CharDump_Settings =
["Default"] =
@Bastet-Cat"] =
["Aryarie Lareththar"] =
["chardumpsettings"] =
["Output"] =
[1] = "06.07.17 20:55:32",
[2] = "Attribute points spent: ",
[3] = "Health: 0",
[4] = "Magicka: 20",
[5] = "Stamina: 0",
[6] = "Class skill lines",
[7] = "====================",
[8] = "Tiergefährten^p rank 21",
[9] = "--------------------",
[10] = "(U) wilder Wächter^m (morph of ungezähmter Wächter^m, rank 1)",
[11] = "(1) kreischender Klippenläufer^m (morph of Sturzflug^m, rank 1)",
[12] = "(2) tiefer Riss^m (morph of Versengen^n, rank 1)",
[13] = "wilde Bestie^f (passive) at rank 1",
[14] = "====================",
[15] = "grünes Gleichgewicht^nc rank 14",
[16] = "--------------------",
[17] = "(2) heilende Saat^p(at rank 3)",
[18] = "Gabe der Natur^f (passive) at rank 1",
[19] = "====================",
[20] = "Winterkälte^f rank 22",
[21] = "--------------------",
[22] = "(1) Eisbollwerk^n (morph of Frostmantel^m, rank 1)",
[23] = "(2) Zorn des Winters^m (morph of pfählende Scherben^p, rank 1)",
[24] = "(3) Arktiswind^m(at rank 1)",
[25] = "====================",
[26] = "Weapon skill lines",
[27] = "====================",
[28] = "Zweihänder^m rank 6",
[29] = "--------------------",
[30] = "====================",
[31] = "Waffe mit Schild^N rank 3",
[32] = "--------------------",
[33] = "====================",
[34] = "Zwei Waffen^N rank 2",
[35] = "--------------------",
[36] = "====================",
[37] = "Bogen^m rank 3",
[38] = "--------------------",
[39] = "====================",
[40] = "Zerstörungsstab^m rank 26",
[41] = "--------------------",
[42] = "(1) zermalmender Schlag^m (morph of Kraftschlag^m, rank 1)",
[43] = "Trifokus^m (passive) at rank 1",
[44] = "durchdringende Magie^f (passive) at rank 2",
[45] = "====================",
[46] = "Heilungsstab^m rank 7",
[47] = "--------------------",
[48] = "(2) Regeneration^f(at rank 3)",
[49] = "====================",
[50] = "Armor skill lines",
[51] = "====================",
[52] = "leichte Rüstung^f rank 19",
[53] = "--------------------",
[54] = "Erholung^f (passive) at rank 2",
[55] = "Anrufung^f (passive) at rank 1",
[56] = "Zauberschutz^m (passive) at rank 1",
[57] = "====================",
[58] = "mittlere Rüstung^f rank 11",
[59] = "--------------------",
[60] = "====================",
[61] = "schwere Rüstung^f rank 14",
[62] = "--------------------",
[63] = "====================",
[64] = "World skill lines",
[65] = "====================",
[66] = "Lug und Trug^N rank 1",
[67] = "--------------------",
[68] = "====================",
[69] = "Seelenmagie^f rank 1",
[70] = "--------------------",
[71] = "(1) Seelenfalle^f(at rank 1)",
[72] = "====================",
[73] = "Guild skill lines",
[74] = "====================",
[75] = "Diebesgilde^fd rank 1",
[76] = "--------------------",
[77] = "Finderlohn^m (passive)",
[78] = "====================",
[79] = "Kriegergilde^fd rank 3",
[80] = "--------------------",
[81] = "====================",
[82] = "Magiergilde^fd rank 2",
[83] = "--------------------",
[84] = "(1) Magierlicht^n(at rank 4)",
[85] = "====================",
[86] = "Unerschrockene^pd rank 2",
[87] = "--------------------",
[88] = "====================",
[89] = "Alliance skill lines",
[90] = "====================",
[91] = "Sturmangriff^m rank 2",
[92] = "--------------------",
[93] = "(1) hastiges Manöver^n(at rank 1)",
[94] = "====================",
[95] = "Unterstützung^f rank 2",
[96] = "--------------------",
[97] = "====================",
[98] = "Racial skill lines",
[99] = "====================",
[100] = "aldmerische Abstammung^f rank 15",
[101] = "--------------------",
[102] = "Hochgeboren^N (passive)",
[103] = "Zauberladung^f (passive) at rank 1",
[104] = "Gabe des Magnus^f (passive) at rank 1",
[105] = "====================",
[106] = "Crafting skill lines",
[107] = "====================",
[108] = "Alchemie^f rank 17",
[109] = "--------------------",
[110] = "Lösungsmittelkenntnis^f (passive) at rank 1",
[111] = "====================",
[112] = "Schmiedekunst^f rank 7",
[113] = "--------------------",
[114] = "Schmiedehandwerk^n (passive) at rank 1",
[115] = "Metallgewinnung^f (passive) at rank 1",
[116] = "====================",
[117] = "Schneiderei^f rank 8",
[118] = "--------------------",
[119] = "Schneiderhandwerk^n (passive) at rank 1",
[120] = "Sorgfalt^f (passive) at rank 1",
[121] = "====================",
[122] = "Schreinerei^f rank 8",
[123] = "--------------------",
[124] = "Schreinerhandwerk^n (passive) at rank 1",
[125] = "Holzgewinnung^f (passive) at rank 1",
[126] = "====================",
[127] = "Versorgen^n rank 6",
[128] = "--------------------",
[129] = "Rezeptqualität^f (passive) at rank 1",
[130] = "Rezeptverbesserung^f (passive) at rank 1",
[131] = "====================",
[132] = "Verzaubern^n rank 10",
[133] = "--------------------",
[134] = "Aspektverbesserung^f (passive) at rank 1",
[135] = "Machtverbesserung^f (passive) at rank 1",
[136] = "Runensteinextraktion^f (passive) at rank 1",
[137] = "====================",
[138] = "Champion skill lines",
[139] = "====================",
[140] = "====================",
[141] = "Constellation: Turm^md (0 CP spent)",
[142] = "--------------------",
[143] = "====================",
[144] = "Constellation: Fürst^md (0 CP spent)",
[145] = "--------------------",
[146] = "====================",
[147] = "Constellation: Fürstin^fd (0 CP spent)",
[148] = "--------------------",
[149] = "====================",
[150] = "Constellation: Schlachtross^nd (0 CP spent)",
[151] = "--------------------",
[152] = "====================",
[153] = "Constellation: Ritual^nd (0 CP spent)",
[154] = "--------------------",
[155] = "====================",
[156] = "Constellation: Atronach^md (0 CP spent)",
[157] = "--------------------",
[158] = "====================",
[159] = "Constellation: Lehrling^md (0 CP spent)",
[160] = "--------------------",
[161] = "====================",
[162] = "Constellation: Schatten^md (0 CP spent)",
[163] = "--------------------",
[164] = "====================",
[165] = "Constellation: Liebende^fd (0 CP spent)",
[166] = "--------------------",
[167] = "",
[168] = "",
[0] = "Character sheet for Aryarie Lareththar (level 17 Hüterin^f)",
["version"] = 2,
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["chardumpsettings"] =
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["WindowWidth"] = 400,
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