Vorstellung Texture Pack Combiner

Die Hand


da ich sehr gute Erfahrungen mit dem Texture Pack Combiner gemacht habe, will ich das kleine Tool hier vorstellen. Es ist kein Mod in dem Sinne, sondern eher eine Hilfe, das Beste aus verschiedenen Mods herauszuholen.


Das entpackte Archiv des Combiners enthält eine vorbereitete Ordner-Struktur, welche für jeden einzelnen Mod eine kleine Anweisung enthält, was in eben diesen Ordner genau hineinkopiert werden muss. Weiterhin ist ein Batch-File enthalten, was nach dem Einsortieren der Mods ausgeführt wird. Automatisch werden nun alle benötigten Daten der Mods in einen gemeinsamen Ordner kopiert, welcher dann nur noch "Textures", "Meshes" und .esp - Files entält. Das ganze dann noch als Archiv gepackt, lässt es sich bequem mit dem NMM als einzelner Mod installieren. Ich finde diese Lösung sehr übersichtlich, da gewöhnlich meist noch mehr Mods hinzukommen und man leicht den Überblick verliert. Auch entfällt bei dieser Variante die lästige Frage, ob man nun diese und jene Datei überschreiben soll oder nicht. Das fertige Paket funktioniert bei mir ohne Probleme und wird vom Autor ausgiebig getestet. Updates werden regelmäßig veröffentlicht. Grafisch sieht das 6 - 7 GB (ungepackt) große Ergebnis richtig toll aus und für schwächere Rechner gibt es eine Light-Version.

Lohnt sich auf jeden Fall, das mal zu probieren. :)

Pc Games hat den auch schonmal vorgestellt:



die Hand
Hatte ich auch mal, war eigentlich nicht schlecht... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaber:

Mittlerweile ist es nicht mehr vollständig zu gebrauchen, da einer der 3 erforderlichen Mods (viele andere sind optional) nicht mehr online ist.

Zitat in der Beschreibung vom Texture Pack Combiner:
This mod is no longer available on the Nexus due to the author being banned.
Ja, ich weiß. Skyrim Realistic Overhaul von Starac ist wegen Bann nicht mehr im Nexus. Mit der Suchmaschine ist die letzte Version (1.6 & Dawnguard) jedoch weiterhin auf Filehostern zu finden, nur eben nicht mehr im Nexus. Ich selbst habe mir SRO auch noch besorgen können, nachdem es im Nexus nicht mehr verfügbar war. Immmerhin sind das knapp 6 GB Texturen.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Interessantes Tool! Zwar stelle ich mir meine Texture Packs/Body Mods immer selbst zusammen (wobei ich aktuell sogar mit Vanilla Texturen und nur ein paar verschönerten Körpern spiele), aber es ist sicherlich hilfreich, für jemanden, der sich diese Arbeit nicht antun möchte.
Ist der Grund für Staracs Verbannung eigentlich bekannt ? :)
Leider keine Ahnung habe mir aber zum Glück die Mod damals noch runtergeladen. Ist ne Heidenarbeit mit dem Combiner ,hoffe es lohnt sich auch später.
Ist der Grund für Staracs Verbannung eigentlich bekannt ? :)

Nun da kannst Du Dich bei Staracs selbst bedanken:

I have deleted all files from the SRO main page. In the future i will send new updates to the people who supported me through donations.

Thanks to all the people who recognized quality!

That just cost you your account on this site - TVD.

Quelle: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.p...tic-overhaul/page__view__findpost__p__6862134
Die Arbeit lohnt sich auf jeden Fall und nach dem 2. Mal (nach jedem Update mache ich ein neues File) kommt auch etwas Routine rein und das ganze ist in ca. 2h erledigt. Sollte jemand SRO von Starac nicht finden können, dann einfach ne PN an mich schreiben.

Was den Bann angeht, so gab es im Nexus-Forum ne Diskussion, welche dann schnell geschlossen wurde. Angeblich wollte Starac weitere Updates von SRO nur gegen Geld veröffentlichen, was jedoch gegen die Regeln ist.

Der Gute Mann hat doch einen Lattenschuss. Kein Wunder das er gebanned wurde. In dem Link von FortuneHunter schreibt er , dass er Kohle für will. Der gute ist ein bißchen Größenwahnsinnig geworden.

Ja denke auch wenn man das erstemal alles drinn hat dann ist es später mit den Updates nicht mehr so Arbeitsaufwendig.
Noch ne Frage die esp bei manchen Mods ,die in den Combi kommen , müssen ja extra in die Data gepackt werden und nicht in den Combi, oder?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Die Ordner-Struktur ist so, dass Du es entweder kopieren oder mit dem NMM installieren kannst. Das Combine-Archiv zeigt beim Öffnen "Textures", "Meshes" und die .esp-Dateien, also so, wie es dann auch im Data-Ordner von Skyrim ist.
Naja dann lasse ich die Mod eben weg. Oder weiß zufällig jemand von euch wo man sie noch finden kann ?(Bitte aber eine die funktioniert. Nicht,dass diese Mod dann auch solche Save Bloats ausführt wie Sound of Skyrim :lol:)

Wegen Starac : Aber wirklich Geld dafür verlangen zu wollen ist ein bisschen dreist oder ?:roll:
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Das sind nur Texturreplacer, die erzeugen keinen Save Bloat.

Danke,weil ich habe echt Schiss,dass ich mir meine Savegames durch irgendeine Mod wieder beschädige.
Meine Savegame Größe beträgt 11 MB. Ist das normal oder ab wann sollte ich mir Sorgen machen ? Weißt du das zufällig ? :)
Wenn Deine Savegames plötzlich sehr viel größer werden, dann liegt ein Savegamebloat vor. So kann man eigentlich wenig sagen, da die Größe auch davon abhängt wieviele und welche Mods Du installiert hast.
Line 1926: File not found: "Optional Mods\Static Mesh Improvement Mod\00 Core\Meshes\clutter\common\quill01.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\clutter\common\"
Line 1929: File not found: "Optional Mods\Static Mesh Improvement Mod\00 Core\Meshes\dlc01\clutter\dlc01tankardblood.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\dlc01\clutter\"
Line 1930: File not found: "Optional Mods\Static Mesh Improvement Mod\00 Core\Meshes\dungeons\nordic\catacombs\bghalls\norcathallbg1way01.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\dungeons\nordic\catacombs\bghalls\"
Line 1931: File not found: "Optional Mods\Static Mesh Improvement Mod\00 Core\Meshes\dungeons\nordic\catacombs\bghalls\norcathallbg1way02.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\dungeons\nordic\catacombs\bghalls\"
Line 1932: File not found: "Optional Mods\Static Mesh Improvement Mod\00 Core\Meshes\dungeons\nordic\catacombs\bghalls\norcathallbg1wayendcap01.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\dungeons\nordic\catacombs\bghalls\"
Line 1933: File not found: "Optional Mods\Static Mesh Improvement Mod\00 Core\Meshes\dungeons\nordic\catacombs\bghalls\norcathallbg1wayramp256.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\dungeons\nordic\catacombs\bghalls\"
Line 1934: File not found: "Optional Mods\Static Mesh Improvement Mod\00 Core\Meshes\dungeons\nordic\catacombs\bghalls\norcathallbg2way01.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\dungeons\nordic\catacombs\bghalls\"
Line 1935: File not found: "Optional Mods\Static Mesh Improvement Mod\00 Core\Meshes\dungeons\nordic\catacombs\bghalls\norcathallbg3way01.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\dungeons\nordic\catacombs\bghalls\"
Line 1936: File not found: "Optional Mods\Static Mesh Improvement Mod\00 Core\Meshes\dungeons\nordic\catacombs\bghalls\norcathallbg3way02.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\dungeons\nordic\catacombs\bghalls\"
Line 1953: File not found: "Optional Mods\Static Mesh Improvement Mod\00 Core\Meshes\loadscreenart\loadscreenargonianbarkeep.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\loadscreenart\"
Line 1981: File not found: "Optional Mods\Static Mesh Improvement Mod\00 Core\Textures\smim\clutter\common\smim_quill.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\smim\clutter\common\"
Line 1982: File not found: "Optional Mods\Static Mesh Improvement Mod\00 Core\Textures\smim\clutter\common\smim_quill_n.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\smim\clutter\common\"
Line 1986: File not found: "Optional Mods\Static Mesh Improvement Mod\00 Core\Textures\smim\dlc01\clutter\smim_tankard_bloody.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\smim\dlc01\clutter\"
Line 1987: File not found: "Optional Mods\Static Mesh Improvement Mod\00 Core\Textures\smim\dlc01\clutter\smim_tankard_bloody_em.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\smim\dlc01\clutter\"
Line 1988: File not found: "Optional Mods\Static Mesh Improvement Mod\00 Core\Textures\smim\dlc01\clutter\smim_tankard_bloody_n.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\smim\dlc01\clutter\"
Line 2205: File not found: "Optional Mods\Static Mesh Improvement Mod\13 Lanterns\Meshes\loadscreenart\loadscreenadventure01.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\loadscreenart\"
Line 3179: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Bear\Data\Textures\actors\bear\bear.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\bear\"
Line 3180: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Bear\Data\Textures\actors\bear\bear_n.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\bear\"
Line 3181: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Bear\Data\Textures\actors\bear\bearcave.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\bear\"
Line 3182: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Bear\Data\Textures\actors\bear\bearpolar.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\bear\"
Line 3183: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Chaurus\Red\Data\Textures\actors\chaurus\chaurus.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\chaurus\"
Line 3184: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Chaurus\Red\Data\Textures\actors\chaurus\chaurus_g.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\chaurus\"
Line 3185: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Chaurus\Red\Data\Textures\actors\chaurus\chaurus_n.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\chaurus\"
Line 3186: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Dog\Default\Data\Textures\actors\dog\dog.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\dog\"
Line 3187: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Dog\Default\Data\Textures\actors\dog\dog_n.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\dog\"
Line 3188: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Dragonfly\Data\Textures\effects\critterdragonfly.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\effects\"
Line 3189: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Dragonfly\Data\Textures\effects\critterdragonfly_n.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\effects\"
Line 3190: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Dragonfly\Data\Textures\effects\critterdragonfly02.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\effects\"
Line 3191: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Dragonfly\Data\Textures\effects\critterdragonfly02_n.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\effects\"
Line 3192: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Dragonfly\Data\Textures\effects\critterdragonflywing.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\effects\"
Line 3193: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Elk and Caribou\Data\Textures\actors\elk\elkbody.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\elk\"
Line 3194: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Elk and Caribou\Data\Textures\actors\elk\elkbody_n.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\elk\"
Line 3195: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Elk and Caribou\Data\Textures\actors\elk\reindeerbody.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\elk\"
Line 3196: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Elk and Caribou\Data\Textures\actors\elk\reindeerbody_n.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\elk\"
Line 3197: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Elk and Caribou\Data\Textures\actors\elk\whitestagbody.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\elk\"
Line 3198: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Fox\Arctic\Data\Textures\actors\fox\fox_n.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\fox\"
Line 3199: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Fox\Arctic\Data\Textures\actors\fox\foxarctic.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\fox\"
Line 3200: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Fox\Arctic\Data\Textures\clutter\wolfpelts\foxpeltarctic.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\clutter\wolfpelts\"
Line 3201: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Fox\Red\Data\Textures\actors\fox\fox.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\fox\"
Line 3202: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Fox\Red\Data\Textures\clutter\wolfpelts\foxpelt.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\clutter\wolfpelts\"
Line 3203: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Frostbite Spider\Dark Brown\Data\Textures\actors\frostbitespider\spiderdesat.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\frostbitespider\"
Line 3204: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Frostbite Spider\Grey\Data\Textures\actors\frostbitespider\frostspider.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\frostbitespider\"
Line 3205: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Hawk\Golden Eagle\Data\Textures\effects\fxbird01.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\effects\"
Line 3206: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Hawk\Golden Eagle\Data\Textures\effects\fxbird01_b.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\effects\"
Line 3207: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Hawk\Golden Eagle\Data\Textures\effects\fxbird01_n.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\effects\"
Line 3208: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Highland Cow\Brown\Data\Textures\actors\highlandcow\highlandcow.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\highlandcow\"
Line 3209: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Highland Cow\Brown\Data\Textures\actors\highlandcow\highlandcow_n.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\highlandcow\"
Line 3210: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Highland Cow\Brown\Data\Textures\actors\highlandcow\highlandcowpaint.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\highlandcow\"
Line 3211: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Highland Cow\Brown\Data\Textures\actors\highlandcow\highlandcowpaint_n.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\highlandcow\"
Line 3212: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Horker\Black\Data\Textures\actors\horker\horker.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\horker\"
Line 3213: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Horker\Black\Data\Textures\actors\horker\horker_n.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\horker\"
Line 3214: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Horse\Data\Textures\actors\horse\horse01.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\horse\"
Line 3215: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Horse\Data\Textures\actors\horse\horse01_n.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\horse\"
Line 3216: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Horse\Data\Textures\actors\horse\horse02.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\horse\"
Line 3217: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Horse\Data\Textures\actors\horse\horse03.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\horse\"
Line 3218: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Horse\Data\Textures\actors\horse\horse04.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\horse\"
Line 3219: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Horse\Data\Textures\actors\horse\horse05.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\horse\"
Line 3220: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Horse\Data\Textures\actors\horse\horsemanetail.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\horse\"
Line 3221: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Horse\Data\Textures\actors\horse\horsemanetail02.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\horse\"
Line 3222: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Mammoth\Brown\Data\Textures\actors\mammoth\mammoth.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\mammoth\"
Line 3223: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Mammoth\Brown\Data\Textures\actors\mammoth\mammoth_n.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\mammoth\"
Line 3224: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Mudcrab\Grey\Data\Textures\actors\mudcrab\mudcrab.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\mudcrab\"
Line 3225: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Mudcrab\Grey\Data\Textures\actors\mudcrab\mudcrab_m.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\mudcrab\"
Line 3226: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Mudcrab\Grey\Data\Textures\actors\mudcrab\mudcrab_n.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\mudcrab\"
Line 3227: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Rabbit\Data\Textures\actors\rabbit\rabbit.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\rabbit\"
Line 3228: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Sabre Cat\Lion female\Data\Textures\actors\sabrecat\sabrecat.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\sabrecat\"
Line 3229: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Sabre Cat\Lion female\Data\Textures\actors\sabrecat\sabrecat_n.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\sabrecat\"
Line 3230: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Sabre Cat\White spotted\Data\Textures\actors\sabrecat\sabrecatsnow.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\sabrecat\"
Line 3231: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Skeever\Mangy Dark Grey\Data\Textures\actors\skeever\skeever.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\skeever\"
Line 3232: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Skeever\Mangy Dark Grey\Data\Textures\actors\skeever\skeever_n.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\skeever\"
Line 3233: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Skeever\White\Data\Textures\actors\skeever\skeeverwhite.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\skeever\"
Line 3234: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Wolf\Brown\Data\Textures\actors\wolf\wolf_n.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\wolf\"
Line 3235: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Wolf\Brown\Data\Textures\actors\wolf\wolfred.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\wolf\"
Line 3236: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Wolf\Darker Black\Data\Textures\actors\wolf\wolfblack.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\wolf\"
Line 3237: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Wolf\Darker Black\Data\Textures\clutter\wolfpelts\wolfpeltblack.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\clutter\wolfpelts\"
Line 3238: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Wolf\Light Grey\Data\Textures\actors\wolf\wolf.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\actors\wolf\"
Line 3239: File not found: "Optional Mods\Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack\Wolf\Light Grey\Data\Textures\clutter\wolfpelts\wolfpelt.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\clutter\wolfpelts\"
Line 3242: File not found: "Optional Mods\Enhanced Night Skyrim\Textures\sky\skystars.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\sky\"
Line 3317: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Sunglare V4\Textures\sky\sun.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\sky\"
Line 3318: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Sunglare V4\Textures\sky\sunglare.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\sky\"
Line 3506: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Grass\Meshes\Landscape\grass\beachgrassobj01.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\grass\"
Line 3507: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Grass\Meshes\Landscape\grass\beachgrassobj02.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\grass\"
Line 3508: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Grass\Meshes\Landscape\grass\blackreachgrassobj01.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\grass\"
Line 3509: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Grass\Meshes\Landscape\grass\fallforestgrassobj01.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\grass\"
Line 3510: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Grass\Meshes\Landscape\grass\fallforestgrassobj02.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\grass\"
Line 3511: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Grass\Meshes\Landscape\grass\ferngrass01.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\grass\"
Line 3512: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Grass\Meshes\Landscape\grass\fieldgrass01.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\grass\"
Line 3513: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Grass\Meshes\Landscape\grass\fieldgrassflowers02.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\grass\"
Line 3514: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Grass\Meshes\Landscape\grass\forestgrass01.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\grass\"
Line 3515: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Grass\Meshes\Landscape\grass\forestgrass02.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\grass\"
Line 3516: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Grass\Meshes\Landscape\grass\marshgrassobj01.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\grass\"
Line 3517: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Grass\Meshes\Landscape\grass\reachgrassobj01.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\grass\"
Line 3518: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Grass\Meshes\Landscape\grass\reachgrassobj02.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\grass\"
Line 3519: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Grass\Meshes\Landscape\grass\snowgrass01.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\grass\"
Line 3520: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Grass\Meshes\Landscape\grass\snowgrass02.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\grass\"
Line 3521: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Grass\Meshes\Landscape\grass\tundragrass01.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\grass\"
Line 3522: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Grass\Meshes\Landscape\grass\tundragrassobj03.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\grass\"
Line 3523: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Grass\Meshes\Landscape\grass\tundragrassobj04.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\grass\"
Line 3524: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Grass\Meshes\Landscape\grass\watercoralgrass01.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\grass\"
Line 3525: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Grass\Meshes\Landscape\grass\waterkelpshort01.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\grass\"
Line 3526: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Grass\Meshes\Landscape\grass\waterkelptall01.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\grass\"
Line 3527: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Grass\Meshes\Landscape\grass\volcanicgrassobj01.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\grass\"
Line 3528: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Grass\Meshes\Landscape\grass\volcanicgrassobj02.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\grass\"
Line 3529: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Trees\Meshes\landscape\trees\treepineforest02.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\landscape\trees\"
Line 3530: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Trees\Meshes\landscape\trees\treepineforest04.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\landscape\trees\"
Line 3531: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Trees\Meshes\landscape\trees\treepineforest05.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\landscape\trees\"
Line 3532: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Trees\Meshes\landscape\trees\treepineforestdead02.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\landscape\trees\"
Line 3533: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Trees\Meshes\landscape\trees\treepineforestdead04.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\landscape\trees\"
Line 3534: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Trees\Meshes\landscape\trees\treepineforestdead05.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\landscape\trees\"
Line 3535: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Trees\Meshes\landscape\trees\treepineforestdeadsnow02.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\landscape\trees\"
Line 3536: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Trees\Meshes\landscape\trees\treepineforestdeadsnow04.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\landscape\trees\"
Line 3537: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Trees\Meshes\landscape\trees\treepineforestdeadsnow05.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\landscape\trees\"
Line 3538: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Trees\Meshes\landscape\trees\treepineforestdeadsnowl02.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\landscape\trees\"
Line 3539: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Trees\Meshes\landscape\trees\treepineforestdeadsnowl04.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\landscape\trees\"
Line 3540: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Trees\Meshes\landscape\trees\treepineforestdeadsnowl05.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\landscape\trees\"
Line 3541: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Trees\Meshes\landscape\trees\treepineforestsnow02.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\landscape\trees\"
Line 3542: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Trees\Meshes\landscape\trees\treepineforestsnow04.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\landscape\trees\"
Line 3543: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Trees\Meshes\landscape\trees\treepineforestsnow05.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\landscape\trees\"
Line 3544: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Trees\Meshes\landscape\trees\treepineforestsnowl02.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\landscape\trees\"
Line 3545: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Trees\Meshes\landscape\trees\treepineforestsnowl04.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\landscape\trees\"
Line 3546: File not found: "Optional Mods\Lush Trees\Meshes\landscape\trees\treepineforestsnowl05.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\landscape\trees\"
Line 3555: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\treeaspenbarkcomp.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3556: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\treeaspenbarkcomp_N.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3557: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\treepineforestbarkcomp.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3558: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\treepineforestbarkcomp_n.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3559: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\treepineforestbarkcompsnow.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3560: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\treepineforestbarkcompsnow_N.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3561: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\treepineforestbarkcompsnowl.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3562: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\treepineforestbarkcompsnowl_N.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3671: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Meshes\Landscape\Trees\treeaspen01.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3672: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Meshes\Landscape\Trees\treeaspen03.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3673: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Meshes\Landscape\Trees\Treepineforest01.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3674: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Meshes\Landscape\Trees\treepineforest03.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3675: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Meshes\Landscape\Trees\treepineforest04.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3676: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Meshes\Landscape\Trees\treepineforest05.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3677: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Meshes\Landscape\Trees\treepineforestdead02.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3678: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Meshes\Landscape\Trees\treepineforestdead04.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3679: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Meshes\Landscape\Trees\treepineforestsnowl02.nif" to "Combined\Data\Meshes\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3680: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\treeaspenbranchcomp.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3681: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\treeaspenbranchcomp_n.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3682: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\treepineforestbarkcomp1.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3683: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\treepineforestbarkcomp1_N.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3684: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\treepineforestbarkcomp3.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3685: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\treepineforestbarkcomp3_n.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3686: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\treepineforestbranchcomp.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3687: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\treepineforestbranchcomp_n.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3688: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\treepineforestbranchcompsnow.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3689: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\treepineforestbranchcompsnow_N.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3690: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\treepineforestbranchcompsnowl.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3691: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\vurt_aspen_yellow.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3692: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\vurt_bristneedles1.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3693: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\vurt_bristneedles2.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3694: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\vurt_bristneedles2_N.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3695: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\vurt_conifbranch01.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3696: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\vurt_conifbranch01_N.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3697: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\vurt_oldgreybark.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3698: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\vurt_oldgreybark_n.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3699: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\vurt_pbark.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3700: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\vurt_pbark_n.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3701: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\vurt_pbarksnowy.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3702: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\vurt_pine_n.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3703: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\Vurt_Pine01.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3704: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\Vurt_Pine02.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3705: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\vurt_PineSnowy.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3706: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\vurt_red_aspen.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3707: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Terrain\Tamriel\Trees\tamrieltreelod.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Terrain\Tamriel\Trees\"
Line 3724: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\treepineforestbarkcomp2.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Line 3725: File not found: "Optional Mods\Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Trees\Textures\Landscape\Trees\treepineforestbarkcomp2_N.dds" to "Combined\Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\"
Habe noch mal ne Frage zum Combi . Habe mir nun alle Mods runtergeladen und in die jeweiligen Ordner kopiert und anschließen die Bat laufen lassen nun zeigt er mir in der Loc Text jedemenge nicht vorhandener Mods an (siehe Anlage
Z.b. den SMIM Mod Er fällt wie die anderen unter
PLEASE NOTE #1: The following mods do NOT require "textures" and/or "meshes" folders: Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack, Real Ice ALL-IN-ONE, Skyrim Redesigned, SMIM, Soul Gems Differ, WATER and Visible Windows. These mods should generally speaking be extracted with their large amount of folders directly into their intended directories. Read "This folder.txt" found inside each mod's folder if you are unsure about how to place the files.
Also z.b. so hier
Static Mesh Improvement Mod (SMIM) by Brumbek
This folder should contain:
\00 Core
\01 Furniture
\02 SMIM Barrel Textures Animations
\02 SMIM Barrel Textures No Animations
\02 Vanilla Barrel Textures Animations
\02 Vanilla Barrel Textures No Animations
\03 Food
\04 Farmhouse 3D Ropes Distance Fade
\04 Farmhouse 3D Ropes No Fade (Best)
\05 Misc 3D Rings
\06 Signs 3D Rings
\07 Whiterun 3D Rings
\08 Pull Lever 3D Rings
\08 Pull Lever 3D Rings Lite
\08 Pull Lever 3D Rings Small Rings
\09 Dwemer Clutter
\10 Nordic Tables and Benches
\11 Bridges
\12 Whiterun Doors
\13 Lanterns
\14 Stockade 3D Ropes
\15 Clothing Fixes
\20 Furniture Skyrim HD Appearance
\20 Furniture Skyrim HD Weathered Appearance
\21 Half-Sized Textures
\22 Half-Sized Furniture Skyrim HD Appearance
\22 Half-Sized Furniture Skyrim HD Weathered Appearance
\23 Tomato Pure Red without Blemish
\25 Ultra-Sized Textures
\30 Rocks - Generic
\31 Rocks - Blackreach

Das habe ich auch gemacht aber er zeigt mir das als Fehler an und das ist nur bei diesen Mods wo keine Texturen und meshes direkt treinkopiert werden sollen.
Mach ich da was falsch?Den Lush Trees+Grass habe ich nicht genommen, da ist es ja dann normal den sunglare auch nicht
Danke und schönen Abend noch
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
eventuell. !!!!
weil es bei diesen mods (smim, real ice all in on, usw. usf.)
auswahlmöglichkeiten gibt !
beim NMM kann man immer nur 1 "config" auswählen, HIER sind dann aber ALLE aktiv o_O

versuchen z.b. bei
\08 Pull Lever 3D Rings
\08 Pull Lever 3D Rings Lite
\08 Pull Lever 3D Rings Small Rings
2 ordner löschen ;)

wie man eventuell auch an der vorderen nummer sieht ^^

ps: ich find das tool nich schlecht, aber man muss ziemlich viel selbst machen, was mit dem NMM einfacher geht (stichwort: auswahlmöglichkeiten)..
und bei mir gabs einige grafikfehler (geldbeutel waren schwarze klumpen mit farbenfrohen punkten xD)
Oh Mann , ich werde nie fertig mit dem Teil das dauert ja Ewigkeiten, danke GraVe23 d.h. also nur die 08 Pull Lever 3D Rings? Danke und Gruß

Habe mir gerade nochmal dasYoutube installationsvideo angeschaut und er kopiert die kompletten Files in den Ordner für Smim . Man brauch die also nicht wie bei den Rings 2 löschen und einen Aussuchen sondern es kommt alles in den TPC Ordner für SMIM rein

Siehe auch die Ausführung auf der TPC Seite
The following mods do NOT require "textures" and/or "meshes" folders: Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack, Real Ice ALL-IN-ONE, Skyrim Redesigned, SMIM, Soul Gems Differ, WATER and Visible Windows. These mods should generally speaking be extracted with their large amount of folders directly into their intended directories. Read "This folder.txt" found inside each mod's folder if you are unsure about how to place the files.

Das mache ich auch aber trotzdem stehen sie danach in der TPC Log Text
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
So habe die meisten Fehler jetzt ausgemertzt und nun gibt es einen Installer,hehehehe

Installer App

I have some news to share with you guys. There's been an installer in the works for the Texture Pack Combiner for some time now. Drigger is the man behind the project, and he's now ready to share it with you all. It's still to be considered a beta, so he'd love to hear any feedback you can provide him with.

So what can this installer do for you? Well, you no longer have to extract any files or place them in particular folders. If you prefer to keep the files extracted, you can still do so, because the installer will automatically recognize if the files are extracted into the TPC folders or not. However, with this installer you can simply direct it to the downloaded archives for each mod. It will then extract and combine everything automatically, and can even compress it and place it in your NMM mods folder for you.

Don't forget to provide your feedback by clicking the "issues" link on the download page.
