Vorstellung Real Walk for Females by Mur_Zik

Master of Desaster

Freund des Hauses
Real Walk for Females by Mur_Zik

Diese Mod ändert die geh/lauf animationen von allen Frauen im Spiel. Ihr könnt zwischen zwei esp`s wählen entweder werden nur die animationen eures Chars ersetzt oder auch die von allen weiblichen Npc`s Tamriels. Einige mods wurden auch schon so eingebunden das ihr Npc`s die neuen animationen beutzten. Mehr dazu im Readme

Euch ein Bild zu zeigen bringt sicher nicht viel darum hier ein kurzer Clip zur mod :eek:
Auf Youtube

Real Walk for Females by Mur_Zik

Real Walk for Females by Mur_Zik is used to replace Oblivion's original Walkforward animation and is intended for use by female characters or female NPCs. This walkstyle was inspired by FO3 female walk. The package includes...

* The Real Walk animation file (based on the F03 female walk)
* A mod to replace your in-game character's walk with the Real Walk animation
* A compilation of mods that applies the Real Walk animation to Oblivion's female NPCs
* ReadMe included in each download that explains how to install and use the animation and mods


Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM)
- Required for the automated installation of Real Walk for Females by Mur_Zik and Real Walk for Female NPCs

Note: You can still install the animation (KF) and Mod (ESP) files manually if you prefer.

Known Bugs, Incompatibilities, Issues and Solutions

Possible conflicts with any mod that modifies the Player's Character.

What's New in Version 2.0.1

* Real Walk for Females by Mur_Zik: No changes - Version 1.1 is still the latest release.
* Real Walk for Female NPCs: Version 2.0.1 released - Corrected fix for Oblivion load problem.

Real Walk for Female NPCs

Real Walk for Female NPCs applies the Real Walk animation to female NPCs in these mods...

Bethesda Softworks

Vanilla Oblivion
Shivering Isles Female NPCs
Shivering Isles Dark Seducers and Golden Saints

Mehrunes Razor
Thieves Den
Knights of the Nine

Unofficial Patches

Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch
Mehrunes Razor - Unofficial Patch
Thieves Den - Unofficial Patch
Knights of the Nine - Unofficial Patch

Unique Landscapes

Bravil Barrowfields
Brena River Ravine
Chorrol Hinterland
Imperial Isle
Rolling Hills


Bananasplit Better Cities (Only Better Cities Full, Better Cities Full - Blood & Mud Edition and Better Imperial Cities)
Bruma Mages Guild Restored
Companion Neeshka
Rumple Mod
TRoN (The Underdark - The Realm Of Northdark)
Viconia DeVir Chapter One
Viconia DeVir Chapter Two
Kvatch Rebuilt
TNR All Races
TNR - ShiveringIsles no helms
Beautiful Women Mod
Female Nudists (by request)
Blood & Mud
Colourwheels Sexy Female NPCs*
Colourwheels Sexy Imperial Legion*

* Author PM'd for permission - awaiting confirmation
Version History

19 Nov 2009: v2.0.1

* Real Walk for Female NPCs: Corrected fix for Oblivion load problem.

19 Nov 2009: v2.0

* Real Walk for Female NPCs: Adds support for additional mods (see list above) and fixes a number of problems.

13 Nov 2009: v1.1

* Real Walk for Females by Mur_Zik: Correct left hand position when holding a torch

01 Nov 2009: v1.0

* Initial release of Real Walk for Females by Mur_Zik
* Initial release of Real Walk for Female NPCs

Credits and Thanks

Niftools team


- for his wonderful Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM)

- For TES4Edit, without which the Real Walks for Female NPCs mods could not have been made

The authors of the mods for which I created patch ESPs that changed the walk animation...

- bananasplit
- chuck21 - IAMTHEEMPEROR - Arthmoor
- Carel de Winter
- Gondor Wache
- Malachit
- Bananasplit-Wolfslady-Reckless-SilentResident-Nernie-Vorians-Ismelda
- SSJ Heero
- Rsdnt-Evle
- ghastley
- Underdark Devteam
- Sultericdrums
- Kvatch Rebuilt Team
- Veritas_Secreto
- ntobmodfan
- ryushi
- Ryan and Team
- Colourwheel
Licensing and Legal

1. You can't use this content for commercial use.
2. You can't upload, distribute, modify or redistribute modified versions of this content without my permission.
3. You must obtain my express permission before you can use this content in your own mod.

Contact Info

Email: mur_zik_ru@yahoo.com

Zu finden ist die mod hier
Ich Empfehle euch die Mod einmal durch Tercas Translator zu jagen damit keine Englischen begriffe auftauchen ;)
Na dann;)
ich hatte da nämlich mal 'ne Mod, bei der die Laufanimationen für Männer verändert wurden: die Animation sah erstens beschis*en aus und außerdem sind alle Frauen rumgelaufen, als hätten sie sonstwas zwischen den Beinen...
deswegen meine Frage:D
Im Video macht die Animation einen guten Eindruck. Vorher sind die Frauen ja mehr oder weniger wie Kerle herumgestapft, da kommt so eine Mod gerade recht. Ich werde sie direkt ausprobieren. :D