[Mod-Vorstellung] Arthur Natural Environments v2 7


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Arthur Natural Environments v2 7
Für alle die sich nicht zwischen AWS und Ne entscheiden konnten, gubt es jetzt Arthur Natural Environments v2 7.
Eine mischun aus den beiden größten Wetter Mods.
Das beste vom Besten also.

Original Beschreibung:
Mod which combines and tweaks AWS & NE.

Changes v2.7

- Bug fixed
- Added new weather conditions
- Corected parameters all weather conditions
- Night made more light (dark nights very tiring on the eyes)

!!!!!!Those who already have an old Arthur Natural Environments v2.5 can download only. esp file!!!!!!!

Changes v2.5.1:

- Corected parameters weather conditions

Changes v2.5:

- Add and remake weather conditions.

- Now sky without bletcherous green tinge.

- Sky become more realistic and so very beautiful.

- 138 types of realistic weather conditions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Is base on the latest version Natural Weather 2.1.3(Natural Environments)

- Conflicts Are eliminated between pluggins

- Now mods are combined and consist of one file

- This archive includes mods from Natural Environments v 2.1.3:

- Natural_Water_by_Max_Tael.esp

- Natural_Habitat_by_Max_Tael.esp

- Natural_Vegetation_by_Max_Tael.esp

-Enhanced Water HD.esp (best alternative Natural_Water_by_Max_Tael)
**Also included is the Oblivion_Content_Validator( ACV v1.1.0)
Oblivion Content Validator

Attention!!!!!!!! Definitely download my Arthur Acoustic Paradise Mod :
- This mod add immense soundtracks from celebrated various movie.
(The Lord Of The Rings at alias.).
- Are added of more 20 new compositions
- Is added music from Morrowind
- Replace some tiresome compositions from original
- Is replaced music Main Theme
- Is replaced music playing in the level preferment on more perfect

By carfully combining the Natural Weather(Natural Environments) and the Atmospheric Weather System mods a balance add more than 100 kinds of weather are achived wile correcting good deal more. Is base on the latest version Natural Weather 2.1.3
In Natural Environments and Atmospheric Weather System I realy didn't like the unnatural colors in
many weather conditions (sky with greenish shade in Natural Environments or It is shaded too red in the Atmospheric
Weather System) I decided to correct this. It also does not seem right that many beautiful novel weather conditions are not found in the Natural Environments mod
So Here I've gathered togetther the best both mods in a balenced and complimentary way.Add and remake weather conditions.Now sky without bletcherous green tinge.Sky become more realistic and so very beautiful.

Attention!!!!!!!! - for the HDR Version

-138 types of realistic weather conditions.
-Night sky is left unchanged (because it was the most beautiful and real choice between Natural Environments by Max_Tael and Atmospheric Weather System) but made far and away Beautiful.
-Night in (Natural_Weather_HDR_with_darker_Night s_b mod) are very dark so they are unchanged.
-Corected the shades of the colors of weather conditions to be more beautiful and picturesque (look at screenshots).
-The thunderstorms are more powerful (are added a few types of powerful and windier thunderstorms).
-To All weather condition are added 3 stronger types.

Incompatibile with NE, AWS and other mods that affect weather.

Uknown compatibility with Shivering Isles.

Completely compatibility with - OOO 1.31
- Natural_Habitat_by_Max_Tael
- Natural_Vegetation_by_Max_Tael
- Natural_Water_by_Max_Tael

If you want them to connect (Natural_Habitat, Natural_Vegetation, Natural_Water) set only the esp files (textures/meshes already in archive).

Attention!!!!!!!! - Version for ON HDR


-Unzip archive in folder C:...OblivionData (on question about replace files to reply "yes for all"
-Archive Invalidation:

1. Launch the program - ACV v1.1.0.exe
2. click "Smart Check"
3. Choose Oblivion/Data/
4. click "ok"
5. When asked to create a backup ArchiveInvalidation.txt click "Yes"
6. When the scan is done when asked to open ArchiveInvalidation.txt click "NO"
7. All, your Oblivion/Data/scaned, all models and textures are put on the list.

Description from OCV Vi.i.0 Translate this page
Convenient program creates a folder in the root of the game ArchiveInvalidation.txt file, which you specify (in the program) how to model and texture to the game.
it is not necessarily that they were at the Data folder.
The program is a must for users to locate 1S, because without it, not attract new retekstury ..
unless the direct addition of bsa-arhiv that is not very convenient.
.Read the FAQ to work with here.

-Load Order in OBBM:
1) Oblivion.esp
2) OOO
3) Arthur_Natural weather with HDR.esp
4) miscel. Mods
-Launch esp file through mod manager

Start Oblivion and enjoy

Attention!!!!!!!! Definitely download my Arthur Acoustic Paradise Mod :
- This mod add immense soundtracks from celebrated various movie.
(The Lord Of The Rings at alias.).
- Are added of more 20 new compositions
- Is added music from Morrowind
- Replace some tiresome compositions from original
- Is replaced music Main Theme

Special thanks to Max Tael for him Natural Environments and HTF for him Atmospheric Weather System as well as LprMan too for Enhanced Water.

All questions on predator860927@mail.ru or predator27@hitv.ru

Change log Changes v2.7

- Bug fixed
- Added new weather conditions
- Corected parameters all weather conditions
- Night made more light (dark nights very tiring on the eyes)

!!!!!!Those who already have an old Arthur Natural Environments v2.5 can download only. esp file!!!!!!!
Changes v2.5.1:

- Corected parameters weather conditions

Changes v2.5:

- Add and remake weather conditions.

- Now sky without bletcherous green tinge.

- Sky become more realistic and so very beautiful.

- 138 types of realistic weather conditions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Is base on the latest version Natural Weather 2.1.3(Natural Environments)

- Conflicts Are eliminated between pluggins

- Now mods are combined and consist of one file

- This archive includes mods from Natural Environments v 2.1.3:

- Natural_Water_by_Max_Tael.esp

- Natural_Habitat_by_Max_Tael.esp

- Natural_Vegetation_by_Max_Tael.esp

-Enhanced Water HD.esp (best alternative Natural_Water_by_Max_Tael)
**Also included is the Oblivion_Content_Validator( ACV v1.1.0)
Oblivion Content Validator

Special thanks to Max Tael for him Natural Environments and HTF for him Atmospheric Weather System as well as LprMan too for Enhanced Water.

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Reaktionen: bauer
Wow das ist ja mal geil beide in einem (ein traum wird wahr)

*fehlt nur noch das blood&Mud und BBC Bravil kompatiblel werden und ich bin glücklich
An sich eine geniale Sache, wenn da nicht dieser Zusatz mit Shivering Isles wäre (unknown compatibility).
AWS ist in der aktuellen Version mit SI kompatibel, legt dies aber als optionale Zusatz-Esp bei. NE ist zwar mit SI kompatibel, hat aber auf den Inseln keine Auswirkung (siehe Changelog der Version 2.1.3).

Also nehme ich an, dass auch die Kombination beider Mods zwar mit SI kompatibel ist, aber im Gegensatz zu AWS SI keine Auswirkung auf SI hat. Da die Zusatz-Esp von AWS für SI aber auf der esm vom AWS basiert, kann man diese auch nicht mehr dazuladen, da dies erstens dazu führen würde, dass Oblivion nicht mehr startet (was man aber umgehen könnte) und zweitens dann aber zu möglichen (und wahrscheinlichen) Problemen führen würde :(

Ich bleibe also solange beim reinen AWS.

Ja, das müsste reichen, aber zur sicherheit würde ich es deacktivieren, speichern und dann NE acktivieren.;)

Ich weis nicht, was ich falsch mach. Immer wenn ich die Datei runterlade und entpacken will,
kommt eine Meldung, dass es sich bei Part 1 um eine .001 bzw. bei Part 2 um eine .002
Datei handelt und dieses Dateiformat nicht unterstützt wird? Ich nutz AlZip zum entpacken.
Kann mir jemand helfen?
Danke jetzt gehts:D

Edit: Doch nicht ganz: Ich kann Part 2 nicht öffnen....:?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Wenn du 001 Öffnest, ist dort automatisch 002 drinnen.;)

Edit: Ha,ha ich war schneller :p
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hallo Lum!X,

doch du brauchst Part 2.
Das Zip-Archiv wurde geteilt, und im Part 1 sind alle Dateien enthalten, die benötigt werden, um beide Teile zu entzippen.
Muss einfach mal schaun ob's geht;) Wenn es geht freu ich ich mich schon auf ein richtig
atmosphärisches Oblivion und wenn's net geht heul ich euch weiter die Ohren voll:lol: