Vorstellung David Whitefangs Grand Piano with the Lid Closed


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David Whitefangs Grand Piano with the Lid Closed

Originale Beschreibung:
I created this mod in response to requests by 'Kendo 2' and 'Kresselack' who each thought they would enjoy a version of my piano with the lid lowered.
This Mod is a version of my mod entitled,'David Whitefang Baby Grand Piano' with the lid of the piano being closed in this one.
In this mod I've included two nifs to choose from, one has the exact same texture as my frst mod, the other is a true black piano.
The installation instructions are included within the readme txt.
You may want to rescale the size of the piano. It loads into the construction set smaller than I intended, as I am still learning. The scale that I use in my mods is 3.2 which seems realistic to me.
I have included screenshots of the piano with the lid open here, in case anyone may be interested in that version instead.

I hope that you enjoy this modders resource.

Mehr als das es eine Ressource ist, brauch man dazu ja eigentlich nich sagen ^^

Gruss und viel Spass damit, Terry
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
-lach- wenn das so weiter geht, sollte ich mir das echt nochma überlegen was reinzustellen ^^

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