Mod Translation Oks


Forgive the english, but this is too important to be garbled by Alta Vista.


Here's the page:


Translations aren't something modders always think about, but there are many who would love to be able to translate mods into their language. And if a modder becomes unreachable, then that question becomes an unaskable one.

I do understand that most modders would want to work with any who were translating their mods. And do include that info in your OKs. But also, if you could include if it's OK to translate your mods if you become unreachable, include that as well. And how long you should be unreachable before a modder can work on a translation without your Ok to them.

I will also be asking this on other forums. And this page applies to all mods in all languages. So if you have made mods in languages other than english, please also post here with your OKs. Include any other modder names you use, and URLs to where your mods are available when possible.


Also, if you know of forums where I can post this request, could you post links here?
Also mal ne Übersetzung davon, die in etwa den Inhalt wiederspiegeln sollte :
Hier ist die Seite:


Über Übersetzungen denken nur wenige Modder nach, aber es gibt viele, die liebend gerne Mods in ihre Sprache übersetzen würden. Und wenn ein Modder unereichbar werden sollte, dann kann niemand mehr nachfragen.

Die meisten Modderwürden mit jedem, der die Mods übersetzt arbeiten. Dann fügt bei den OKs hinzu, dass es für euch OK ist, wenn jemand eure Mods übersetzt oder neu hostet, solltet ihr nicht mehr erreichbar sein. Ansonsten könnt ihr auch vermerken, dass Eure Mods dann nirgends mehr hochgeladen werden dürfen. Gebt zudem an, wie lange ihr nicht mehr erreichbar sein dürft, bis dies in Kraft tritt.

Ich werde auch in anderen Foren fragen. Und diese Seite richtet sich an alle Mods in allen Sprachen. Also auch wenn ihr Mods in anderen Sprachen als Englisch gemacht habt, bitte postet hier eure OKs. Gebt alle anderen Moddernamen, die ihr benutzt mit an und möglichst URLs, wo eure Mods erreichbar sind.


Solltet ihr weitere Foren kennen, in denen ich dies posten kann, schreibt den Link bite hier rein.

This was a translation into german. Thanks for this project. I think this will make all more easy, if we don't get a response.
Do you know something of Dracus, the creator of the N'Dib Stuff and the creator of Ridable Ranger ? I never got an answer from them...

PS: My site ( and all the translated mods, etc. goes to Teridan and my team members, maybe they will continue with my site. Else anything may be uploaded at . If the site doesn't exists anymore, it may be uploaded everywhere. (If the reachable modders, uploaded stuff at my site, aren't against it.) Erm... if I'm not reachable for a month and leaved no message.

regards & happy new year, Tobias

PS: Here are more german forums :
Thanks for this project. I think this will make all more easy, if we don't get a response.
Do you know something of Dracus, the creator of the N'Dib Stuff and the creator of Ridable Ranger ? I never got an answer from them...

PS: My site ( and all the translated mods, etc. goes to Teridan and my team members, maybe they will continue with my site. Else anything may be uploaded at . If the site doesn't exists anymore, it may be uploaded everywhere. (If the reachable modders, uploaded stuff at my site, aren't against it.) Erm... if I'm not reachable for a month and leaved no message.

regards & happy new year, Tobias

PS: Here are more german forums :[/quote]


Dracus did really nice models of trees and other items. His site is gone though, and Dracus didn't leave any OKs for reuploading. Though he was very open to his trees being used in mods and included in Tree Packs. And most of his other work was in the form of modder packs, so were obviously OK to use in mods. I did try to email him right after his site went down, but got no answer.

Brillo did all the N'dib material. All of Brillo's work was under this Creative Commons License. He had no problem with modders sending his work to each other, but didn't give me any response when I asked for the OK to upload his work to mod sites. So I'm guessing that he preferred to host the work himself, even if it might be a long time before he got another site up. I do have all of both Brillo's and Dracus' work, so let me know if you need any of it.
Welcome :)

For your Page (for the futur):

All of my Morrowind and Oblivion mods can be translated without my permission, but I want to know, where the translation stands. Re-hosting is not allowed, but maybe if you ask me I will make an exception. In either case you have to give me the credit.

erm Scharesoft... Wenn du nicht mehr erreichbar sein solltest, wie soll man dich dann um rehosting rechte Fragen =D

@redwoodtreesprite: Thanks for the infos. I tried to reach dracus via email and the forums, too. My team translated the durzogarmor mod and the treehouse by brillo. So I'm happy, that all is ok. But it's pity, that dracus magic effects are lost.