Vorstellung Static Mesh Improvement Mod

Heute ist die Version 1.52 erschienen: Download

  • SMIM'd the Riften wood and metal load door (riftendoor01.nif) used 90+ places. Now uses full 3D handles and greatly improved the metal texture plus added much mesh detail. Why? Because I can.
  • SMIM'd the Riften interior wood door (riftendoor02.nif) used 70+ places. Now uses full 3D handles plus added much mesh detail. This uses the vanilla wood texture.
  • Slight change to Riften Keep door (riftenkeepdoor01.nif) to improve alpha on metal. Changed actual texture too to improve alpha quality.
  • Redid the Tankard texture to use a more fitting Pewter style texture instead of my original brushed steel texture. Minor texture and UV improvements also added. This is the new recommended install option, but the old styles are still included.
  • SMIM'd the hanging dead animals rings (hanginganimals series) used in 400+ places to be high polygon and use a new custom texture. The originals were very blurry and lacking detail.
  • Fixed install folder for Noble Furniture so it installs to the correct location (thanks Jebbalon).
  • Fixed SMIM rope alpha on normal map to make it not very shiny.
  • Changed directories for Half-Textures installs to make it so they always overwrite the write textures.
  • Created new normal map for campfire rocks to eliminate the specular UV lighting engine limitation. Slight tweak to diffuse map to remove one wrong shadow also. Also reduced the texture size and made the 4k size part of the Ultra install option.
  • UV fixes for rockpilel01.nif.
  • Smoothed polygons on rockpilel01.nif as part of Rocks - Generic install option.
Heute ist die Version 1.52 erschienen: Download

. . und nun 1.521 !!

Da einige Texturen (bei mir die Stühle in LILA) nicht korrekt waren, kam ruckzuck das Update vom Update des Updates . . .

Die Änderungen:
Version 1.521 September 2, 2013

  • Fixed missing Noble chairs textures.
  • Fixed BAIN installer issues.
  • Fixed some grass issues on dirtcliffs03moss.nif mesh. This removes the see-through portion and ugly single rock triangle on the side of DirtCliffs03Moss:0 block. Thanks novadove for finding the issue.
  • Many UV and other tweaks to all dirtcliffsXXmoss.nif series to fix seams, holes, UV errors, alpha grass clipping, and other issues. This is part of the core install.
  • Added smoothed version of minecboulderl02.nif to Rocks - Generic installer.
  • Many UV fixes for rockl02.nif and minecboulderl02.nif.

Mfg, SirPercy.
Was ist denn eig. mit der deutschen Version hier von? Die ist anscheind ja nicht mehr aktuell, komtm da noch was oder muss man sich selbst helfen? :?
@Scharesoft: Nichtsdestoweniger könnte man bei Gelegenheit ja mal den Link im Eingangspost bzw. gegebenenfalls sogar den Download hier auf Scharesoft aktualisieren. Dann stellen sich diese Fragen gar nicht mehr :)
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Reaktionen: okeck22
Mittlerweile ist die Version 1.53 erschienen: Download

  • SMIM'd the rabbits to use high quality meshes and a new texture. This actually includes the rabbit creature itself and the hanging dead variants. The original rabbit mesh and texture was pretty awful.
  • Partially SMIM'd carriages to use a new seat mesh and texture. Also fixed many, many stretched wood textures and other various UV issues. This is a new install option. Prison carriage not included yet.
  • Fixed carriage rugs vertex color errors to remove black lines. All this time...how did we even play Skyrim with carriage rugs with black lines? How?!
  • Also fixed the annoying floating leather horse harness strips on the carriages. So many players never even noticed this issue. But to me it was a mockery; a cruel twisting of horse carriage physics.
  • And yet more UV fixes on Whiterun's main gate (wrdoormaingate01.nif). Wood beam UV fixes and improvements. Wood panels aligned to texture properly now. It's called quality control!
Es gibt ein kleines Update von 1.53 auf 1.53c.

Dabei wurde ein Fehler beseitigt, der mir schon seit meiner ersten Partie Skyrim auf die Nerven ging.

Es geht um diesen Felsen, der u.a in der Glutsplittermine zu finden ist:

Er reißt mich immer aus dem Spiel, wenn ich diese Mine betrete, er sieht mehr wie die Hinterlassenschaften eines Drachen nach dem Verdauungsvorgang aus, als ein Felsen.

Brumbek hat sich dessen endlich angenommen.
Schaut hier das Ergebnis:

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Reaktionen: doritis und Veterano
Neue Version 1.54

Version 1.54 September 14, 2013

Included the Prisoner carriages. Further improvements to all carriages. Now done except for the leather straps.
UV fixes for totally low-resolution mine cliff rocks (minecliffs01.nif and minecliffs01.nif) used in about 80 places. Also minor mesh improvements to a few rocks to remove harsh edges.
UV and mesh fixes for minecroomdoor03.nif.
UV and mesh fixes for minechall2way02.nif and minechall2way02c.nif to fix rock UVs and polygons attached to wrong block.
SMIM'd the Juniper trees used in 1,000+ places to fix the very ugly tree UV mapping and stretched texture. Now uses a high-quality texture. Also fixed various branch placement issues.
Mesh fix for Whiterun Tree loading screen (loadscreenwrtempletree02.nif) to remove extra floating tree vines in the sky.
More UV fixes on both metal cage meshes.
Und gleich noch eine neuere Version 1.55

Version 1.55

-SMIM'd the roughly 10 ingredient items (bonemeal01.nif, ectoplasm.nif, glowdust01.nif, mammothcheesebowl.nif, moonsugar01.nif, powderedmammothtusk.nif, saltpile.nif, sap.nif, trollfat01.nif, and vampiredust.nif) that used a certain bowl style. The vanilla bowl was very ugly. Now they use a nice smoothed bowl with custom textures.
-Of the bowl ingredients, I mostly improved the actual ingredient in the bowl with better UV mapping and custom textures. Half still use vanilla texture to allow texture replacers to work (mammothcheesebowl.nif, moonsugar01.nif, powderedmammothtusk.nif, trollfat01.nif, and vampiredust.nif). I might make custom textures later, but for now I recommend High Quality Food and Ingredients.
-The moonsugar ingredient mesh had a MeshSmooth applied to double the polycount and make the rocks a little less ugly. I recommend the great retexture of the rocks from High Quality Food and Ingredients.
-SMIM'd dwarvenscraplarge2.nif.
-Minor UV improvements for dwarvenscraplarge1.nif but not SMIM'd yet.
-UV fixes for totally low-resolution mine grass cliff rocks (cavegcliffs01.nif and cavegcliffs02.nif) used in about 175 places. Also minor mesh improvements to a few rocks to remove harsh edges.
-UV and mesh fixes for caveghall2way02.nif, caveghall2way02c.nif, and caveghall2way02uf.nif to fix rock UVs and polygons attached to wrong block.
-UV fixes and improvements for most of the dungeons nordic rubble piles (norrubblepileXX.nif).
-Very minor fix to one of the nordic skeleton catacomb meshes finger placements (norcathallbg1way01.nif).
Neue Version 1.56

Version 1.56

-SMIM'd commontablethin01.nif which I somehow missed all this time. 40 more glorious places of SMIM goodness.
-SMIM'd dwarvenscraplarge1.nif.
-MeshSmoothed and fixed UVs in a few places on mountainridge01.nif. Part of the Rocks - Mountains install since it increased the polycount by quite a bit.
-Major UV fixes for coastdriftwood01.nif, coastdriftwood02.nif, and coastdriftwood03.nif. Pretty much all driftwood and dead trees have horrible UV mapping. So I've fixed a few out of about 50 of them. Slowly, but surely.
-UV fix for ugly UV stretching vertically on the right side of caveglwalldoor01.nif, cavegwalldoor01.nif, minecwalldoor01.nif, mineclwalldoor01.nif, minecwalldoor01.nif, caveglewalldoor01.nif.
-Doubled the UV scale on the grass portions of the dungeon imperial floor kit pieces since the original grass was scaled way too small (impfloorchunk01.nif and impfloorchunk02.nif).
-Minor UV fix for cavegbalconycorner02.nif.
-More UV fixes to dungeon cliff rock UVs.
-UV fixes for totally low-resolution mine ice cliff rocks (caveicliffs01.nif and caveicliffs01.nif) used in about 12 places. Also minor mesh improvements to a few rocks to remove harsh edges.
-Fixed texture path for both caves green cliff rock meshes (cavegcliffs01.nif and cavegcliffs02.nif) to use the correct normal map. The originals used a totally wrong texture resulting in a very ugly mismatch.
-Edited vanilla texture mineroots01.dds to fix a problem where the mip maps would display a small artifact as the player got further away. This is because of placing an alpha channel on a texture boundary.
-A few fixes and improvements on sblacksmith.nif. UV improvements and smoothe some rock edges on the oven and better UV on the oven dirt. Added an edge piece to hide one seam on the corner of the oven. USKP base version used.
-Improved UV mapping on rockpilem02tundra.nif for base rock mesh and the moss covering it. Moss alpha changed to higher value to reduce visibility of ugly base texture. Moss removed from smaller rocks for better appearance. Rock scale increased greatly to reduce blurry textures.
-Same UV fixes for rockpilem02.nif. Scaled rock dirt ground to 1.5 UV. Many UV fixes on rock and scaled up UVs.
-Same UV fixes for rockpilem02wet.nif. Scaled rock dirt ground to 1.5 UV. Many UV fixes on rock and scaled up UVs. Note that the Wetrocks part of WATER will overwrite this fix.
-More UV fixes for rockl02.nif and the smoothed version of it. Moss Rocks will need to be updated or it will overwrite my fixes.
-First minor improvement to candelabra set. Only one (impcandelabracandle01.nif) of four changed. Very quick UV fix on it. I will fully SMIM it soon. Not included in install script since unfinished but fine to use.
-Changed smoothing on dwarvenscraplarge2.nif to fix render errors.
Neue Version 1.57

Version 1.57 October 13, 2013

  • SMIM'd all four Candelabras used in over 500 places. They use custom high resolution textures now instead of awkwardly using the wall sconce textures. Models are four times higher polygon but totally worth it. Thanks to raiserfx for his great base texture I used.
  • Recreated the collision data for the Dwemer Pot (dwepot01.nif) to allow complex collision so you can put things in the pot. Thanks to Arthmoor for requesting I fix this, forcing me to figure out a solution.
  • SMIM'd Stew Bowl (stew.nif) used for all stew recipes. Uses custom improved ingredient bowl and better stew plane.
  • SMIM'd Sabrecat Tooth ingredient (sabrecattooth.nif) to improve the tooth model and use a higher resolution custom texture.
  • Updated many meshes to include the USKP 2.0.0 collision radius fixes (cabbage01.nif, dwepot01.nif, dweplate01.nif, bread01a.nif, dwecog01.nif, dwarvengear.nif, dwarvenscrap1.nif, dwarvenscraplarge2.nif, dwarvenplate.nif, dwarvenscrap2.nif, ingotdwarven.nif).
  • Fixed install script error for BAIN wizard. Thanks to chochodrillo for pointing this out.
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Reaktionen: SirPercy und doritis
Neue Version:

Version 1.58 October 19, 2013
  • Added SMIM'd Wagon Wheel (wagonwheel01.nif) that matches my new Carriage wheels.
  • SMIM'd the Imperial wall sconces used in about 400 places (impwallsconce02 series) to match my new Candelabras. High polygon and high resolution texture included.
  • SMIM'd the last two Nordic pots (ruinspot01.nif & ruinspot02.nif) used in over 800 places to make them not hideously flat and ugly. New texture based off raiserfx's Ruins Clutter Improved texture.
  • Improved candles meshes and UV mapping on all the relevant Candelabras to eliminate texture seams.
  • Modified raiserfx's candle textures to remove seams and invert normal map. These are vanilla replacer textures.
  • Changed new Sabrecat Tooth texture to make it appear less old.
  • Fixed wrong candle UV mapping on one of the candelabras (thanks raiserfx for spotting this).
Neue Version

Version 1.59

-SMIM'd the Imperial brown chandeliers used in 250 places. Thanks to raiserfx for his 3D chains I modified from Ruins Clutter Improved. The two grey chandeliers are yet to be SMIM'd.
-Also included are the new USKP chandelier meshes modified to use the SMIM versions with 3D chains.
-SMIM'd the Hearthfire craftable lock to use the full lock mesh from the main game instead of a very ugly lower fidelity version.
-Changed the SMIM'd Weathered Chest texture to change the bright silver lock to a darker color.
-Fixed very minor gaps in my new Candelabra meshes.

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Reaktionen: FalParsi

Habe diesen fantastischen Mod installiert und eine Frage bezüglich deutscher Gebäudenamen:

bin am Anfang(wiedermal...:)) und mir ist in Flusswald aufgefallen, das die Gebäude teils englische Bezeichnungen tragen. Liegt das an diesem Mod hier, denn ich habe leider keine deutsche Übersetzung davon gefunden und deshalb die englische(originale) installiert.
Nabend, hatte ein ähnliches Problem. Falls du den SDC 3.4 mit den Unofficial Patches nutzt, dann deaktiviere mal die StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp im Launcher. Die .esp wird mit den Unofficial Patches nicht mehr benötigt.

Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8655) - ONLY the ESP, StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp, has been made obsolete as of USKP 1.3.1. The rest of it should be kept.


Gruß Schattenwolf
Nabend, hatte ein ähnliches Problem. Falls du den SDC 3.4 mit den Unofficial Patches nutzt, dann deaktiviere mal die StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp im Launcher. Die .esp wird mit den Unofficial Patches nicht mehr benötigt.


Gruß Schattenwolf


Starte das Game aber über SKSe.loader.exe wegen der Nutzung von Skyrim Redone etc. Muß ich dann trotzdem im Launcher die esp. deaktivieren oder kann ich das auch im NMM machen?