
Übersetzung Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival DV 3.0.3

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lol Danke für den Tip. Da mein englisch total schlecht ist hat mit die Anleitung nix gebracht.

Hab schon verzweifelt meine Mods schon hin un hergeschoben weil ich dachte irgendeine Mod Blockiert die andere^^"
Weiß hier jemand wie ich über dem Lagerfeuer eine Kochstelle aufbaue Oo
Ich habe mir einen Gusseisernen Topf und einen Kochlöffel besorgt, so wie schon in der vorherigen Version, doch
es gibt keine Option sie dort auch zu verwenden.
Kann mir hier jemand vielleicht helfen?
Du kannst den Topf (wenn ich mich recht erinner) einfach genau wie das Zelt ablegen, dann erscheint ein Dialog, der fragt, ob du die Kochstelle aufbauen willst.
Dann einfach über das Feuer bauen und schon klappt alles.
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Reaktionen: NordLady
Danke :)
Ich werde es gleich mal testen.
Was für einen Topf brauche ich denn? Wieder den, wie in der alten Version?
Es gibt ja verschiedene und es klappte da nur mit einem.
Du musst einen Kochtopf an der Schmiede herstellen. Ist unter der Kategorie "Sonstiges" zu finden. Ein paar Stahlbarren benötigst du dazu. Wenn du den Topf nachher aufstellen willst, musst du in dein Inventar und es dann fallen lassen, dann öffnet sich das Platzierungsmenü.
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Reaktionen: NordLady
Heute ist die englische Version 2.1 erschienen: Download

Changelog zu 2.1:
Frostfall 2.1 Change Log


* You can now start the mod in one of three different ways:
Look to the stars
SkyUI Only: Click the Frostfall Status button in the Frostfall MCM's Overview page.
Open the console, and type "set StartFrostfall to 1".
* New shiver sound effects for male and female when the player reaches "freezing" or "freezing to death". Can be toggled on and off.
* New force feedback options for controller users. You will feel a mild rumble when entering the Freezing state, a heavy rumble when entering Freezing to Death, and you will feel your heartbeat pulse when swimming in frigid water, which will slowly taper off before you die. Force feedback can be turned on or off.
* SkyUI Only: You can now set hotkeys for Weathersense and Survival Skills.
* SKSE Only: Hand-warming animations. They will play automatically only under the following circumstances:
You must be using SKSE.
You must be in 3rd person mode.
You must have your weapon sheathed.
You must be fairly close to the fire.
You must not be sitting, sleeping, or using some other piece of furniture.
You must not be placing a piece of camping equipment.
You must not be on horseback.
You must be stopped for a prolonged period of time (greater than 8 seconds)
To break out of the animation, press a movement key. (Controller users will have to press an attack key, jump, or weapon ready. There is no way to detect the joystick using SKSE at this time.)
* There is now an option to turn off Advanced Object Placement for camping supplies for those that have experienced performance issues. If it is turned off, you will place items by dropping them into the world, positioning them by dragging the item around, and the clicking on them and selecting Place. It will place the item in front of where you are standing. They will be placed perfectly level (flat), so find a flat-ish spot to camp if you use this mode for performance reasons.
* Wyrmstooth, a new quest and new landmass adventure mod, is now fully supported.
* Exposure and Wetness are now displayed in the tent menu system.
* Most waterfalls will now drench you when standing near or under them for a few seconds. I can't promise that this will work 100% of the time. If you see strange behavior, please report it.
* New in-game troubleshooter for the error message "You are already trying to place something" displaying when it should not.
* theRoadstroker's Rogue Sorceress Outfit will be fully supported in an optional compatibility patch that will launch simultaneously with 2.1. I've always loved this gear set and am happy that it is more fully supported now. This also now adds support for one-piece gear sets such as this (combination gloves, body, hands, and/or head gear in the same item). You will get an appropriate level of exposure protection when wearing his Outfit, and the cloak now acts as Linen. The cloak's used slot has been changed to 46 in the compatibility patch in order to bring it in line with most other cloak mods. A complete list of changes will be forthcoming.
* New recipe for brand new Woodcutter's Axe. This was originally avoided because of the catch-22 of needing firewood to craft the woodcutter's axe, and needing a woodcutter's axe to harvest firewood. Now that the player can use a Stone Hatchet to acquire firewood, this recipe now makes sense to have.
* Cleaned Pelts and Hide Lace can now be crafted from the Tanning Rack menu as well.
* You can now reclaim your amulet from your backpack at a tanning rack without losing the backpack.
* A new message will appear when loading your game: "You are now prepared to use camping equipment." This informs you when Frostfall's startup routines are complete. After this message appears, camping equipment can be placed and other features will begin working as well (W.E.A.R. etc).


* Fixed an issue with Snowberry Extract not working under certain conditions.
* Cloaks are now checked in the WEAR arrays every time the game is loaded and repopulated if necessary, which should prevent the need to clean save in the future in some circumstances.
* Fixed an issue where the mod would think you were always a vampire after becoming a Dawnguard vampire, and then curing yourself.
* NPCs should no longer sandbox into the player's bed roll, preventing packing the tent.
* Breton Vampires can now see their backpacks when worn.
* Waiting in tents has been improved. Your timescale should (hopefully) now always return to the right one, at the right time.
* The radius that a campfire will heat a tent from has been increased. The radius a cooking pot can be placed away from a heat source has been slightly increased.
* Some of the text in the SkyUI MCM has been modified for clarity or corrected.
* You can now see your Adaptation bonus under Active Effects.
* Bandoliers should no longer spam the Papyrus log. Bandoliers should no longer be detected by Frostfall as gloves.
* Much better swimming detection. Should hopefully eliminate "You cannot do that while swimming" errors for most users.
* Backpack items will no longer display when invisible or ethereal, to prevent "floating items" without the invisibility effect from appearing.
* The player's scale should no longer be changed when using certain camping equipment.
* "Faint heat" messages while indoors should no longer appear, and should appear more relevantly when outdoors.
* The amount of time Frostfall allows its main script to run in a single loop has been lengthened. This should fix an issue where some users had exposure values that would not change. It is still recommended that those users tweak their Papyrus settings in Skyrim.ini in order to improve script performance.
* You will no longer lose your camping item when trying to place something and then moving through a load door. This will also no longer break your ability to place things in the future.
* You can no longer use Survival Skills, mortar and pestle, or drop items to place them while on horseback.
* Removed the collision mesh from lanterns that hang in the Large Hide Tent, which can cause camera issues.
* Cloaks detected using the legacy keyword method now grant the benefits of Linen cloaks when using W.E.A.R.
* The messages that display when in frigid water are now tied to the Condition Messages option.
* Resolved misc. papyrus log errors.
* A few remaining script-driven messages now have their own message objects to allow for proper translation.
* Cooking pots are placed slightly higher, and should be easier to activate once placed.
* The cloak textures for the fur cloak by Lorelai have been reduced in size. The clasp ornament has been reduced from 1024x1024 to 256. The fur texture has been reduced from 2048x2048 to 1024x1024. The normal maps remain the same. This should improve performance for some users and help avert memory-related issues.


* Positive values of exposure now have a + sign in Weathersense and the tent menus.
* Weathersense now shows the incoming weather temperature, if a new weather is incoming. This should cause the visual weather to match Weathersense's reports much more often.
* It is now impossible to craft tents or backpacks using the Tanning Rack, or cooking pots at a Forge, before the mod has started or when the mod is shut down.
* Longbows now require Hide Lace instead of Leather Strips.
* Beast tails are now hidden when using Frostfall cloaks (Travel Cloaks)
* The commas in backpack names have been replaced with hyphens to allow for Customizable Favorites Menu support.
* The Weathersense Ring has been removed. Future SkyUI meters using the widget framework, along with the SkyUI Weathersense hotkey that can be used on horseback, has made this redundant and its implementation was never that good because it relies too heavily on the user's script performance in order to fire consistently, which led to a lot of bug reports.
* The vampirism check now only checks ActorTypeUndead. This will ensure more universal support. This also means some mods that make the player a Lich are now supported. The wording in the menus has also been modified to reflect this change.
* The Wet and Cold Compatibility Wizard is now simply a set of instructions, and does not actually do anything.
* SKSE + Hearthfire Only: The Quarried Stone to Dense Stone recipe has been changed to require 4 Quarried Stone for every 1 Dense stone, instead of the other way around.


* Blizzard AOE spells do not put out campfires, and Fire AOE spells do not light campfires. Implementing this would greatly overcomplicate the way campfires currently work.
* The View Status page does not show a + sign for positive values of exposure.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
gibt eine 2.2 version mit Dragonborn kompatibel

Frostfall 2.2 Change Log

  • Sleeping in a tent in Solstheim would result in floating back to your tent after something story-related happens.
  • Campfires, forges, and so on found on Solstheim should now act as heat sources. If you find anything that you think should provide heat but does not, let me know.
  • All enchanted armor from loot now has proper exposure protection values applied. This change should be retroactive if you use W.E.A.R. right now.
  • Solstheim now has the intended temperatures. The south is moderately warm. The north is very, very cold.
  • Other worldspaces in this DLC now have the intended temperature.
  • You can now harvest wood from trees on Solstheim.
  • Ash storms are now recognized by the weather system correctly.
  • Ash storms on Solstheim now apply ash effects on tents after sleeping in them.


  • New enclosed, warmer-looking Small Hide Tent mesh by Tumbajamba.
  • New option in the SkyUI MCM to reset W.E.A.R. to default values. The legacy menu system already had this.
  • New option in the SkyUI MCM and legacy menu system to turn off System Notifications ("You are now prepared to use camping equipment", "Your scriping system is running too slowly", etc)


  • Packed missing sound files, which were the shiver sound effects. They were supposed to be in the last patch release, but were mistakenly not included.
  • Fur boots were not providing the right exposure protection.
  • Being wet while the weather is "warm" will no longer affect your exposure. Being wet while the weather is "temperate" or better will affect your exposure less than before.
  • The hand warming animations from 2.1 now behave much better. You should no longer be stuck in 3rd person view (and if you were, this fix is retroactive). The animation should no longer stop working after a period of time. It will not longer trigger while you are in dialogue. Note that it will not trigger while you are in combat, and sometimes you can be in combat and not know it (Slaughterfish by the shoreline being the prime example).
  • Verified Bandoliers no longer displays "gloves" message. I have tested every single bandolier from both the base plugin and Dawnguard. If you are still experiencing this issue, please try reloading your game.

kann man mit einer deutschen übersetzung rechnen ? ^^
gibt eine 2.2 version mit Dragonborn kompatibel

Frostfall 2.2 Change Log

  • Sleeping in a tent in Solstheim would result in floating back to your tent after something story-related happens.
  • Campfires, forges, and so on found on Solstheim should now act as heat sources. If you find anything that you think should provide heat but does not, let me know.
  • All enchanted armor from loot now has proper exposure protection values applied. This change should be retroactive if you use W.E.A.R. right now.
  • Solstheim now has the intended temperatures. The south is moderately warm. The north is very, very cold.
  • Other worldspaces in this DLC now have the intended temperature.
  • You can now harvest wood from trees on Solstheim.
  • Ash storms are now recognized by the weather system correctly.
  • Ash storms on Solstheim now apply ash effects on tents after sleeping in them.


  • New enclosed, warmer-looking Small Hide Tent mesh by Tumbajamba.
  • New option in the SkyUI MCM to reset W.E.A.R. to default values. The legacy menu system already had this.
  • New option in the SkyUI MCM and legacy menu system to turn off System Notifications ("You are now prepared to use camping equipment", "Your scriping system is running too slowly", etc)


  • Packed missing sound files, which were the shiver sound effects. They were supposed to be in the last patch release, but were mistakenly not included.
  • Fur boots were not providing the right exposure protection.
  • Being wet while the weather is "warm" will no longer affect your exposure. Being wet while the weather is "temperate" or better will affect your exposure less than before.
  • The hand warming animations from 2.1 now behave much better. You should no longer be stuck in 3rd person view (and if you were, this fix is retroactive). The animation should no longer stop working after a period of time. It will not longer trigger while you are in dialogue. Note that it will not trigger while you are in combat, and sometimes you can be in combat and not know it (Slaughterfish by the shoreline being the prime example).
  • Verified Bandoliers no longer displays "gloves" message. I have tested every single bandolier from both the base plugin and Dawnguard. If you are still experiencing this issue, please try reloading your game.

kann man mit einer deutschen übersetzung rechnen ? ^^

ist schon da
Mittlerweile ist die englische Version 2.2b erschienen: Download

  • The Vampire Immunity setting was backwards.
  • Planes of Oblivion should now be recognized as "warm" to prevent exposure gain in these areas.
  • Fixed a minor typo in the Survivor's Guide.
  • Fixed issue where the player could gain exposure while pathing to the pile of firewood during the wood harvesting cutscene. You should pay the "flat fee" of 0, 10, 15, or 20 exposure depending on the temperature, but no more until you regain control of your character, as was originally intended.
Kann man irgendwas tun damit die Aufwärm-animationen abgespielt werden?
Ich muss jedes mal im MCM Menü die Option ausschalten, (Spieler Animationen)
Menü verlassen, Menü öffnen und sie wieder einschalten.
Doch nach Laden eines Spelstandes oder Fortfahren am nächsten tag,
werden die Animationen wieder nicht abgespielt?
Kann man irgendwas tun damit die Aufwärm-animationen abgespielt werden?
Ich muss jedes mal im MCM Menü die Option ausschalten, (Spieler Animationen)
Menü verlassen, Menü öffnen und sie wieder einschalten.
Doch nach Laden eines Spelstandes oder Fortfahren am nächsten tag,
werden die Animationen wieder nicht abgespielt?
Das ist ein bekannter Fehler. Der Autor arbeitet dran. Da kann man im Moment nichts machen.
Bei mir klappt die 'Aufwärm-Animation' immer wenn ich mein Schild ablege. Versuch das mal, wenn du eins trägst :).
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