Übersetzung W.A.T.E.R. - Stark verbessertes Wasser für Skyrim

Version 1.85 ist heute erschienen. :)

  • New water normal maps for waves with many additional choices. Includes calmer waves orregular-style ones.
  • All .esp files updated and hand tweaked in the Creation Kit for water-types.
  • Lily pad colour variation improved in the plants module and the reeds are less saturated.
  • Sea is now blue rather than green to match the rivers that run into them. Skyrim only.
  • Tweaks to blood and puddles so they don't use "genericwaternoise.dds" as it looks better.
  • Wet rocks have the refelection map from my Bigger and Boulder mod and have added wets partsto them I missed before.
  • Every texture now uses a better filter so they look improved at a distance. You may not noticethis, but it's done anyway so please don't use DDSOpt ect.
  • Puddle normal map now slightly smoothed.
  • Icefloe normal map optimized.
  • Blacksmith troughs improved dramatically. They now have two water flow directions and aremuch clearer.
  • Animated waves are now more transparent, more condensed, and make proper sounds.
  • Updated the NMM installer so it's more informative and better layed out.
  • Realistic Needs now incorporated again in a seperate file. There will always be no splashes ifusing RND so please be aware WATER is not at fault.

Eine Übersetzung würde mich sehr freuen! :)
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Reaktionen: Scharesoft
Eine Übersetzung würde mich sehr freuen! :)
Eine Übersetzung ist im Grunde nicht notwendig, einzig in der WATER Plants.esp müsste man 2 Begriffe übersetzen (Frogspawn zu Froschlaich und Collect zu Sammeln), und das kann man mit dem TESVTranslator in nichtmal 1 Minute erledigen. Durch die restlichen ESPs wird höchstens noch aus Himmelsrand wieder Skyrim gemacht.
Eher nicht.
Ich hab V1.86 auch mit NMM installiert.

Ich hab nur V1.85 -.-
Dieses andauernde Updaten geht mir schon wieder auf den Sack!
Vielleicht sollte ich noch 2 Jahre warten bevor ich Skyrim wieder spiele XD

Werd mir das jetzt mal selber ankucken...
Danke für die Meldung.

Nochmal EDIT:
Ach was solls... wegen einem neuen Welleneffekt lad ich mir keine 200 MB runder (1mal mit und einmal ohne RND) :p

Aber trotzdem sollte das mit NMM funktionieren.
Bisher war jede W.A.T.E.R.-Version NMM kompatibel.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Eine neue Version 1.87 ist erschienen. :)

1.87 on a undercover cop

Made the mod compatible with new water features of ENB (wave displacement). Don't worry non-ENB
users the mod will still function fine.
Waterfalls have now been recoloured within the mesh. They are now blue with the greenish texture hue
remaining for diversity (so basically 50/50 instead of just one colour).
Animated waves recoloured blue like waterfalls.
New redone foam textures and splash effects for waterfalls, rapids, splashes ect.
New foam for animated waves.
Animated wave and waterfall normal maps smoothed ever so slightly.
Animated waves now have hand-placed SFX data. Big thank you to Natureboy7.
Waves in 'Alternative Normal Two' look rougher.
Lily pads are now smoother looking with reduced noise.
Reeds are now smoother looking with reduced noise.
Added lotus flowers back. They are also more detailed and have stems.
Puddles remade again and made optional. They now have much more detail and replace the ice module.
I made this choice because a lot of the other mods cover ice textures and they are more dedicated.
Blacksmith troughs updated with USKP fixes.
Blacksmith trough water now slightly faster and slightly less transparent.

Eine erneute Übersetzung würde mich sehr freuen! :)
Version 1.871 ist erschienen
  • Green sea water back as a choice (blue still available of course).
  • Better wave options. Rougher waves in default and "Alternate Two" options.
  • Old rapid foam texture back as the latest one was a sort of a test anyway.
  • There is now a lighter wet rock option.
  • Slightly deeper parallax for non-calm options (ENB only).
  • Sir Crabalot companion merged with main files.
Die neue Version 2.1 ist online. :)

Change Log schrieb:
-Added lapping waves to ocean, lake, and marsh waters in Skyrim.


I have been thinking about doing this for a long while, but because this mod has no world edits it can affect the flow direction. The original implementation of this mod (and when it was the original RWT) had this feature, but I had to reset some things long ago to keep everything clean and compatible. Anyway I think I have found the right balance now as it does lap and you can still see the original flow.

-Tweaked the collision on the frogspawn ingredient as it didn't fully cover it before. That is now fixed.
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Reaktionen: Scharesoft