Übersetzung Immersive Armors DV

Tolle Sache, wobei ich diese Witchplatearmour jetzt nicht dem Pack hinzugefügt hätte, ist ja eine relativ simple Retexturierung.

Und auch sollte er sich eigentlich mal hauptsächlich darum kümmern, bestehendes zu optimieren, da sind nämlich einige Rüstungen mit relativ überdurchschnittlichen Clippingfehlern dabei, aber auch die Inventardarstellung simmt oft nicht und bei einigen Rüstungen funktioniert der "Weightslider" nicht, z.B bei der Vagabonarmor, das sieht dann schon unfreiwllig komisch aus.

Könnte noch deutlich besser sein, bei etwas sauberer Arbeit.
die Inventardarstellung stört mich zurzeit am meisten, da weiß man oft gar nicht was man sich da zusammenschmiedet.
Die Clippingfehler kommen bei der Kombination zustande.
Die Rüstungen sind ja gedacht, als Set anziehbar zu sein.
Wenn man das tut, sind zumindest mir noch keine heftigen Clippings aufgefallen.

Naja z.B bei dem Helm der kaiserlichen Rüstung, ansonsten ist sowas halt schon relativ deutlich: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/15909840/ScreenShot8.jpg

Ich tue mich halt da mit Moddern ein bisschen schwer, die dann sagen vlt. fixen sies oder auch nicht und statdessen lieber mehr Content raushauen, ich finde das ist wichtig und zeichnet wirklich gute Mods aus, wenn man das sauber macht. Und vlt. auch eher Etappenweise, das man bestrebt ist alle offensichtlichen Fehler zu lösen, bevor man wieder Neues rausbringt.
Ich würde mir auch sehr erhoffen das die neue Version von Immersive Armors übersetzt wird.
Hab mir das selber mal kurz angesehen und das sind GENAU 13 Gegenstände die neu dazu gekommen sind, der Rest wäre alles nur einfaches übernehmen vom alten Mod.

Von dem her, auch ein großes BITTE von mir an TheDarkRuler das er uns die Version 5 auch übersetzt.
Vielen vielen Dank schon einmal im voraus! : )
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Wenn TheDarkRuler nichts dagegen hat (oder momentan zeitlich eingespannt ist), könnte ich eine Zwischenlösung bereitstellen. Ich habe für mich persönlich die Mod bereits übersetzt. Als Grundlage habe ich dabei seine Übersetzung der 4.0-Version genommen, und nur sehr geringfügig abgeändert.

ja, würd mich riesig freuen, wenn einer von euch beiden die Übersetzung zur Verfügung stellen würde :)
Version 6 ist da.
v6 log:
- All weapons have been removed from this pack in light of the new "Immersive Weapons" mod that can be located in the optional files of this mod page.
- All armor in the forge will now be found under a custom crafting menu "Auxiliary Armors".
- Ground models (what you see in the forge or in your inventory) were updated for every item in this pack.
- Full racial compatibility was updated for every item in this pack.
- Full gender support was updated for every item in this pack.
- The leveled lists were reworked to spawn the items more often.
- Removed the hanging fur hood varients from the lvled lists (still craftable) and from guards for less clipping with Cloaks of Skyrim and other such mods.
- The crafting materials were reworked for every item in this pack to be more intuitive.
- Prices of many items were reworked for balance.
- Some sets were moved from higher levels to lower ones to better flesh out the early game experience:
- Viking Heavy Armor has been changed from Ebony stats/perks/lvl lists to Steel stats/perks/lvl lists
- Viking Light Armor has been changed from Glass stats/perks/lvl lists to Leather stats/perks/lvl lists
- Mercenary Armor has been changed from Daedric stats/perks/lvl lists to Leather stats/perks/lvl lists
- Changes were made to Barbarian and Mercenary armor sets to help with bad blood decals.
- Alpha layer edits were done to better the Mercenary Armor set.
- Alpha layer edits were done to better the Heroic Imperial Armor set.
- The textures of the Heroic Stormcloak Armor set were reworked to fix the issue with users running on low quality texture settings.
- Fixes were made to the arms of the female version of the Warchief Armor since they were out of line.
- Fixes were made to fix the invisible calves / forearms of the Viking Heavy Armor set.
- The Crowned Hood for the Dragon Hide Armor was removed.
- The Dragon Hide Hood varient for humans was changed.
- The stats and perks required for the Dragon Hide Armor was moved from cloth to Dragonplate based on user feedback.
- The Witchplate Armor no longer appears on Vigilants of Stendar but instead rarely on Warlock bosses.
- The no-bones versions of the Einherjar Armor have been removed to avoid confusion.
- The boneless version of the Warchief armor is now the light version of that armor for the females. The heavy version for the females has bones.
- The old Vagabond helmet has been removed and it has been replaced with a new one.
- Fixed an issue with the gloves of the Dragon Hide Armor that caused invisible forearms.
- Fixed an issue with the Spellbinder/Paladin/Hedge Knight Armors that caused invisible forearms.
- Reworked the scaling on many female helmets to make them better fit.
- Fixed issues with the Vanguard gloves and boots and body slide scaling.
- Renamed the Vagabond Armor variants to be more lore friendly.
- Adjusted the Vagabond Leather Armor sleeves to fix a misalignment issue.
- Added more helmet variation to some guard factions.
- Removed the Redguard Knight Armor with the cape, and instead made the cape standalone and you can choose to equip it with the Redguard Knight Armor or any other armor.
- Fixed a normal map issue with the Falkreath Shield.
- Moved the Heroic Imperial Armor off of low level Imperial Captains for early game balance. This set will now have a 50% chance to spawn on Imperial Captains over the level of 20. It also appears on Hadvar for sport.
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Reaktionen: Toastbrοt
Version 6 wurde nun auch übersetzt: http://www.worldofelderscrolls.de/?go=dlfile&id=339

v6 log:
- All weapons have been removed from this pack in light of the new "Immersive Weapons" mod that can be located in the optional files of this mod page.
- All armor in the forge will now be found under a custom crafting menu "Auxiliary Armors".
- Ground models (what you see in the forge or in your inventory) were updated for every item in this pack.
- Full racial compatibility was updated for every item in this pack.
- Full gender support was updated for every item in this pack.
- The leveled lists were reworked to spawn the items more often.
- Removed the hanging fur hood varients from the lvled lists (still craftable) and from guards for less clipping with Cloaks of Skyrim and other such mods.
- The crafting materials were reworked for every item in this pack to be more intuitive.
- Prices of many items were reworked for balance.
- Some sets were moved from higher levels to lower ones to better flesh out the early game experience:
- Viking Heavy Armor has been changed from Ebony stats/perks/lvl lists to Steel stats/perks/lvl lists
- Viking Light Armor has been changed from Glass stats/perks/lvl lists to Leather stats/perks/lvl lists
- Mercenary Armor has been changed from Daedric stats/perks/lvl lists to Leather stats/perks/lvl lists
- Changes were made to Barbarian and Mercenary armor sets to help with bad blood decals.
- Alpha layer edits were done to better the Mercenary Armor set.
- Alpha layer edits were done to better the Heroic Imperial Armor set.
- The textures of the Heroic Stormcloak Armor set were reworked to fix the issue with users running on low quality texture settings.
- Fixes were made to the arms of the female version of the Warchief Armor since they were out of line.
- Fixes were made to fix the invisible calves / forearms of the Viking Heavy Armor set.
- The Crowned Hood for the Dragon Hide Armor was removed.
- The Dragon Hide Hood varient for humans was changed.
- The stats and perks required for the Dragon Hide Armor was moved from cloth to Dragonplate based on user feedback.
- The Witchplate Armor no longer appears on Vigilants of Stendar but instead rarely on Warlock bosses.
- The no-bones versions of the Einherjar Armor have been removed to avoid confusion.
- The boneless version of the Warchief armor is now the light version of that armor for the females. The heavy version for the females has bones.
- The old Vagabond helmet has been removed and it has been replaced with a new one.
- Fixed an issue with the gloves of the Dragon Hide Armor that caused invisible forearms.
- Fixed an issue with the Spellbinder/Paladin/Hedge Knight Armors that caused invisible forearms.
- Reworked the scaling on many female helmets to make them better fit.
- Fixed issues with the Vanguard gloves and boots and body slide scaling.
- Renamed the Vagabond Armor variants to be more lore friendly.
- Adjusted the Vagabond Leather Armor sleeves to fix a misalignment issue.
- Added more helmet variation to some guard factions.
- Removed the Redguard Knight Armor with the cape, and instead made the cape standalone and you can choose to equip it with the Redguard Knight Armor or any other armor.
- Fixed a normal map issue with the Falkreath Shield.
- Moved the Heroic Imperial Armor off of low level Imperial Captains for early game balance. This set will now have a 50% chance to spawn on Imperial Captains over the level of 20. It also appears on Hadvar for sport.
Ich hoffe ich vertue mich jetzt nicht: in dieser Mod ist doch auch die Aegis des Lebens enthalten?!
Kann mir jemand sagen wo, also in welchem Ordner, ich die dazugehörigen Meshes finde? Brauche sie für eine Mod und kann sie durch das CK zumindest nicht finden...
Die frage kommt jetzt ziemlich dämlich aber brauchht man das original ? bei meiner leitung müsste ich da 1 Stunde runterladen....
Danke, mir gefällt die barbaren Rüstung total :D
Kann amn diese Samurai Rüstung im Tempel der Himmelszuflucht finden ?
Snow Queen Wedding Dress absturz

Guten Tag,

immer wenn ich versuche die Snow Queen Wedding Dress snzuziehen stürzt mein Spiel ab. Bei den anderen Kleidungsstücken der Art passiert das seltsamer Weise nicht, Könnt ihr mir bitte helfen das Problem zu lösen.

mfg Piet

Das stammt aus die Mod Immersive Armors von hothtrooper44.

Die Kleider habe ich in Einsamkeit im Laden gekauft.
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