Vorstellung Oblivion Better Bookshelves

Blue Sky Dragon

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Oblivion Better Bookshelves

Hallo Scharesoftler :)
Heute hab ich auf TESNexus eine nettes kleines Plugin entdeckt das das Bücher einsortieren in Oblivion erleichtern soll.

Autor: LegoManIAm94
Download: Klickklack
Mod-Version: Version 1.0 vom 7 Mai 2011
BSA Unpacker

Dies ist eine Verbesserung der Bücherregale in den Kauf baren Häusern in Anvil, Skingrad, Bruma, and Leyawiin und zusätzlich auch eine Modder-Ressource. Bücherregale werden als Container eingefügt. Wenn man sie aktiviert kann man Bücher per Drag & Drop in die Regale hineinlegen und statische Bücher werden auf dem Regal angezeigt.

Bookshelves are a pain for when you are trying to place books on them. And so this mod will fix that. This was my friends idea. This is a modders resource and download for Better Bookshelves In Buyable Houses. Bookshelves will count as containers and when you activate them you can drag and drop books into it. And static books will go onto the shelf for looks.

For those who might use this in their mods download the Better Bookshelves Modders Resource and in the file try out the demo. If you do want to use Better Bookshelves Modders Resource you will need to get BSA Unpacker to unpack some models from the game BSAs. In the file it will say what to unpack.

And if you want to use Better Bookshelves In Buyable Houses just download the file and enjoy. It will have a Better Bookshelves in they buyable homes in Anvil, Skingrad, Bruma, and Leyawiin. And if you have Morrowind also check out my Morrowind Better Bookshelves.

BSA Unpacker (Modders Resource Download)

To install the Modders Resource just download then extract folder and drag nif. into your data\meshes folder and drag the plug-in into the data folder and drag the text document anywhere. To install the Better Bookshelves In Buyable Houses just download then extract folder and drag plugin into your data folder.

Screenshots sind auf TESNexus zu sehen
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