Release Requiem - Der Oldschool Rollenspiel-Overhaul (Eng) (WIP)

Dann hätte man aber kein flüssiges Spielen mehr, da man immer auf der Suche nach Gesundheits/Ausdauer verbessernden Items für den Bonus ist. Ich zum Beispiel benutze überhaupt keine Items mit Verzauberung beim Krieger (außer Ringe und amulette, aber die meist mit zweihandverstärkung). Und ich würde dann auch nicht, nur wegen dem Overhaul damit anfangen. (falls es dann auf Deutsch verfügbar ist)

Jedenfalls finde ich es, selbst mit Verzauberungen, für einen Spieler wie mich zu hoch. Und Ausdauer ist ja außerdem auch ein Diebesattribut (Zoom bei Bögen und Schleichangriff bei Dolchen)
Ich könnte Ausdauer auch für den Dieb verwenden, was ich wahrscheinlich auch tun werde, ja :)

Das Problem ist, dass im Overhaul auch Perks enthalten sind, die zusätzlich Stamina/HP gewähren - z.B. im Baum "Schwere Rüstung", und diese Boni würde ich natürlich auch gern für entsprechende Boni berücksichtigen, ebenso wie solche, die man durch aufgewerte Segen bekommt (z.B. gewährt der Segen von Mara zusätzlich +50 HP, wenn man ihre Tempelquest abgeschlossen hat) - ich denke, es würde doch schon passen, die Werte so zwischen 400 und 500 zu lassen. Sollte sich das als doch zu unpraktikabel herausstellen, kann man das nachträglich noch immer sehr leicht fixen! Aber ich werde mich erstmal etwas länger ans Zeichenbrett setzen, und alles noch etwas weiter ausarbeiten! :)
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Reaktionen: Toastbrοt
Leider musste ich gestern den Mod entfernen, da es erneut zu Komplikationen kam :(

Habe gestern die Diebesgilden Quests gemacht und bis zu der Stelle wo man mit Xavian? glaub ich heißt er ja jedenfalls dem Anführer der Diebesgilde in den Tempel geht um die Ausgestossene zu suchen und zu töten geht alles gut.

Aber man kommt innerhalb des Tempels an die Tür, wo normalerweise die Klaue benötigt wird. Unser Gefährte knackt die Tür und man kann hindurch.

Normalerweise startet ein Video wenn man den Raum betritt, und man selbst geht vergiftet zu Boden. (Ich denke jeder weis nun wo ich bin)

Problem: Ich geh in den Raum und die Sequenz löst nicht aus :( kann ich mich auf den Kopf stellen, aber nix passiert.. Leider..

Ich bin schon am überlegen, da ich ja auch beim Start die Probleme hatte, ob es evtl. an meiner Deutschen Grundversion liegt?
Hmm... Das ist abermals das erste Mal, dass ich von diesem Problem höre! Wie heißt die Quest denn? Eventuell ist das auch wieder so ein aufrdinglicher vanilla bug!
Ich hatte dieses Problem auch schon mal, halte dies aber für ein Vanilla-Problem.
Zumindest habe ich keine Ahnung, welche Mod dazwischenfunken könnte.

Die Diebesgilden-Quest heist Vielsagendes Schweigen (TG05), siehe auch hier

Naja das Problem ist ich hab es mit dem Speicherstad mit dem Mod mehrfach versucht und es funktionierte nicht.

Dann einfach mal den Mod deaktiviert aber den gleichen Speicherstand benutzt funktioniert.

Mod wieder rein speicherstand geladen funktioniert nicht..

Dann neuen speicherstand ohne Mod angelegt und die ganze diebesgilden quest neu gemacht und funktionierte ohne Probleme.

Deswegen kam ich zu dem schluß. Kann mich aber ja auch irren xD
Ich werde mir das ganze nochmal genauer anschauen! Evtl. liegt es tatsächlich an dem deutsch/englischen Kram - wenn ja, wäre das aber verdammt schade, dann hätte die übersetzte Version vermutlich auch diesen fehler... Aber mal gucken, vielleicht ist's auch etwas völlig anderes!
Ich bräuchte einmal mehr Hilfe..

Und zwar habe ich gerade UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul draufgeworfen und dies steht ja bei Requiem bei den kompatiblen Mods..

Aber ich bekomme es nicht ans laufen woran kann das liegen? Funktioniert UFO nur auf neuen Games? Also nicht bei bereits gespeicherten Speicherständen?

Bitte um hilfe.


PS. Ist Requiem eigentlich schon kompatibel mit Heartfire XD?

PSS. Muss nun mal etwas nachharken, wenn ich den Optionalen File fürs Schmieden eingebaut habe und dann Schmieden auf 100 habe und alles gelernt habe rechts herum. Deadra Rüstung ist komplett leer? da kann ich nur Pfeile machen? Gibts da keine Rüstung zum bauen oder woran liegt das?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Bei UFO kann ich dir leider nicht weiterhelfen - das geht über meinen Wissenstand hinaus! :(

Bisher hatte ich leider noch nicht die Gelegenheit, einen compatiblity patch für Heartfire nachzureichen, aber das sollte eigentlich auch so relativ nahtlos funktionieren.

Die Sache mit den Daedrischen Gegenständen ist ein Feature - laut Hintergrundgeschichte hat es fatale Folgen, diese zur falschen Tageszeit herzustellen - eigentlich kann es nur dann erfolgreich sein, wenn der Schmied sie während der Mitternacht fertigt. Deshalb werden alle herstellbaren daedrischen Gegenstände nur zwischen 23 und 24 Uhr aufgelistet! ;)

Das trifft aber nicht auf Verbesserungen zu!
Ich fand es klasse als hier gepostet wurde, dass eine neue Version draußen ist und vor allem fand ich die Liste der Änderungen immer gut.

Es wär echt klasse, wenn das wieder gemacht würde....
Und hier ist der Changelog, ;)

Changes in 0.987

- Some more Animal Faction interaction tweaks (Bears, Spiders, Wolfs, Sabrecats - they should not get along that well any longer

- Decreased the Health of Alduin greatly

- Reduced the frequency random dragons (re)spawn greatly (WiWaitDragon is 3 by default, I set it to 12. If I am correct, this should mean you should only encounter a random dragon every 12 ingame days or so, though I am not entirely sure if this one global suffices)

- Reduced the amount of armor Dragons and some other creatures get

- Rebalanced the Weight of some items (Especially Glass Equipment)

- Adjusted the Vendor Gunmar of the Dawnguard - he should sell plenty of bolts now

- Removed the penalty for changing armor in combat again until I find a better working solution (But the script might get stuck to your savegame, unfortunately - that's a problem with Skyrim's engine/source code, I am afraid! :( )

- Decreased the impact of Light on your detection risk again (might need some more tweaking)

- Decreased the amount of certain enemies inside the shrine of Mehrunes Dagon

- Vampires are now subjected to daylight penalties, too

- Tweaked the armor some rare boss vampires wear

- Removed a few speechcraft perks

- Improved the effect of most remaining speechcraft perks

- Improved the shields used by the dawnguard

- Decreased the amount of bandits using crossbows

- You also do not get staggered by common attacks if your total physical damage resistance
is at least 50% (this equals an armor rating of about 300 points)

- Experimental tweak that should in theory prevent chickens from reporting any crime

- A new enchantment which increases your base health, and also renders you immune to most Life drain effects

- Blessing of Stendarr allows you to be protected from most Life Drain effects

- Corrected the armor rating of Dragon and Daedric Armor (halved)

- Experienced Members of the Dawnguard are now stronger

- Tweaked more ingredients so that more common ones will most often yield less potent potions/poisons

- Alchemy skill is now gained twice as fast

- Increased the skill rate for alchemy greatly

- Decreased the impact of alchemy skill on potion strength greatly

- Increased the impact of perks on potion strength greatly

- Renamed all alchemic effects from ingredients according to the names of buyable potions/poisons

- Soldiers have been made somewhat tougher

- Lower level vampires have been made weaker, and vampire spawnlists have now a higher chance of producing lower level vampires

- Training costs have been decreased

- Added some new spells:

°Umbral Sanctuary (Illusion, Expert) - A channeled "shadow form" that irritates opponents and makes them aim so badly that all physical damage is almost negated - magical damage is untouched, though. Costs a great amount of magicka and is currently only available through perks.

°Two more ranks of Healing Aura (Both expert level with a four times stronger healing effect and the ability to block off most draining effects, only obtainable by the Superior Restoration Perk)

- Further increased the bonuses the Perk "Allure" grants

- Corrected the spell cost of certain rune spells

- Tempering items will not give them an additional Suffix like "Epic" or "Legendary" - it's now always "Tempered"

- Fixed a minor issue with the apparel vampires wear

- Fixed some issues with the Vampire Traits not working correctly on the player

- Fixed some spelling mistakes

- Fixed a bug that caused certain scrolls to be absorbable by the Atronach Sign

- Fixed a bug that caused some summoned ghosts to flee in certain situations

- Fixed a vanilla bug giving horkers not the right racial abilities

- Fixed the amount of Health Werewolve NPCs get

Changes in 0.986

- Tweaked the spells you gain when investing in Spell Mastery Perks

- Swimming:

° Wearing Light Armor drains 0.5 Stamina more per second when swimming for each piece worn
° Wearing Heavy Armor drains 2 Stamina more per second when swimming for each piece worn
° Argonians do not lose any stamina when swimming by default, only when wearing any armor

- Increased the difficulty of Hagravens

- Increased the effect of the Perk "Allure" slightly

- Increased the skill rates of smithing, speechcraft and blocking by 20 to 50%

- Rearranged the Teleport spells: Exchanged their ranks, and the new second rank is now an Expert Spell

- Decreased the duration of Umbral Vision greatly for bugfixing purposes

- Raw Meat can again be cooked without Salt

- Adjusted the damage of Bears and Sabrecats

- All Lockbreaking Values have been increased by 50 points

- Rooms at inns 50 gold

- Cart 100 to 200

- Decreased the damage of the Steam Breath attack of Dwarven Centurions

- Possessing the Ring of Namira will allow you to eat raw food without penalties (you do not need to equip it for this, carrying it around with you in the inventory is enough)

- The effects of Strange Meat and Bestial Stew do not stack anymore

- Removed the spell Fear IV due to it using a faulty mechanism

- Removed most hostile encounters at High Hrothgar

- The slow effect of Frost Spells now only works on things with a magic or frost resistance of 50 or lower

- Doubled the bonus from the Thief Stone

- Doubled the bonus from the Warrior Stone

- Increased the magicka regen bonus of the Elswyr fondue

- changed the effects of Beef Stew so it now does increase Maximum Health and Carry weight instead of granting higher stamina regen

- Nords now receive 10 Health Points as Starting Stats

- Giants and Werewolves will knock you down when they hit you in combat and you do not block

- Giants move 25% faster

- Increased the prices of pickaxes

- Fixed the radius effect of giants' power attacks

- Fixed the visual effects of some spells

- Fixed some spelling mistakes

- Fixed a problem with the loot of Goats

- Fixed an issue that made blacksmiths still offer some things they should not

- Weapon Dropping due to low stamina can now be toggled via the consol:

Set AA000XarrianStaminaWeaponDropSwitch to 0 (1 enables the feature again)

- Added two optional files:

° Restored Rewarding Sounds (Leveling up, Skillgain and Learing a Shout now plays the vanill Sound again)
° No Overencumbered Messages (Your character will not complain about being overencumbered anymore)

Changes in 0.985

- Doubled the penalty for standing in light when sneaking

- Giant's are now much more dangerous - Their power attack can easily knock down the entire vicinity due to their brute strength

- Increased the loot Giant's yield - they really like to collect sparkling coins and gems now!

- Added a new cookable item: Bestial Stew

- Increased the detection chance penalty for wearing heavy armor greatly

- Again increased the protection of Heavy Armor slightly

- Woodelfs can now cannibalize their slain enemies: In most cases, foes you kill will drop "Strange Meat", which will grant you exceptional bonuses (this is based on lore, look for the "Greenpact") - In some cases, however, they might not, or you might end up being able to pickpocket some. In that case, take it either as they do not taste that good or that they are a little cannibalistic themselves - It's the best results possible to get, I think!

- Woodelfs now also receive the Strong Stomach feature

- Namiras ring is now worthy to be called a Daedric Artifact

- Added more options controllable through consol commands:

° Set AA000XarrianHorseChargeSwitch to 0 will disable the Horse trampling effects

° Set AA000XarrianFearSystemSwitch to 0 will disable the fear/yield system of Requiem

- Speechcraft and Block should now level about half as fast

- Fixed some problems with bandit loot lists

- Made it much more likely to find Iron Equipment than any other

- Added some more locks in Whiterun and made most of them much harder to pick

- Merchants now restock only once every two weeks

- Increased the prices merchants offer their goods for by 33%

- Increased the base training costs by 500 gold

- Improved the magic damage of high quality enchanted arrows

- Fixed the Trainer Bug - Now, they always grant the correct amounts of experience

- Reverted available training units to 3 per level

- Corrected some spelling mistakes

Changes in 0.984

- Certain passive racial abilities now are depicted in the Magic Effects Window

- Corrected the attack speed bonuses of the Sword Specialization perks

- Fixed a glitch caused from being disarmed of your weapon while riding

- Increased the value of some more items

- Mudcrabs now have a chance based on their size to drop some pearls

- Added a new item: Healing Mush - a traditional yet simple medicine that can be created by about anyone. It consists of ale (1), tundra cutton (3) and blue mountain flowers (3) and can be crafted at the tanning rack - it's so common that every alchemist always has at least a dozen of these in stock.
It works still via magic, as the mixture is based on the healing properties of the flowers.
It's works by applying the mush on the wound, after which the mush will slightly harden, making compresses and bandages somewhat unneccassry under harsher circumstances.
However, physical stress will surpress it from apllying its healing effects: Sprinting, Swimming and Fighting will stop the healing effect temporarily until its over.

Changes in 0.983

- Corrected some damage formulas of followers

- Decreased the Health of most Dragons by one third, and decreased the damage of their breath attack greatly

- Fixed a faction association bug

- Fixed a bug that caused the alteration skill gain to be much too small

- Decreased the fire rate bonus of the Perk Quick shot by 50%

- Dwemer Misc Items have been increased in value

- Dwemer Pressure Plates now are invisible, too

- The Perk Focused Mind now only consists of one rank and also makes your magicka regenerate while running

- Added one exemplar of the Dragon Smithing Book

- Improved the sword Dragonbane and deleveled it

- Increased the archery thresholds for damage reduction by about 500 units each

- Made very valuable jewelry more rare

- Removed the "Empty" message from containers. However, there still remains a little white diamond that tells you it's empty.

- More tweaks for vampires:

° Increased the maximum magicka/stamina/health malus for being in the sunlight to - 100/200/300/400
° Increased the effect of the Raise Thrall power.
° Increased the effect of Vampiric Drain for the player.
° Increased the effect of most Vampire Lord Abilities.

- Corrected some spelling mistakes

Changes in 0.982

- Decreased the player's spell damage skill bonus by 33% and that of NPCs by 50%. [This is very experimental, please give me some feedback about overall balance!!!]

- I edited a value (DLC1VQMinLevelVampireAttacks) which I think of that it controls the random vamire attacks so these attacks start only if your character is at least on level 999 - which effectively should disable them completely. I also added a script that continously resets certain EclipseAttack variables that seem to be responsible for the attacks. [If you still encounter vampire attacks, please inform me about it!!!]

- Increased the bonuses the Perk "Fortitude" of the Heavy Armor perk tree grants slighty (+25 Stamina, +15 carry weight)

- Replaced most of the Flame Thrall Scrolls with Conjure Atronach Scrolls at Saarthal

- Swapped Power Shot and Point Blank Shot in position

- Disabled three World Event Locations to prevent too many bad surprises at the very beginning

- Disabled some hostile encounters around Whiterun

- The Ghostly Steed now is unable to trample down any enemies

- Deleveled some still leveled loot lists

- Deleveled some NPCs that still were leveled and gave them some more tweaks

- Increased the damage bonus of the perk Mighty Strike by 50%.

- Added some "Resist" Potions in a certain key location related to an especially hard quest

- Added a potion of Vitality to the Potion Barrel in Helgen

- During the quest dragon rising, Jarl Balgruuf will also hand you certain potions as an aid against the first dragon.

- Adjusted the spawn list for mages: You will more often find somewhat weaker mages (relatively spoken, of course) - Boss Mages remain untouched

- Ice Wraith Essence now grants immunity to frost for 10 seconds

- Edited all the "Resist" and selected "Fortify" Potions you can buy - they now have a longer duration based on their quality of up to 5 minutes

- Some high quality ingredients also grant a higher duration on these mentioned effects by default

- Added some triggerplates to certain dwemer ruins

- Some more locks

- Smaller tweaks to a few merchants

- You can now take the armor from random Dark Brotherhood encounters

- Limited training units to 2 per level (due to a major trainer bug) [if you don't like it, use the options! :)]

- Corrected the amount of armor frost atronachs possess

- Increased heavy armor ratings by 10%

- Removed the skill requirements of the second ranks of all the first perks in certain trees

- Improved the perks Master Trader and Investment Strategy by 200%

- Removed the Dremora from Azuras Star

- Increased the amount of NPCs using heavy armor (The strongest bandits now always go for iron armor, the strongest afflicted get their hands on Dwarven Armor, and the toughest Vampires can get stuff ranging from steel plate to ebony (though the last one is restricted to the toughest of their leaders)

- Amulets of the nine have been increased in value

- Starting the smithing tutorial quest requires a smithing skill of 15

- Sven also is not available as a follower anymore (option available!!!)

- Further tweaked certain encounters at Riverwood

- Corrected the amount of obtainable spider eggs from sacs: Half of the time, they'll be empty, otherwise, they'll have 3 to 30 eggs for you!

- Corrected some spelling mistakes

- Slightly increased the damage bonus from the first perk in the trees Onehanded, Twohanded and Archery

- Daedric Weapons pierce the damage reduction from ghosts and atronachs by 75%

- Small tweaks to Vampire spawn lists

- Fixed the issue with Draugr not depicting their health bar correctly (this might cause minor balancing issues with draugr already loaded in your savegame, the impact should be minimal, however)

- Tweaks to certain misc items in terms of prices (animal hides and leather)
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Reaktionen: Kaiser_Heiser
Hehe... Danke! Aber ich habe den Eindruck, diesen Monat macht Vilja das Rennen! Aber es ist auf jeden Fall toll, dass die Mod überhaupt einmal auf der Hauptseite auftaucht. Das sagt mir, dass ich auf dem richtigen Weg bin! :D

Ganz nebenbei, inzwischen sind wir bei Version 0.988 angelangt - Für Version 1.0 und damit das Ende der Beta habe ich im Moment den 31.12.12 vor Augen! ;)

Hier ist das Changelog:

Changes in 0.988

- Added a few more small things to Helgen Keep...

- Added a new spell called "Absorbing Grasp" - it's a Novice Level Alteration Spell that absorbs a minor amount of Health if the target is successfully touched. It can either be bought, found or acquired by the first alteration perk.

- Adjusted some ingredients' effects some more

- Adjusted created potion and poison prices - it now mostly depends on the price of the used ingredients. In general, their values have been about halved.

- Removed some of the Lockpicking perks and added their effects to others

- The perk "Summoning Mastery" has been removed and has been added as Rank three of "Oblivion Lore", so that Daedric and Undead Summoning are now completely seperate

- The perk "Heavy Impact" now only consists of a single rank

- The perks "Silence" and "Silent Roll" have been merged - it's now called acrobatics

- The Ranks of "Agility" have been alterted:

° Rank one now grants 50% decreased falling damage
° Rank two now grants the attack speed bonus both perks granted together before

- The Ranks of "Improved Enchantments" have been altered:

° There are only two ranks now

- The impact of specialized enchanting perks has been improved greatly

- The Ranks of "Alchemical Lore" have been altered:

° There are only two ranks now

- Oils now also require the second rank in "Alchemical Lore" to be created. The description has been altered accordingly.

- The impact on potion/poison strength of some other alchemy perks has been increased

- Changed the word "Toxing" with "Poison" again

- Increased the bonus of the perk "Ravaging Insects"

- Increased the amount of NPCs carrying Healing Potions (which they will most likely use if things turn bad)

- Increased the durability of lockpicks by about 100%

- Increased the damage of the Mace of Molag Bal by 20% (I also had a look at a possible bug relating to the Mace not working correctly when wearing any Heavy Armor, but I could not really find anything on that one - if someone else is getting this bug, please tell me!)

- Decreased the Health of most Dragons by half

- Decreased the cost of player houses greatly (On one hand, to make it less a pain to find a way to carry that much gold, and on the other hand, I think it seems appropriate for a Thane to get a proper discount for the basic building)

- Decreased the ranged damage of dwarven Spheres

- Decreased the necessary amount of resistance to not get frozen by certain frost spells (You now need only 70 points of frost resistance or 50 magic resistance)

- Decreased the difficulty of a certain lock at the Goldenglow Estate to Apprentice

- Handplaced some more items (Mostly Glass and Ebony equipment and some more Dwarven things in some Dwemer Ruins, and in some houses of rich people)

- Handplaced some more items on important persons (for instance, General Tullius now uses an Ebony Longsword)

- Removed very high quality equipment from most random loot tables

- Improved Ralof and Hadvar some more

- Improved Serana greatly in terms of stats and overall power

- Laelette the Vampire now gets less Health

- Vigilants of Stendarr will now get the appropriate Silver Weapons

- Vigilants of Stendarr and Dawnguard Members get a permanent resistance against most draining effects

- Wearing the Ebony Mail will negate any sneak penalties Heavy Armor causes

- Certain Animals should now avoid going into Water (this is meant to avoid the glitchiness of the general behaviour of them in bodies of water - I am not sure if this will work correctly, so tell me how it goes!)

- Fixed a problem with murders sometimes not being accounted for

- Fixed a problem with crossbows not always getting armor penetration bonuses

- Fixed a problem with the Mace "Bouncer" - it was not meant to be disenchantable

- Fixed a problem with certain enchantments adding too much to the value of self-made items

- Fixed a problem that rendered the Horse Trampling absorbable by certain effects

- Fixed a problem with vampires still not getting the correct attribute values [+300 Health, +200 Stamina] (counts for both the player and NPCs)

- Fixed some spelling mistakes and changed some messages

- Fixed some small bugs in Helgen Keep

- The optional file "Requiem - Difficulty Bar Restored" has been adjusted. The difficulty setting won't affect the amount of damage the player deals, but only decreases the amount the player takes. The damage is dealt as follows now:

Master: 100%
Expert: 75%
Adept : 50%
Appr. : 20%
Novice: 10%


Und das hier ist bereits für das nächste Update fertig:

- Decreased the duration of poisoning coming from bite attacks greatly (from 2 hours to 5 minutes) - This should make things more bearable when using followers who engage in melee without any proper protection from poison

- Fixed some spelling mistakes

- Fixed some minor inconsistencies with some animals

- Fixed an issue with permanent Alchemy perks counting as magic in brawls and certain Quests (Theoretically)

- Fixed an issue with vampires sometimes not getting the correct penalties for walking in the daylight

- Fixed the bug that caused the power attack while riding animation to freeze (Many thanks to the guys from TES5Edit and myewggs for explaining how to use this tool ;)


Und zu aller letzt nochmal ein großes Danke an alle, die mich und meine Mod unterstützen! Ich weiß das wirklich sehr zu schätzen! ;)

Mit den besten Grüßen,

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich werde das hier für eine neue Runde, wenn alle DLC's rausgekommen sind und die Mod auf deutsch ist auch genau im AUge behalten.
Mal schaun ob und mit welchen Mod's die mir ähnlich zusagen, auch was Perks etc angeht, diese sich verbinden lässt oder worauf die Wahl fällt.
Erstma muss ick jetz zuende spielen und dann ein Jahr Pause einlegen bis alles soweit abgeschlossenen ist in Sachen Modder und Entwickler arbeit. ;)
Ich gebe der Mod mal noch ne chance, paar kleinigkeiten fand ich zu "unrealistich" zB Schwere Rüstung zieht Stamina ab bis mans skillt. (Brutale Nord/Ork Krieger sind keine kleinen Mädchen xD )
Hab die Mod Endorsed und Hochgevotet weil die mühe die dahinter steckt es wert ist gelobt zu werden.

Gebe später Feedback.