[Mod-Vorstellung] Der Diebes und Assassinen-Thread

Vielen Dank auch von mir für die Liste, ist sehr praktisch! Ich freue mich schon auf die Übersetzung ThreeD :)
Wow genial endlich mal neue sachen für meine Assasienen :)
Auch vielen Dank von mir!!! (mit download begin)
Hallo Neurosis404,

das habe ich gerade entdeckt.
Zumbs Lockpicking Mod - OBSE version, Making the lockpicking minigame go bye-bye


Hier ist die ReadMe:
Zumbs Lockpicking Mod - OBSE version
Version: 1.0

By Zumbs

June 18th 2008

1. Introduction
2. Requirements
3. Installation and uninstallation
4. Upgrading from non-OBSE version
5. Playing the mod
6. Compatibility
7. Version history
8. Thanks


Have you ever wondered why time magically seemed to stop when you started lockpicking? Even if it took you 500 tries? Or why a falling tumbler could break your steel lockpick? Or what happended to all those broken pieces in the lock? I did, and that's why I made this mod.

This mod gives you the option of getting rid of the lockpicking minigame and replace it with realtime lockpicking. The mod adds three new equipable lockpicks. When one of these lockpicks is equiped, you can attempt to pick a lock by pointing the lockpick towards a locked item and leftclicking. Beware that someone may see you and report your crime! A more detailed description of how to use the mod can be found in section 5 below. Please take your time to read it.


* OBSE version 14 or later. Newest version can be found here: http://obse.silverlock.org/

* TES4: Oblivion version 1.2.0416. It should work with older versions, but I haven't tried it out.



The mod should contain the following files:

ZumbsLockpickingMod - Hide Difficulty Addon.esp
ZumbsLockpickingMod - OBSE - readme.txt
ZumbsLockpickingMod - OBSE.bsa
ZumbsLockpickingMod - OBSE.esp

There are a few options, so you should copy the files to a temporary location, and open the folder "Data" in folder where you installed Oblivion (probably "C:\Games\Oblivion\Data").

If you wish to disable the minigame, just copy all files into your "Data" folder. If you prefer to keep the minigame as an option, remove "\menus\lockpick_menu.xml" first.

Then launch Oblivion. In the launcher, press the button "Data Files". Scroll down the list until you find "ZumbsLockpickingMod - OBSE.esp" and make sure the box is checked.

If you wish to hide the difficulty of a lock, also make sure that "ZumbsLockpickingMod - Hide Difficulty Addon.esp" is checked.


To uninstall the mod, remove all lockpicks from your inventory (except for vanilla Oblivion lockpicks). Wait three days (or whatever your respawn time is). Uncheck "ZumbsLockpickingMod - OBSE.esp" in the launcher and delete the files mentioned above.


There shouldn't be any problems in upgrading from non-OBSE versions, although you will loose your (equipable) lockpicks and experience (you'll keep your skill level).


a: Lockpicking

When the mod is loaded for the first time, it will convert the vanilla lockpicks in your inventory to the best possible equipable lockpick. To upgrade to a better lockpick open your inventory and find the vanilla lockpicks. Leftclick them. If you have enough lockpicks for the a better set of picks, a new set of picks will be added to your inventory (the quality of the lockpicks depend on the number of lockpicks in your inventory, see section 5d).

To pick a lock using lockpicks, first equip one of the lockpicks. They can be found under "Weapons" in your inventory. Turn towards a lock and leftclick. If you are successful the lock will be opened. If not you'll have to try again. If you wish to try to open a lock without lockpicks, you'll have to use the lesser power "Bare Hands Lockpicking".

Your chance for success are given by:

0.5 * Security + 2d25 + Bonuses < Locks difficulty

Security is modified for luck and bonuses depend on the quality of your lockpicks and skill perks (see later subsections).

b: Experience

Using OBSE, this mod now uses Oblivions skill system to handle experience and skill progession.

c: Skill Perks

Each skill Perk add 5 to the roll mentioned above (section 5a). Note that the skill text haven't been changed due to compatibility.

d: Quality of Lockpicks

Name Bonus Cost in
vanilla lockpicks
Bare Hands -50 -
Bent Steel Wire -10 1
Lockpicks 0 100
Quality Lockpicks +10 300
Skeleton Key +20 -

How much do the different types of lockpicks help? The table below notes the chance of successfully picking the most difficult lock of the given difficulty level (assuming Luck is 50) with different lockpicks.

Security Very Easy Easy Average Hard Very Hard Key Needed
Bare Hands: 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 %
Bent Steel Wire: 89.4 % 52 % 2.4 % 0 % 0 % 0 %
Lockpicks: 99.8 % 83.2 % 19.2 % 0 % 0 % 0 %
Quality Lockpicks: 100 % 98.4 % 52 % 0 % 0 % 0 %
Skeleton Key: 100 % 100 % 83.2 % 0 % 0 % 0 %

Bare Hands: 12.5 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 %
Bent Steel Wire: 100 % 91.2 % 30.4 % 0 % 0 % 0 %
Lockpicks: 100 % 100 % 66.4 % 0 % 0 % 0 %
Quality Lockpicks: 100 % 100 % 91.2 % 0 % 0 % 0 %
Skeleton Key: 100 % 100 % 100 % 7.2 % 0 % 0 %

Bare Hands: 66.4 % 21.8 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 %
Bent Steel Wire: 100 % 100 % 85.4 % 0 % 0 % 0 %
Lockpicks: 100 % 100 % 99 % 3.36 % 0 % 0 %
Quality Lockpicks: 100 % 100 % 100 % 21.8 % 0 % 0 %
Skeleton Key: 100 % 100 % 100 % 55.8 % 4.48 % 3.36 %

Bare Hands: 99.5 % 80.8 % 16.8 % 0 % 0 % 0 %
Bent Steel Wire: 100 % 100 % 100 % 16.8 % 0 % 0 %
Lockpicks: 100 % 100 % 100 % 48 % 2.4 % 1.6 %
Quality Lockpicks: 100 % 100 % 100 % 80.8 % 19.2 % 16.8 %
Skeleton Key: 100 % 100 % 100 % 97.6 % 52 % 48 %

Bare Hands: 100 % 100 % 72.6 % 0 % 0 % 0 %
Bent Steel Wire: 100 % 100 % 100 % 72.6 % 12.5 % 10.6 %
Lockpicks: 100 % 100 % 100 % 94.2 % 40.5 % 37 %
Quality Lockpicks: 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 75.5 % 72.6 %
Skeleton Key: 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 95.5 % 94.2 %

Note that the distribution is calculated using the most difficult version of each lock, so even at 25 with bent steel wire, you'll have a decent chance of opening the easiest "Hard" locks. Lock difficulties and levels are given below:

Lock level Lock difficulty Alteration skill to open
Very Easy 1 - 7 Novice
Easy 8 - 20 Apprentice (25)
Average 21 - 40 Journeyman (50)
Hard 41 - 80 Expert (75)
Very Hard 81 - 99 Master (100)
Need key 100 -

e: Criticals

When you try to pick something there is a small chance that you make a critical success or failure. The probability for each is about 1:600. On critical failure you fail opening the lock, and may damage your lockpicks. On critical success you succeed in picking the lock and get more experience.

f. Skeleton key

In vanilla Oblivion, the Skeleton key makes the Security Skill obsolete. Therefore the bonus in security is removed, and by clicking it, you can get an equipable Skeleton Key.

Note, that until you try to equip the vanilla skeleton key, you'll still have the vanilla bonus.

g. Advanced Settings

This mod is highly configurable, allowing users to change a number of settings, such as difficulty of lockpicking, quality and price of lockpicks, as well as whether or not to allow picking of key-only locks. The settings can be edited in ZumbsLockpickingModOBSE.ini. To apply the changes in an existing game, open the console (the ~ key just below your Esc button) and type:

startquest ZumbsLockpickerVariables


bat Data\ZumbsLockpickingModOBSE.ini

and hit return. The default settings mimic Oblivions default settings.


This mod primarily adds new stuff. It does, however, edit three things: it edits the visuals of scripted spell effect (to remove them) and adds a script to vanilla Lockpicks and the skeleton key. If a mod changes these, you'll have to ensure that they load before this mod, or this mod will not work proberbly.

So this mod should be compatible with most other mods.

OOO: I know that there is exactly one "conflict" with OOO, in the edit of scripted spell effects, but that doesn't matter as it is the same changes made by the two mods. Also, traps on containers will not work when lockpicking.

7. Version history

v 1.0: Initial release (June 18th 2008)


- Bethsoft for making Oblivion and publicising the Construction set
- The community for the many questions and answers at the forums and wiki, in particular Haama for the proff-of-concept mod, "MW Lockpicking", showing that it could be done, and scruggs for "Lock Bash 99.9" showing that this type of mod can be made to be highly compatible with other mods, as well as his "Scruggsy Lockpicking BETA" which helped pointing me in the right direction.
- Tekuromoto for getting me back into modding
- Grumblepunk for kindly letting me use his Lockpick meshes for "Bent Steel Wire"
- ElminsterAU for the very useful tes4view-utility
Hay Suzie, danke für den Link, ich teste es aber erstmal :D Wie gesagt, ich empfehle ungern etwas, wenn ichs nicht weiß, obs gut ist ^^
EDIT: Ganz vergessen mich zu bedanken, hätte nicht gedacht, dass der Thread so gut ankommt... Muss ich wohl noch mehr Mods ausprobieren ^^
Hallo Neurosis404,

das habe ich gerade entdeckt.
Zumbs Lockpicking Mod - OBSE version, Making the lockpicking minigame go bye-bye


Hier ist die ReadMe:
Zumbs Lockpicking Mod - OBSE version
Version: 1.0

By Zumbs

June 18th 2008

1. Introduction
2. Requirements
3. Installation and uninstallation
4. Upgrading from non-OBSE version
5. Playing the mod
6. Compatibility
7. Version history
8. Thanks


Have you ever wondered why time magically seemed to stop when you started lockpicking? Even if it took you 500 tries? Or why a falling tumbler could break your steel lockpick? Or what happended to all those broken pieces in the lock? I did, and that's why I made this mod.

This mod gives you the option of getting rid of the lockpicking minigame and replace it with realtime lockpicking. The mod adds three new equipable lockpicks. When one of these lockpicks is equiped, you can attempt to pick a lock by pointing the lockpick towards a locked item and leftclicking. Beware that someone may see you and report your crime! A more detailed description of how to use the mod can be found in section 5 below. Please take your time to read it.


* OBSE version 14 or later. Newest version can be found here: http://obse.silverlock.org/

* TES4: Oblivion version 1.2.0416. It should work with older versions, but I haven't tried it out.



The mod should contain the following files:

ZumbsLockpickingMod - Hide Difficulty Addon.esp
ZumbsLockpickingMod - OBSE - readme.txt
ZumbsLockpickingMod - OBSE.bsa
ZumbsLockpickingMod - OBSE.esp

There are a few options, so you should copy the files to a temporary location, and open the folder "Data" in folder where you installed Oblivion (probably "C:\Games\Oblivion\Data").

If you wish to disable the minigame, just copy all files into your "Data" folder. If you prefer to keep the minigame as an option, remove "\menus\lockpick_menu.xml" first.

Then launch Oblivion. In the launcher, press the button "Data Files". Scroll down the list until you find "ZumbsLockpickingMod - OBSE.esp" and make sure the box is checked.

If you wish to hide the difficulty of a lock, also make sure that "ZumbsLockpickingMod - Hide Difficulty Addon.esp" is checked.


To uninstall the mod, remove all lockpicks from your inventory (except for vanilla Oblivion lockpicks). Wait three days (or whatever your respawn time is). Uncheck "ZumbsLockpickingMod - OBSE.esp" in the launcher and delete the files mentioned above.


There shouldn't be any problems in upgrading from non-OBSE versions, although you will loose your (equipable) lockpicks and experience (you'll keep your skill level).


a: Lockpicking

When the mod is loaded for the first time, it will convert the vanilla lockpicks in your inventory to the best possible equipable lockpick. To upgrade to a better lockpick open your inventory and find the vanilla lockpicks. Leftclick them. If you have enough lockpicks for the a better set of picks, a new set of picks will be added to your inventory (the quality of the lockpicks depend on the number of lockpicks in your inventory, see section 5d).

To pick a lock using lockpicks, first equip one of the lockpicks. They can be found under "Weapons" in your inventory. Turn towards a lock and leftclick. If you are successful the lock will be opened. If not you'll have to try again. If you wish to try to open a lock without lockpicks, you'll have to use the lesser power "Bare Hands Lockpicking".

Your chance for success are given by:

0.5 * Security + 2d25 + Bonuses < Locks difficulty

Security is modified for luck and bonuses depend on the quality of your lockpicks and skill perks (see later subsections).

b: Experience

Using OBSE, this mod now uses Oblivions skill system to handle experience and skill progession.

c: Skill Perks

Each skill Perk add 5 to the roll mentioned above (section 5a). Note that the skill text haven't been changed due to compatibility.

d: Quality of Lockpicks

Name Bonus Cost in
vanilla lockpicks
Bare Hands -50 -
Bent Steel Wire -10 1
Lockpicks 0 100
Quality Lockpicks +10 300
Skeleton Key +20 -

How much do the different types of lockpicks help? The table below notes the chance of successfully picking the most difficult lock of the given difficulty level (assuming Luck is 50) with different lockpicks.

Security Very Easy Easy Average Hard Very Hard Key Needed
Bare Hands: 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 %
Bent Steel Wire: 89.4 % 52 % 2.4 % 0 % 0 % 0 %
Lockpicks: 99.8 % 83.2 % 19.2 % 0 % 0 % 0 %
Quality Lockpicks: 100 % 98.4 % 52 % 0 % 0 % 0 %
Skeleton Key: 100 % 100 % 83.2 % 0 % 0 % 0 %

Bare Hands: 12.5 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 %
Bent Steel Wire: 100 % 91.2 % 30.4 % 0 % 0 % 0 %
Lockpicks: 100 % 100 % 66.4 % 0 % 0 % 0 %
Quality Lockpicks: 100 % 100 % 91.2 % 0 % 0 % 0 %
Skeleton Key: 100 % 100 % 100 % 7.2 % 0 % 0 %

Bare Hands: 66.4 % 21.8 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 %
Bent Steel Wire: 100 % 100 % 85.4 % 0 % 0 % 0 %
Lockpicks: 100 % 100 % 99 % 3.36 % 0 % 0 %
Quality Lockpicks: 100 % 100 % 100 % 21.8 % 0 % 0 %
Skeleton Key: 100 % 100 % 100 % 55.8 % 4.48 % 3.36 %

Bare Hands: 99.5 % 80.8 % 16.8 % 0 % 0 % 0 %
Bent Steel Wire: 100 % 100 % 100 % 16.8 % 0 % 0 %
Lockpicks: 100 % 100 % 100 % 48 % 2.4 % 1.6 %
Quality Lockpicks: 100 % 100 % 100 % 80.8 % 19.2 % 16.8 %
Skeleton Key: 100 % 100 % 100 % 97.6 % 52 % 48 %

Bare Hands: 100 % 100 % 72.6 % 0 % 0 % 0 %
Bent Steel Wire: 100 % 100 % 100 % 72.6 % 12.5 % 10.6 %
Lockpicks: 100 % 100 % 100 % 94.2 % 40.5 % 37 %
Quality Lockpicks: 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 75.5 % 72.6 %
Skeleton Key: 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 95.5 % 94.2 %

Note that the distribution is calculated using the most difficult version of each lock, so even at 25 with bent steel wire, you'll have a decent chance of opening the easiest "Hard" locks. Lock difficulties and levels are given below:

Lock level Lock difficulty Alteration skill to open
Very Easy 1 - 7 Novice
Easy 8 - 20 Apprentice (25)
Average 21 - 40 Journeyman (50)
Hard 41 - 80 Expert (75)
Very Hard 81 - 99 Master (100)
Need key 100 -

e: Criticals

When you try to pick something there is a small chance that you make a critical success or failure. The probability for each is about 1:600. On critical failure you fail opening the lock, and may damage your lockpicks. On critical success you succeed in picking the lock and get more experience.

f. Skeleton key

In vanilla Oblivion, the Skeleton key makes the Security Skill obsolete. Therefore the bonus in security is removed, and by clicking it, you can get an equipable Skeleton Key.

Note, that until you try to equip the vanilla skeleton key, you'll still have the vanilla bonus.

g. Advanced Settings

This mod is highly configurable, allowing users to change a number of settings, such as difficulty of lockpicking, quality and price of lockpicks, as well as whether or not to allow picking of key-only locks. The settings can be edited in ZumbsLockpickingModOBSE.ini. To apply the changes in an existing game, open the console (the ~ key just below your Esc button) and type:

startquest ZumbsLockpickerVariables


bat Data\ZumbsLockpickingModOBSE.ini

and hit return. The default settings mimic Oblivions default settings.


This mod primarily adds new stuff. It does, however, edit three things: it edits the visuals of scripted spell effect (to remove them) and adds a script to vanilla Lockpicks and the skeleton key. If a mod changes these, you'll have to ensure that they load before this mod, or this mod will not work proberbly.

So this mod should be compatible with most other mods.

OOO: I know that there is exactly one "conflict" with OOO, in the edit of scripted spell effects, but that doesn't matter as it is the same changes made by the two mods. Also, traps on containers will not work when lockpicking.

7. Version history

v 1.0: Initial release (June 18th 2008)


- Bethsoft for making Oblivion and publicising the Construction set
- The community for the many questions and answers at the forums and wiki, in particular Haama for the proff-of-concept mod, "MW Lockpicking", showing that it could be done, and scruggs for "Lock Bash 99.9" showing that this type of mod can be made to be highly compatible with other mods, as well as his "Scruggsy Lockpicking BETA" which helped pointing me in the right direction.
- Tekuromoto for getting me back into modding
- Grumblepunk for kindly letting me use his Lockpick meshes for "Bent Steel Wire"
- ElminsterAU for the very useful tes4view-utility

Das hört sich aber bis jetzt gut an.
Hoffentlich übersteht es deinen Test :lol:
Hm ja... Ich wollt ja eig auch noch die Wurfsterne und Wurfmesser testen, die find ich ja (So wie es sich anhört) auch verdammt genial... Muss mich heut abend erstma um Rens Guard Overhaul kümmern, das scheint nen Fehler zu haben, dann wird das erstmal released...
Ich mag ja die auch hier verlinkte Klinge des Leids, die Textur gefiel mir allerdings nicht so gut, sie war viel zu steril.
Deshalb habe ich mich einfach mal an eine retexturierung gemacht.

Sie sieht jetzt ein wenig benutzer aus und hat eine Rille in der Mitte als Blutablauf. :D

So sieht sie bei mir jetzt aus.

Wems gefällt, hier der Link zur neuen Textur. :)
Wie hast du die Klinge so schön retexturiert? wenn ich das mit Gimp oder photoshop versuche bekomme ich nur eine grobkörnige fläche als textur heraus...


Ich hab noch eine Mod die für Assassinen sehr interessant sein könnte. Sie fügt diverse Wurfwaffen ein, ninjasterne und wurfmesse zum Beispiel. Die Mod ist aber leider eine EV.

Zuletzt bearbeitet: