
Tomnmy? You come from Saxony-Anhalt? I already thought I would be only here from Saxons Anhalt. I can only agree, visit the Harz and go past sometimes with me. Saxony-Anhalt is really worth seeing. And quite in general the best and nicest federal state of Germany. In addition, it lies right in the middle, and, hence, a lot of influence flows in.
Please, is not angry at me, my English is very bad.
Has struck you this could be a bot? I mean he has written here once what and has never again answered. Anyway our English improves here.In general it surprises me that this Thread has stayed open? I would hear with pleasure Baals, Jubidus or Scharesofts opinion in addition. Should not be such a Thread in german?
Ya, I already thougt this could be a bot. I gonna contact him via PN, if he answers, the thread won't be closed.
If not, I'll let you know, so you can decide, if you want the thread staying open anyway. In this case, you may continue in german.

Greetings, Doom

Edit: PN ist draußen.
I already wondered whether jillsandr could be a bot, but furthermore I wondered why the rest of you just went on talking x)
Thats by the way the reason why I haven't posted here yet.

However, now you'll read something from me concerning the topic:

If you'd like to relax during your stay, then maybe the Odenwald in Hessen, Germany is the right place for you. We have got much forested and hilly country with many little villages and towns, it's more the countryside wich is to be seen here. The Christmas markets in this area can be very lovely, exspecially the one at "Feste Otzberg". It's mainly quiet and peacefully (besides it's not that hectical there).
The people here are nice and many tourists come here to see the old carcass houses (das ist nachgeschlagen ^^) and the old parts of the towns wich are still very beautiful.
All in all it's more a quiet region and you're given the opportunity to enjoy a relaxing stay. Of course here you can also do much biking, either on the cicle tracks or across the forests on the paths for mountainbiking. Though the biking is more favoured during the summer ;p
OMG...Leute ihr checkt auch garnix oder?
Da meldet sich bei euch ein Bot an und ihr antwortet wie die irren auf nen cumouter generierten Thread....:eek:
And whats your problem Nero? It isn't bad to answer, while we answer in a ordinary sound. When the Thread are Spam it will closed soon, but as long as the User answered normal, it will be open.

(oh verdammt, naja ich hoffe man verstehts XD)
Why don't you say this in english if you talk bad about deepfighter's english.

Also this is a good opertunity to practise and improve you're english. Practical useage is always the best way to learn something, isn't it?? ^^
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hatte heut schon genug Englisch. (Englisch Leistungsklausur;) ).

Thanks for corecting my mistakes. But you still have to show some of your english. ^^
Eine Verwarnung winkt... ;)

@ Nero: Du bist ein wenig zu langsam. Es ist inzwischen längst klar, dass es sich um einen Bot handelte, wir haben die Diskussion ganz bewusst weiterlaufen lassen, weil das auf Englisch recht angenehm ist und Abwechslung bringt.
Abgesehen davon, wie kannst Du es Dir anmaßen, über das Englisch anderer zu Urteilen, der Wille zählt, gerade in so einem Thread, oder nicht?
Du kannst Dich per PN bei mir melden. Das nächste Off Topic hier drin wird verwarnt.

Gruß, Doom
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the funniest aspect is,that he hasn't wrote any english sentence yet,but talks in a negative way about the quality,the others write.i think he only show his own unability.......

(man das hat in prag aber besser geklappt:) )
He seems to be banned now anyway. What a strange person. Well you fellas, what do you think about us coming back to the topic? Though I don't know what to write else ... so I'll give you the word. (kann man das so ausdrücken?)
Okay, back to topic, please, Nero has been banned now. He won't disturb your discussion any longer. (Thanks to the admins!) ;)

Greetings, Doom

Edit: ... too slow... -_-
Thank you Doom and thanks to the mod who banned him. ^^

But what we gonna discuss now?? I think most of the user, who wanted ,write about good places to travel to, have already posted it.

Maybe we should call this Thread "Let's do some english practise" ^^
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