Vorstellung When Vampires Attack

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Aktuelle Version der Mod: 1.0
Benötigt: Skyrim-Patch + Dawnguard
Download: Skyrimnexus

Ich habe auf dem Nexus eine Mod entdeckt, die dafür sorgt das während den Vampirangriffen durch Dawnguard die NPC in Häuser flüchten, damit sie nicht alle wegsterben. Dabei flüchten NPCs die in der Nähe ein Haus besitzen in dieses, die anderen begeben sich in Gasthäuser in der Nähe falls vorhanden, ansonsten in eine zufällige Interiorzelel in der umgebung. Nur Mitglieder der Stadtwachen, der Gefährten, der Wächter Stendarrs und der Dämmerwacht flüchten nicht. Dies gilt auch für Begleiter des Spielers sowie für Haustiere, inklusive Pferden des Spielers (diese sind laut Autor zu dumm zum fliehen).

Die Mod ist vom selbem Autor wie Run For Your Lives, einer Mod die das gleiche bei Drachenangriffen bewirkt, und ist wie diese sprachneutral, das heißt sie funktioniert sowohl mit der englischen als auch der deutschen Skyrimversion.

When Vampires Attack

A small mod that makes citizens in a village or city run indoors during a random vampire attack. This includes eclipse attacks as well.

This was born out of frustration at seeing the citizens all trying to be a hero and rushing headlong to their doom attacking master vampires. Instead, the citizens will run to safety like smart people should when faced with the horrors of the undead. NPCs who live in the attack location who own a home there will retreat to it. If the attack location has an inn, NPCs who don't live there will flee to the inn, along with any NPCs who live outdoors. If no inn is present the game picks a random interior from the surrounding area and those NPCs will flee there instead.

This should work for any NPCs added by mods as well, up to a limit of 150 in the area. After that, they're on their own. The NPCs chosen are first come, first serve by the game engine. 

Guards, members of The Companions, Vigilants of Stendaar, the Dawnguard, and the player's followers/teammates will not run, they will stand and fight. Farm animals will not run either, because they're stupid. That includes your horse.

Download Locations

Skyrim Nexus   - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28235/
TES Alliance   - http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/1404-when-vampires-attack/
Dark Creations - http://www.darkcreations.org/forums/files/file/544-when-vampires-attack/

Installation Requirements

Official Skyrim patch or greater.
Official Dawnguard DLC.

Installation - Wrye Bash BAIN

Drop the archive into your Skyrim Mods\Bash Installers folder, then install as usual.
Make sure the mod is active in the Wrye Bash mods tab.

Installation - Nexus Mod Manager

Use the "Download with Manager" button on the When Vampires Attack page at Skyrim Nexus. The installer should take care of things from there.
Then simply make sure NMM has the mod activated.

Installation - Manual

Drop the When Vampires Attack.esp and When Vampires Attack.bsa files into your Data folder.
Activate the mod using whatever management tool suits you.


Remove the two files from the Data folder.

This mod has no continually updating scripts so the contamination of your save game will be minimal.

Known Issues

Sometimes it may appear as though NPCs are stuck. It is not known why this occurs, and it's unlikely the protection system has kicked in. This is probably due to an unknown incompatibility with another mod.

It is possible for Dawnguard to spawn a separate random attack in the same area as one of the eclipse attacks, resulting in two separate attack events. Efforts have been made to detect this, but it is not well tested and may not work entirely as expected.

If an attack location has more than 150 NPCs to protect, only the first 150 will fill the quest aliases. After that, any leftovers are on their own and can still be killed! 150 NPC slots is enough to protect all of Solitude running Open Cities Skyrim with 60 slots left open. That ought to be more than enough.

The alias fill casts a very wide net, do not be surprised if you see Khajiit from the caravans come in to seek shelter from an attack, or other NPCs who commonly live outside of a major city.


Fully compatible with the Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.

Tested and confirmed to work with Open Cities Skyrim.

Mods for Dawnguard which alter the following quests wil not be compatible without a patch:

DLC1EclipseAttack1 - Eclipse Attack: Gargoyles
DLC1EclipseAttack2 - Eclipse Attack: Vampire and thralls
DLC1EclipseAttack3 - Eclipse Attack: Vampires and Gargoyles
DLC1EclipseAttack4 - Eclipse Attack: Death Hounds
DLC1EclipseAttack5 - Eclipse Attack: Vampires and Death Hounds
DLC1EclipseAttack6 - Eclipse Attack: Vampires, Gargoyles and Death Hounds (Oh, my)
DLC1RadiantDisguisedVampireLordSpawner - Disguised Vampire Lord - Change Location

How to Make it Work With Your Mod

In order for the system in place to work with a mod added location, a few things need to be set up.

1. A location should be established with the keyword LocTypeHabitation.
2. This location requires a marker with its location reference type set to LocationCenterMarker. This works best outdoors as close to the geographic center of your area as possible.
3a. If your settlement has an inn, you can have that become usable by flagging it as LocTypeInn. It must be set as a child location of the location in step 1.
3b. If you do not hav an inn, then you need at least one interior with the LocTypeDwelling keyword set. It must be a child location of the location from step 1.
4. In the interior from step 3, a marker with its location reference type set to LocationCenterMarker must be placed. This is the target the AI packs will look for.

When all 4 steps are complete, nothing further needs to be done. When vampires attack your village, settlement, city, or whatever, the citizens will flee. Where they go depends on a few things:

A. If they are already indoors, they will be made to stay there for the duration of the attack.
B. If they are outside and have a home in the city that is marked as LocTypeDwelling, they will go there.
C. If the city has an inn, any non-resident or outdoor living NPCs will go there.
D. If none of the above are true, the game will select a random interior from your area matching the LocTypeDwelling keyword and the NPCs will flee there.

For example, in Solitude, the city has an inn. Any NPCs in the area who don't have a home flee there consistently.

In a place like Darkwater Crossing, where there is no inn, the NPCs have two choices. Either the mine or the one house. More often than not, the game would choose the mine.

Licensing and Legal

Redistribution is strictly forbidden without prior consent. This means do not upload it anywhere unless you have obtained permission from me.

Non-English translation versions may be uploaded without permission on the following conditions:

1. All mod files contained in this archive are retained with their current names.
2. No alterations are made to the contents of the plugins or master file other than those necessary to translate the English text.
3. No alterations or additions are made to the meshes and textures other than those necessary to translate English text.
4. This readme is included, in ENGLISH, exactly as it is written in the version it was downloaded with.

All inquiries regarding this mod must be directed to me. If after 180 days contact cannot be established or you have not received a response, stewardship of this mod will fall to the community at TES Alliance (tesalliance.org). I can be contacted via PM at Bethesda Game Studios Forums, TES Alliance, TES Nexus, Great House Fliggerty, Dark Creations, and AFK Mods under the username Arthmoor. I can also be contacted via my blog at http://www.iguanadons.net using the contact form there. A good faith effort must be made before assuming that contact cannot be established before concluding that I am no longer maintaining this mod.

Mod history archives such as Morrowind Mod History are permitted to keep a copy of this mod within their archives for historical purposes provided all authorship and credit information is retained and the contents of the mod are not altered in any way.

Version History

Version 1.0

Initial release.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ist die Mod Sprachunabhängig?

Edit: Omg Lesen gefährdet die Dummheit >.< Hätte ich mal zu ende gelesen hätte ich ach vor meinen Post gewusst das das mit der Englischen als auch der Deutschen Sprachversionfunktioniert...
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Reaktionen: Lorneos
Noch kleine Info
Wenn euer Held noch nicht in Einsamkeit war klappt das mit der Hinrichtung nicht so richtig,war bei mir so.
Wenn euer Held noch nicht in Einsamkeit war klappt das mit der Hinrichtung nicht so richtig,war bei mir so.
Bist du dir sicher dieser Fehler an When Vampires Attack liegt? Laut einem kleinem Blitztest von mir klappt diese Szene einwandfrei (siehe angehängter Screenshot). Könnte es eventuell an einer anderen Mod von dir oder einer Modkonstellation liegen?

Mein Vorstellungsthread ist viel schöner :p Nein Spaß beiseite, ich hatte dummerweise den Thread von Roter Hase übersehen und daher einen Zweiten aufgemacht (das kommt davon wenn man die Suchfunktion nicht bemüht, im Glauben man hätte sowieso alles, was es gibt, im Skyrim-Modveröffentlichungsbereich gelesen). Dann sollte hier wohl zugemacht werden.
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