Vorstellung StarX Vanilla Vampires Revised


Eine etwas ältere Vampire Mod die ich auf Tesnexus gefunden hab :D da ich grad auf der Arbeit hocke kopiere ich einfach mal den Orginaltext:

Da ich grad nen bissel zeit zum spielen hatte mal nen paar sachen zur Mod :)

Um Haus Serentin beizutreten müsst ihr zum Vampier geworden sein (Vampierrassen aus Mods gehen leider nicht).Reist dann in den Elfengartenbezirk und geht ins Gasthaus zum König und zur Königin,sprecht dort mit Aramgor und folgt seinen Anweisungen.

Um der Vampierjäger Gilde beizutreten müsst ihr die Quest : Orden des Tugendhaften Blutes im Tempelbezirk beenden.Ein Vampierjäger wird euch dort dann ansprechen und euch eine notiz geben,folgt auch dort einfach den Anweisungen.

Da auf nexus immer gefragt wird wo der eingang zur Gilde ist,nutzt am besten die schnellreise : der Eingang ist im rechten Felsen.

============== STARX VANILLA VAMPIRES REVISED ==================

Author: StarX

Version: 1.0

Requires version 1.2.0214 of Oblivion. Get the latest patch at http://www.elderscrolls.com/downloads/updates_patches.htm.

Short description:

This mod changes the vampires in TES4:Oblivion, making them really dangerous and adding a background story. The player can join the Vampires of House Serentin or join the Vampire Hunters Guild. It also adds tons of new items, spells, a new deadsequence, new eyes and makes vampires more beautiful in general. Most of the vampire dungeons have received an overhaul to make them look like vampire lairs instead of average dungeons.


If you find that playing the game with mods like OOO or FCOM is to hard for you, than this is not for you! Expect to die a lot as a low level player!

I strongly suggest not to use the vanilla nighteye spell as it will ruine the experience!

Back up your recent saved games before installing in case you want to revert back to it!


- Some of the new items still use vanilla icons (books/some armors etc.). I hope to fix this in future updates.
- A few places still need to be overhauled (e.g. : Memorial Cave and Fort Naso)
- Some armors can only be worn as a complete outfit (like the DB armor) to prevent clipping when using body replacers and some outfits are male or female only.


This mod stifes to change the way vampires are portrayed in TES4:Oblivion. This is done in a number of ways:

1. Appearance
The aging and morphing on the vampire faces (both player and NPC) has been removed. Vampires do still have a vampiric look to them, but not the monstrous faces they
have in vanilla. There are also several new eye textures available.
Vampires now have their own unique equipment: armor, robes, clothing and weaponry. All are either drawn from new Leveled Lists or directly placed on the NPC's.

2. Strenght
Vampires are now extremely dangerous and will use unique spells and abilities on the player. They are fast, agile and strong, in other words: deadly!

3. Organisation
There are now four different vampire factions in Cyrodiil: House Serentin, House Leicher, Feral Vampires and a secret faction. Once the player has become a vampire he can choose to join the vampires of House Serentin and receive special spells and abilities.

4. Lore
StarX Vanilla Vampires Revised combines excisting lore regarding Cyrodiil vampires with non-excisting lore. It strifes to do this as good as possible and many situations are explained in the new books and notes scattered throughout the game.

5. Real Vampire Dust
Vampires will now die in a burst, leaving only a charred skeleton behind.To keep things interresting they are stil lootable! The new version is different from the original version in the trailer. Movie below!


6. Vampire Hunters
To counter the evergrowing threat of the vampires there is a very active Vampire Hunters Guild. They have their own secret stronghold high in the Jerral Mountains. The player can join the guild and buy unique gear, potions and spells to support the player while hunting vampires.

7. Locations
Almost all of the vampire dungeons have been reworked to represent their bloodthirsty inhabitants. Many places are dark, scary and intimidating.

New spells, potions and abilities

There a lot of new spells, potions and abilities. Here follows a selection of the more unique stuff:


Heartrip - the ability to rip out the heart of a NPC once a day (PC only)
Summon Serentin Wraith - summons a ghostly manifestation of a Serentin Patriarch (PC only)
Heavy Blow - throws the player around like a ragdoll (NPC only)
Mental Attack - A psychic attack, messing with the players stats, sight and sound (NPC only)

Vampire Hunters:

Light of Arkay - greater power to instantly kill vampires (bosses are resistant)
Summon Slayer Spirit - summons a ghostly manifestion of a high level vampire slayer

potions and poisons:

Tainted Blood: Will damage the health of any NPC/creature, but will cause uncontrolled movements on Vampires
Cure Porphyric Hemophilia Elixer: Will instantly cure you once you have contracted the VampDisease

New equipment

There are many new weapons, armors and clothingpieces. Here are a few weapons that can be used on vampires:

Tears of the Sun - an arrow that uses a Solar Cristal arrowhead, causing instant kills on vampires
Syringe Silver Essence Arrows - an arrow that injects a blend of silver essence and garlic extract straight into the vampires' bloodstream, causing an instant kill
Silver Stakes - Use the stakes on sleeping vampires for an instant kill, the player needs to be a Journeyman of sneak

A few hints:

To be able to join the Vampires of House Serentin, you must have turned into a vampire and visit the King and Queen Tavern in the IC Elvengarden District to talk to Aramgor.

To join the Vampire Hunters, succesfully complete the quest from The Order of the Virtious Blood and wait around a bit in the IC Temple District, you will be approached by a female Dark Elf.


This mod should be compatible with vampire mods that change the way things like feeding and such works

OOO/FCOM : Should be compatible with these, altough this hasn't been fully tested. Should also work with the Light of Dawn. Newly placed chests and other items could be a problem though.

Any mod that changes the same location as the Vampire Hunters Stronghold in the Jerral Mountains can cause problems.

Remember that SVVR is still in Beta, so I depend on feedback from the players to fix bugs and compatabilty issues!

Not compatible with any mod that alters the lighting in the dungeons SVVR overhauls (e.g. Darker Dungeons) In case you want to use DD as well. make sure to load it before SVVR.


Bethesda Softworks for creating an awesome game and platform to expand upon!

StarX (texture work/mesh editing/scripting/questmaking/interior design and building the esp)

I wish to thank the following people, who made SVVR what it is today (in no particular order):

Najaknevrec: for the awesome robes and armors created especially for SVVR

Sinblood: for the wonderful outfits for lady vampires and the mindblowing Inquisitor armor and the custom race, as well as offering resources from Vampire Haven

Waalx: for a handpicked selection of his fantastic RealSwords and the Heronmark Sword

Nicoroshi: for his awesome resources like the Dreadweave armor, Wulfharth's Fury, the Talon of Akatosh and the Welkynd Arrows

Scanti: for solving the face morphing on vampires

Grimbot: for the fantastic bookcovers and help to flesh out the backstory of the vampires

Sage Rime: for the fantastic heavy armors for the vampire houses

SpookyFX: for the "throw away ragdoll" script

Axil: for some Exnemized version of the new armors, that used his work as a base

Trollf: for some of his great Armamentarium items that are used and general help on solving problems I encountered

Folex: for his amazing work on Lipsand Tarn, Fort Vlastarus and Bloodcrust Cavern

Jannix Quinn: for his cool potion bottles

Nick_op: for the Syringe Arrow mesh and textures

Pitt: For the closed helmet resource and the FleshGolem from Loreless creature pack

Alienslof: For the black wolf texture from her dog mod

dev_akm: for general advice on certain issues

ICUP: for the stake mesh

Darina: for playtesting the very first version of SVVR and massive support on the SVVR thread

Arkngt: for the playtesting and feedback on the first testversion

Frude: for a whole pack of new icons

Claviticus: for helping me with optimizing the scripts

Haldor (from The Order): for letting me use the skeleton meshes

All of the helpful people that helped me out on my scripting adventures in the CS forum!

All of the people that supported me during the creating process of this massive project and giving me the feedback I needed! You guys rock!

Please forgive me if I forgot someone/ something. I'm going through a pretty hectic period right now, so please notify me ASAP so I can correct any mistakes.


Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Sieht wirklich verdammt geil aus aber kann mir jemand erklären, was ich falsch gemacht habe???? Hatte die Mod installiert und hielt mich gerade in "Adense epic dungeon" (Mod) auf und hatte vorher schon ein paar Vampire dort zerlegt....allerdings lagen dort nun keine Vampire mehr, sondern lauter Ausrufezeichen. Das da Inhalt fehlt ist mir zwar klar, aber ich weiß nicht, wo der Inhalt herkommen soll, wenn es nur eine esp. zum aktivieren gibt und ansonsten nur fcom patches, was ich nicht brauchen kann, da ich fcom nicht spiele....

HIIIILFE :cry: die Mod sieht so geil aus und ich möchte sie gerne spielen!!!

Hier ist meine Ladereihenfolge! Von ganz oben bis Streamline ist es mit BOSS sortiert, die anderen danach hat BOSS nicht erkannt.

Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm
Francesco's Optional New Items Add-On.esm
Francesco's Optional New Creatures Add-On.esm
Waalx Animals & Creatures.esm
nVidia Black Screen Fix.esp
DLCShiveringIsles.esp Fra.esp
WAC - Crowded Roads Revisited.esp
AAbuiesdaqun.esp Francesco's Optional Files.esp
WAC.esp WAC - OverSpawn.esp WAC - TCOS.esp
WAC - TCOS Shops.esp WAC - BlackBootDungeon.esp
WAC - 8th Gate.esp WAC - Dead Knights.esp
WAC - Magic.esp
WAC - Player Summons.esp
WAC - QuietFeet.esp Amajor7 Imperial Furniture.esp
Der Orden.esp LordKain_Adash_World.esp
The Lost Spires.esp
LostSpires-DarkForest patch.esp
LostSpires-Everglade patch.esp
Bag of Alchemy.esp
Sagantor's Bloodlust.esp
StarX Vampire Deaths.esp
Wounds Healed - 1.1.esp
StarX Vanilla Vampires Revised.esp
No Vampirism.esp Denock Arrows.esp
Francesco's Slower skills x1.5.esp
Elves Of Lineage II.esp idkrrr_sarams_race.esp
Francesco's 10 days respawn time - 1-20 day lenght rescale.esp
Streamline 3.1.esp
Bartram - DesSammlersRinge.esp
BananasplitsBetterCities6.0-AnvilUL FIX.esp
Daemonengruft.esp underdark.esp
ROO-Magicka x6.0.esp
Serentin Vampire Armors.esp
Ritter Rüstung.esp
StarX Witch Hunter Armor.esp

Danke im Vorraus für die hoffentlich herbei eilende Hilfe!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Versuch mal starx vor oder nach Adense epic dungeon zu laden.Obs hilft kann ich net versprechen da ich Adense epic dungeon net auf der platte hab.

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Reaktionen: Destero
Daran kann es nicht liegen, weil es auch woanders passiert und ich Adense epic dungeon schon aus anderen gründen deinstalliert habe, trotzdem danke ;)

By the Way: Adense epic dungeon ist empfehlenswert, da es ein einmaliges Dungeondesign hat, aber Vorsicht, es ist gefährlich ;)

Hab grad meine Load-Order in meinen vorherigen post eingestellt, vielleicht findest Du da was, wenn Du mal schauen magst.


P.S. DARKLADY Hiiilllllfeeeeeee :D
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Danke für den Versuch, aber das Problem ist nach wie vor vorhanden und "no vampirism" bezieht sich, wenn ich das recht in Erinnerung habe nur auf den eigenen Charakter...:?

Edit: Ok, ok, ich Horsti hab die Ressourcen nicht runtergeladen....werde ich jetzt nachholen:headwall:
Wieso das nicht direkt in der 1. Zipp war, da es ja vom gleichen Hersteller ist, ist mir zwar schleierhaft, aber vielleicht kommt die Erleuchtung ja noch...
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