Lego star Wars die Klasische Trilogie !!HILFE!!


Freund des Hauses
Moin leute

Mein Bruder hat sich Lego star wars für den DS gekauft und wir kommen beide nicht bei Jabbas palast weiter. Ich weis zwar nicht ob das mit in diesem teil des forums reinpasst aber ich hab haufenweise Seiten durchsucht und hab leider nichts gefunden und dachte vieleicht könnte i ch euch um hilfe zu fragen.

Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen
hilft dir diese Komplettlösung eventuell weiter:

oder diese:

in der letzten könnte ich auf Anhieb nen Abschnitt zum Palast finden (is aber in englisch):
6a. Jabba's Palace
The level starts with a cutscene of Leia Bounty Hunter leading Chewie into
Jabba's throne room where you see a fairly amusing shot of Carbonite Han
wiggling around behind a series of force fields. You're given control of
Leia Bounty Hunter (she can throw bombs like 4-LOM) and Chewie facing
the door to Jabba's. Go to the right, build the Legos into a block and blast
or bomb the other pile of Legos to reveal a `kit (#1). Push the block under
the switch and pull the switch. This reveals a console which you should
activate by pressing the A button. Do the same on the left. No `kit over
there though.

After you activate the second dropped console, the door opens to reveal
the Gamorrean Guards. My favorite thing in the game (after the Jedi-flip
downward lightsaber stab thingee) is tossing a bomb at a GG and listening
to the great squeal they make when they blow up. Best death noise ever.
Kill the GG's and add another Jedi Luke to your party. Three possible
doors. Yellow on the right, green in the middle and blue on the left. Go in
the right hand door.

You enter a room with 3 exits. A Small character door (Free Play) and a
regular sized one on the same wall and a down ramp anyone can take.
Take the regular sized door. Assemble the Legos and push them onto the
receptacle. This will bring some GG. Bomb them for oodles of fun. Take
the downward ramp to build some Legos to push onto the square to reveal
a `kit (#2). Return to the 3 lighted door room, and take the left hand one.
2 more doors and a ramp. One of the doors is Stormie-only (Free Play).
Take the door on the same wall as the Stormie door. Pull the 3 blue
switches to release more studs and 2 more GG's. Did I mention I love
having a bomber here?

Take the ramp now to reveal a Bounty Hunter door Leia can open. Hop up
on the lightpole to get a `kit (#3) on the big block. Return to the 3 lighted
door room. Go through the middle door. Have Luke go up the left hand
side and Force-pull the switch at the top. Go off to the right hand platforms
for a `kit (#4) and a pile of Legos to destroy. Inside is a green switch you
must activate. We've now disabled the "security" on the door as well as
the force fields around Han.

Kill the 3 GG's and touch Bounty Hunter Lando to add him to your party.
Enter Jabba's throne room. You'll see red searchlights crisscrossing the
floor. If one touches you, you get sent back out to kill the 3 GG's again
and start the throne room part over. Grab the `kit (#5) on the right and on
the left (#6) and then go touch Han. This activates a short cutscene where
Leia's Bounty Hunter lovin' frees Han from the Carbonite, and Jabba tries
to turn you into Bantha poodoo by tossing you to the Rancor.

There are two `kits (#7 & #8) located in here. One requires you to do a
Jedi-flip with the lightsaber stab downward to achieve enough height to
grab. To kill the Rancor and end the level, you need to use the Force on
the switch kind of in the middle of the 2 rooms to drop the door on the
beastie 4 different times. It takes a little while for the door to retreat
and the switch to reset itself. You unlock Jabba's Palace Luke, and you can
buy Salacious Crumb, Han in Carbonite, and a Gamorrean Guard.

Replay in Free Play. Get to the 3 lighted door room. Go right and enter
the Small Character door. Grab the `kit (#9). Go to the left hand lighted
door. Enter the Stormie-only door. Force-move the big block and flip up
onto the structure. You'll see a band playing and a girl dancing and the
last `kit (#10). Now I have NEVER been able to finish this level in Free
Play, so return to the Cantina, and replay in Story Mode if the same
happens to you. My favorite glitch (and by favorite I mean most frustrating
while at the same time most comical) is going through the door to Jabba's
throne room in Free Play and seeing whatever characters I have
automatically turn into Leia Bounty Hunter and Chewie. And when I look Han in force fields.a wire-frame Jabba with
no coloring.and a white floor. Sweeeeeet.

Current Status = Leia Bounty Hunter complete + Jabba's Palace Luke.
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Reaktionen: Schnullerbacke
JA Danke

Ich hab auf spieletips gekukt aber dachte das die lösungen verschieden sind für die verschiedenen spieleplattformen.

Danke für die hilfe. :-D