Vorstellung Vampire Hunting - Order of the Virtuous Blood


Hi zusammen,

ich wollte euch mal eine Mod präsentieren, welche mMn einfach super ist.
Mit ihr wird der Orden des Tugendhaften Blutes, welcher in der Vanilla-Version von Oblivion mit nur 1 Quest vertreten ist, erweitert.

Viele dutzende Quests wurden erstellt. Aber was red' ich hier. Schaut es euch selbst an.

Mod: Vampire Hunting - Order of the Virtuous Blood, Version 1_8
Game: TES IV: Oblivion
Requires: Shivering Isles
Authors: David Brasher, Daniel da Rosa
Release to the Public: 5/12/10
1. Information on the Mod
2. Installation
3. Version History
4. Conflicts, Known Issues, and Troubleshooting
5. Copy Status and Credits
This mod expands the Order of the Virtuous Blood by adding fifteen additional quests
which become available after you have beaten the vanilla side-quest. It is the result of merging
"Kendrel - The Vampire Huntress" and "Order of the Virtuous Blood, Version 1_2." It was
designed to be compatible with another Order of the Virtuous Blood mod, "OVBE - Order of the
Virtuous Blood Expanded 03." It has been revised to make it compatible with "Bloodlines." There
are new NPCs, pieces to a suit of playable Ordinator armor, wooden stake weapons, additional
dialog, a system to sell vampire dust in large quantities more rapidly, more books, and lots more
vampires in the world.

Cyrodiil is suffering from a plague of vampirism. With the Oblivion crisis, the attentions of
the authorities have been focused elsewhere, and things are starting to get badly out of hand. You
may encounter vampires at night on isolated country roads, and even walking the streets of the
Imperial City. There are customized boss-level vampires the quests will lead you to seek out and

Vampire hunting is not without its risks. It really isn't safe to get infected with porphyric
hemophilia over and over. You must have a pure heart and a steadfast resolve if you are to avoid
turning into one of the things you are fighting so hard against. If the work does not destroy your
body, it still might destroy your mind and your soul. But if nobody is willing to take the risks and
make the sacrifices, things may become very bad for Cyrodiil indeed.

To start the vanilla quest "Order of the Virtuous Blood," which you must complete before
playing the mod, you must achieve a fame rating of five (5), go to the Imperial City Temple
District, and talk to Ralsa Norvalo. The new quests in this mod are what come after the vanilla
quest. At that point, talk to Roland Jenseric to find out about the new quests.

If you have already completed the "Order of the Virtuous Blood" quest at the point when
you activate the mod, you just need to go to the headquarters of the Order of the Virtuous Blood
in Seridur's Basement and talk to Roland Jenseric. Roland keeps a schedule, and is only there
during certain hours. So if you don't see him, you might have to wait for him.

To start the quest with Kendrel the Vampire Huntress you must not be a vampire, must be
level 10 or higher, must have completed the 'Order of Virtuous Blood' quest and must have joined
the Order at its end. The quest will kick in after 10 days have passed.

In this quest, the player receives a letter from the Order of Virtuous Blood written by Gilen
Norvalo, in which he asks for help again. He says that a famous vampire hunter came from
Morrowind and contacted them by way of his daughter, telling them that he discovered that a cult
of vampires, related to the Quarra Bloodline, is reuniting with its leader, a powerful and cruel
vampire which once threatened the existence of the entire Imperial City. The vampire hunter's
daughter said that the pack of vampires he was tracking brought him to Cyrodill, but not knowing
the land, he eventually lost their trail and needed help. Since Gilen, Grey-throat, and Jenseric are too
weak to fight vampires themselves, Gilen decided to send the player a letter, asking for him to deal
with this situation. The vampire hunter's daughter is waiting for the player at the Tiber Septim Hotel.

This quest is a humble but honest homage to Joss Whedon's iconic TV series "Buffy the
Vampire Slayer." It is an effort to create a lore-friendly story and pay tribute to the TV show.
The intent was to create an atmosphere that could be related to the series in its sense of humor,
flavor, and style.

This mod uses vanilla voiced dialog as well as custom silent lip-synced dialog.

This mod uses a lot of minimally modded vanilla locations across Cyrodiil. The adventures
will take you many places all over the map.

Instructions on where to look for the vampires can be rather vague. After all, the vampires
avoid being seen and don't want to be found. So you may have to visit several dungeons before you
find the right one. The mod was designed this way on purpose. There will not always be a quest
marker on your compass bar leading you around like a puppy on a leash. If you really can't find the
right dungeon or are in a big hurry, you can read the spoiler document which is included with the

The mod adds a player-owned non-respawning chest to the headquarters of the Order of the
Virtuous blood. You will be visiting headquarters at the beginning and end of each quest, so it is
handy to have a place to stow your stuff.

The containers in Vando Manor do not respawn and are safe to store your belongings in.

This mod, which is the result of merging "Vampire Hunting - Order of the Virtuous Blood,
Version 1_2" and "Kendrel the Vampire Huntress" is designed to be compatible with one other
Order of the Virtuous Blood mod, and was tested with it. That mod is not required, but it is
recommended that you run both mods at once for a richer and fuller experience. Web address:

OVBE - Order of the Virtuous Blood Expanded v03 http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25841

There is a small mod conflict with OVBE - Order of the Virtuous Blood Expanded v03.
To start this mod, you need to beat the vanilla Oblivion Order of the Virtuous Blood quest, and
sell Roland the dust of ten vampires. You must sell these10 units of vampire dust one at a time
using the vanilla Oblivion vampire dust-selling engine to start the quest rather than using the
quick-selling dialogs in Vampire Hunting - Order of the Virtuous Blood, otherwise the quest will
never start. After the quest starts, you can sell vampire dust the quick way.

Version 1_7 and up have been changed to be compatible with:
Bloodlines http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14601

2. Installation
Extract (decompress) the .esp file and textures and sounds to your oblivion
directory, the default is: C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\
Mark the box next to the "Order of the Virtuous Blood" plugin.

Alternately, extract someplace else. Then move the esp. to Oblivion\Data\, and the Meshes,
Textures, and Sound folders there also. Merge the new folder with the old. Often
you can simply drop the "Data" file into the "Oblivion" folder Make sure the files go into
the proper directories they were in when you downloaded the mod.

If you use Bloodlines, place Vampire Hunting - Order of the Virtuous Blood in the load
order after it, otherwise you will see object placement, shading, and landscape texturing problems.
3. Version History
V 1.8 5/12/10 Fixed dialog bug with Roland and Vampire Dust.
V 1.7 4/20/10 Fixed a defect you could possibly exploit to get too much treasure from vampire
corpses. The third and perhaps successful attempt at compatibility with "Bloodlines."
V 1.6 4/17/10 Another and harder try at complete compatibility with "Bloodlines."
V 1.5 4/9/10 Borders automatically removed, more modcleaning, made compatible with "Bloodlines."
V 1.4 4/6/10 Fixed bug where looting the corpse of a vampire horse could possibly freeze the game.
V 1.3 3/30/10 "Kendrel the Vampire Huntress" debugged and merged into this mod. Made dialog
for "Between the Hammer and Anvil" quest explain what to do better. Tightened
sloppiness in all quest dialog.
V 1.2 3/22/10 Fixed bug where one vampire was appearing too early.
V 1.1 3/21/10 Bug fixes for "Between the Hammer and Anvil" quest.
V 1.0 3/19/10 Initial Release.
4. Conflicts, Known Issues, and Troubleshooting
Mod conflict with "Lera and Pizz Vampire Hunter" - armor and sword mod
@ http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15533 which puts a chest in the same
location this mod puts a chest. Changing load order could determine whether you have a chest
with vampire hunter armor and sword from that mod or whether you have a player-owned
non-respawning storage chest from this mod.

Some people won't like what this mod does. They can disable it and uninstall it.

This mod was planned to be twice the size it is and include more elaborate quests with
lots of scripting, dialog, new NPCs, detective work and such. Life got in the way. So at this
point, the mod is mainly search and destroy, hack and slash. Also using "OVBE - Order of the
Virtuous Blood Expanded v03" at http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25841 will
offer some more detailed quests which are different in character from the quests in this mod.

See note in "information on the mod" about the minor conflict with OVBE - Order of the
Virtuous Blood Expanded v03 which can prevent the quest in that mod from starting, and how to
easily make it start in-game.

Game balance and the Kendrel the Vampire Huntress quest: The custom vampire NPCs
have modified stats and abilities, but the vampirism script has not been changed. If you use
vampirism mods, your experience may change. This part of the mod was tested with vanilla
Oblivion, and with Scorn's and LG's vampiric mods. The first time it was balanced, LAME and Race
Re-balancer Project (or something, from the same creator of LAME and Integration) were used.
The battles were awesome, but, when vanilla Oblivion was used, it was impossible. Now, hopefully
it is balanced right.

The wearable Ordinator Armor does not have unique ground models and is using Dwarven
armor ground models.

Amount of time spent play-testing has thus far not been adequate.

5. Copy Status and Credits
Bethesda for making the game in an open format anyone can mod.
Daniel da Rosa for "Kendrel the Vampire Huntress, Pilot Episode -Walking in The Shoes."
David Brasher for "Vampire Hunting - Order of the Virtuous Blood 1_2."
Duke Patrick for wooden stake scripting.
Treaka for play-testing.

Copy Status:
The portion of the mod made by David Brasher is public domain and may be used if his
name is included in your credits and he is notified via TES Nexus as a courtesy. For the other
parts, permission from Daniel da Rosa must be obtained. If you have questions on who did what
part, feel free to contact David Brasher on TES Nexus.

Download @TES-Nexus


PS. Ich bin an der Übersetzung dran, aber es ist eine Riesenmod mit vielen Dialogen, Scripts und Queststages. Kann also noch was dauern, sodass es sich lohnt, die EV mal zu testen ;)
Danke fürs vorstellen und erst recht fürs Übersetzen, DarkRuler2500 :)
Klingt laut der Readme in der Tat nach einer ziemlich umfangreichen Angelegenheit. Weiß allerdings nicht ob ich mir zumuten will, alle möglichen Vanilla-Locations von der Mod berühren zu lassen. Das ergibt ja gerne mal Inkompatibilitäten. Na mal abwarten. Vielleicht schau ichs mir mal an, wenn die DV fertig ist :)
ich schau es mir wohl erst an, wenn du die Übersetzung geschafft hast...ist einfach am bequemsten und ich hab eh viel zu tun, im Moment ;)
Weiß allerdings nicht ob ich mir zumuten will, alle möglichen Vanilla-Locations von der Mod berühren zu lassen. Das ergibt ja gerne mal Inkompatibilitäten. Na mal abwarten. Vielleicht schau ichs mir mal an, wenn die DV fertig ist :)

Ich spiele mit geschätzten 100 Mods. Darunter auch Kragenirs Death-Quest (das, was ich so halbfertig noch auf der Platte hab :p) und da KDQ ja auch viele Locations berührt, müssten die ja hoch inkompatibel sein. Ist mir aber noch nichts aufgefallen. Scheint meiner Meinung nach also recht stabil zu sein.

Du stürzt dich ja nur noch in Arbeit... Hast du überhaupt noch Freizeit?:D
Ist ja unglaublich, wie viel Zeit du in deine Projekte investierst. Ich wünsch dir auf jeden Fall viel Glück bei der Übersetzung, auf dass du nicht allzu lange brauchst und von deinen anderen Projekten abgehalten wirst.

Die Mod hört sich gut an und da ich mich mit dem Vampirdasein nie anfreunden konnte, ist es gut, mal die Gegenseite voll auszukosten. Ich werde aber dennoch auf deine Übersetzung warten, denke ich. Hab sowieso noch einen Haufen Mods drauf, die ich noch nicht einmal angespielt habe.:lol:

Hi DarkRuler,
ich finde es auch gut, dass du an der Übersetzung dran bist und werde auch darauf warten, bis du fertig bist.
Weiter so.
Erstmal Danke für die Vorstellung DarkRuler. ;) Werde mir allerdings auch erst deine Übersetzung runterladen.


Danke DarkRuler für die Vorstellung. :)

Ich werde mir auch deine Übersetzung laden wenn es soweit fertig ist, denn das "Übersetzt von DarkRuler2500" ist ja mittlerweile schon ein Gütesiegel für gute Mods. ;)

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Reaktionen: TheDarkRuler
Kurz und knapp: Nein.
Ist noch viel zu tun. :?

Dazu kommt noch, dass zwischendurch Updates erschienen sind, welche ich auch einbinden wollte.
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