
Black Mordred



The band's concerts are notoriously violent, often resulting in harm to a good portion of the crowd. Even their attempts at charity result in numerous deaths, such as the laser light show that butchered the London Philharmonic orchestra during a benefit concert. The premiere episode gives an example of this: a metal box that serves as the band's stage is airlifted and dropped on location, but misses the landing area and crushes a good portion of the crowd, both by virtue of its landing and by its subsequent opening. Several searing hot coffee and cream pitchers are also poured on the crowd, melting their skin off, to fit with the thrash metal styled coffee jingle being played by the band. Despite the obvious danger, however, people love Dethklok's concerts so much that they will sign "pain waivers" at the entrance, signing their lives away and releasing the band from legal liability in the very likely case they are killed or dismembered. The band members reside together in a vast mansion called Mordhaus (German for "Murderhouse") in an unspecified mountainous region known as Mordland. According to the Dethklok MySpace page, Mordland is in the United States. The members of Dethklok are portrayed as generally sociopathic and inept in all things non-musical except for negotiating their own contracts. Despite the band's immense success and talent, all of the members have self-esteem issues which surface to varying degrees during the show. Their monumental wealth allows them to get away with just about anything, including murder. The band members share an obsession with "brutality" and "metal-ness," often choosing whether or not to do something based on how "metal" they believe it to be.

Also ich hab mir in der Schule (laptop von nem Freund)
die ersten paar Folgen angeschaut (rest kommt auch noch) :lol:

wer kennt die serie sonst noch?

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Reaktionen: Mr.Raggaedeman
Danke danke danke Black Mordred

Hab mal nene Trailer gesehen und wollte kurz darauf eine Paar Folgen sehen.
Aber ich hatte den Namen vergessen und den Trailernamen auch^^.
Hab mir jetzt ein paar Folgen angeschaut und ich finds einfach nur geil.
Auch wenn Metal eigentlich parodiert wird. Aber eine Parodie muss ja ich pöhse gemeint sein^^
Aber mit am besten gefallen mir die Songs, die gespielt werden. :)

hat sonst noch jemadn ausser mir manchmal Probleme die Leute zu verstehen, ganz besonderst die Band??
eigentlich hab ich selten Probleme Englisch zu verstehen aber bei Dethklok kommt das schon öfters vor.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Yeaaah! Deathclock! \m/>.<\m/

mein lieblingszitat:
*Baum explodiert*
tihs is weird

xD zu geil... liebe diese Serie =D