Vorstellung CLS CLassy Clothes OBSE


Ihr werdet es kaum glauben: Wieder eine Modvorstellung von mir :roll:

CLS Classy Clothes OBSE
Autor: CLShade
Version: 09
Benötigt: OBSE

So weit wie ich das verstanden habe ist es mit dieser Mod möglich, dass die NPC auf euer äußeres achten. Je besser ihr gekleidet seid, desto freundlicher sind sie.

Ever notice how you can be dressed in rags and the Count or Countess will still sell you a house without batting an eye? Or that you can be dressed to the nines and the poor folks at the waterfront don't seem to notice?

Now they will take note of what you're wearing. And if you're smart you'll take note of what they are wearing, too- if you want to get on their good side. How you dress will have an impact on how other people react to you.

What it does:

Classy Clothes assigns all vanilla clothes, some vanilla amulets and necklaces, some vanilla armors and all rings (vanilla or not) a class. Really, they are already divided up by class in the inner workings of the game and I've just added a mechanism to make it mean something.

It also assigns (almost) all vanilla NPC's that you are likely to interact with (except guards) a class. Depending on what you are wearing and what class the person you are talking to belongs to it will modify their disposition towards you. They'll either like you more or like you less depending on what you are wearing.

The NPC's don't wear signs telling you what class they are. Or do they? Its a good bet that if you dress like the person you are talking to that they will like you more- or at least not like you less. If you aren't one to dress by the numbers that's all you really need to know to play and enjoy Classy Clothes. If you want to know *exactly* what it does....

The details:

Every 5 seconds what you are wearing is assessed and given a score. That score then determines which class you belong to: lower, middle or upper- at least for the next 5 seconds.

Scoring is as follows:

Lower Class Shirts: -5
(Blacksmith's Apron, Dark Green Shirt, Huntsman Vest, Coarse Linen Shirt, Sack Cloth Shirt, Collared Shirt, Shirt with Suspenders, Belted Vest, Fishing Waders, Patched Vest, Green Wool Shirt, Olive Vest, Stiched Green Shirt, Burlap Vest, Flax Tunic, Beggar's Shirt)

Lower Class Pants: -2
(Blacksmith's Pants, Laced Leather Pants, Huntman Leather Pants, Coarse Linens, Sack Cloth Pants, Green Felt Linens, Breeches, Belted Braies)
Lower Class Shoes: -2
(Rough Leather Shoes, Stitched Leather Shoes, Huntsman Moccassin, Oiled Linen Shoes, Sack Cloth Sandles, Buckles Shoes)

Middle Class Shirts: + 5
(Brown Shirt, Quilted Doublet, Blue & Green Outfit, Burgundy Linen Shirt, Russet Felt Outfit, Dark Shirt, Blue Collar Shirt, Shirt with Suspenders- 0 weight version, Plaid Shirt, Forester's Shirt)

Middle Class Pants: + 2
(Light Brown Linens, Tan Linens, Burgundy Linens, Rugged Pants, Black Wide Pants, Short Britches)

Middle Class Shoes: +2
(Pigskin Shoes, Doeskin Shoes, Quilted Shoes, Thick Cowhide Shoes, Russet Felt Shoes)

Upper Class Shirts: + 10
(Green Brocade Doublet, Red Velvet Blouse, Blue Silk Shirt , Highwayman's Shirt)

Upper Class Outfits: + 20 (since the cover upper and lower body)
(Black and Burgundy Outfit, Blue Velvet Outfit, Red Velvet Outfit)

Upper Class Pants: +10
(Green Silk Garment, Red Velvet Garment, Blue Silks)

Upper Class Shoes: +10
(Green Velvet Shoes, Gold Trimmed Shoes, Blue Suede Shoes)

Lowerclass Robe: -7
(I chose only one: Tattered Robe)

Middle Class Robes: +7
(Grey, Tan, and Green Robes)

Upper Class Robes: +20
(White Mages Robes and the silk robes)

(Note that Monk Robes have no effect on disposition.)

Jewelry is handled differently.

The following modify the score +1:
All rings, Jade Necklace, Silver Necklace

The following are +2:
Jade Amulet, Silver Amulet, Gold Necklace, Jeweled Necklace

The following are +3:
Gold Amulet, Jeweled Amulet

Everything else that lives in the amulet slot gets a +2 whether it should or not. This is to cover the many, many enchanted amulets that I'd otherwise have to script them all in by hand. I love you, but not that much.

Armor is also handled differently.

Fur, Leather and Iron Cuirasses are treated as lower class shirts (-5)

Chainmail, Orcish, Blades, Mithril, and Steel Cuirasses are middle class (+5)

Daedric, Dwarven, Ebony, Elven, and Glass Cuirasses are all upper class (+10)

Now that we have the score, what does it mean?

If score is <= -5 you are Lower Class

Otherwise, if your score is less than 30 you are Middle Class

If you are 30 or above then you qualify as Upper Class.

And what, I can hear you asking, does THAT mean?

If you are lower class you will inspire the following reactions in NPC's belong to each class:
Lower, +10; Middle, -5; Upper, -15.

If you are Middle Class:
Lower. -10; Middle, +5; Upper- no change.

If you are Upper Class:
Lower, -15; Middle, no change; Upper, +10.

How are NPC's Assigned a Class?

By hand. Yes, I love you: I added each NPC to one of 3 custom factions. Classy Clothes dynamically modifies those factions reactions to you � and that's all those factions do.

�But wait! What about (insert excellent clothes mod here) clothes?! I love them and want them to work with Classy Clothes!!�

Other than rings and undeclared amulets, Classy Clothes will not recognize or score any clothes or armor not listed above.

For those who want to add Class to their custom clothes, I've built in a quest variable that can be externally set to modify your score. It requires the following to be added to the OnEquip and OnUnEquip blocks of the script for the item. It must be in BOTH places to set and unset the score modification.

OnEquip Player
set CLSClassyClothesQuest.scoremod to (CLSClassyClothesQuest.scoremod [your value])

UnUnEQuip Player
set CLSClassyClothesQuest.scoremod to (CLSClassyClothesQuest.scoremod [the opposite value])

Voila! That item of clothing (or anything else for that matter) is now part of the scoring system.

If you want to add a class faction - and thus class based reactions - to a custom NPC simply add one (or more, if you like) of the following to their faction list:

CLSLowClass, CLSMidClass, CLSHighClass

Pretty arcane, isn't it? ;)

Preemptive Question Answering:
(This would be a FAQ, but as none of you have seen the mod yet how could there be any �frequent� questions?)

�What about the middle class outfits. Shouldn't they have a score of +7 since the cover both upper and lower body?�

Probably- but the way the scoring works it doesn't make any difference. The lowest score you could get with a Middle Class outfit is +5 (wearing LC shoes) and the highest is 15 (UC shoes)- both Middle Class. Even if I added the +2 for the pants section your top score would still only be 22- still Middle Class.

�What?! A score of 30 for Upper Class? That's pretty stiff- I have to wear all UC clothes!�

True- its intentionally hard to get an upper class score. You have to be dressed *just* right in order to blend in with the upper crust. Kinda like real life, no?

Do note that I added some cuirasses to the upper class so you warrior-noble types can still be fashionable at court wearing your battle gear. What Royal Ball would be complete without the opportunity to swoon over some gorgeous thing dressed in that exciting (and attractive!) evidence of honor and glory?

�Why is there no neutral score. Y'know- one that doesn't have any affect?�

Have you tried this in real life? How does one dress �neutral� and go from a seedy night club / drug den to an Opera without looking out of place somewhere along the way?

�But what about magic clothes and armor?�

Unfortunately they have no score rating. Adding every leveled variant of every magic item to my little mod would take a LOT of time. I'm thinking of ways to do it without having to add each one by hand, but for now there is the scoremod variable for those who really must have their �Fortify Fatigue Pants� included in the class scoring system.

�What is the best load order for use with my list of 1534 other mods?�

I really have no idea. Most (but certainly not all!) mods that do a lot of faction modifying tend to be ones that deal with NPC's you DON'T talk to. My faction changes deal only with NPC's that you do talk to. There will almost certainly be conflicts with any mods that add or remove factions to the vanilla NPCs that you talk to.

That's why my faction changes are in the .esp- you can move it around so that your other mods work the way you want them to. If you are at all worried about it, load my esp early on- the worst that can happen then is that some NPC's won't care what you're wearing.

Where the .esm is shouldn't matter at all.


Please don't modify this version (0.9) without my permission. While there probably isn't much to be done with it except a few tweaks (famous last words) I am still developing it and would rather keep it under my control for the moment. Since the chances of this being an issue are so slim as to be insignificant I don't feel too selfish making this request for now.

In the event that I am no longer reachable via the contact information listed at the download sites and official boards and I do not respond to a request for use within a month use it as you wish with my blessing... where ever I am.

Please do make your own glue .esp's to add class value to your custom clothes. Its designed for that and requires no permission. If you do make a version of a mod that uses Classy Clothes please let me know and I'll list it on my download pages. Much appreciated!

Habe mal angefragt, ob ich die Mod übersetzen darf, sonst werden die NP's wieder ins englische umbenannt.

Es werden übrigens nicht alle NPC's verändert, nur viele ;)