; [Main Features Settings] Toggle Streamline Features (1=on, 0=off)
set SLv.Purging to 1 ; Turn on Streampurge? (cache purging)
set SLv.FPSsmoothing to 0 ; Turn on Streamsmooth? (FPS smoothing)
set SLv.Streamsaving to 1 ; Turn on Streamsaving? (timed autosaves)
set SLv.Streamsight to 1 ; Turn on Streamsight? (FPS enhancer)
; [Streampurge Settings] An automated cache-cleaner for Oblivion
set SLh.SLmode to 4 ; Memory Purge Mode (1-6) (Default: 3)
; Lower # = faster, higher # = slower
set SLv.PurgeOnTravel to 0 ; Purge memory on travel & zone?
set SLv.PurgeOnWait to 1 ; Purge memory when character waits?
set SLv.PurgeOnSleep to 1 ; Purge memory when character sleeps?
; [Streamsmooth FPS Settings] Acceptable Minimum FPS & Detail Settings
set SLfpsmon.High to 33 ; Highest minimum FPS (top of range)
set SLfpsmon.Low to 28 ; Lowest minimum FPS (bottom of range)
set SLv.maxVLOD to 100 ; Highest overall level of detail (%)
; Default: 100 (Max: 100)
set SLv.minVLOD to 0 ; Lowest overall level of detail (%)
; Default: 0 (Min: 0)
set SLv.CombatFPS to 3.0 ; The number of FPS added to the min/max
; range when combat is happening nearby
set SLv.FPSmoninterval to 6 ; Update interval for FPS smoothing
; (Number of updates per second)
; Faster updates = smoother performance
; Smoother performance = more CPU usage
; Default: 6/sec
set SLv.sensitivity to 7.0 ; Sensitivity to changes (Default: 7.0)
; This is a relative number representing
; how fast Streamsmooth tries to adjust
; details to reach your FPS range.
; Lower numbers = faster changes
; [Streamsmooth Visual Categories] What can Streamsmooth change on-the-fly?
set SLv.setDetail to 1 ; LOD Detail, Specular, etc.
set SLv.setGrass to 0 ; Grass density, range, etc
set SLv.setTrees to 0 ; Tree detail, range, etc
set SLv.setLightShadow to 1 ; Shadow number & range, etc.
set SLv.setObjects to 1 ; Actors, Objects & Items distances
set SLv.setWater to 0 ; Water details & reflections
; [Streamsave Settings] Streamsave configuration
set SLv.SaveTimer to 10 ; Autosave interval (in actual minutes)
set SLv.NumSaveSlots to 60 ; Number of save slots to use (Max: 60)
set SLv.DuringCombat to 0 ; Allow save during combat?
set SLv.WhileYielding to 0 ; Allow save while yielding?
set SLv.DangerousArea to 0 ; Allow save in dangerous environment?
set SLv.AllowTrespass to 0 ; Allow saving while trespassing?
set SLv.AllowSwimming to 0 ; Allow saving while swimming?
set SLv.AllowSneaking to 0 ; Allow saving while sneaking?
set SLv.AllowWeapon to 0 ; Allow saving while weapon out?
set SLv.AfterCombat to 1 ; Force a save after each combat ends?
set SLv.InteriorOnly to 0 ; Save only when indoors?
set SLv.WhenIdleOnly to 0 ; Save only when character is idle?
set SLv.AfterZone to 0 ; Save after fast-travel or door use?
set SLv.AfterWaitSleep to 0 ; Save after waiting or sleeping?
set SLv.PlaySoundOnSave to 1 ; Play a sound on save?
set SLv.GagAutoSaves to 0 ; Prevent an on-screen save message?
set SLv.SaveReminders to 0 ; Use Save Reminders instead of autosaves?
set SLv.UseLiteReminders to 0 ; Use messages (upper left area of screen)
; instead of message boxes?
; Note: requires SaveReminders enabled
set SLv.SecureAutoSaves to 0 ; Use menumode to produce a secure
; autosave instead of using save slots?
; Note: disables multiple save slots!
set SLv.LowHealth to 0 ; Allow save while health low?
set SLv.LowHealthThreshold to 0.20 ; Don't save when health lower than x%
; 0.20 = 20%
set SLv.SaveBeforeFastQuit to 0 ; Do a Streamsave before a Fast-Quit?
set SLv.PurgeBeforeSave to 1 ; Do a purge before a Streamsave?
; Can help with stability of saving
; [Streamsight Settings] Refer to documentation for values
set SLv.MinDistanceFog to 15000 ; Min distance before fog starts (0%)
set SLv.MaxDistanceFog to 61000 ; Max distance before fog ends (100%)
set SLv.MinWaterFog to 0 ; Min distance before water fog starts
set SLv.MaxWaterFog to 2500 ; Max distance before water fog ends
set SLv.WeatherUnsticker to 1 ; Leave set at 1 unless you use a
; scripted weather mod
set SLv.ExtremeClipping to 0 ; Turn on clipping behind distant fog?
; Gains FPS, but can cause some
; clipping of distant mountains
set SLv.ClipMin to 40000 ; Range under which clipping will stop
set SLv.FogUpdateFrequency to 6 ; Speed control for fog updates (1 - 10)
; # of updates per sec (Default: 6)
; [Miscellaneous Settings] Other misc settings for Streamline
set SLv.slFOVauto to 0 ; Can Streamline automatically alter FOV?
set SLfov to 75 ; Field of View (FOV) Angle desired
set SLv.FOVInDialogs to 0 ; Allow FOV changes during chat dialogs?
; Note: FOV changes work in 1st person
; gameplay only
set SLKillCorpses to 0 ; De-crucifies standing, dead actors
set SLv.MinKillDistance to 6000 ; Minimum distance from player a corpse
; needs to be for KillCorpses to work
; on it. (Default: 6000)
set SLdebug to 0 ; Turn on/off debug messages in console
; Debug level 1: Standard messages
; Debug level 2: Detailed messages
; Note: Debug level 2 can adversely
; affect FPS performance, but
; is highly detailed.
; (requires SL's debug esp to work)
; [Hotkey Configuration] Hotkey combination settings for Streamline
; Full list of key codes:
; - To disable the modifier key on any key combination, use 0 for the ModKey value
; - To disable a hotkey completely, use 0 for its main key
; - Disabling the Streamline main menu hotkey is *not* recommended
set SLv.TogglePurgeModKey to 18 ; ALT
set SLv.TogglePurgeKey to 80 ; p
set SLv.ToggleSmoothingModKey to 18 ; ALT
set SLv.ToggleSmoothingKey to 70 ; f
set SLv.MenuModKey to 17 ; CTRL
set SLv.MenuKey to 36 ; Home
set SLv.PurgeModKey to 17 ; CTRL
set SLv.PurgeKey to 46 ; del
set SLv.MaxVLODModKey to 17 ; CTRL
set SLv.MaxVLODKey to 221 ; ]
set SLv.MinVLODModKey to 17 ; CTRL
set SLv.MinVLODKey to 219 ; [
set SLv.AutoVLODModKey to 17 ; CTRL
set SLv.AutoVLODKey to 8 ; backspace
set SLv.IncVLODModKey to 17 ; CTRL
set SLv.IncVLODKey to 190 ; .
set SLv.DecVLODModKey to 17 ; CTRL
set SLv.DecVLODKey to 188 ; ,
set SLv.SaveModKey to 0 ;
set SLv.SaveKey to 121 ; (F10=121) (F5=116)
set SLv.MusicModKey to 18 ; ALT
set SLv.MusicKey to 77 ; m
set SLv.FastQuitModKey to 17 ; CTRL
set SLv.FastQuitKey to 0 ; off, suggested key: F12 (123)
set SLv.ForceKillModKey to 17 ; CTRL
set SLv.ForceKillKey to 45 ; insert
; [Detailed Streamsmooth Settings] Individual Settings (for ADVANCED users)
set SLv.AA0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AA1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fSpecualrStartMax
set SLv.AA2 to 16.0 ; lowVLOD "The maximum range of Specular
set SLv.AA3 to 2400.0 ; maxVAL lighting effects. Ties in
set SLv.AA4 to 350.0 ; minVAL directly to fSpecularLOD"
set SLv.AC0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AC1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fSpecularLOD2
set SLv.AC2 to 16.0 ; lowVLOD "Max range at which Level of
set SLv.AC3 to 2700.0 ; maxVAL detail (LOD) used for
set SLv.AC4 to 300.0 ; minVAL specular lighting effects"
set SLv.AD0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AD1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fSpecularLOD1
set SLv.AD2 to 16.0 ; lowVLOD "Min range at which Level of
set SLv.AD3 to 2400.0 ; maxVAL detail (LOD) used for
set SLv.AD4 to 0.0 ; minVAL specular lighting effects"
set SLv.AE0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AE1 to 90.0 ; highVLOD - iMinGrassSize
set SLv.AE2 to 10.0 ; lowVLOD "Grass density (inverse #)
set SLv.AE3 to 80.0 ; maxVAL Larger numbers mean less
set SLv.AE4 to 130.0 ; minVAL grass & higher framerates"
set SLv.AF0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AF1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fGrassEndDistance
set SLv.AF2 to 0.0 ; lowVLOD "Max distance at which to
set SLv.AF3 to 7000.0 ; maxVAL display grass"
set SLv.AF4 to 3000.0 ; minVAL
set SLv.AG0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AG1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fGrassStartFadeDistance
set SLv.AG2 to 0.0 ; lowVLOD "Distance from player at which
set SLv.AG3 to 6000.0 ; maxVAL grass begins to fade out"
set SLv.AG4 to 2000.0 ; minVAL
set SLv.AH0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AH1 to 75.0 ; highVLOD - iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure
set SLv.AH2 to 30.0 ; lowVLOD "Number of possible textures
set SLv.AH3 to 4.0 ; maxVAL used per grass type"
set SLv.AH4 to 1.0 ; minVAL
set SLv.AJ0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AJ1 to 50.0 ; highVLOD - iActorShadowCountInt
set SLv.AJ2 to 20.0 ; lowVLOD "Number of actor shadows
set SLv.AJ3 to 10.0 ; maxVAL displayed when indoors"
set SLv.AJ4 to 0.0 ; minVAL
set SLv.AK0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AK1 to 50.0 ; highVLOD - iActorShadowCountExt
set SLv.AK2 to 25.0 ; lowVLOD "Number of actor shadows
set SLv.AK3 to 10.0 ; maxVAL displayed when outdoors"
set SLv.AK4 to 0.0 ; minVAL
set SLv.AL0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AL1 to 50.0 ; highVLOD - fShadowLOD2
set SLv.AL2 to 25.0 ; lowVLOD "Max range at which shadows
set SLv.AL3 to 2900.0 ; maxVAL are displayed"
set SLv.AL4 to 400.0 ; minVAL
set SLv.AM0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AM1 to 50.0 ; highVLOD - fShadowLOD1
set SLv.AM2 to 25.0 ; lowVLOD "Range at which a lower level
set SLv.AM3 to 2800.0 ; maxVAL of detail (LOD) starts being
set SLv.AM4 to 200.0 ; minVAL used for shadows"
set SLv.AP0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AP1 to 50.0 ; highVLOD - iShadowFilter
set SLv.AP2 to 0.0 ; lowVLOD "Low/Medium/High shadow
set SLv.AP3 to 2.0 ; maxVAL detail. Alters softness on
set SLv.AP4 to 0.0 ; minVAL edges of shadows"
set SLv.AS0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AS1 to 50.0 ; highVLOD - fLODFadeOutMultActors
set SLv.AS2 to 0.0 ; lowVLOD "Relative range at which
set SLv.AS3 to 15.0 ; maxVAL actors begin to fade out"
set SLv.AS4 to 4.0 ; minVAL
set SLv.AT0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AT1 to 50.0 ; highVLOD - fLODFadeOutMultItems
set SLv.AT2 to 0.0 ; lowVLOD "Relative range at which
set SLv.AT3 to 15.0 ; maxVAL items begin to fade out"
set SLv.AT4 to 1.5 ; minVAL
set SLv.AU0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AU1 to 50.0 ; highVLOD - fLODFadeOutMultObjects
set SLv.AU2 to 0.0 ; lowVLOD "Relative range at which
set SLv.AU3 to 15.0 ; maxVAL objects begin to fade out"
set SLv.AU4 to 4.5 ; minVAL
set SLv.AY0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AY1 to 30.0 ; highVLOD - fTalkingDistance
set SLv.AY2 to 0.0 ; lowVLOD
set SLv.AY3 to 2000.0 ; maxVAL
set SLv.AY4 to 1000.0 ; minVAL
set SLv.AZ0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.AZ1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fLodDistance
set SLv.AZ2 to 0.0 ; lowVLOD
set SLv.AZ3 to 2000.0 ; maxVAL
set SLv.AZ4 to 250.0 ; minVAL
set SLv.BA0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.BA1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fFadeDistance
set SLv.BA2 to 0.0 ; lowVLOD
set SLv.BA3 to 15288.0 ; maxVAL
set SLv.BA4 to 9288.0 ; minVAL
set SLv.BE0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.BE1 to 66.0 ; highVLOD - bEquippedTorchesCastShadows
set SLv.BE2 to 65.0 ; lowVLOD
set SLv.BE3 to 1.0 ; maxVAL
set SLv.BE4 to 0.0 ; minVAL
set SLv.BK0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.BK1 to 40.0 ; highVLOD - fTreeLODExponent
set SLv.BK2 to 10.0 ; lowVLOD
set SLv.BK3 to 1.0 ; maxVAL
set SLv.BK4 to 0.2 ; minVAL
set SLv.BL0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.BL1 to 60.0 ; highVLOD - bUseWaterReflectionsMisc
set SLv.BL2 to 59.0 ; lowVLOD "Turns on water reflections
set SLv.BL3 to 1.0 ; maxVAL for Misc objects (rocks etc)"
set SLv.BL4 to 0.0 ; minVAL
set SLv.BM0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.BM1 to 30.0 ; highVLOD - bUseWaterReflectionsStatics
set SLv.BM2 to 29.0 ; lowVLOD "Turns on water reflections
set SLv.BM3 to 1.0 ; maxVAL for Static objects (buildings
set SLv.BM4 to 0.0 ; minVAL etc)"
set SLv.BN0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.BN1 to 40.0 ; highVLOD - bUseWaterReflectionsTrees
set SLv.BN2 to 39.0 ; lowVLOD "Turns on water reflections
set SLv.BN3 to 1.0 ; maxVAL for Trees"
set SLv.BN4 to 0.0 ; minVAL
set SLv.BO0 to 1.0 ; Enable?
set SLv.BO1 to 50.0 ; highVLOD - bUseWaterReflectionsActors
set SLv.BO2 to 49.0 ; lowVLOD "Turns on water reflections
set SLv.BO3 to 1.0 ; maxVAL for actors (NPCs, monsters)"
set SLv.BO4 to 0.0 ; minVAL