Technik Wrye Bash



Ich benutzt um MOD zu installieren den BAIN Installer von Wrye Bash.
Hierzu habe ich eine Frage.
In dem BAIN Installer kann ich die Reihenfolge der MOD verändern (mit move to...) wozu ist das gut bzw. wie sollte die richtiger Reihenfolge der MOD in dieser Liste sein?

In dem TAB MODs sehe ich die Load Reihenfolge der einzelnen esm und esp.
Ganz zum Schluss soll ja Bashed Patch stehen.
Ich habe bei mir jetzt ca. 100 MOD laufen mit ca. 150 Verschiedenen esp Dateien und fast unter jeder Option im Rebuild Patch stehen eine Paar von den esp.
Die Bashad Patch.esp kann ich mit Rebuild Patch "konfigurieren".
Kann mir jemand sagen wie man den Rebuild Patch richtig konfiguriert? Von sich aus sind Drei Optionen eingehakt:
Merk Mergeable, Level Listen und Ini Tweaks. Wie sollte man aber die anderen Optionen konfigurieren/aktivieren? Gibt es eine Beschreibung welcher Option was bewirkt?
Würde mich freuen wenn jemand mir hier helfen könnte.
Die Such Funktion hat nichts ergeben und auf der Offiziellen Seite von Wrye Bash steht auch nichts was die einzelnen Optionen bewirken.

Danke für die Antwort.

Die Seiten kenne ich schon und leider steht da nix zu den optionen bzw. eistellungsmöglichkeiten von Rebuild Patch.
Die Seite kenne ich auch.
Leider steht hier auch nicht was die ganzen Optionen im Rebuild Patch bewirken:(

Gestern hatte ich einfach zur Testzwecken mal alle Optionen eingehackt und aus meine DV von Oblivion ist auf ein mal eine gemischt Version geworden.
Mein Oblivion war auf ein mal zur ca. 60% Deutsch und 40% Englisch:shock:
Sonst konnte ich keine änderungen im Spiel feststellen:?

Sobald ich etwas mehr Zeit habe werde ich hier alle Optionenpunkte posten, vielleicht bekomme ich dann etwas mehr Antworten mit ein paar Erklärungen dazu:)
Hallo Amanuk,

du musst nur ein wenig herunterscrollen, dann findest du folgendes:

General Configuration: The first two patch "components" control the behavior of the patch generation in a general way.

Alias Mod Names

• Users sometimes rename mods in order to improve usability or allow different versions of the same mod (e.g., "Oscuros_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp" to "OOO.esp"). Naturally this will confuse bash when it tries to read an imported text file which uses the old "canonical" name. To compensate for this, this component can be used to alias the canonical name to the local name.

• Examples:

Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp >> OOO.esp
Bob's Mod with a very, very long name.esp >> Bob's Mod.esp

Merge Patches

• This component causes Bash to fully merge the content of specified patch files into the bashed patcher, thus allowing you to remove the patch mod from the load order.

• Notes:

• Most mod files are not mergeable. To be mergeable by Bash, the mod must:

• Only contain record types that Bash recognizes (e.g., no game settings, cells, dialog, etc.)

• Not contain any new records – i.e., it must only patch records that already exist.

• Determination of whether a given mod is mergeable or not is done automatically by Bash. Mods that are mergeable are marked with green text in the main mod list. If a given mod is not mergeable and you would like to know why, run the Mark Mergeable command on it. (Note that the old "Merge" tag is now ignored.)

• If during construction of the patch, records in the mod are overridden by another mod that loads after it, then the later loading mod will win. In other words, the ordinary record shadowing rules are applied while merging. (Hence, it can be useful to think of a merged mod as being virtually active.)

• Do not remove merged mods from your mods directory! They need to be available for when you next rebuild the patch. (Every time you rebuild the patch, you rebuild it from scratch, hence the original mods need to be available to be re-merged.)

Merge Filtering

• This is advanced option that allows records in a merged mod to be selectively filtered according to the current load list. E.g., suppose a patch mod modifies records from MMM and OOO. This feature can be used to discard the changes to MMM if MMM is not currently loaded. The advantage of this is that, rather than having two separate patch mods (one for MMM and one for OOO), it's possible to have just one patch mod for both.

• Limitations

This is an advanced option that can be taken advantage of by advanced modders – but beware, it can be a little confusing.

• This will only work for mods that are mergeable and are tagged with Filter.

• The mod being filtered must not be active at the time the patch is built.

• Filtering is mostly limited to the top level.

• E.g., if MMM is not loaded, then changes to MMM specific records will be skipped.

• However, if a record has been changed so that it refers to a record from a mod that is not loaded – then that reference will (usually) not be filtered out. Hence the bashed patch will end up dependent on that mod after all.

• Deep Filtering:

• Entries in leveled lists will be filtered. E.g. if a leveled list has items from MMM, but MMM is not active, then the MMM entries will be discarded.

• For creatures and NPCs, spells, factions and items will be filtered.

• Filtering is done according to the currently active mods. Hence, it is important when building the patch, to make sure that all desired mods are activated! It this isn't the case, then the patch is likely to end up not including changes from the filtered mod that it should include.

Item Interchange Mode

• This is a hack designed to support Vacuity's Item Interachange Mode. It's a "hack" because it's horribly inelegant and is inconsistent with the rest of bash patching approach. But it works and its simpler than rewriting a bunch of code to support a special case.

• II Mode is triggered by the IIM tag – but only when the mod is being patch merged in. Probably. In any case, you should only use it for mods that are being patch merged. Such modes should be Filtered as well.

• What it does:

• Prevents the records from the mod from being merged into the patch. I.e. although the patch is marked as "Merged" and is supposedly merged in, in fact it's not. Except for leveled list records. Those go in.

• Prevents all patch components except for the leveled list merger and the inventory importer from even looking at the mod. Leveled list merger treats the mod in the usual way. However, the inventory import mod treats the mod record specially, ignoring all changes except inventory changes. The point of this is to cause Inventory Import to import only inventory. Thus II mods can "load" after the mod that they change and yet be guaranteed to only modify inventory.

• Ugh. But it works for II. :sigh:

Importers are components that import specific information from selected mods and/or text files and incorporate that into the patch file.

Import Cells

• Allows certain changes to cell to be imported from source mods.

• Configuration

• Source mods must contain one or more of the following bash tags.

• C.Climate: Mod changes cell climate.

• C.Light: Mod changes cell lighting and/or fog.

• C.Owner: Mod changes cell ownership.

• C.Water: Mod changes cell water type/level.

• Usage

• For selected mods, each of that tags will import the related information into the bashed patch if necessary.

• In case two source mods modify the same cell in the same way, then the later loading source mod will win. If they modify the same cel in different ways (e.g. one changes water, the other changes ownership), then both changes will be included in the patch.

Import Factions

• Allows factions to be imported from source mods and/or source csv files.

• Configuration:

• Source mods are automatically recognized if they have a Factions tag in the mod description.

• Source text files are automatically recognized if they are in the Oblivion\Data\Bash Patches directory and end with Factions.csv. Note that the Export Factions command will export files in this format.

• Source CSV Files

• To get source csv files, export factions from an existing mod. This can then be edited as desired.

• Editor ids are shown for convenience only. Internally, its the mod/object index pair that determines both the actor and the faction.

• Faction lists do not need to be complete for each actor. I.e. you only need to list the actor/faction pairs that you wish to add/change. If a mod has has an actor assigned to some faction, but the imported data doesn't address that rank, then the actor will retain that rank.

• To remove an actor from a faction, set their rank to -1. (You can only do this in a spreadsheet.)

• Limitation

• It should be kept in mind that changes to NPC factions will not have an effect in game for any NPCs that have had their faction ranks changed during gameplay. (This is typically fairly limited – usually only for some quest characters.)

Import Graphics

• Overview

Most graphics replacers work by replacing textures and meshes. However, sometimes such replacers are done by modifying the mod to point to different meshes and/or textures than the original mod. This is often done when vanilla Oblivion only offers a few simple meshes for a large number of objects, while the replacer aims to diversify the graphics for those objects (e.g. Phoenix Amon's Book Jackets mod). This patcher resolves this by extracting graphics components from specified mods and merging them into other changes to the same records.

• Configuration:

• Source mods are automatically recognized if they have a Graphics tag in the mod description.

• Graphics/Records Handled:

Only the following types of records are handled. Other types do not commonly require patching, or are not yet supported by Bash.

• Icons only: birthsigns, loadscreens, region, land texture (probably actually the texture)

• Models only: activators, doors, plants, furniture, grass, statics.

• Icons and Models: potions, ammo, apparatus, books, ingredients, keys, misc., sigil stones, soul gems, weapons, clothing, armor, tree (icon probably is texture).

• Creatures: model, body parts, blood.

• Magic Effects: icon, model, shader, effects, light.

• Effect Shaders: particle texture, fill texture

Import Names

• Overview

This component is intended to merge changes from a renamer mod (e.g., Rational Names) or file into other mods. It will also (to a small degree) handle localization of foreign language mods. An example of a renamer mod is Rational Names.

• Configuration:

• Source mods are automatically recognized if they have a Names tag in the mod description.

• Source text files are automatically recognized if they are in the Oblivion\Data\Bash Patches directory and end with Names.csv. Note that the Export/Import Names command will export files in this format.

• Limitations:

• Handles most named objects types (except lights). Does not handle GMSTs, cells, landmarks or dialogs. If source mods is fully covered (no GMSTs, cells, etc.) then it does not need to be loaded after merging.

• Guard Names

• A names patcher file that covers guards, legion soldiers, couriers, and a few other generically named characters and creatures from both Oblivion and Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul.

• This is based on Flak's Complete Names Project. However, ranks have been strongly tweaked from Flak's version and OOO names have been added.

• Rational Names

• A names patcher file for Rational Names is included. This includes all of the name changes of the Rational Names 2 mod (but not the GMST settings for soul gem strings). It also includes additional name changes to cover Shivering Isles, Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul and a few more mods.

• Note that it is best not to edit this file directly since it is included in the Bash distribution. Instead, duplicate and edit as desired.

Import Inventory

• This option will merge changes to npc, container and creature inventories from the selected mods. Only mods marked with the Invent or InventOnly tag will appear in the list.

• Invent vs. InventOnly

• "InventOnly" is a hack – i.e. "a quick job that produces what is needed, but not well." It's there to support Vacuity's Item Interchange and that's pretty much it. It probably should not be used except for Item Interchange or a mod very much like II. Ideally, it should be separated into two tags: Invent,IIHack – where it would still be hack, but at least a more clearly labeled hack.

• InventOnly basically does Invent, but also does

• Invent

• Sometimes it's desirable to change only the inventory of an actor or container. This is desirable when modifying the inventory of creatures that have been changed by overhauls – especially when you can't rely on the overhauls being present.

• For a mod to override only the inventory, the mod must be tagged with InventOnly and must be merged into the patch (i.e. the mod must not be active when the patch is being built.)

• Notes

• This feature is primarily concerned with removing, replacing and adding completely new items to inventories. If a mod only changes the number of items in an inventory, then this feature will ignore that change.

• Generally later loading source mods will dominate.

• If an early source adds two daedric arrows, while a later source adds three daedric arrows, then the patch will contain three daedric arrows.

• If an early source replaces a steel sword with steel dagger, but a later source replaces the steel sword with an daedric dagger; then the patch will have the daedric dagger but not the steel dagger.

• If a source tries to remove anything, but fails because that item is already present or a later mod has already removed it, then none of the changes from the source will be applied.

Import NPC Faces

• Overview

This patcher component will extract the face, hair and eyes data from an NPC face modifying mod (which is to say any/all of the Tamriel NPCs Revamped mods), and add it to the patch, merging it over any changes to those same NPCs from other mods.

• Configuration

• Source mods are automatically recognized if their mod name starts with TNR or the mod has a NpcFaces tag in the mod description.

• Note that since there is a now a TNR All Races mod, you may wish to discard (or at least uncheck) any previous TNR mods you have.

• Source Mods

• Since TNR contains only face patches, and since the faces are entirely copied to the patch file, you can unload the source TNR mods – but do keep them in your data directory, since Bash will need to find them when updating the patch.

Import Relations

• Allows faction relation(ship)s to be imported from source mods and/or source csv files.

• Configuration:

• Source mods are automatically recognized if they have a Relations tag in the mod description.

• Source text files are automatically recognized if they are in the Oblivion\Data\Bash Patches directory and end with Relations.csv. Note that the Export Relations command will export files in this format.

• Source CSV Files

• To get source csv files, export relations from an existing mod. This can then be edited as desired.

• Editor ids are shown for convenience only. Internally, its the mod/object index pair that determines both the actor and the faction.

• Relation lists do not need to be complete for each faction. I.e. you only need to list the main/other pairs that you wish to add/change.

• Limitation

• It should be kept in mind that changes to faction relationships will not have an effect in game for any factions that have had any of their relations changed during game play (through either the modFactionReaction or setFactionReaction command.) However, most factions are not altered in this way.

Import Roads

• Overview

• Road records are used by some world spaces (e.g. Tamriel) to help guide NPCs who are traveling for long distances through that world. Very few mods modify road records, but if it is desired for the road from an earlier loading mod to override the road from a later loading mod, Import Roads can make that happen.

• Configuration:

• Source mods are automatically recognized if they have a Roads tag in the mod description.

Import Scripts

• Overview

• There are a fair number of mods that change the scripts on items and they often got blocked by the overhauls or cause compatibility problems. This fixes it so only the script change gets brought forward (and non-conflicting data)

• Configuration:

• Source mods are automatically recognized if they have a Scripts tag in the mod description.

• Script/Records Handled:

• all editor object except spells and quests

Import Sound

• Overview

• There are not many mods that modify the sounds of existing records, but there are a few mods that tweak the sounds of magic effects (e.g. to silence them). Since magic effect records tend to modified for other reasons as well, other changes to the same records will wipe out the changes to sounds. This patcher component allows you to make sure that changes to the sounds of spells are included in the final version of the record.

• Configuration:

• Source mods are automatically recognized if they have a Sound tag in the mod description.

• Sound/Records Handled:

Only the following types of records are handled.

• Magic Effects: casting, bolt, area and hit sounds.

• Activators, Lights, Weather: sounds

• Containers: Open and close sounds

• Doors: Open, close and loop sounds.

Import Stats

• Overview

• This patcher can be used to modify ammo, apparatus, armor, book, clothing, ingredient, key, light, misc object, sigil stone, soulgem and weapon stats according to specified mods and/or spreadsheet files.

• One use for this is to make sure that weapon stats from one early loading mod are not overridden by a layer loading mod.

• Another use is patch random armor and weapon mods to fit the equipment balancing system specified by one of the overhaul mods. For this use the best approach is to supply a single spreadsheet which rebalances weapons of many mods to fit a given overhaul. When using such a file, Bash will only apply stats for mods that are currently active and ignore the rest.

• Source spreadsheets can be generated by using the Export/Import Stats command.

• Configuration:

• Source mods are automatically recognized if they have a Stats tag in the mod description.

• Source text files are automatically recognized if they are in the Oblivion\Data\Bash Patches directory and end with Stats.csv. Note that the Export/Import Stats command will export files in this format.

Tweakers tweak records in the currently active set of mods in specified ways. All tweakers have several specific features which can be individually turned off. Features whose name ends with bracketed text (e.g., "Max Potion Weight [0.1]) can be configured by right clicking on the feature and selecting an option from the pop up menu.

Tweak Assorted

• Assorted Tweaks...

• Armor Shows Amulets/Rings

• Modifies playable armor to prevent hiding of amulets/rings.

• Clothing Shows Amulets/Rings

• Modifies clothing to prevent hiding of amulets/rings.

• Bow Reach Fix

• Some of the bows in Oblivion (and a few in user mods) have a reach of zero. Due to a bug in the Oblivion engine, if these bows are equipped by an NPC, the game will crash. This patch changes bows with zero reach to have reach == 1. (Note this is also fixed for vanilla Oblivion by the Unofficial Oblivion Patch. However, Shivering Isles introduces more bows with the same problem.)

• Darnified Books

• Tweak book coloring and font for use with Darnified UI.

• Wtxt formatting (applied if first line looks like == title ==

• << or ^^ or >> at beginning of line generates a div align=xxx tag. (<<: left, ^^: center and >> right).

• == Text ==: Generates a level 2 header..

• === Text: Generates a level 3 header.

• Double undescores generates emphasized (strong color) text.

• Double asterisks, double tildes have same effect as double underscores.

• Max Weight Potions

• Potions in Oblivion are rather heavy by default. This changes the weight of potions to a specified value (0.1 up to 0.8). Note: this does not affect potions with script effects or with current weight >= 1.0. Thus it should not affect alcoholic beverages or scripted "potions" like HTS water skins.

Note that this is similar, but not the same as the Reweigh Potions command for savegames, which reweighs user created potions rather than mod created potions.

• Max Weight Staffs

• Like Max Weight Potions, but caps the weight of staffs.

• Min Weight Potions

• Reweighs potions to a minimum weight.

• No Light Flicker

• Turns off flickering effects for lights. May help on machines with low end graphic cards.

• Nvidia Fog Fix

• Ensures that cells have at least one non-zero fog value. For avoiding the Nvidia fog-related black screen.

• This feature is based on Quarn's Nvidia Black Screen Fix.

• Right Hand Rings

• Makes rings behave more consistently by making all rings prefer to be on the right hand.

• With this tweak activated, rings will only equip to the left hand if the right hand has a ring, but the left hand does not. You can use this to make one ring permanently equipped – just equip it to the left hand and it will stay on until you specifically unequip it.

Tweak Clothes

• Overview: This allows you tweak clothes in several ways. Note that some of these have are not recommended for reasons stated – however your tastes may vary.

• Max Weight XXX: Many clothes items are too heavy in Oblivion. These options force them to lower weights (as specified). Right click on item to choose maximum weight allowed.

• Gloves Show Rings: Prevents gloves from hiding rings.

• Robes Show Amulets: Forces all robes to show amulets. Not totally realistic, but looks cooler!

• Robes Show Pants: Allows you to wear pants/skirts/greaves with robes. This is useful for armor and enchantment. Not recommended because graphics clipping is common.

• Unlimited Amulets: Allows you to wear an unlimited number of amulets. Not recommended because it is uber and it prevents amulets from displaying (i.e., they won't appear around your or NPC's necks).

• Unlimited Rings: Same thing for rings.

Tweak Names

• Tweaks names of items and spells to make them sort more easily in inventory. For each type of item you can select the format to be used.

• Body Part Codes: This determines what code will be used for tweaking armor and clothes covering various body parts. There are two versions.

• Each code letter is assigned in order to: Amulets, Rings, Gloves, Helmets, Tail items, Robes (upper+lower body), Chest, Pants/Greaves, Boots/Shoes, Shields.

• ARGHTCCPBS: Assigns codes to match part covered.

• ABGHINOPSL: Assigns codes to sort more usefully. Amulets, then Rings, etc.

• Armor: Choose format and whether you want armor rating to be shown.

• Clothes: Choose format.

• Notes and Scrolls: Choose format and whether you want enchanted scrolls at top (~) or botton (.) of list. (Note that "~" will not display in inventory.)

• Potions: Choose format.

• Spells: Chose format. You can choose whether you wish the school (e.g. D) and spell level (e.g. D2) to show.

• If you're already using Supreme Magicka or similar spell namer, their label will be overwritten.

• If you only want to remove existing labels, then use the No Label option ("Fire Ball").

• Weapons: Choose format and whether you want damage to be shown.

• Spells will show school and level (0/Novice – 4/Master).

Tweak Settings

• Overview

Allows you to tweak game behavior in miscellaneous ways. Item ending with a "[xxx]" will allow you to choose a different value. Right click on the item and choose the preferred value from the list.

• Arrow: Litter Count/Time: Shot arrows will be automatically removed from the world after a certain period (Arrow Litter Time) or if their number exceeds the Arrow Litter Count.

• Arrow: Recovery from Actor: Your chance of recovering an arrow shot into an actor (including arrows shot into player).

• Arrow Speed: Speed at which a full power arrow travels.

• Bounty: Attack: The Bounty for attacking a "good" npc when observed.

• Bounty: Horse Theft: The Bounty for horse stealing.

• Camera: Chase Distance: Changes the maximum distance the chase camera can be moved away from the player. Very useful for creating a birds eye view – but also a little bit uber for that reason.

• Camera: Chase Tightness: Tightens up the 3rd person chase camera. Highest setting (x 3.0) essentially locks camera behind player.

• Camera: PC Death Time: This is how long the camera lingers on the player after player's death before the reload menu appears. (Even at "Unlimited", you can hit escape to force reload menu to appear.)

• Cell Respawn Time: Time that must pass after you've last visited a cell before the creatures, npcs and items in it respawn. Default is 3 days. Note that setting to longer durations will result in larger savegames.

• Combat: Max Actors: the maximum number of actors that the engine will process in combat.

• Combat: Recharge Weapons: By default, you can recharge weapons during combat. Disallowing that encourages you to be ready for battle ahead of time.

• Compass: Disable XXX: Disables POI's (Points of Interest), Quest Markers, or both on the compass.

• Warning: Some quests may be hard to complete when quest markers are turned off (e.g., an early stage of Knights of the Nine).

• Note: While this works with the vanilla interface, it appears to not work with some modifications of the UI. Problem might be changes to the marker icons, or it might be due to the POI recognition tweak.

• Compass: POI Recognition: Distance at which Points of Interest become visible on the compass. Default is 12,000 units. Lowest setting (x 0.25) is just a little farther than unvisited locations will be "found." I.e., about a rock's throw. (No affect if POI visibility is turned off.)

• Cost Multiplier: Enchantment: The cost multiplier factor for enchanting, OOO default: 120, vanilla default: 10.

• Cost Multiplier: Recharge: The cost multiplier factor for recharging.

• Cost Multiplier: Repair: The cost multiplier factor for repairing.

• Cost Multiplier: Spellmaking: The cost multiplier factor for spellmaking.

• Crime Alarm Distance: the distance from the player that NPCs will be alerted to crimes

• Essential NPC Unconsciousness: Time for which an essential NPC stays unconscious after being knocked out.

• Fatigue from Running/Encumbrance: Fatigue cost multiplier for running or encumbrance

• Greeting Distance: Distance at which NPCs will great the player.

• Horse Turning Speed: Default Horse turning speed is rather slow. This allows you to increase it by 1.5 or 2.0 times normal speed.

• Jump Higher: Increases the maximum allowed jump height. Note that this may allow you to jump over city walls and so end up with graphical strangeness. (Empty towns or empty countryside, depending on whether you jump into or out of the town.)

• Magic: Bolt Speed: Speed at which at which magic bolts (projectiles) travel.

• Magic: Chameleon Refraction: Turns off the refraction effect for chameleon, but leaves the incremental transparency effect on. (Transparency won't be very obvious until PC/NPC is at higher levels of Chameleon.)

• Master of Mercantile Extra Gold Amount: The extra barter gold all vendor's have for a master of mercantile.

• Msg: Equip Misc. Item: sets the message on equiping a misc item to blank or either "." or "Hmm..."

Special patch components don't fit into the categories above. Two of them (Alchemical Catalogs and Power Exhaustion) are for use with specific mods. The remaining component, Leveled Lists, is for general use.

Alchemical Catalogs

• Overview

This patcher component will update the alchemical catalogs found in the Common Oblivion. No configuration is required and the catalogs will not be produced unless Cobl Main.esm is in the load list. The original catalogs list all ingredients found in Oblivion.esm. The update will add ingredients from all selected mods. See COBL docs for more information on how to acquire the catalogs.

Cobl Exhaustion

• Requires Cobl 1.66 or higher.

• Converts powers into lesser powers, but imposes a (potentially fatal) penalty if they're used too frequently.

• Cobl's power exhaustion feature is intended as a replacment for my Power Exhaustion mod.

Content Checker

• When activated, this will check the inventory contents of containers, creatures and NPCs, and the entries of leveled lists to make sure that their entries are of valid types. E.g. it will try to ensure that leveled spell lists only contain spells and other leveled lists.

• If items/entries of incorrect type are found, then they are removed from the container/list. The patch report will list any containers/lists modified and what was removed from them.

Leveled Lists

• Background

• When different mods alter the same leveled list, the last mod to load will "win" overriding any changes made by earlier loading mods. This is particularly a problem with creature and the various releveling mods which alter so many lists.

• To overcome this, it is necessary to merge the changes to the various leveled lists into a new "merged list" mod, and ensure that this new mod loads after all the mods whose lists it merges.

• List Merging

• During the scan process of the patch building, the list merger extracts leveled lists and merges them together. If mods only added items to leveled lists, this process would be simple. However, since mods often want to delete items from lists and/or relevel items in lists, it's often necessary to specify how the lister merger will handle changes from specific mods. This specification is done through Bash Tags and/or manually configuring mods in the list merger dialog.

• Untagged Mods: Mods that have no bash tags can only add new items to leveled lists. If a given item (e.g. an Iron Battle Axe is already present in the list (at any level or count), then no new entries for that item will be added. Also, if another mod has already marked that item as removed from the list, it will not be added.

• Delev Mods: Mods that are tagged or configured as Delev mods can remove items from lists. Bash will figure out what to remove by comparing items in the mods version of the list to items added by it's masters (Oblivion.esm, etc.). Any items that are present in the masters, but not in the Delev's list are marked as removed. Items marked this way will be removed from the list, and the removal will be remembered so that later mods won't re-add the item.

• Relev Mods: Mods that are tagged or configured as Relev mods can break the previous rules. They can relevel an item that already exists in the list ("relevel" means change the levels and/or counts for the item in the list). Relev mods can also overrule a previous deletion. (However, delevs that run after the Relev will overrule the relev mod for the items they delete.

• Delev+Relev Mods: A mod can be tagged/configured as both Delev and Relev. Doing this just combines the effects of the two separate tags.

• Simple Guide to Tagging

• Generally, if a mod only adds items, then it should not be tagged.

• If a mod needs to delete items from the original list, then it should be tagged as a Delev mod.

• If a mod needs to change the levels of items that already exist in the list or reverse a previous deletion, then it should be tagged as a Relev mod.

• To tag a mod, right click in the "Bash Tags" field at the bottom right of the Mods tab and check/uncheck tags as necessary. For more info, see Bash Tags.

• Configuration

• Generally it's best to set the bash tags correctly and leave the configuration on auto. However, it's also possible to manually configure delevelers/relevelers.

• To add/remove mods from the list, uncheck Automatic and use the Add/Remove buttons.

• To manually override the Delev/Relev tags for a given mod, right click on the mod name and check/uncheck states as necessary. To return to automatic setting, choose the "Auto" option instead.


• FCOM (aka Kaboom, aka FraBOOOMMM) is a mod by dev_akm and others that attempts to merge the changes from various major mods. While this might seem to be competitive with Bash's List Merger, it's actually complementary, since it's able to intelligently merge complicated list structures as well as correct and merge faction information.

• For further information on using FCOM with Bash, see the FCOM release notes/topics.

• Empty Sublist Cleaning

• Lists occasionally contain empty sublists, which will cause the list to produce nothing when it selects the sublist.

• As of Bash v 183, the leveled list merger will now remove any empty sublists from a leveled list.

Morph Factions

• This is only for users of the Wrye Morph mod 0.05 or higher. It requires Cobl 1.28 or higher.

Power Exhaustion

• Overview:

• My Power Exhaustion mod changes the greater powers in Vanilla (non-Shivering Isles) into lesser powers, but imposes a (potentially fatal) penalty if they're used too frequently.

• Assorted_Exhaust.csv: This patcher extends coverage to the Orrery and Shivering Isles powers.

• Kmacg94_Exhaust.csv: This patcher (by Kmagc94) extends coverage to several more mods (bgBalancingEVCore, Consequences, Kenhanimal's Awsome Vampire Mod, Oblivion War Cry EV, Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul, StartX Vanilla Vampires Revised, Vampire Hunter Tools, Vows and Covenants).

Race Records

• Overview

This patcher component will extract the eyes and hair from the loaded source mods and, if necessary, merge that data over changes from later loading mods that change the same races. (Note that if the source mods are not in the load list, they will not be used.)

• Configuration

• Source mods must contain one or more of the following bash tags.

• Body-M: If specifying male body textures, height, or weight.

• Body-F: If specifying female body textures, height, or weight.

• Eyes: If mod contributes eyes.

• Hair: If contributing hair.

• R.Mouth: If specifying/changing mouth/tongue. (See Merged Mouth.)

• R.Relations: If specifying race relations.

• R.Teeth: If specifying/changing upper/lower teeth. (See Merged Teeth.)

• Voice-M: If specifying male voice.

• Voice-F: If specifying female voice.

E.g., for Beautiful People, the tag should be {{BASH:Hair,Eyes}}.

• Merge Procedure

• Body: The last mod tagged with Body-M (Body-F) will win for males (females). Note that "body" includes: body texture, height and weight – i.e. the winning mod (for a given gender) will determine all of these factors (for that gender).

• Hair: All hairs will be merged into final record.

• Eyes: All eyes will first be merged, then filtered by eye mesh to avoid googly eyes (see below).

• Relations: All relations will be merged into final record. Procedure is pretty much the same as for importing faction relations.

• Voice: The last mod tagged with Voice-M (Voice-F) will win for males (females). This tag is useful for (the very few) mods which replace/change default voices.

• Avoiding Googly Eyes

• "Googly eyes" happens when an eye texture built for one eye mesh is used in combination with a different eye mesh. In vanilla Oblivion, this never happens because all races use the same eye meshes. However, several of the cosmetics mods change the meshes for various races. When different cosmetics mods are mixed or (sometimes) when custom races are used, this can result in at least some eyes for a given race being mismatched to the eye mesh for that race.

• As of version 104, Bash will try to prevent this sort of eye texture/mesh mis-matching. Unfortunately, Bash cannot guarantee success in all cases.

• Some suggestions for modders:

• When adding a custom race, use either only vanilla eyes, or only custom eyes. I.e. do not mix custom eyes and vanilla eyes. If you mix vanill eyes and custom eyes, and if the race is playable, then bash will filter down to just the vanilla eyes.

• When creating a cosmetics mod, do not replace the vanilla eye resource with a different eye mesh resource. Instead, create a new eye mesh resource and use that. Note: If you're using one of the standard alternative eye resources (e.g. Rens) then use the standard path for that. When bash does its filtering, it determines what eye mesh each eye is using, and then filters the eyes for a given race to so that only eyes using the same mesh will be used. This is why it's important for mesh resources to be consistent.

• Unfortunately, one of the most popular race mods, Beautiful People, does replace the standard eye mesh resource. To resolve this, the Beautiful People installation will need to be patched. (Sorry, but I don't know if such a patch is available yet.)

SEWorld Tests

• Suspends Cyrodiil quests while in Shivering Isles.

• Overview:

• Shivering Isle modifies almost all existing quests in Oblivion.esm to add an additional test: GetPlayerInSEWorld == 0. The effect of this test is to suspend almost all Cyrodiilian quests while the player is in Shivering Isles.

• Unfortunately mods that are built on top of the original Oblivion.esm do not include this test. This can sometimes result in strange behavior: SI residents talking about Cyrodiilian topics, etc.

• This feature simply reinstates those tests where mods have removed them.
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Reaktionen: Amanuk