Vorstellung Exterior Hlaalu Tile Set for TES3 – Houses


Hier möchte ich euch ein englisches Resourcen-Paket vorstellen, dass ich auf www.planetelderscrolls.com "entdeckt" habe und meiner Meinung nach vor allem für die Hlaalu-Fans ein Muss ist :D

Exterior Hlaalu Tile Set for TES3 – Houses

Dieser Mod fügt 105 einzelne Exterior-Hlaalu-Meshs dazu, zum Beispiel Fenster, Mauern, Dächer etc.. Das bedeutet, ab jetzt muss man sich für ein eigenes Hlaalu-Haus nicht eine dieser ca. 26 CS-Vorlagen raussuchen, sondern kann sich ein völlig eigenes Haus bauen und hat dabei fast grenzenlose Möglichkeiten. Neu sind außerdem durchsichtige Fenster, und die Mesh´s sind meist so gebastelt, dass man In-UND Exterior-Räume damit bauen kann. :clap:

Und ich möchte mich auch gleich bei Oom Fooyat für diese tollen Resorcen bedanken :)

This is a modular tile set that mimics the exterior Hlaalu architecture and is primarily a modders resource. The main purpose of the set is to make it possible to recreate Hlaalu houses in TES4, but it has showed itself quite useful in TES3 too.
The release contains 105 new objects in two versions, one with custom textures, intended for the TES4 release, created by Quentin Fortune and one that use Morrowind's textures. The later set retextured and kindly provided by Archibald_TK. There is also two pluggins, the expo-esp is an interior cell with a exhibition of all included objects and a few building "sketches", the demo-esp is a complete (exterior only) building placed in the Ascadian Isles Region -3,-4.

Happy Modding! Oom Fooyat

ExteriorHlaalu Tile Set for TES3 – Houses
Ver. 1.01

Reision history
Ver. 1.01 Self installer removed because of distribution problems.
Install by unzip in your “Data Files” folder or unzip in other folder and move files by hand.

With the upcoming TES4: Oblivion, some modders have expressed a desire in transferring their creations to the new game engine. A problem posed by this is that architecture that is unique to Morrowind is not available in Oblivion. Due to copyright restrictions modders cannot use the game assets that Bethesda created for Morrowind, . A solution to this is recreating the unique architecture with new original models.

This set is a forerunner to a coming TES4 release. With this set you can make houses of different sizes. Other exterior Hlaalu tiles like city walls, canals and stairs will be added later. The plan is to make both a TES3 and a TES4 version of the complete set.

This tile set is based on a model created by Jon (aka Jonathan Dodds) available at http://www.silgrad.com/cpo/news/ Without his work this set would never have come to be.
Razorwing have provide self installer, download link and a load of encouragement and feedback.
Quentin Fortune have made a set of textures to be used in the TES4 version of this set. As far as possible the textures are also used in this release. Some of the textures had to be adopted to work in TES3. A few textures made by David Gurrea have also been used on the panels.
Archibald_TK have tested the set in his upcoming mod ExSuran - Explorers & Archaeologists Guild, see wip-thread at Canadian Ice & Howndog's Place for some stunning previews. He has also kindly provided an extra set of nif-files textured with Bethesda's original Hlaalu textures for Morrowind.

Self installer: run the exe-file and point it to your Morrowind folder
Nifs only: Have to be installed by hand. Put the exHl folder in Morrowind's “Data Files\Meshes” folder
To use the alternate nif-set just rename the folders.

Running the mod
This mod is primary a modders resource. The expo-esp is an interior cell with a exhibition of all included objects and a few building "sketches". The demo-esp is a complete (exterior only) building placed in the Ascadian Isles Region -3,-4 (go west from Balmora along the river, cross the river at the bridge by the Shulk egg mine, then it's the first vally on the left, close to Vassir-Didanat cave). There is no real purpose for the building and the doors will only move you around the outside. Feel free to use any of the buildings from the demo and/or the expo in your modds.

I recommend you to set snap i CS to 128, 64 or 32 when you work with this set. Most parts can be placed with a 128 snap.

Most of the objects are, hopefully, self explaining to use but a few will need a little closer presentation .
exHl_Oom_APl_RoCo2-3w; Sometimes there will be a gap where three beams meet, this object will help you avoid that.
exHl_Oom_AOt_Pole-a, Now and then gaps can't be avoided, this object will cover some of them.
exHl_Oom_ACw_Ga4w, When i played around with the set I discovered that exHl_Oom_ACw_Ar4w could be used to build galleries. Problem is that this tile has the highest face count in all the set. exHl_Oom_ACw_Ga4w, do almost the same job but have less than half the number of faces. exHl_Oom_ACw_Ga4wIn and exHl_Oom_ACw_GaCo complement the gallery tiles. There will be more objects of the same type in a later releases.

All materials named “panel“ are fully alpha enabled. Please note there is no inside on the objects so if you use transparent textures you will see straight true the building and out on the other side.
To make retexturing easier I have tried to avoid to tile textures. Some textures, specially edges and panels, are very stretch If you plan to retexture try different W/H-ratios. Also note that some nifs use tinted textures.

The glass texture to the window has it's own story. Quentin Fortune volunteered to make one, he made set of three textures that is very good looking but a little to bright to match the wall textures. So he made a new set of NINE! textures so beautiful that I could not make up my mind what one to use. At the end I gave in and desaturated one of them and tinted it. Quentin Fortune's textures are available for download in the wip-thread at Silgrad Tower. Hopefully there will be a decision made among them to the Oblivion release.

Known issues:
There have been some trouble with “sparks” caused by microscopic leaks in the meshes
The issue is corrected as far as the meshes goes and the problem has been reduced but is still there. If the remaining problem is caused by the nif-exporter, CS, MW or the graphic driver/card is beyond me to tell. In either case there isn't much I can do about it. Sorry! Hopefully Oblivion will handle the problem better

The set turns out to have a higher face count then I expected. If you copy an existing Hlallu building with the tile set, the face count for the copy will be around 70% higher then the original.

The standard 256x256x256 TES3 tile size don't allow the Hallula architecture to be reproduced with the correct proportions.

The official name is somewhat bulky. It's ok to use a shorter one as long as it is perfectly clear what you are referring to. NOTE! There is at least one other set, similar to this one, under development so be careful with the references.

Object and Nif names
To name things is usually not easy, if the names have to be logical it's quite hard and if there also is restrictions in the number of characters you can use it's real tough. Comments and suggestions in this area are very welcome.

This naming system will hopefully make it a little easier to find a specific nif. Also nifs that belong together will be placed together if you sort by the name. It is also designed to allow several texture versions by different artist, based on the same tile set, to be used simultaneously.

The first grope is to identify the set. Here it is the same as the folder name.

The second group in the name is intended to identify the current modder. If you modify a nif, change this to your signature.

The first letter in the third group is to identify a certain texture set up. You can have over 60 different texture versions of the same set by just changing this character.
The two other characters in the second grope tells what general group the nif belongs to (see table below.).

The next group describes what the nif is.

If you take a look at the Hlaaul architecture it is easy to see that it follows a very strict pattern: There are a base/foundation. a ground floor, a first floor, a roof and in some cases, a tower. I have grouped the tiles after this pattern even though the borderline between first floor and roof is quite floating. (You will only find tiles with full hight walls in the “first floor” group.) The roof tiles have four different heights that I called low, middle, high and top.
There are also a grope for catwalks, one for stairs, one for door related objects and one for parts that don't fit in to any of the other gropes.

I usually used two letter abbreviation in the names (see table) There are some exceptions most frequent R or L (always last in a name) will be Left or Right versions of a tile.


Ba Base/Foundation
Gr Ground floor
Fi First floor
Ro Roof
RR Roof Railing
Cw Catwalk
Do Doors and door related objects
St Stair
Tw Tower
Ot Other

Ar Arched
But Buttress
Bm, Beam Beam
Blind Cap
Cap Cap
Ce Center
Co Corner, Outer corner
Co2 Inner corner
En, Ent Entrance
Ex Exterior
Fl Flat (rely a lateral transition from first- to ground floor)
Ga Gallery
In Interior
L Left
Pa Panel
Pl Platform (floors and rooftops are also included here)
R Right
Sl Sloped
Wa, Wall Wall
Win Window
X2 Double
3w Three way
4w Four way
-a, -b... Variants of the same part

Roof heights:
Note: If a tile transform one hight to another both heights are given with the lower first and separated with a “-”.

Hi High
Lo Low
Mi Middle
To Top

The towers are called A_, B_and C_

Disclaimers, permissions and restrictions.
Below follow the Readme from Jonathan Dodds model. I guess most of it still apply to this release.

You may redistribute the content of this release, in part or whole, as is or modified, as part of a playable modd for Bethesda's Morrowind, or as a complete set of modified nifs, e.g retextured, as a resources modd for Bethesda's Morrowind, provided all modified nifs and textures are renamed and proper credits are given.
Please don't forget to note the the version number of the set you used, in you readme.

You may NOT upload this release to any download site or in any other way make it public without my explicit permission.
If this resource becomes unavailable to the public and I can't be reached, any one who runs a download site may make it public again. If so, please add a note to this file that explains the situation.

Textures are the intellectual property of the creator.
Meshes that are not covers by the statement below are the intellectual property of me.
Cheers! Oom Fooyat

Hlaalu Architecture for The Elder Scrolls 4:Oblivion v. 0.1 Alpha
Aug 13, 2005

Models by Jonathan Dodds


With the upcoming TES4: Oblivion, some modders have expressed a desire in transferring their creations to the new game engine. A problem posed by this is that architecture that is unique to Morrowind is not available in Oblivion. Due to copyright restrictions, modders cannot use Bethesda-created game assets from Morrowind, so a solution to this is recreating this unique architecture with original models.


There is only one. Gimmie a nod in your credits if this file itself is used, or served to help you out in some way. I know it isn't much, but every artist has that deep longing for recognition. Otherwise, do with it however you please. Oh, one more thing-- if this archive is transferred around unaltered, please make sure it's in this original form, with the model, rendered image, and this readme. That's it! Have fun!


"The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion", "Morrowind" and "Hlaalu" are trademarks and copyrights of Bethesda Softworks. The shape of the model contained herein may be copyrighted as well. The model itself is the intellectual property of Jonathan Dodds. All rights reserved.
Hier noch einige Screens




Es ist zwar für die EV, läuft aber auch mit der DV, wenn man beim Moden und Spielen nur die ex Hlaalu tile set EXPO.esp aktiviert.

Und zum Schluss, Hier gibts den Download :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ist der Mod jetzt nur zum selber modden oder verändert er auch das Aussehen InGame??
mein Geliebter Hlaalu-Baustil^^ ich hab zwar momentan ganz andere Sachen zutun aber dafür muss ich mich trotzdem bedanken. vielleicht ists mal nützlich :-D
Ich werds mir auch mal holen, werde ich garantiert mal gebrauchen können!
Wolt nur noch mal sagen der 1. Link zu planetelderscrolls funzelt nicht!
Und dann hätte ich auch noch mal ne Frage:
Gibt es dort auch richtige Balkone im Hlaalu Stil?

Mfg. Morro zocko!