounters around towns and villages (If there still remain some spawns that just are too annoying, feel free to inform me! :)

- Fleshed out the Standing Stone messages.

- Increased the rewards from certain Bounty quests, somewhat according to their challenge

- Decreased NPC detection rates even more

- Fixed some spelling mistakes

- Fixed some minor bugs

Changes in 0.9972

- Spell costs are now much less affected by your skill. With a skill of 100, they were lowered to 65%, now, it is only 90%.

- The main perks to decrease spell cost now do not decrease your spell cost by 50%, but by 80%.

- These two changes will make spells much more expensive for those without the perks, but those who have them can actually cast them with a slightly reduced cost compared to what it costs now.

- A new perk with no "Normal" requirements in the restoration tree:

° Painful Regrets: The character can still gain a Cure (Disease, Poison, temp. magic effects) at all shrines despite any crimes as long as they do not stress the new limit of a total lifetime bounty of 6000 Gold, 20 stolen items or 2 murders). However, your character will permanently suffer from the tormentation of the regrets, which lead to 15% increased spell cost, 20% to 40% worse prices at vendors, slightly increased power attack costs and an overall reduced skillgain of only 85%.
This perk does not make the other parts of a gods blessing available, though! Those are only for the truly devoted!

The perk can be taken as soon as your character has achieved one of the permanent conditions which render shrines unusuable (This does not cover joining the Dark Brotherhood or the Thieves Guild).

- Handplaced more very small Frostbite Spiders (134) and also tweaked their stats.

- Skeletons now come in a greater variety, sometimes wearing armor.

- Chaurus will use their spit attack more often.

- The Bandits at the Valtheim Towers have become much more aggressive and stronger in numbers and equipment - they no longer want a toll, they want whatever you have, including your very life! Be careful when trying to use that road!

- Increased the speed of Chaurus Hunters

- Decreased the Duration of the Spell "Mage Armor V" to 12 seconds. !

- Decreased the damage of the shout Unrelenting Force by about 50%.

- Decreased sneaking difficulty somewhat again.

- Decreased the field of view of NPCs to 155°.

- Decreased the Health points bonus of the perk Dark Infusion by half. This will also make things raised by most vampires easier to defeat. (If they seem to be immortal, it's because their Health bar does not depict the additional Health from the perk. Nothing I can do about that, it's something with the engine itself.)

- Decreased the difficulty of Dragon Priests slightly.

- Decreased the chance of pickpocketing from someone who has detected you to 0%.

- Highelves now gain 5% overall reduced spell cost, 10% increased range, 5% more duration and 5% more power by default and a somewhat higher magicka regen rate.

- Fixed some minor bugs

- Fixed some lighting issues

- Fixed some spelling mistakes

- Fixed some issues with ingredients

- Fixed some problems with Skeleton NPCs

- Fixed a problem with Chaurus Hunter loot lists

- Fixed some issues with Bandits attacking random critters and other more or less harmless creatures on sight. No idea why they did that in the first place, but now, they should treat those things as Neutral and will not attack them unless provoked.

Options Added:

- Vanilla Sneaking

- Vanilla Melee Weapon Reach

Changes in 0.9971

- Bandit archers will receive less arrows and much less enchanted ones, and will almost always use iron arrows only. Crossbow Bandits are not affected.

- Swapped the positions of Elven Smithing and Advanced Light Armors

- Swapped the positions of Dwarven Smithing and Blacksmithing Lore

- Some dragon maks received an additional enchantment: A shield effect that grants 100 points of armor

- Sneaking is now much more difficult

- Increased the perception of all NPCs - They will now hear you much more easily if you are not sneaking very slowly

- Increased the skill-range-penalties for projectile-based weapons

- Increased the Level Actor Value of some stronger enemies (This does not affect any other stats, only their resistance to some Illusion spells and some other minor things)

- Increased the amount of ingredients some alchemists have for sale

- Decreased the effects of some common alchemy ingredients

- Decreased the weight of Elven Armor greatly

- Decreased the skill gain from "Courage" Illusion spells

- Decreased the power of the Spell "Arcane Dominance" - It will only last for 5 minutes and can only affect things below level 36.

- Improved some more descriptions

- Fixed a weird glitch which caused a Breton's off-hand equipment not to be rendered ingame (It's still beyond me how that happened...)

- Fixed a bug that caused the Diadem of the Savant not to be categorized as Clothing

- Fixed some minor problems with loot lists

- Fixed some spelling mistakes

- Fixed some minor bugs

Options added:

° Vanilla Torches (Resets torches to how they are in vanilla Skyrim. This might also fix a random glitch that causes them to stop being rendered ingame.)

° Vanilla Lights (Resets all of Requiem's light tweaks to their original values)

° Vanilla Standing Stone Effects (Reverts the effects of the Standing Stones to the vanilla ones - this DOES NOT remove the limitation!)

° Lower Spell damage (This globally decreases the damage of most spells, both for the player and most NPCs - best used with lower weapon damage modifiers)

Consol Command:

Set AA000XarrianSpellPowerHalvedControl to 1 (0 disables it again)

° Better Marksmanship (This decreases the range/skill based penalties when using ranged weaponry)

Consol Command:

Set AA000XarrianBetterBowControl to 1 (0 disables it again)

Changes in 0.997

- Requiem is now bundled with a new font type to further improve atmosphere. The used font is called "Smaller Kingthings Petrock Font Light" and, personally, I think it just suits the mod perfectly! Thanks to Eckhart ( for allowing me to bundle it with Requiem!
It is completely compatible with other Interface Mods, and is scaled so that no problems should result from its use. You can turn it off by going into your Skyrim Data folder, then into the Interface folder, where you just have to delete these files:


- Worked over the Optional Files folder and made it a bit more accessible

- Added a lot of preset characters to each Race to provide a wider varity

- Made the light from Torches and some other Fire Sources "warmer"

- Overhauled the skill rate system again to make adjustments easier.

- The Block skill rate has been decreased by 5%

- The Restoration skill rate has been increased by 5%

- The Speechcraft skill rate has been increased by 25%

- The Lockpicking and Pickpocketing skill Rates have been decreased by 10%

- A new Speechcraft Perk has been added:

° Leadership (req. 75, Silvery Tongue): All followers become stronger: +50 carry weight, -15% spell cost, +75% blocked damage, + 100 Stamina, +100 Magicka, +50% Stamina and Magicka regeneration rates.

- The Perk "Deep Freeze" now only affects Expert and Master Level Frost Spells

- The Perk "Cremation" now only affects Adept to Master Level Fire Spells

- Increased the amount of enemies encountered in Labyrinthian greatly

- Increased the amount of nasty surprises in Labyrinthian

- Increased the amount of enemies encountered in Bleakfalls Barrow greatly

- Increased the damage of silver arrows by about 50%

- Increased Dragonspriests in strength

- Increased the strength of Morokei further

- Increased the strength of General Tullius and Ulfric Stormcloak

- Increased the accuracy of NPC archers slightly

- Increased the amount of items obtainable from veins

- Increased the required time to draw a ranged weapon by 5%

- Increased the damage Torch Bashing deals, as well as the duration of its fire effect, their price, weight and duration.

- Increased the view cone of NPCs to 170° regarding their ability to detect sneaking things

- Increased the Creature Limit for higher level Conjurer NPCs to 2

- Increased the strength of the strongest Draugr bosses some more:

° They are immune to any form of Paralysis

° Their Unrelenting Force Shout will fling you around if you do not bring proper resistances

- Increased the strength of the strongest Giants some more:

° They are immune to any form of Paralysis

- Decreased the duration of Frost Based Paralysation to only one to two seconds !

- Decreased the Carry weight bonus of the "Bags of Holding" further to 100 points each

- Decreased the loot of Urns in Draugr Ruins. Also added Bone Meal to small Urns.

- Decreased the shout cooldown bonus from knowing words to 4% per 6 words.

- Decreased the overall chance to find very good loot further

- Adjusted the treasure dwemer chests hold - now, they'll not grant anything but things related to the dwemer, but their loot has been increased to make up the loss

- Replaced Frostbite Spider and Chaurus lootable Poisons with an ingredient called "Venomous Spittle" - however, Frostbite Spider poison can still be found in its current form at some merchants who know how to properly extract it, or be found in a few locations.

- Removed the Paralysis property from more common ingredients and replaced it with damaging effects

- Most Daedric Artifacts that can serve as weapons now again consume charges

- Daedric Staffs now also consume charges

- Khajiit now gain 15% more fall damage reduction

- The ability "Highborn" now works as intended

- Stamina dependant slowdowns have been decreased to a 25% movement penalty.

- Having less than 30 points of Health will also slow the player down by 25%

- Moonsugar, Skooma and Black Soulgems are not treated as critical goods - only a few more sinister merchants will consider trading with them.

- Fixed some minor bugs

- Fixed some spelling mistakes

- Fixed a problem with some potions giving too much bonuses

- Fixed a misset function with the Apprentice Conjuration Perk and its spells

- Fixed a weird bug that caused the Orcs in a certain Daedric Quest to be invisible

- Fixed a bug that caused NPCs to say the character was using magic despite that not being the case

- Options added:

° Vanilla Caps (Reduces the maximum armor based damage resistance and magic resistance values to the vanilla ones [80%/85%])

° Vanilla Starting Skills (Unmodified Starting skills equal 15 again)

° No Attribute System (Turns off Requiem's dynamic Attribute system entirely)

° No Shout System (Turns off Requiem's Shouting Bonus System)

Consol Command:

Set AA000XarrianAttributeSystemControl to 1 (o enables it again)

Changes in 0.996

- Greatly improved Dragon Priests, especially Morokei

- Greatly improved Ancano

- Greatly improved Alain Dufont

- Greatly improved Hajvarr Ironhand

- Nords have received an activated racial power: "The Dragon Within" - For 5 seconds, shouting does not trigger any cooldowns

- Reduced the damaging effects of Dremora Hearts by 50%

- Reduced the amount of the global skill rate bonus of Dark Elves to 3%

- Increased the Weakness to Fire the player receives when being a vampire greatly

- Adjusted the health and height of slaughterfishes. They should be less fearsome now.

- Adjusted some prices of some miscellaneous items

- Werewolves and Vampires will no longer be blessed by Stendarr

- The Breton Power now lasts 30 seconds

- The Redguards now also gain a 20% power attack cost bonus

- Added some more recipes to the Clutter Item option

- Added some more lootable items to Trolls

- Added a Recipe for Healing Mush, available at some alchemists and as (random) loot. It has to be in the characte's inventory in order to be able to craft Healing Mush at a tanning rack!

- Added the Attribute penalties of Vampires to the respective option (You could die in daylight when your character had a to small amount of hit points, this can be turned off with the option, now, too)

- Added line breaks to most perks to ensure compatibility with some font packs and to make them more readable in lower resulutions.

- Improved the descriptions of some perks, skills, magic effects, spells and more.

- Removed Gold Coins (septims) as random loot from most Draugr and Dwemer Chests and other containers

- Fixed some spelling mistakes

- Fixed some problems with spawn lists

- Fixed some more inconsistencies with loot lists

- Fixed some smaller bugs related to being a vampire

Options added:

- Vanilla Guard Armors (makes them light again)

- Skill Rates Three Fourths (changes skill rates to 75%. Can be combinded with the other Skill Rate options!)

Consol Command:

Set AA000XarrianSkillRatesThreeFourths to 1 (0 disables it again)

- Difficulty bar restored - Nightmare (This allows the configuration of overall difficulty again, and affects how much damage the player takes: Master - 450% ; Expert - 350% ; Adept - 250% ; Apprentice - 200% ; Novice - 150%)

Updated Options:

- Vanilla continous spells

Changes in 0.9955

- Without at least one perk in Sneaking, your character will get high penalties when sneaking. This does not apply to Vampires, Khajiit, Argonians, Woodelfs and Darkelfs.

- Without at least one perk in Alchemy, your character's selfmade potions will be very weak. This does not apply to Argonians, Woodelfs, Bretons and Highelfs and Darkelfs.

- Without at least one perk in Enchanting, your character's selfmade enchantments will be very weak. This does not apply to Bretons and Highelfs and Darkelfs.

- Racial Changes:

° Argonians: Skill Rates +10%: Light Armor, Lockpicking, Skill Rates +5%: Pickpocketing, Sneak, Alteration, Restoration

° Darkelfs: +25% fire resistance, Renamed Sanctuary to Ancestor Guardian, Skill Rates +10%: Destruction, Onehanded, Skill Rates +5%: Everything else, as they are told to be a very versatile race

° Woodelfs: 15% increased power attack cost, Skill Rates +15%: Archery, Skill Rates +5%: Sneak, Lockpicking, Pickpocketing, Light Armor, Alchemy

° Bretons: 10% increased power attack cost, Skill Rates +10%: Conjuration, Skill Rates +5%: All other magical ones, Alchemy

° Highelfs: 10% increased power attack cost, Highborn now lasts only 30 seconds, but makes their magicka practically inexhaustable, Skill Rates +10%: All magical ones

° Nords: 25% reduced power attack cost, Skill Rates +10%: Twohanded, Smithing, Skill Rates +5%: Light Armor, Heavy Armor, Block, Onehanded

° Orcs: 35% reduced power attack cost, Skill Rates +10%: All of the Warrior pattern, except Archery

° Imperials: 20% reduced power attack cost, halved sprinting cost, they can now use the racial power "Voice of the Emperor" to gain a five minute speechcraft bonus, Skill Rates +10%: Speechcraft, Restoration, Skill Rates +5%: Destruction, Onehanded, Block, Heavy Armor

° Khajiit: Halved Falling damage, Bonus on picking Novice Locks (can pick them from first level on), Skill Rates +10%: All skills related to the Thief pattern, 15% more expensive spell casting costs

° Redguards: Adrenaline Rush also renders the user immune to most paralysis effects, Skill Rates +15%: Onehanded, Skill Rates +5%: Block, Archery, Smithing, Destruction, Alteration

All Racial Skill Rates can be toggled with the following consol command:

Set AA000XarrianRacialSkillRateControl to 1 (0 enables them again)

- You can now take away your followers standard Bow

- Improved some perk descriptions (Thanks to Ogerboss for the hint! :)

- Improved Racial descriptions

- Decreased the effect of "The Gift of Charity" by 66%

- Fixed some spelling mistakes

- Fixed some absorption related problems with spells that should not have been absorbable

- Performance Tweaks (Thanks to Ogerboss for the hint! :)

The following optional files have been added:

° Crossbow Bolt Recipes (Allows to craft bolts without the Dawnguard quest)

Set AA000XarrianCrossbowBoltsRecipeControl to 1 (0 disables it again)

° No Standing Stone Limitation (The character is no longer locked to a constellation)

The following optional files have been updated:

° No Messages
Schade das es keine Updates mehr für die Non-Dawnguard Version geben wird... Naja, eventuell lade ich es mir doch mal runter, ist ja mittlerweile für nen 20er zu haben.
Hey, super Mod!

Hab aber ein Problem, bei mir werden mit der neuen Font keine Umlaute dargestellt. Würde aber gern die Font weiter nutzen. Kann man da was ändern?


Ja, das finde ich persönlich auch sehr bedauerlich. Das Problem ist, dass dies meine erste mod ist, die ich je veröffentlicht habe, und auch die erste, die auch Dinge von addons betrifft - kurz um: Mir hat zum Zeitpunkt, an dem ich Dawnguard integriert habe, leider wichtiges Basiswissen gefeht, was den wesentlichen Grund für die Abhängigkeit zu Dawnguard darstellt. Ich bereue das zutiefst, aber ohne immensen Aufwand (und damit meine ich - meiner Vermutung nach - hunderte von stunden) lässt sich das meines Wissens nach nicht mehr rückgängig machen! :(
Allerdings habe ich auch daraus gelernt, und werde bei kommenden Addons versuchen, solch ein Desaster zu vermeiden!


Hmm... Ich habe die Font nicht mit der deutschen Version getestet; da es in der englischen Sprache keine Umlaute gibt, sind sie evtl. nicht mit im Paket vorhanden. Man kann aber sehr leicht die Originalschrift wiederherstellen, in dem man im Data Ordner den Unterordner interface öffnet und dort die Dateien fontconfig.txt und fonts_en2.swf löscht! :)
Ist ja nicht tragisch, Deine Mod bietet mir auch in der Non-Dawnguard Version mehr als genug verloren geglaubten Spielspass! :)

Mein "Problem" ist eben, dass alle installierten Mods (eine Menge!) nicht auf Dawnguard zugeschnitten sind, und die Gesamtkombi läuft im Moment perfekt! Aber irgendwann werde ich auch mal alles frisch installieren inkl. Dawnguard, und dann hoffen das alles so stabil läuft wie jetzt.
Ich find’s schade das sich dein Mod nicht ganz bugfrei mit dem UFO-Mod spielen lässt. Immer wenn ich einen zweiten NPC als Gefährten dabei haben will spackt dieser dann rum^^
Ich bekomm ihn beispielsweise nicht mehr aus meiner Party raus, aber dieser geht dann trotzdem noch zu seinem "Spawn" zurück. Außerdem folgt er dem Spieler nicht mehr.

Ja ich weiß, Modder können andere Mods nicht so leicht berücksichtigen, aber ich finde diesen solltest du schon kompatibel machen^^ Ist immerhin ein sehr beliebter und vor allen guter Mod. Genau wie deiner... und deswegen bin ich momentan
etwas gespalten darüber...

Oder ist das nur ein Bug meinerseits? Zu mindestens tritt dieser "bug" beim zweiten follower erst bei der Aktivierung deines Mods auf^^

Aber nichts desto trotz muss ich nochmal erwähnen wie geil dein Mod einfach ist... nice work... hab heute die besten 3 Stunden Skyrim meines lebens gezockt... (Zocke es momentan von neu, mit deinem Mod)
Ich find’s schade das sich dein Mod nicht ganz bugfrei mit dem UFO-Mod spielen lässt. Immer wenn ich einen zweiten NPC als Gefährten dabei haben will spackt dieser dann rum^^
Ich bekomm ihn beispielsweise nicht mehr aus meiner Party raus, aber dieser geht dann trotzdem noch zu seinem "Spawn" zurück. Außerdem folgt er dem Spieler nicht mehr.

Habe auch die UFO-Mod drauf, aber die funktioniert tadellos! Habe allerdings wie erwähnt die Non-Dawnguard Version von Requiem, keine Ahnung ob es damit zusammenhängt.

Hätte auch mal eine Frage: Die Spielerposition wird nicht mehr angezeigt (Position+Blickrichtung), liegt das an Requiem, oder an etwas anderem? Wo bzw. wie kann ich das wenn wieder aktivieren?
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