Installation Instructions:
* Download the latest version of MGE and extract it into Morrowind's base directory. (Alternate download link)
* Run MGEgui.exe, and select a dll - dx8-full if you have a fully patched copy of bloodmoon, dx8-basic otherwise. Use dx9-basic or dx9-full if you have a DirectX9-compatible video card. This will allow you to use MGE's simulated HDR lighting.
* Go to the 'Misc' tab and check the 'Distant Land' checkbox. Set the Land Distance to either 2 or 3 and the Fog Distance to about 20.
* Go to the 'Tools' tab, click 'Distant land texture and mesh creator (Automatic mode)' Read the warning, then click yes.
* With a bit of luck, there will now be a series of progress bars, followed by a small message box saying 'Done'. If there isn't, and MGE has crashed, copy the error and paste it here. Please note, sometimes on older computers MGE may 'hang' for a while and appear to have crashed. Give it at least 30 minutes.
* Close MGE, run Morrowind as normal and enjoy the view. (For an easy way to fly around, press ~ and type TCL)