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Lady Li
Ich habe eine Beschreibung von dysesothymteric gefunden, die ich hier wiedergebe:
Dialog herstellen:
(Zitat) Took me forever to figure out. Here's how I did it. There may be a better/easier way, I don't know but this works. This is just an example to create a multi-stage multi-line dialogue between you and one NPC that doesn't give you a quest notice or anything or run any scripts -
just dialogue. You may want to start over from scratch for this.
1. In the main menu section go to Character -> Quests. Right click the left pane and make a new quest. We'll call it TestDia.
2. Create a new NPC - we'll call him Testy, the test NPC. In his dialogue section, right click the left pane, add quest, and add the TestDia we made. Hit OK, hit OK.
3. Go back to Character -> Quests and go to TestDia. It should be empty.In the Quest Data Section, set priority to 100. This will make sure your dialogue is selected above any other possible dialogue. More info in the CS wiki on that if you like. Hit "Start Game Enabled Too". edit: And you might want to set the condition function to GetIsID = Testy = 1 on the Quest Data tab, too.
4. Now go to the "Topics" tab. This should be empty as well. The first thing we'll need is a greeting. Right-Click in the second pane from the left and hit "add topic." Add the topic "GREETING", the one in all caps.
5. It has arrived empty, so we need to add to it. There's two ways to do this.
5a. To add dialogue that is already in someone elses greeting section: Go to another topic, like the one named "Generic". Look at their greetings and pick one you like, let's say the third one, "Good Day." Right-click this and hit "Move to quest." and choose TestDia. Now, Test Dia has this in its greeting topic.
5b. To add your own custom greetings, right-click in the large multi-line pane towards the upper right of the window. Hit new. In the response Text area, is what the character will say. You can also make them show emotion, with the emotion value being how strongly that emotion is shown.
6. Now to create a new set of dialogue, right-click in the second-to-left pane and click "add topic", and in the new window, right click, hit new, and type in a name and press Enter, then OK. I called mine TestDia01.
7. For this new topic to show up after the greeting, you need to tell the previous topic (GREETING) to start the topic up after it is done speaking. So go back to GREETING and on each of the topics you put there do the following: Click on the text of the speech in the large upper-right pane. Now right click in the Add Topics section further down, and add the new topic we just made (TestDia01). Doing this for every choice will ensure that no matter which speech is chosen (if there is more than one) it will start up your new topic.
8. Now choose the new topic (testDia01) in the second-to-left pane again. I assume you are going to want to add all new dialogue so again right click the large upper right pane and hit new. Put the dialogue you want the player character to "say" in the section at the top marked "Topic Test". To create the NPC response, rightclick under "info" and hit new. Write what the character will say under "responsse text".
9. You should see the response appear in the Response Details section under " Response text". Now, what if you want dialogue that will span more than one sound file or game screen? Right click an empty area in the "response text" section I just mentioned and click "new". Put in the next voice file's text. You can now see that text appear under the previous text and the "#resp" for that info has increased to 2.
10. If you want to link another player response to that one, just do it like you added this first one to the greeting. The choices section is for adding mutually exclusive choices.
11. Now, to get the sound files and lip synch to work. To simplify things first click on one of the infos and then hit the "new" button way down at the bottom. Change condition function to GetIsID, paramater to Testy (our npc) and make it equal 1. Do this for all of the infos.
Now, double click an info and at the bottom there should be one listing under race and it should be the race of your npc. In the path part, readjust the path so that it stretches raf enough that you can read all of it. That is what and where your voice and lip-synch files should be. That path and that name, except that the lip file has a different extension. There may be a way to custom set the path, but I don't know how.
I think that should be enough to get you started. It is very late and I just got off work, and I'm very tired, and I just wrote this in a hurry so I may have forgotten some things, I'm not sure. I probably won't be up tonight, but I'll check back tomorrow.
Also the file I got this working on you can d/l and look at if you want. It's not finished or anything, but the dialogue part is, so that may help you out. You can get it here: right click and save as EDIT: all my quests, topics, infos, chars start with "dys" so you can find them. And the char with the diaglogue is in wilderness -21, 2.
good luck.
oh yeah, final thoughts. If you want a list of Greets to be selected randomly, you can check random for all of them, but whenever I did that it also pulled from the generic greets. The only way I could get it to work was to add a dummy greet at the end that was not random - see the file I provided, you'll see. And you might want to set the condition function to GetIsID = Testy = 1 on the Quest Data tab, too.
dysesothymteric: Apr 1 2006, 03:42 PM (Zitatende)
Vielen Dank, dysesothymteric!
P.S.: Hab´s noch nicht ausprobiert, werde das aber tun und dann hier bekannt geben, ob es funzt.