Mögliche Lösung für verschwundene Wasserfälle
Hallo zusammen,
schaut mal, was ich hier zu diesem Thema im Nexus gefunden habe, vielleicht
hilft es ja - viele Grüße, Mikelss:
"Guide by mitchalek.
I'm getting alot of PMs regarding missing waterfalls. I'll post my guide how to bring them back again and it would be good for mod admin to post this on description page because current guide from description page did not work for me (did it work for anyone at all?). If anyone find out better way to do it please share the information. Note that we would not have to deal with this problem if these waterfalls were not marked as deleted in CK, they should have been just disabled instead.
1. Go to any interior, type in console "PCB", save game, uninstall RWTT mod.
2. Find out the FormID of one of missing waterfalls. If you don't know how to find FormID, easiest way is to remember exact location of missing waterfall, load early save when you did not used this mod and go to that waterfall and click on it while console is open to get FormID displayed on top of console window then type "disable" to check if you selected correct thing. If you did select the waterfall it should now disappear. You can bring it back by typing "enable" but you don't have to do that because we are going to load other save that needs fixing. Write FormID on a paper.
3. Load the save we made in step 1, recruit a follower and go to the place of missing waterfall so it is loaded in memory or teleport will not work.
4. Tell follower to wait there, select follower in console to learn his ID.
5. Enable god mode by typing "tgm" and teleport to missing waterfall by typing "player.moveto FormID" and after the loading screen immediatelly open console again and teleport back to follower by typing "player.moveto FollowerID" and all nearby waterfalls should be restored.
--or without a follower--
3. Load the save we made in step 1 and enable god mode by typing "TGM" in console so you don't die from falling in step 6.
4. Go to the place of missing waterfall so it is loaded in memory or teleport will not work.
5. Teleport to missing waterfall by typing "player.moveto FormID" and you should be teleported somewhere high in the air on the center of the map and you shall see your missing waterfall floating there.
6. When you fall down on the ground use the map to fast travel to the nearest location of where waterfall originally should be and it should be there when you arrive along with all others that were missing in the same zone. Save the game and you should be ok.
Repeat from step 2 for any other missing waterfalls you encounter in other zones.
What this whole procedure actually does is force deleted waterfall to load and become enabled, it is then moved automatically to original position on zone change.
Some waterfalls will not be moved and will remain at 0,0,0 coordinates and I can't find another way to restore their original position."