Hotfix 0.60.9:
NMM will now be able to keep track of the real ID for mod files.
Added “Dual Sheat Redux” and “Patchus Maximus” to the supported tools (those are just shortcuts, you need to install them).
Added “Installed Mods” counter to the bottom bar.
Fixed issue where a profile was unable to restore scripted installers choices.
Fixed issue where scripted installers couldn’t reinstall their files (if a file was present twice).
Fixed several issues with the Change Virtual Folder functionality and the multiHD mode setup.
Fixed crash when searching for program updates while the new installer is already installing.
The program will now check whether there’s actually an update to download before starting the masterlist update.
Fixed crash issue when retrieving the plugin directory.
Fixed issue preventing NMM to store “Dual Sheat Redux Patch.esp” and “PatchusMaximus.esp” in a profile.
Fixed issue where NMM wasn’t updating supported patches files (DSR, PM, Bashed). Make sure to click on Save profile or disable/enable the plugin if you edit them when NMM is not running.
Fixed LOOT settings missing for New Vegas.