Vorstellung Texture Pack Combiner

da frag ich mich nur.. (vorallem bei real ice).. wie schaut das dann aus ? wenn dort alle möglichkeiten (ich denk an die 16 sind es) wie das eis nun ingame aussehen wird.. und wird mir genau DIESE möglichkeit gefallen ?

im beispiel SMIM bei den tomaten... gibts 2 "default" und "pure red"... beide im TPC drinnen.. welche nimmt er ?... ps: pure red schaut ******e aus xD (meine meinung)
usw. usf... woher will das programm nun wissen was meine vorzüge sind ?... oder nimmt das programm und wirft die texturen/meshes einfach durcheinander zufällig nach skyrim ? mal pure red.. mal default... o_O


es gibt 2(?) mods die bergen/felsen ändern.. welche gewinnt ?..
Die Mod ,welche die höhere Auflösung hat ,gewinnt.

Nein. Der Autor des TPC hat sich nach eigener Aussage jede Textur einzeln angeschaut, und die nach seinem Geschmack besten Texturen zusammengestellt. Ebenso wird wahrscheinlich bei den Tomaten aus SMIM verfahren.

Genau dafür ist diese Mod doch da: das man die Texturen aus verschiedenen Mods nicht selber einzeln vergleichen muss, sondern eine fertige Zusammenstellung erhält. Aber eben nach dem Geschmack des Autors...
Mittlerweile ist die Version 1.91 erschienen: Download

- Now supports Skyrim Flora Overhaul v1.76b.
- Corrected information in "This folder.txt" for Pilgrim's Delight - High Hrothgar Shrine Retextures.

- Now supports Skyrim Flora Overhaul v1.76a. The extra folder for Diverse Trees has thus been removed since it is now incorporated into the main mod.
- Added support to combine Bryce Nebula.
- Added support to combine Bumpy Inn and Shop Signs v3.
- Added support to combine Detailed Rugs.
- Added support to combine HD Soul Gems.
- Added support to combine Hectrol Caves Deluxe.
- Added support to combine Hectrol Spider Webs.
- Added support to combine High Quality Workbench.
- Added support to combine HQ Paper.
- Added support to combine No Stretching.
- Added support to combine Pilgrim's Delight - High Hrothgar Shrine Retextures.
- Added support to combine Project Parallax - Roads and Bridges.
- Added support to combine Psychosteve's Golden God's Shrines.
- Added support to combine Realistic Mushrooms.
- Added support to combine Skyrim HD Environments (Nordic Ruins only)
- Added support to combine The Beauty of Skyrim - Caves and Mines.
- Switched Chaurus texture from Bellyache's Animal and Creature Pack to a more lore-friendly version.
- Removed the Windhelm "whroughgroundwet_n.dds" from WATER due to being incompatible with other prefered TPC texture choices.
- Cleaned up some unnecessary files being copied from SRO. They will no longer cause a false alarm in the log file when you combine SRO Lite.
- Corrected a script error that caused an odd line at the end of the log file.
- Tweaked files involving Project Parallax. A few previously excluded textures have been added, while the Solitude interiors have been completely removed due to errors. Some additional parallax maps are still left out due to having too visible distortions.
- Removed support to combine Intricate Spider Webs and Soul Gems Differ due to them being replaced. Soul Gems Differ provided some difficulty in attaining satisfying texture combinations while also slightly decreasing texture quality when used with Soul Gems HD. Additionally, keeping down the number of ESP files used in the TPC is good for stability and compatibility. Both of these mods can be installed separately after the TPC if you want to keep using them.
Die neuesten Versionen vom Texture Combiner:
- Removed a single line in the batch to accommodate support for W.A.T.E.R. 1.6a without giving a false alarm in the log. The Dragonborn Add-on 1.0b update required no changes.

- Now supports Static Mesh Improvement Mod (SMIM) v1.342
- Now supports W.A.T.E.R. Dragonborn Add-on.

- Now supports Static Mesh Improvement Mod (SMIM) v1.33.

- Now supports Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Punish Your Machine Edition.
- Now supports W.A.T.E.R. v1.6.

- Now supports Skyrim Flora Overhaul v1.76b.
- Corrected information in "This folder.txt" for Pilgrim's Delight - High Hrothgar Shrine Retextures.

Die Mod "Lush Trees" wird vom Author nicht mehr empfohlen, wenn auch SFO verwendet wird.

- Now supports Static Mesh Improvement Mod (SMIM) v1.49.
- The log file should no longer give a false alarm about two files from Project Parallax - Windhelm that were removed in the latest version.
- Changed paths and added files to coincide with the new version of WATER v1.75.

Seit August gibt es auch die Version 1.95b.
Außerdem gibt es noch eine weitere Version hier. Die scheint noch weiter geupdatet zu sein. Zumindest werden andere/mehr Texture-Mods aufgelistet, als auf der Nexus Seite.
Kennt sich jmd damit aus? Wird die Version häufiger geupdatet?
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