
The bavarian land is not so god like the north of germany or north-england (scotland).

-Ich kann kein Englisch....-
But the Countryside at the Lake Constance in the South of Germany is the best in the world. It's calles "Schwoabaländle" or "Oberschwaben".

-Was is das für ein kurioser Thread???
Don't listen to them. Go to Italy, where the people are friendlier and the food is better and healthier. Furthermore, the countryside is great and you can't complain about a lack of culture.
nonsense!!!come to the "Ruhrgebiet" or at least something in the near of Ruhr and Rhine,the most famous an best part of germany.:)
Don't go near Ragnar's home, where he lives you might get dizzy even by going on holiday there!
Thuringia is boring, there is some countryside, but boring people and no beautiful women!
But in "Oberschwaben" there is a big lake, where you even can go surfing, there are funny people talking a funny dialect and the women are there are still living vampires! O_O

- Ja gute Idee, das gibt dem Ganzen ein bisschen Schwung und unserem Englisch auch *gg*
But in Thuringia is the famous Wartburg where Marthin Luther translated the bible. And there are many others interesting castles and ruins.

I think you can not say that here are no beatifull women, Shapierfan^^ .
And a lake is nothing special. There are many of them in Thuringia.

-Hast schon recht. Ist ein gutes english trainig^^
But if he is not interested in religion or does not know who Martin Luther was, he won't might be interested in the Wartburg.
You are right, a lake is nothing special, but the Lake Constance is a REALLY big lake with two islands. On this islands and beside the lake there are a lot of beautiful castles. Next to the lake there are Switzerland, where you can visit Phoenix and TheNici and Austria.
The Wartburg is not just interesting because of it's religios background. Its a very interesting castle. And there are many of them here.

But castle and ruins are not the only things in Thuringia. here near bei is the beatuifull smalltown Eisenach. Its a very nice little city with many sights, which are worth to see them.
Come to Saxony-Anhalt - here you can explore beautiful landscapes, fascinating historical towns, many castles and delightful parks - also you can find here the Harz with the highest mountain of north Germany known as the Brocken and additional its the home of one of the most famous german wine growing regions. The people are always nice and have always enough freetime to maintain tourists, because they are mainly unemployed.;)

-mein englisch is schon etwas eingerostet aber ich hoff mal es is nicht allzu viel falsch:lol:
The best land is sweden. The swedisch football team is great and the landscape and the people were amazing.

But when you are in Germany you can go to Dresde. Dresden is the capital of Saxony and has a lot of cultural heritage. It is an many-sided City with 100 000 inhabitants and a lot of museums, expositions and churches. So we have for example the „Frauenkirche” which got inaugurated after 60 years of rebuilding. In the last days of World War II Americans destroyed this church when they bombed Dresden. Today it is like a peace sign. In Meissen a big city near Dresden you can visit the world famous porcellan manufactory. It is a very special museum because you can watch somebody doing the porcellan manufacturing and painting. Also we have many beautiful castles to view. In it you can find expositions with a historical background of this castle. The football team which is called Dynamo Dresden play every Sunday, in the third class of the german football league.

Saxony is one of the 16 german states and lies in the East of Germany. We had an National Park, too. It is called „Sächsische Schweiz”. In this area you have extended mountain- and forest territories. You can go rock-climbing and walk alone paths. In the winter you can go for example cross-country skiing.

-> Ich weiß ich bin ein guter Reiseleiter :p Aber endlich kann ich mein Englisch für nächstes Jahr in schweden üben... yeah ^^
And if you seek once correctly the loneliness and want to see another little wildness, go to Norway. There is no wilder country. ;)

Hey, gute Idee!