Vorstellung Sentinel Legendary Weapons And Armors

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Raven 666


hab gerade etwas recht interesantes auf TesNexus gefunden, schauts euch einfach mal an ;)

Name: Sentinel Legendary Weapons And Armors
Author: Simeon Rangelov aka SenTineL
Größe: 141,223kb
Version: 4.1
Benötigt: Oblivion 1.2.0416
Beschreibung: Fügt ein kleines Quest ein, mithilfe dessen der Spieler eine Menge neue Ausrüstung erbeuten kann...
Die Quest startet automatisch bei Spielstart...

Name: Sentinel's Legendary Weapons & Armors
Version: 1.0
Date: 2/3/2011
Category: Weapons and Armor
Requirements: Oblivion Patch
Author: S.Rangelov aka. SenTineL
Source: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8440

Become a legend yourself ? Why not ! The last Sentinel is willing to grant you some legendary artifacts. Two full sets of armor and a lot of weapons. Prove yourself worthy and one day you may become Sentinel yourself.

Follow the quest !!! It will start as soon as you load/start a game. (well if you start a new game it will appear after you exit the sewers) If you can't find the temple look into the "Bonus Content" folder for spoiler.

What does this modification do ? It adds two full sets of armor , 16 new weapons and a temple building. The two sets :

"Captain Sylvan's Raiment" - Light armor
"Akaviri Emperor's Raiment" - Heavy armor

Both armors are suitable for characters above lv 20. If you want to use them before that you can play with the difficulty slider into the Option menu. Keep in mind also that I play with FCOM so for Vanilla Oblivion the armor will be suitable for lv 25-30.
Female characters can wear both armors also but I haven't include a special female versions.

Captain Sylvan's Set Items :

Armor :

Sylvan's Helmet
Sylvan's Battle Cuirass
Sylvan's Cuirass
Sylvan's Mithrilmail
Sylvan's Greaves
Sylvan's Gauntlets
Sylvan's Boots

Clothes :

Sylvan's Cape
Sylvan's Mother Ring
Sylvan's Father Ring
Sylvan's Circle Of Preservation

Weapons :

Sylvan's Katana
Sylvan's Greatsword
Sylvan's Great Axe

Akaviri Emperor's Raiment

Armor :

Emperor's Armor (Includes Cuirass,Greaves and Boots in one .nif )
Emperor's Gauntlets
Emperor's Helmet
Emperor's Helmet (used on back - see screenshots)
Emperor's Shield

Weapons :

Akaviri Emperor's Katana
Akaviri Emperor's Naginata

Other Akaviri Weapons

Imperial Akaviri Dai-Katana - Legendary
Akaviri Heavy Naginata
Akaviri Naginata
Perfect Akaviri Katana/Dai-Katana
Akaviri Ninjato
Akaviri Wakizashi
Akaviri Fine Tanto
Akaviri War Bow
Akaviri Arrows

Items from a future set :

Pure Steel Shield
Pure Steel Dai-Katana
(Can be used with Sylvan's Raiment as well)

Bonus Content :

Prince Nuada's Weapons from Hellboy

1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
2. Examine the folder structure. You will see four folders - Data, Screenshots, Unenchanted Version, Bonus Content.
3. Copy the "Data" folder to your /Oblivion directory. Say yes to overwrite the folder itself. Nothing from the original game will be changed.
4. Start Oblivion Launcher, click 'Data Files', place a checkmark beside the .esp file.

If want to use the unenchanted version of this mod copy the ESP file located into the "Unenchated Versio" folder to your /Oblivion/Data folder. USE ONLY ONE ESP

1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the .esp file.

2. Delete folders :



Absolutely NONE . Everything inside uses its own meshes and textures. No conflicts with other mods (so far of course)


Fully compatible with OOO , FCOM and Unique Landscapes. (My mod don't mess with level lists)

Known Issues or Bugs

None so far. If you find some ,please inform me either by PM my or email me. Keep in mind though that my native language is not English so some spelling mistakes can occur.


You can find me on TESNexus as 'BGSenTineL'
You can send me an email here: sentinel.tesnexus@gmail.com


Thanks to :

Bethesda for creating Oblivion.
TESNexus.com for the a one-stop-shop resource for authors and players.
LHammonds for the Readme Generator this file was based on.
Edocsil for his fireplace tools
Meo300 - globes , fireplace and books
Nick_Op for his great syringe arrows mesh
Stroti for his great vault ,dynamite ,telescope and bottled ship sources
Piet_62 for his beautiful set of furniture.
Ghastley for his animated apparatus
Nitiren for his great genji armor model
Marcos for his light naginata model
Severian for his ninjato ,wakizashi and tanto models.
Little Baron for his flower pots
Da Mage for his beautiful red temle
Lauras for his/her (?) rugs
Evendar and gdarknight for their prince Nuada weapons
Loth for his weapon racks
Kafeis for his/her (?) armored circles
Lazarus (The WarCry mod creator) for his greataxe model
Adonnay for his beautiful silver sword and bow models
Lonewolf_kai for usage of his Heavens Wraith Alt helmet wings, which come from Alexanders Wings
Someone1074 for his cape model
Maltz for his heavy naginata model
Jerros, LHammonds - I took the pauldrons from LPOD armor and placed them on Sylvan's Battle Cuirass
Jason Angle for his magical fantasy art .
Special tanks to Hickory for helping me with making the quest
Special tanks to jojo
Special tanks to Xenoziel for allowing me to use his beautifull background (Akaviri War Bow)
Many tanks to http://imperial-library.info/ also for the great information source.

Please forgive me if I had missed someone.

Tools Used
Blender - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12248
NIFSkope - http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/NifSkope
Photoshop - http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop/
TES Construction Set - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11367
Readme Generator - http://LHammonds.game-host.org/obmm/tools_readme_generator1.asp

All I ask is to contact me before re-packaging any part of this mod. Share your ideas and projects. You don't need my permission ,just make sure you give credits to me and/or anyone from the "credits" section of this ReadMe. Also if you like my work please rate ,comment ,endorse ,vote BUT don't forget the most important thing !!! Enjoy this as much as I enjoyed it while creating it.

Future Plans

Having an idea of making a "Ranger Set"

Download & Screens

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Hi Raven :)

Da habens wir fast gleichzeitig gefunden. Trotzdem Danke für die Vorstellung.:good: Ich finde es sieht sehr gut aus und bin gerade beim runterladen.;)
Noch besser wäre es natürlich als DV. Ob sich da jemand findet? Lieb Frag.:);)

Gruß dorits
Du bist ja schnell.:lol::) Wirst Du es unabhängig davon auch anbieten? Falls Ihr für Arejana doch noch ein bischen länger braucht (übrigens Arejana's DL ist Dir bei mir schon sicher :good:) :);)

Gruß doritis
Nice, sieht gar nicht schlecht aus. Was die Schwerter in 1stPerson taugen, muss sich noch zeigen, aber auf den Screens sehen die Stücke schonmal ganz solide aus. Danke fürs Vorstellen Raven :)

Abgesehen davon meinte Doritis glaub ich, ob du deine Erlaubnis der Verwendung erstmal ausschließlich für Arejana nutzen wirst oder auch unabhängig von Arejana die Mod übersetzen und zur verfügung stellen wirst. Da aber der liebe Darkruler2500 jetzt auch dran ist, bekommen wir so oder so denk ich eine :) Thx Dunkler... Herrscher ;)

Irre ich mich oder ist im Spoiler oben unter "Source" am Anfang "Apophis Silver Dragon Armory verlinkt?" -- >
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8440 selber link oder?

--> der wäre wohl besser. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36954
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Reaktionen: doritis
Das muss nichts heißen:
Source heißt ja auch Bezugsquelle, oder Ausgangspunkt. Ich glaub nicht das man Silver Dragon noch braucht, damit die Mod läuft...

Achso, ich dachte da wäre die Downloadquelle für die Mod selbst vielleicht gedacht. Egal, findet man so oder so und die DV dann ohnehin.
Tolle Mod ich hab sie zwar selber gestern schon gefunden aber trzdm danke.

Schade ist aber, finde ich, dass es nur männliche Rüstungen gibt. Aber alleine auf Grund der Waffen lohnt es sich diese mod zu spielen.

Tolle Mod ich hab sie zwar selber gestern schon gefunden aber trzdm danke.
Schade ist aber, finde ich, dass es nur männliche Rüstungen gibt. Aber alleine auf Grund der Waffen lohnt es sich diese mod zu spielen.

Falsch! ;)

Q: Are the armors for both male and female?
A: Ahh yes (I forgot to mention this into the readme ) The armor will suit both sexes ,but it is designed for males (After all Captain Sylvan is considered a male :) ) Probably I'm going to release a female version of his armor using HGEG body. If someone wants to do this - please feel free to do so.
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